House Witch

Chapter 551 550 Expectation and Forging

Chapter 551 550. Expectation and forging

"what happened?"

"Let me go, will the city still be deformed?"

"Honey, come and see the miracle."

"Holy hammer is above, praise the God of all opportunities."

Because the inner city suddenly flipped and transformed, the residents who originally lived in the city were all sent to the outer city during the transformation process. At this time, a group of people were standing on the streets of the outer city, and then looked up Looking at the huge steel dragon standing at the original address of the inner city, they started talking about it.

Fortunately, the Sorcerous Republic is not a purely scientific country. There is already supernatural power like magic here.

Therefore, the city he lived in suddenly came to life, and he even performed a transformation on the spot, and even defeated a big monster or something. Although it sounded outrageous, it was not that unacceptable.

After the initial panic of not understanding the reason and thinking that there was an earthquake, the people now calmed down quickly, and then some people began to look at the huge steel dragon as big as a mountain and think about some more critical issues.

"Speaking of which, the city has deformed. Is my house gone?"

"No, I have just paid off the loan and the house is not warm yet."

"No, after all this big scene, how many of you still care about this?"

"Otherwise, I have all my life's savings here. Why do I care if I don't care about this?"

"This matter must be related to the Mechanicus. If there are any losses, the Mechanicus should compensate them."

Okay, it seems that even in the magical plot of the end of the world plus fortresses versus monsters, the people are most concerned about their own homes.

On the other side, in the main control room that was transformed from the original mechanical church at the heart of the steel dragon's chest, the sound of countless people's chorus sounded again.

"Target hit."

Then, the dragon's pupils of the giant steel dragon shrank, and then a huge virtual projection projected the distant scene into the church hall.

I saw that hundreds of kilometers away from Longshan City, the mutilated corpse of a huge thing was emitting scorching heat, and it was still standing.

Upon seeing this, several judges in the hall had no thoughts. They had seen this kind of scene too many times along the way, and they were really numb.

But the eyes of the angels and witches headed by Meredith were dull, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

This was clearly the Mountain-bearing Dragon Turtle that they had been having a headache for not long ago.

Originally, they were worried about whether they could survive the fight, or how much price they would have to pay to repel this terrible beast.

As a result, what did they see now? This terrible disaster beast didn't even have time to show its face. It was just walking on the road, breathing in the air of disaster, and then was shot to death with a long-range shot?

Turtle is so miserable.

The behemoth on the screen, which was originally carrying mountains on its back, had a huge passage opened from beginning to end. Judging from the diameter of the passage being almost half the body of the dragon turtle, this was a fatal injury. .

Of course, it stands to reason that such a huge beast that relies solely on its body for food must have good regeneration capabilities. In fact, this mountain-bearing dragon turtle also has it.

Even now that it has been sent, the flesh and blood around the penetrating wound on its huge corpse are still squirming, trying to resurrect through regeneration.

But unfortunately, even if these flesh and blood have really worked hard, the remaining power of the shot around the wound is preventing this regeneration.

In other words, the shot just now was poisonous.

And that kind of unknown poison has spread crazily in the body of the Mountain-bearing Dragon Turtle with the cannon just now, and has begun to ferociously swallow up the energy accumulated in the huge body of this terrible beast. When the Dragon Turtle's body After the energy was quickly devoured, it lost its function. After all, the powerful regeneration ability was just water without a source and a tree with no roots, and it soon became unsustainable.

In the end, this supposedly terrifying beast could no longer maintain its standing posture. Its limbs went limp, the ground shook, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust before it fell to the ground.

This time it was completely sent.

In the church hall, among the judges, Huang Gambu Buzhan, who was wearing a mask with a squinting smile, also narrowed his eyes.

As a potion master who specializes in poison, she was very interested in this kind of poison. But when she was thinking about whether she should ask the clown how this kind of poison works, the picture appeared. New changes.

