House Witch

Chapter 62: Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Looking at the little doll in front of her, Audrey remembered what happened when she was a child.

That was ten years ago, shortly after she first appeared on stage and developed social phobia, which was the darkest period of her life. She was hiding at home in those days, except for her two mothers and sisters. Besides, she refused to meet and communicate with anyone.

It was also during that time that the second aunt Noelos just visited her home and showed her the possibility of puppet dolls.

Audrey clearly remembered that it was a sunny day and the sun was shining outside, but she closed the doors and windows, drew the curtains, and hid alone in the dark room shivering.

At that time, even when she was alone, she could still feel the illusion of being watched by countless eyes. She always felt that in the corners around, under the bed, and in all kinds of crevices, there seemed to be eyes watching. Opening it, they were all staring at her with greedy eyes, as if she would be eaten up by these monsters as soon as she relaxed.

At that time, she was still young and couldn't do anything, the only thing she could do was curl up in her beloved little quilt, imagining that the angel down quilt was an invincible defensive barrier that could block those annoying sights.

It's a pity that the invincibility of the quilt is just a fantasy, and this psychological barrier was finally broken. When she realized that a foreign object had penetrated into her quilt, little Audrey jumped up from the bed screaming in fright. At that time, she, who already had tens of thousands of magic power, erupted directly, and the violent gushing magic power directly overturned the whole room, and also exposed the foreign object that invaded her bed.

It was a tiny Spider Girl doll.

Well, that is, the kind of monster with a beautiful upper body and a hideous spider-like lower body.

"Ah, I'm sorry to scare you. I just wanted to make a joke with you. Let me introduce myself. I'm the cousin of your paternal mother, Noelos. You can call me Second Aunt."

The little puppet was slapped against the wall by the magic power, then slid down the wall and fell to the ground before getting up unsteadily, introducing itself to Audrey like this.

This was also the first time she met her second aunt.

The root of Audrey's social fear is the overly greedy eyes of the audience when they look at her. There are various naked desires in those eyes.

A person who doesn't have a clear sense of emotion might think this is nothing, but Audrey has inherited part of the abilities of the succubus, and there is no need to say how keen the demon's perception of desire is.

Perhaps the desire contained in those eyes is just a fantasy in the minds of the audience. People say that fantasy is innocent, as long as you can not act in reality, it is not a fault to just think about it in your head.

You saw a beautiful woman on the road. From the first time you saw her, you even thought about the name of your future child, but in the end you were still too timid to strike up a conversation with her. Fantasy actually means nothing, the beauty you fantasize about will never know that she just got married and had a baby in another timeline.

Normally, this is the case, but it is not the case for Audrey.

The core talent of the succubus is called the source of desire (ssr), which is the ability to perceive and understand all desires for oneself.

Relying on this ability, in the eyes of the succubus, the xp of the prey is almost clear. They can instantly understand whether the prey in front of them is a royal sister control or a loli control, a giant gangster or a flat gangster, who likes black silk or Bai Si and so on finally adjusted their hunting stance according to this information.

Therefore, this is the legend that succubi can always appear in people's favorite appearance.

Audrey didn't know whether she was lucky or unlucky to inherit this talent from her father and mother. Therefore, the desire contained in the eyes of those audiences was clearly a movie with herself as the protagonist in her perception. , As for how bad the content of these movies is, there is no need to say much.

A real succubus might dismiss those dirty desires, and would be happy to think that this is a manifestation of her own charm, but Audrey is just a witch, and she doesn't have the succubus's dissolute nature.

As a natural disaster race that evolved from humans, witches may be countless versions ahead of humans in terms of strength and talent, but they have not really improved much in the spiritual field.

Naturally, Audrey, who had seen the ugliness of the world all of a sudden at a young age, couldn't survive in the end, and the problems of social fear and autism fell at that time.

But what Audrey is afraid of is only people, or more precisely, the filthy desires that witches of the same kind have for her. After all, she can't just turn against people just because of the fantasies in other people's minds.

There was an old saying among the immortals in the East, there is no sage when you talk about deeds regardless of your heart.

Even an ordinary individual in a powerful group like the Witch cannot completely control her own heart. She can't just pull out her wand and fight with someone just because of someone else's little fantasy.

And she, a witch whose goal is to pursue art, is going to duel with her audience every day?

It was precisely because she clearly understood this point that Audrey felt powerless. Since she couldn't control other people's thoughts, she could only hide herself and keep out of sight.

However, if she hides, what about her dream of chasing art?

This was the reason why little Audrey was in pain and confusion at that time.

However, that day, in the ruins where the roof was overturned by the violent magic power, looking at the spider girl puppet alive in front of her, Audrey's heart was full of haze, just like the sun that was overturned by the roof. The light came in, dispelling the dark room and seeing the light again.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this spider girl puppet with a scary appearance is actually quite scary, and it is easy to trigger the uncanny valley effect. Many people are actually quite afraid of these too realistic dolls.

But as a witch, Audrey will not be frightened by this, and it is probably because of a puppet, her talent will not affect this puppet, after all, this unintentional puppet will not affect her what desire.

Well, since I can't be on stage myself, wouldn't it be good if I hide behind the scenes and let my puppet perform on stage?

Although as the medium of her power, she can still feel other people's desire for her puppet, but watching a small movie with a puppet as the protagonist is much easier to accept than watching a small movie with herself as the protagonist, and most normal people It shouldn't be idle to have some weird desires for puppets.

And this also solves the problem that it is difficult for her to find a partner who can cooperate with her. After all, whether it is dancing or singing, there are very few one-man shows, and there are always backup dancers or soundtracks. She can only cooperate with two mothers at most.

