House Witch

Chapter 581: 580 On Stage and Off Stage

Chapter 581

"who is it?"

"Escort, quickly protect Lady Sophilia."

"Damn it, you Inquisition lunatics."

"Do you crazy dogs know what you are doing?"

Because of this sudden change, the originally solemn and solemn coronation ceremony became a mess at this time, and the angels, witches and angels who were kneeling on the ground raised their heads in surprise.

They first looked at the men in black robes outside the door in shock and annoyance, and then turned their heads to look at the twelve-winged figure on the high platform.

And when they saw that Sophilia's chest had been pierced by a halberd, and the glamor was dyeing the pure white priest's dress red, the shock and anger in the eyes of the angel witch and the angels quickly changed For horror and madness.

For these devout believers, there is nothing more desperate than this moment.

Although Lady Sophilia hadn't fully drawn her sword just now, the noble twelve wings on her back have convinced all the angel witches that she is the son of the god king who will lead the revival of the angel witch family according to the prophecy of the god king.

After realizing this, whether it was the members of the Apocalypse War Group who were loyal to Sophilia, or the priests of the God King Sect who were forced to come to watch the ceremony, they were all excited and ecstatic.

After all, no matter what, as angel witches, they all hope that their family group can stop the decline and stand on top of the world again. This is the common wish of all angel witches.

But now, this wish that has been longed for for tens of thousands of years finally has a possibility of realization, and the glory of the angel that has been lost for tens of thousands of years finally has the hope of shining again. All this should be as beautiful as a dream, but Now.

Where did the halberd stick in Lord Sophilia's chest? It was clearly planted in the hearts of all the angels and witches.

If there is no hope from the beginning, why give them hope first, and then take it away cruelly in the next second?

This cannot be tolerated, only this cannot be forgiven.

The angels on the other side were also furious. After all, they had truly surrendered to Lord Sophilia in the night of the witch. Many angels even waited for Lord Sophilia to return to heaven with the Lord of Radiance. Go and join this promising princess.

But now, the future lord was assassinated right under their noses, how could he bear it.

Of course, no matter how angry these young angels are, their influence is actually limited, after all, their strength is just that.

But what is really terrifying is the anger of the leader of the angel mission, Archangel Shalier.

This is a boss who is equivalent to the level of a witch sage, and he is also the most devout believer of the Lord of Radiance, and now, the only daughter and heir of the god he believed in was assassinated under his nose, Sally How can I not be sad, not angry?

If something really happened to this princess, how would I have the face to see the great Lord of Glory again?

It is said that when the emperor is angry, millions of corpses will be laid down, and in such an extraordinary world, once a sage is angry, it will not only be calmed down by laying down millions of corpses, it usually means the end of several worlds, after all This kind of existence is no different from the creator or god in the imagination of mortals.

It's just that the Witch World, one of the only four natural disaster worlds in the Western Universe, obviously cannot be destroyed at will by a mere sage.

In fact, Shalier has been under the suppression and seal of the witch world.

After all, he is a foreign country, even if it is a foreign mission, it entered the country through legal procedures, but because of its strength and danger, it is necessary to suppress and seal him.

It's as if foreign missions had to go through the security check before entering the palace to meet the emperor, and surrendered all their weapons and equipment.

In fact, Shalier's current strength has been suppressed to the point where she can only display the strength of an ordinary peak witch at most. Otherwise, she would not have been too late to stop that The fleeting halberd of light.

Even that seemingly ordinary halberd is actually a forbidden spell with eleven rings.

But now, under the extreme anger, the Archangel even broke through the suppression and anger of the Witch World and forcibly recovered part of her strength. The warning was given, but now Shalier can't care about these things.

As a result, the terrifying coercion enveloped the entire church, almost making everyone present a little breathless.

However, this does not include the black-robed figure with the clown mask at the door. Even in the face of this sage-level coercion like Tianwei, the Grand Inquisitor is still very calm, she just silently retracts the original thrown Then he stood up straight again, and finally looked at the angry Archangel with scrutiny in his calm eyes.

"Your Excellency Shalier, do you want to challenge the authority of the witch world and start another war between the two worlds?"

The black-robed man spoke, not only without a trace of fear, but even in a very aggressive tone.

Shalier: "."

The Archangel became even more angry, his body trembled, and he almost couldn't help but wanted to directly attack this arrogant person, but in the end, reason still prevailed, and he calmed down again.