I saw that the huge mountain-like body of the Mountain-bearing Dragon Turtle was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if some invisible being was devouring its corpse.

Then, a cloud of mist rose from the place and finally flew towards Longshan City.

But when everyone was on guard, thinking that this was some kind of counterattack launched by the negative mountain dragon turtle before his death, Huang Gambler suddenly realized something, and then her eyes suddenly widened.

Ah, this mist is the "poison" just now.

She had just looked carefully at the "fog" on the screen, but this was no real fog. It was clearly an army of nanomachines so tiny that it was almost impossible to see it directly with the naked eye.

Officially, these tiny nanorobots have just drained the negative mountain dragon turtle's energy reserves, and now, full of energy and loaded with loot, they are returning.

"Good guy, it turns out that machines can also be used to poison. It's because I was too small before."

Miss Poison Master suddenly understood.

On the throne, the restraints that originally bound Dorothy were loosened one by one, and the tentacle-like cables were withdrawn from the brain-computer interface behind her head, and the witch opened her eyes again.

"Okay, this shot is really refreshing."

She thought so.

Although she has never been very willing to be an armed witch, but the opportunity to shoot his cat like she just did was presented to her, and it was hard for her to refuse. People, time is such a contradiction.

After a moment of emotion, she turned her attention to Vivian in the hall, then nodded towards her and praised him.

"Vivian, you have really worked hard over the years. This Longshan is very good. No, it should be said to be perfect. It is so perfect that even I can't reproduce it myself. I will give you this assignment. Full marks, you guys really deserve this pride.”

This Longshan was indeed a work beyond her expectations. Even she, the designer, did not expect that the final product of this war fortress would be so outstanding. Over the past five hundred years and dozens of generations of the best mechanical monks, Their successive efforts have given this supposedly cold war machine a soul, sublimating it from a dead thing that should have been just a mass-produced weapon into a special spectacle unique to mankind.

This was indeed a miracle that Dorothy herself could not replicate.

Even if the otaku witch can now easily create several Longshan No. 1, Longshan No. 2, etc., she can also use special means to sublimate these war fortresses to the level of wonders, but those can only be regarded as witch wonders. The real ones A wonder of mankind, there will always be only this one city that integrates human and intelligence.

This war fortress is the crystallization of human wisdom, and it also symbolizes human intelligence itself. It is not even complete yet, and there is still a lot of room for growth. As long as those human mechanical monks still do not give up and work hard to transform and sublimate it, then This wonder building is growable and will become more and more terrifying as human wisdom grows.

If the capital city of Pandora was built by Dorothy relying on the wisdom of the witch and leading everyone to build it, then this Longshan City is the real holy city built by mortals with their own wisdom and efforts.

Although Dorothy has never wanted to repeat the old way of Lord God King, that is, doing everything by herself and other passers-by taking the whole trip, it has to be said that this time the plot of Witch Night has changed so much that the game is more difficult than It was much more difficult than the real God-King period.

Even though the otaku witch has been deliberately cultivating mortals and giving them more opportunities to grow and exercise, these efforts have still had little effect.

Mortals are too weak. Even if their level of magic technology is very good, they still can't compare with the witch students who participated in the trial.

The final result is usually a situation where the witch takes the humans flying, while the weak humans can only lie down.

Even the appearance of Noah before only made Dorothy feel that with the leadership of this perfect leader, mankind would have the possibility of counterattack, but whether this possibility can be turned into reality is still unknown, but now The miracle of the Longshan gave her confidence and hope in her eyes.

The future she wants should not be a future created by one or a group of saviors. The future she wants should be a future created by all human beings with their own hands.

Only that kind of future can bring happiness to everyone, not just the saviors themselves.

This world should not become the kind of world that cannot function without anyone, and humans should not be that miserable race that can only survive by helplessly and sadly praying for mercy and help from others.

As heaven moves forward, a gentleman should strive to constantly strive for self-improvement.

