House Witch

Chapter 655 Chapter 654

Chapter 655: 654. To be a dog or not

Early in the morning, when the first ray of sunlight illuminates the earth in the early morning.

On Tianding Mountain, in the side room of the main hall of Amaterasu Shrine, Amaterasu Mingsha opened his eyes right on time.

Even though the warm blanket was still tempting her to fall, the self-disciplined young witch easily broke free and got up swiftly.

She snapped her fingers casually, and everything in the room began to move by itself.

The bed that had just been messed up became tidy again, and the quilts folded themselves, and then climbed into the closet by themselves.

And the red and white witch costume hanging on the hanger at the side also seemed to have life. It walked behind the lady witch, and then gently hugged its master, taking the graceful and graceful body as white as jade into it little by little. in your own package.

"The Witch of the Forest is really a genius. This kind of life spell is really easy to use. If I had learned this earlier, I wouldn't have had to suffer so much before."

After a simple wash, Amaterasu Mingsha stood in front of the quaint mirror, looked at her own reflection with her head, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with her appearance, she nodded, feeling so emotional in her heart.

Although she has a respected status as a disciple of the gods and witches in the palace, but the teacher did not arrange anyone to serve her in order to cultivate her self-care ability. She has always washed and cooked by herself, and took care of herself when she grew up.

In the past, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and she didn't think it was hard work, but since she left her hometown and went to the big world outside and came back, some things can never go back.

"The magic I cast consumes my own spiritual power and magic power. This is actually the same as using hands and feet to take care of myself. It is not lazy."

Maybe it's because she's back at the shrine and living under the nose of the teacher again. Regarding the use of magic to facilitate daily life, Miss Miko has an inexplicable feeling of guilt about cheating on the exam, so she can only comfort herself like this.

However, some things can be cheated, and some things cannot be cheated.

Amaterasu opened the door in an instant, and walked skillfully to the bow dojo in the back mountain along the direction of memory.

You can be lazy in life, but you must insist on self-discipline in daily practice.

However, recalling how obsessed she was with swordsmanship when she was wandering outside, and neglected her bow practice, Miss Miko felt a little ashamed again.

For the shrine maiden of Amaterasu Shrine, archery is the major, and other art of war (the method of using soldiers) such as swordsmanship is just a minor, but there is no way, I can only say that the Wuxiang Yidao taught by the clown is really too good. Fragrant.

However, since they are all home now, under the pressure of the teacher, it is better not to continue to "play with things and lose one's ambition", and practice bowing seriously after a long absence.

Come to the bow dojo of the shrine.

It was still too early at this point, and the sky was just getting bright, and the whole ashram was very quiet.

However, after pushing open the door of the dojo according to the order of the day, he saw another priestess who was kneeling and meditating quietly on the wooden floor of the dojo.

The priestess was also wearing a red and white priestess costume, with long, smooth black hair combed in Japan's very traditional Ji hairstyle.

Amaterasu's life is actually the same hairstyle. Many maidens in the shrine wear this hairstyle, because this French style combined with the red and white maiden uniform can easily create a sense of clerics. Just the back view At that stop, the otherworldly temperament came out all at once.

It's just that these little witches dressed up like this is actually just a kind of imitation, and the master who was imitated is the one in front of me.

The god witch of Amaterasu Shrine, the titular master of the entire Dongying Island—Amaterasu Ming Kikyo.

If it is an ordinary witch who dresses up in a detached and refined way, then there is no need for the witch to dress up specially. She has an ethereal aura in every move, as if a fairy in the sky has fallen into the mortal world. In the filthy world, she is the only spotless white lotus.

Amaterasu stood at the door and silently watched the back of her teacher. Even though she had seen the teacher's figure since she was a child, she was familiar with it long ago and couldn't be more familiar with it, but maybe it was because she had been out for a while before, and now she looked at it again. , in a trance, she recalled the amazing feeling when she saw the teacher for the first time when she was young.

