House Witch

Chapter 595 Chapter 594

Chapter 595

Audrey just felt that her eyes closed and opened, but looking around, the little fox found that she had come to a mansion with a completely different style from the Witch World.

It is no longer a reinforced concrete building, but an antique wooden building, especially in the vast courtyard in front of you, with flowers and grass, scattered pavilions, deep and far-reaching, full of Zen.

There is a small stream running through the courtyard. From the bottom of the small arch bridge above the stream, you can see some colorful koi gathering. It should be that people often feed on the bridge, which makes these lazy carp raise Became such a habit.

bang bang

From time to time, there would be clear and crisp sounds echoing in my ears, and I followed the sound, and found that it was the sound of bamboo tubes hitting stones.

The little fox looked curiously at the bamboo device (it seems to be called Luwei) that was constantly rising and falling due to the impact of the water flow. Everything in front of her that was full of exotic styles was very novel and interesting to her.

It's just that because of being in such a strange environment, Audrey, who was in the advanced stage of social anxiety, was a little nervous. She subconsciously looked around, looking for the familiar figure.

Fortunately, she soon found the familiar black figure not far away.

It's Senior Sister.

Audrey breathed a sigh of relief, and then she hurried to the senior sister's side, but saw that the senior sister's eyes were a little empty, as if she was thinking, and she seemed to be distracted, she didn't dare to disturb the senior sister, just stood quietly Beside the senior sister, she waited patiently, wagging her tail slightly.

The little fox just looked at the senior sister, and at the same time couldn't help but secretly looked at the surrounding Dongying scenery. In fact, it was the first time in her life to travel, and she was really full of curiosity about everything.

Soon, Dorothy also blinked her eyes, and woke up from all kinds of strange and wonderful scenes and perceptions she saw and felt during the teleportation.

"Tsk, no wonder it is said that Dongying Island is mysterious and hard to find. The island of emotion is not in the real world, but in the spirit world. It is an island between reality and fantasy, which is interesting."

The otaku witch felt emotional in her heart.

Every time when using teleportation, for other witches, it is a matter of closing and opening the eyes, at most it is to see countless radiances forming a space tunnel or something, but for her, everything is It is visible and perceptible.

In the past, she would feel dizzy because her brain was overloaded by massive information during the transmission, but now her strength is getting stronger and stronger, and with the blessing of the "space control" state, her space-sensitive physique is finally It's time to turn from a side effect into a big advantage.

Just on the way to Dongying Island through the transmission channel opened by Aunt Zi, the house witch has already penetrated the secret of this mysterious island.

However, even if she already knew the principle, it still did not prevent her from being curious about this fairy hermitage, and even made her more interested in the island's architectural techniques.

"How is it? Dorothy, have you learned anything along the way?"

Just as she was looking around curiously, an elegant and pleasant voice sounded beside her.

It was Aunt Zi. This tall, blond beauty looked at her expectantly.

And Dorothy had nothing to hide about this, she nodded, and then told her discovery of the mystery of Dongying Island.

"Well, Sister Zi, you have learned a lot from your space control methods, and I am also curious about how this Dongying Island is so justly stuck in the gap between reality and the spiritual world. I also like this architectural technique." It's the first time I've seen you."

But after hearing the words of the house witch, Yae Zi's eyes shone brightly, and the relief and smile in her eyes became stronger.

Well, now she really feels more and more that this cheap niece is destined for her. She can directly see through the secrets of Dongying Island for the first time. This child's inspiration attribute is also very high.

With spatial talent and high inspiration, this child should be my successor.

The blond witch thought so in her heart.

"Not bad, you are really talented, and we can talk about space magic when we have time later, but before that, you can take Junior Sister Ni to look around. This is Heianjing on Dongying Island. It is the busiest place on the island, although it is not as prosperous as the big cities outside, but it is good to experience the oriental style of Dongying that is different from the outside world."

Yaezi suggested so.

She didn't directly pull the child to discuss space magic, show off her knowledge, etc. After all, haste makes waste. Being too impatient will not only scare the child, but also make the astute old classmate discover her intentions.