"Keep working hard. Although my Longshan is a success, I hope that when I come back next time, I can see a Longshan of your own."

Dorothy looked at Vivian and said.

The magical young woman's eyes were slightly red, and her emotions were slightly out of control.

Five hundred years, for high-level girls in magic costumes like them, this is still manageable, but for ordinary mechanical monks who are not suitable for magic costume transformation, this is a journey that is too long.

Vivian was one of the first members to join the Longshan project. Over the years, the colleagues and comrades around her have changed one after another. She no longer knows how many friends she heard on their deathbeds. "It's just a pity that I couldn't see the day when our career was successful, and couldn't hear the great mentor's evaluation of our achievements with my own ears."

In fact, Longshan City was completed fifty years ago, and after the completion, the final project team was disbanded, leaving Vivian alone to guard and maintain this crystallization of hundreds of years of wisdom. Waiting for the day of review that I don’t know when.

She had been waiting for this comment from the adults for too long, but after all, it was all worth it.

And she originally thought that her mission was almost over, but what the adult just said gave her new hope.

"Sir, can we really do this?"

Their own Longshan City? In fact, many people have thought about this idea before, but they were all rejected.

After all, the current design drawings and technical difficulties of Longshan City were all left by the mentor five hundred years ago. It took them hundreds of years for these stupid students to finally fully understand this knowledge. How can they be so stupid? You are qualified to modify the design of the great mentor at will.

But now, when such expectations were expressed by the mentor himself, Vivian felt anxious and uneasy but also a little eager to give it a try.

Maybe she can restart the project team again and bring some new changes to the city.

"Of course, why not? In fact, this city is different from my original design. It is more perfect than my original design."

Dorothy nodded encouragingly.

So, Vivian breathed a sigh of relief. She took a few deep breaths to calm down. Then she wiped the tears that had just left her eyes and smiled.

"Sir, please look forward to it. I guarantee that you will see a brand new Longshan City next time you come back, a Longshan Ship that far exceeds your design."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Dorothy nodded and agreed to the agreement.

Although she didn't think she would have another chance, after all, the second act of Witch Night was coming to an end, and her home time was running out.

And the possible third act was a fight scene between gods, which was not something students like her could participate in. They would probably just go through the process and watch a CG animation produced by a big boss.

Thinking of this, the otaku witch couldn't help but sigh.

After all, everything is just a dream, and this long dream is about to wake up.

After waiting for a while, mist drifted in from the outside world.

It's those nanomachine armies finally back.

In response, the otaku witch extended her hand.

As a result, the mist rolled, and countless nanorobots gathered in her hands with full energy and the most essential ingredients of the mountain-bearing dragon turtle's body.

The metal magic is activated.

The development of the pentagram flashed in Dorothy's hands, and the abilities and materials collected by the nanorobots were smelted by her magic power.

She thought about it again, then took off the holy hammer of "Genesis" from her waist, then raised the holy hammer high and started blacksmithing.

After a series of sparks and lightning operations, a ferocious killer weapon appeared in her hands.

It was a square-shaped halberd with dragon patterns that was four to five meters long.

"Buster isn't here, so I'll just make do with this. I'll call you the whale killer, although this thing is actually much easier to use than a kitten."

Dorothy raised the halberd in her hand and made a few gestures. This halberd that gathered everything from the negative mountain dragon turtle also had the same weight as that terrible beast, but the house witch could already wave it easily. .

"Then, everything is ready. It's time to make a final break before waking up from the dream."

She said so.

Then stride forward.

The front of Longshan City is the border, and there, the narwhal killer whale Leviathan, who has been shopping for half a month, seemed to sense something and let out a loud whale call.

As a result, the flood that could destroy the world finally burst its banks.

The flood is pouring.

I finally feel a little more relaxed today. Although not much, I still have nosebleeds and crazy coughing, but I can feel that I am getting better. I hope to recover soon. I really can’t stand it anymore.

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