Others say that Taifu Ibuki in the Yoshihara Flower Street is the most beautiful woman in Dongying Island, but in the heart of the young witch, her teacher is the real most beautiful in Dongying, and she does not accept any refutation.

After being obsessed with the teacher's beauty for a few seconds, Miss Miko came back to her senses, and she also walked to the teacher's side lightly, imitating the teacher's appearance and kneeling on the ground, with her back straight.

Before formal archery practice, you need to meditate carefully. Only when you have peace of mind and no waves, can you concentrate on shooting and shooting with a hundred shots.

However, after meditating for a while, Amaterasu got up a little irritatedly. She picked up the Dongpu and the bow that were taller than a person, then bent the bow and set an arrow, aiming at the straw target in front of her.

The more the shooting range is equipped with the technique of extending space, the grass target looks very close, but it is actually thousands of miles away.

After all, the archery distance of mortals is almost perfect for witches with their eyes closed, and the practice distance of witch archers is also superhuman.

Miss Miko took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly. The warm breath flowed from between her teeth, and it turned into a clear white mist when it met the coolness of the morning.

But at the end of his anger, Amaterasu Ming's eyes froze for a moment, and he let go of the bowstring in his hand.

The next moment, the arrow full of magic power had already pierced through the air. After blasting out several air explosion rings, the arrow turned into a stream of light and hit the grass target with precision.

Well, nine rings


The young lady witch was a little bit upset.

This result may have been very good for others, but it was very dissatisfied for her. This time she made a mistake.

"In an instant, your mind is disturbed."

A gentle voice came from her side, and there was a bit of coldness in the voice.

Miss Miko turned around and saw that the teacher who had closed his eyes and meditated before had opened his eyes and was looking at her quietly.

Amaterasu was silent for a moment, but in front of the teacher who brought her up like a teacher and a mother, she had nothing to hide.

I was really upset.

"Teacher, why do you never pay attention to the group of Chinese people at the bottom of the mountain? Those guys have gone too far. The whole Dongying Island is about to be turned into a hell on earth by them."

She went down the mountain several times in the past two days because she helped the teacher deal with things, but even if she came back directly after completing the task, she didn't stay down the mountain for long, but this was just the scenery along the way. I'm upset.

This hometown is really as bad as ever.

In the past, at least she felt that she could see it out of sight, but after going out to see the market, she couldn't bear the heavy and depressing atmosphere at the foot of the mountain.

She didn't understand why the teacher, the witch, as the master of Dongying Island, had never restrained those beasts in clothes down the mountain.

"Sha Mo, I taught you that the archer must hold his breath. If you are not absolutely sure, never rush to shoot the bow, otherwise you will only frighten the prey and miss the chance of a fatal blow."

Miss Shenwu calmly looked at the somewhat irritable apprentice, and said so.

"But when will we wait? Teacher, if our strength is not enough, we can ask for help from the outside world. As long as the arrow is strong enough, even if it is a surprise, it can directly injure the prey by rubbing the side. In the trial court, I met a very powerful adult, as long as she is."

Hearing the teacher's words again, after listening to countless times, Amaterasu became a little impatient. She felt that the teacher was too rigid. Why is it so troublesome to report a problem that can be solved by reporting it to the trial court?

"No, Dongying Island's affairs can only be resolved by Dongying Island itself, and outside witches must not be allowed to intervene."

For the apprentice's suggestion, Miss Shenwu flatly rejected it.


The young miko was also very unconvinced this time, she looked at the teacher in front of her stubbornly.

"Teacher, why would you rather believe in that ancient legend that has no evidence at all than believe in the tangible power around you?"

"Then the natural saint is just a legend. Even if the legend is true, so what. This is the western universe, not the eastern universe. Why would the natural saint of the eastern universe save Dongying Island in the western universe?"

As a future witch, Amaterasu Mingsha also knows many mysteries of Dongying Island. For example, the existence of this entire island is actually to wait for the birth of a natural saint predicted by the Eastern Saints.

But that is the task of the ancestors of the immortals, why should their descendants also escape the world together.