Well, the spider witch's spider sense is really annoying, that thing is too sharp sometimes.

Therefore, before attacking Dorothy, she had to get rid of this old classmate first.

Fortunately, this is not difficult. After all, she did not come here this time to catch up with the past and have fun, but to entrust this master of architecture with something she really needed to do.

Therefore, she can use work to drive away this food-protecting female spider.

"I've already had someone prepare a reception banquet for you, but the banquet still needs some time to prepare, as long as the two of you come back before dinner."

She exhorted.

In this regard, the house witch also has some regrets. In fact, she prefers to exchange space experience with this aunt than to go shopping. After all, the teleportation magic called "Gap" just performed by the aunt really moved her heart.

It's a pity that the aunt has spoken like this, and it's hard for her to refuse.

Moreover, she could also see that Aunt Zi's words were just an excuse, she just wanted to send herself and Audrey away. Next, she and Mr. Spider might have to talk about some adult things that are not convenient for the little witch to know.

Therefore, Dorothy nodded tactfully, and then wandered around with the curious baby sister who had "I'm curious" written all over her face.

So Audrey, who looks novel in everything, is different. At this time, the antique Japanese scenery brings more nostalgia to the house witch.

Well, these oriental scenery made her a little homesick, the home she couldn't go back to.

Speaking of which, in his previous life, he actually wanted to visit Liben Province. After all, that place is one of the provinces and cities with the most prosperous tourism industry in Kyushu, and the service industry is very developed.

Of course, for a house like her, the reason to go to Liben Province is definitely not to see the cherry blossoms or the scenery. I am very interested in the customs of Liben's special products.

It's a pity that until she crossed over, she was a child who had never been out of the province in her previous life, and she was a complete nerd.

However, Dorothy did not expect that the wish that could not be fulfilled in the previous life would be realized in this life, but everything has changed.

First of all, the Dongying Island of Azhai Holy Land is definitely gone. The world of witches is not popular at all, or they are all two-dimensional, after all, this is a magical civilization.

And all specialties and customs

Emmm, this may really exist, after all, oiran is an ancient profession.


Alas, my second brother who is invincible under heaven.

Laughing to death, she no longer has that kind of worldly desire, what she has is only an appreciation of beauty.

Now the only thing that can attract her on Dongying Island is the legend of the fairy on the island, but Dorothy doesn't think that she will be so lucky to meet a fairy or something just by walking on the street.

However, seeing Audrey beside her excited about leaving the house for the first time, the House Witch shook her head, as if she was playing with a child.

So, the two of them shuttled back and forth in the house.

It can be seen that Aunt Zi should also belong to a high-ranking person with a high status in Dongying Island. This can be seen from the scale of this house, which is a bit scary.

The two of them spent a long time in the yard before reaching the door, and along the way, they also saw many servants working in the house.

However, what surprised the two of them was that most of these servants were not servants of different races, but also witches, and from the cautious and respectful appearance of these witch servants, the house witch was keenly aware of the hidden world. The distinction between superiority and inferiority on Zhidao is heavier than she imagined.

Although everyone knows that everyone is equal among witches is just a slogan and cannot be taken seriously, but in the world of witches outside, at least everyone abides by this rule on the surface, and no one dares to go too far, after all This is the rule set by the three kings.

But on Dongying Island, the rules of the three kings may not be so easy to use. This special witch leader believes in another set of rules.

Of course, Dorothy has no objection to this. After all, the rules on the witch collar are freely determined by the lord. This is also the lord's rule set by the three kings. The witch lord enjoys absolute autonomy in his own witch collar.

The house witch has always wanted a witch collar in order to build a harmonious home in her heart. She doesn't want others to dictate the rules of her territory indiscriminately, so naturally she will not comment casually on the rules of other witches' territories .

She is just a tourist, the rules here are none of her business, as long as no one comes to provoke her, she will not provoke others casually.