After all, the words of the great judge are already the second warning from the Witch World to her, and the incident is only three. If she is not calm, the punishment of the Witch World may fall on her head, and even really It may lead to the start of a war between the two worlds.

In the past, Heaven was the overlord of the western universe, fearless, and he would fight if he said he wanted to fight, but now Heaven

Thinking of the state where the kings of angels were doing their own thing, Shalier sighed. In the hundreds of thousands of years without the Lord of Radiance, the former Lord of Heaven, the strength of Heaven has not advanced but retreated.

A group of dragons without a leader will naturally only lead to chaos.

Originally, this situation was not obvious during the tens of thousands of years when Lord God King briefly ruled Heaven, but after Lord God King abdicated, the chaos in Heaven could no longer be suppressed.

Under such circumstances, it is not a rational act for Heaven and the Witch World to go to war. Back then, the God King alone could suppress Heaven, not to mention that there are now three Witch Kings in the Witch World.

Moreover, His Majesty the Glorious Lord is still not out of trouble at this time, Shalier really doesn't dare to make too much trouble, otherwise it will be even worse if it affects His Majesty's return.

Without the backing of the king of angels, she, a little archangel, is powerless to face the terrifying three kings.

Therefore, this elegant and easy-going neutral beauty ended up with a cold face, looking at the big judge wearing a funny clown mask with the same cold eyes, and finally failed to make a move.

The situation is not as good as others, even the Archangel can only bow his head.

"I've heard about the domineering of the Witch Tribunal for a long time. I saw it today. I won't break the rules this time, but Lord Sophilia is the daughter of my god, Princess of Heaven. What you have done today, Heaven will not let it go. , See you in the golden court soon."

Shalier suppressed his anger and said so.

Dorothy: "."

Don't look at the house witch is very tough at this time, in fact, she panicked in her heart.

"Damn, Sophilia, why didn't you inform this boss in advance, we are acting, not for real."

She complained so much in her heart about her roommate's unreliability.

Of course, she can also understand Sophilia's concerns. After all, this scene is to be performed for those high-ranking ancient angels and witches. If the acting skills are not realistic enough, then there will be no fish to catch.

Therefore, this is actually the fact that the fewer people know the truth about the show, the better. At present, only three people know the truth of the whole plan.

One is herself, one is Sophilia, and the other is Maria, the deputy admiral of the Apocalypse.

None of the others knew about it, and only thought it was true that the Inquisition was arresting people.

It's just that, in this way, these extras don't have to worry about their acting skills, they are not acting at all, and they really want to eat her, the hateful mad dog of the Inquisition Court, alive.

But the pressure on Dorothy's side was really great.

Really, Shalier's coercion almost scared her to pee just now. Fortunately, she is wearing a magical costume named "Future Fourth King". At this time, Senior Fanny has transformed into a clown mask The shot helped her offset the sage-level coercion, which made her not show any cowardice.

As for the strong warning after that

Alas, to those who don't know it sounds like a strong warning, but in fact it's just a false prestige coaxed by the house witch, almost the same as "my mother is so-and-so".

She was deeply afraid that the archangel would crush her with a trembling hand, so she had no choice but to threaten her like this.

In fact, she had already secretly squeezed the life-saving dragon scale that Long Ma gave her. If the talk didn't work, she was really going to use the forbidden spell—Ma Ye summoned.

Fortunately, this Archangel Shalier is not the kind of impulsive person who is desperate for anger. Dorothy's talk has taken effect, which makes her relieved, and finally there is no need to be ashamed.

However, even so, Shalier's cruel words just now made the house witch feel a little tired.

Damn it, I was really just acting, why did the Golden Court move out.

Dorothy was shivering and cold.

The Golden Tribunal, also known as the Calamity Tribunal, as the name suggests, is a tribunal jointly formed by the golden natural disaster races, and it is also the nominally highest adjudicative body of the Western Universe.

The establishment of the court was originally to mediate the conflicts between the four natural disaster races, lest the four natural disasters really fight, and when the gods fight, the mortals will suffer, and the western universe will be destroyed by accident. of.

And the crime of assassinating the daughter of the King of Angels, the Lord of Glory, under the watchful eyes of the house witch, seems to be enough for her to go to the Golden Court. After all, this is indeed a major event that may lead to war between the two clans if it is not handled properly. .