However, it is hard to say who is the protagonist and who is the supporting role once the two mothers are famous. Although the mothers think that Audrey's future achievements will surpass them, Audrey knows very well that as far as she is currently I'm afraid it's not just the green leaves that can only reflect the two mothers.

After all, dancers and singers are never just good looking. Even though Audrey is beautiful, in the professional field, she is now much worse than the two mothers.

But if they are all puppets, then this problem can be solved. As long as they can manipulate enough puppets, then Audrey can be a whole song and dance troupe by herself.

That is to say, with this idea in mind, she has embarked on the road of creating a puppet theater since then.

It's a pity that this road is far more difficult than she imagined at first.

Stiff dolls have limits, and some witches can show dancing dolls that cannot be reproduced at all. The artistry displayed by living and dead objects is completely two concepts, plus the puppet script is a niche The project, the audience is mostly children and so on.

Anyway, Audrey has encountered more difficulties and setbacks than she imagined over the years. If she hadn't suffered from social anxiety, according to the original plan of the mothers, she should have stood at the age of 16. Enjoy the attention and admiration of the whole world on the big stage of the Venus Theater, the holy place in the heart of witch actors, the art center of the witch world.

However, the reality is that she has worked so hard for so long, and the puppet theater she has put in countless painstaking efforts to create is now unable to even go to the lowest formal stage. kind of.

And after realizing the difficulty of her own path, Audrey was not ready to give up, so she came to the Witch Academy and came to find her second aunt to continue learning puppet skills. She wanted to create a puppet that could carry her artistic dream. Perfect doll.

But now reality slapped her hard again.

Her previously proud talent and knowledge are all trampled and crushed by an inexplicable classmate, and even the trustworthy relative of the second aunt suddenly has a new love, she seems to be abandoned by the whole world average.

The collapse of a person is often only in an instant, and now the little fox's mentality is on the verge of collapse, and she begins to wonder if she is living like a clown.

Well, maybe she shouldn't organize any song and dance troupe, the circus is her real destination, and she can definitely play the role of clown in her true colors.

In the past, Audrey was just a social fear, but now she is almost autistic.

I'm tired, I'm really tired, I'm not a genius anyway, my talent is not good, and my mentality is so bad, what else is there to do, it's better to just lie down and die.

She thought so.

However, just when the desperate darkness was about to envelope her again like ten years ago, another small puppet stood in front of her.

And I don't know if it's the hallucination produced by her mental and physical exhaustion. Audrey always feels that this doll is extraordinarily exquisite. It seems that she has been looking for it, the perfect doll that can carry her artistic dream. generally.

This little puppet is standing in front of her now, it is so vivid and lifelike, it is obviously a dead thing, but it exudes the vitality of life.

"Hey, have you recovered yet, Miss Audrey?"

The little blond witch doll waved at her, then clasped her hands together in the shape of a trumpet and yelled.

This time its voice wasn't even a dull metallic synth, but a little girl's crisp and sweet.


Because she was facing the puppet, Audrey wasn't too scared. She nodded subconsciously and even made a sound.

And the little puppet who got the reply immediately beamed with joy.

Audrey rubbed her eyes, making sure she read it correctly, she actually saw the expression on the doll's face, and the expression was so natural.

Damn, can the puppet be so detailed?

The little fox was shocked.

"Miss Audrey, do you know where the school assessment can be conducted in the academy? My master wants to go."

The little puppet stepped forward, grabbed Audrey's trousers, and gently shook it coquettishly.

At this moment, the little fox only felt that the one in front of him was not a cold doll, but a lively and lovely little sister.

However, when she finally couldn't help stretching out her hand and grabbing the little puppet directly, the hardness and coldness of her grasp brought her back to reality.

At the same time, the other hand quickly reached out, snatching the little doll back.

"Hey, just look at it, don't touch it."

Dorothy took back the little puppet made after her younger sister Alice, and then said lightly, and in her hand, the little puppet Alice also secretly hid behind the back of her hand, sticking out her tongue towards Audrey.

After saying that, Dorothy didn't care about the little junior sister's reaction, she walked forward on her own.

Well, judging from her years of experience in social terror, if you want to communicate with another social terror, you must start from the other party's hobbies.

She had noticed that this little junior sister seemed to be very interested in dolls before, so this was a good starting point.

And judging from the other party's reaction that she couldn't help but want to catch the doll, Dorothy knew that the bait she cast had worked.

Well, then even if today's goal is accomplished, if you get along with social fear too enthusiastically, it will make the other party uncomfortable, so at this time, you should retreat.

Sure enough, before Dorothy took a few steps, she keenly noticed a little tail following behind her.

So, she stopped again, and turned to look at the little junior sister who looked anxious.

"Miss Audrey, do you have anything to do with my master?"

On her shoulder, the little Alice puppet also gave up teasing the cat, and turned to look at Audrey and asked.


The little fox tried her best to open her mouth again, but she was still speechless. She turned around in a hurry again, but finally she couldn't bear it anymore, and she also shook out a Q version of her own puppet from her tail.

"I, I know where the school assessment is."

This fox puppet, which is much rougher than Dorothy's Alice puppet at first glance, said so in a cold metal synthetic voice.

After finishing speaking, Audrey looked expectantly at the senior sister whom she didn't want to admit a few minutes ago with those seductive fox eyes, waiting for her reply.

In response, the corners of Dorothy's mouth twitched slightly.

Hey, the fish is hooked.

Tsk, I feel a little guilty for bullying an honest child like this, I always feel like I'm abducting a little girl.

The crumb witch has a disturbed conscience

4,200 words, two in one, save you and say I'm watery, that's it, I'm going to write fairy tales at night

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