"Senior Sister, the people here seem to be very depressed. They obviously have strong desires in their hearts, but they still have to be so humble. It's a bit distorted."

Seeing a pair of witch servants walking by, Audrey manipulated the fox puppet and said this to her senior sister this time.

But Dorothy glanced at the fox witch next to her, and remembered that this little junior sister could sense the desires of people's hearts.

"Um, what were they thinking just now?"

she asked curiously.

And the little fox blushed all of a sudden, a little ashamed to speak.

What else can I think about this, she has grown up like this, what else can other people have when they see her for the first time except that kind of desire?

Dorothy looked at the flushed junior sister and understood.

Come on, this is very Japanese.

Then the house witch thoughtfully added an Akalin buff to the little junior sister.

"Senior sister, they also have desires for you"

Audrey, who had no sense of presence, added another sentence.

Dorothy: "???"

The house witch looked down at herself dressed as a hot girl, and couldn't help but have question marks on her head.

Isn't it, are you Dongying people playing so fancy? The taste is a bit heavy, it's all raw and cold.

"Well, tell me next time whoever thinks about it, I'll beat her up."

Dorothy thought for a while with trembling and cold air, and then gave her orders to her junior sister.

"Senior sister, it's not good, we are guests after all, this is their territory, and it's not illegal if you just think about it."

Audrey hurriedly advised her senior sister.

The little fox is also a little puzzled, obviously the senior sister was not such a violent and aggressive person before, why is she so aggressive this time.

And the house witch actually wanted to endure it, after all, it is her consistent principle to deal with things that one thing is worse than one thing less, and just like what the younger sister said, YY really does not break the law.

However, the senior sister in the hat on her head suddenly spoke to remind her.

"Sibao, don't forget your good sister's words."

Dorothy frowned, remembering her good sister's entrustment that she must have fun.

"But then there's no need to care about such things, right?"

The otaku witch asked the hat-senpai a little uncomfortable.

But the senior just asked her a question.

"Are you happy to be yelled at by someone? I didn't expect Xi Bao to be such a person."

Dorothy was speechless for a moment.

Well, she was indeed offended again.

"Okay, senior sister, this is what you said, then I'll be really happy, if something really happens, I won't be responsible."

Although the nerd witch knew that the senior Leziren might be trying to provoke her, she thought about it and decided to be a little presumptuous.

It's not that she was really provoked by senior sister Fanny, it's just that she believed in her good sister.

Well, she is happy by order.

At that moment, she thought for a while, then snapped down the coffin behind her, and lifted the coffin board.

Audrey on the side was still wondering why her senior sister was suddenly playing with the coffin, but when the coffin board was opened and she saw the gray witch sleeping in the coffin, she was taken aback.

"Master President?"

Immediately, the little fox remembered the incident of "The President was killed by the Tribunal" that had been raging on the magic net recently, and then looked at the senior sister who was carrying the body of the President, her little brain suddenly imagined A few million words of sadomasochism.

However, before Audrey was teary-eyed by her own brain supply knife, she saw the senior sister leaning over and whispering something to the corpse in the coffin.

"Wake up, it's time for Sleeping Beauty to wake up."

And the moment Dorothy read out the code, the sleeping beauty in the coffin opened her golden eyes.

"Miss? Have you settled down in Dongying Island so soon?"

Sophilia, who was still working overtime in Hades, first looked around with some doubts, and then looked at her eldest lady with some doubts.

At this, Dorothy shook her head.

"Actually, we just arrived. I wanted to find a quiet place to wake you up after we settled down, but now I suddenly don't want to wait."

The house witch said with a smile.

Well, she's happy now.

"Welcome back, Sophia."

"Well, I'm back, miss."

Although the resurrected Angel Witch didn't know what happened to her eldest lady, she still nodded and said so.

Although she didn't know what happened, she was inexplicably happy.

However, this kind of happiness was short-lived, because she soon saw that her eldest lady picked up a passerby and started asking for directions.

"Miss, may I bother you, may I ask how to get to Flower Street?"

House Witch Asking the Way

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