Thinking of this, and seeing that the angels and witches of the Apocalypse battle group around them all wanted to come up and bite her to death, the house witch couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

She couldn't help looking sadly at her roommate on the high platform.

Alas, Sophilia, look, this time in order to match your performance, I have really undertaken too much. Afterwards, you must at least wear the maid outfit again to heal my frightened young heart.

But having said that, Sophilia, what's the matter with your look, you have changed from a pure white witch to a gray witch.

Dorothy looked at her roommate on the high platform with some strangeness, and directly ignored the perfect acting skills of the other party who was full of unwillingness and anger, with a trace of betrayal in despair.

After all, she had seen this acting skill once before in the prophecy.

Now Dorothy was more concerned with the changes in the appearance of her roommates.

In addition to the most obvious six black wings on the back, there are also some other changes on Sophilia's body.

For example, the originally pure white hair and eyebrows turned silver-gray at this time, as if black and white were intertwined and fused together.

It's just that this gray doesn't give people a dirty feeling like the gray of the gray people on the construction site, but more like the color of mercury, which is very noble and beautiful.

Well, one thing to say, Dorothy thinks that Sophilia looks a little more beautiful, at least not as white as before, as if she had albinism.

Dorothy even suspected that after Sophilia completely fused her blood of the Lord of Radiance and the blood of the God King, the black and white wings on her back would also turn into such a silver-gray color.

At that time, she should not be called the White Witch, but the Gray Witch or something.

Moreover, in addition to the color of the hair, the color of Sophilia's shining golden eyes, which accurately express complicated emotions like a fan-shaped statistical chart, is also brighter.

Dorothy knew that her roommate had a pair of top-level magic eyes, which had been downgraded because of her incomplete bloodline, but now, with the integrity of her bloodline, the power of these magic eyes seemed to be returning .

Anyway, when the house witch's eyes met those golden pupils, she always felt like everything about her was almost seen through.

This made Dorothy frown. You must know that at this time she is maintaining the "mind-sealing spell" taught by the head of the school not long ago, and it stands to reason that she should no longer be peeped into her heart.

It can only be said that this emerald-level magic eye is really abnormal.

In order to test whether this feeling is her own illusion, the otaku witch's heart moved.

Tsk tsk tsk, this time the maid outfit may not be enough, Sophilia, you have to add a bunny girl style to heal my heart, um, I need such a bunny girl. (Happy Year of the Rabbit, laugh)

Dorothy quickly conceived a ragged tights in her mind, and then multiple thoughts quietly looked at the reaction of her roommate on the high platform.


Then she really saw that the ashen witch, who had lost too much blood due to the puncture in the chest, suddenly turned pale.

Send, can you really see through my heart?

Dorothy was shocked, she decided to continue practicing the mind-sealing spell when she went back tonight, otherwise her little thoughts would be seen by her roommate every day, it would be so easy to die, I usually have a lot of yy

Groove, stop, don't think about it anymore, or else you will lose face.

The otaku witch forcibly stopped thinking in horror.

And on the high stage, in order to act realistically, she really took the piercing blow. At this time, the blood on Sophilia's face, who was really dying, became even thicker.

Damn it, why is this young miss's mind full of rubbish? Doesn't she just look at the occasion? Or was the occasion more exciting for her now?

Well, because the eldest lady stopped thinking suddenly, the Ash Witch couldn't see the answer, but she herself seemed to find it a bit exciting.


Sophilia was startled suddenly.

Damn it, how could she have such shameless thoughts?

The Innocence Witch was shocked, but she soon realized why.

"Lucifer, don't make trouble."

In her mind she scolded her romping avatar.

"It's none of my business, my self-deceiving body, we are integrated now, I am you, you are me, the most I can do to you is to make you more open, but The generation of these thoughts is not my problem, admit it, this is actually your suppressed nature. "

There was a pleasant chuckle in her heart, and the fallen angel laughed happily.

Sophia: "."

Because the consciousness of the two has indeed merged together, she is very clear that Lucy Fayer is not lying, this is really not her fault, so.

It's me who is showing off?


The twelve-winged angel, who was ashamed and seriously injured, spat out a mouthful of blood.

And this also made the house witch on the opposite side stunned for a moment, and then admired it very much.

My tortoise, this acting is awesome.

The little angel is vomiting blood.

Damn it, Xibao, you guys are so flirty, take me with you

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