Although the Japanese witches are descendants of immortals, they are also witches at the same time. Why should a group of witches serve a saint among immortals? Isn't it fragrant to honor the Three Kings?

Amaterasu Mingsetsuna is different from other Japanese witches. She has never felt that her identity as a descendant of a fairy is anything to be proud of. Compared with claiming to be a descendant of a fairy, she agrees more with her blood of a witch.

As a witch, one should naturally respect the Three Witch Kings, not those saints who are not sure whether they exist or not. In her mind, Dongying Island should have been unblocked long ago, actively communicated with outside witches, and integrated into the world of witches as soon as possible. right.

"Teacher, teacher, I know that you only want to wait for that saint, but running water can not rot. Blindly keeping the old and unchanged will only turn Dongying Island into a stinky pool of stinky pools. Not everyone has the same wealth as you. With such a selfless heart dedicated to the mission, how many people in Dongying Island do you think are still sticking to the mission of waiting for the saint to come?"

"There is no one left."

"Why did everyone in the past be proud of their identity as descendants of immortals? That's because descendants of immortals will have the opportunity to follow the saint back to the hometown of the Eastern Universe."

"But now? Are the so-called descendants of immortals still aiming for this goal?"

"It's long gone. The descendants of the immortals are just an excuse for the Chinese to better consolidate their status. How can they be proud of the descendants of the immortals?"

The young priestess looked at her teacher seriously and asked.

Miss Shenwu was silent, because she also knew that what the apprentice in front of her said was the truth.

"However, the saint has now come."

she said so.

Now Amaterasu became silent for a moment.

The reason for her inner uneasiness today is not only the chaos at the foot of the mountain, but more importantly, the appearance of the saint in the prophecy.

In all fairness, she disliked the saint whom she had never met.

After all, according to the ancestral precepts, when the saint appeared, these Japanese witches had to be dogs for the saint.

This may be harsh to say, but the fact is that the existence of Dongying Island is for this.

But Miss Witch, she doesn't want to be treated as a dog by others, even if the future master is destined to have a bright future, even if he can lead their group of chickens and dogs to heaven.

When she thought about it, it was the ancestors who wanted to be dogs for the saints, so it would be better for the ancestors to be dogs themselves, why bother to drag their descendants with them?

Before, the teacher sent her to the outside world to find the natural saint, but she got caught, not because she was blinded by the outside world as she explained, in fact, she didn't look for it on purpose.

What are you looking for, are you in such a hurry to find a master for yourself? Is this cheap?

That's what the young shrine maiden thought.

However, even if she was lazy like that, what should come still came, and the so-called saint finally came, which made people very helpless.

So is it really necessary to treat people as dogs from now on?

Amaterasu Mingsha was very reluctant.

In fact, this time when the teacher invited her back, she didn't even think about coming back. She would rather hang around outside all the time, and follow Mr. Clown to eat and drink spicy food. Wouldn't it be more comfortable to come back and be a cow to a stranger?

Besides, she really hates this rotten hometown like a stinking ditch.

But, she finally came back.

Not for anything else, but for the teacher in front of me.

The young lady witch looked helplessly at the teacher in front of her. This was her only concern about this hometown.

Although the teacher's ideas are too old-fashioned and humble in her opinion, no matter what, the teacher is still a teacher, just like her mother.

She really couldn't just watch her teacher, who she regarded as her mother, treat others like a dog.

It's just that Zi is not a fish, and An knows the joy of fish.

No matter how Amaterasu Mingsha persuaded, Amaterasu Ming Kikyo still remained calm.

For Miss Shenwu, serving the saint is the whole meaning of her existence. Now that the destiny is in front of her eyes, she was already very excited, so she came to meditate early in the morning.

It is not only the apprentice who can't calm down today.

In front of her, there was a small arrow hole stuck on the edge of the ten rings on the grass target thousands of miles away, even though the witch's eyesight was somewhat limited.

"Okay, no need to say more, I can feel that the saint is almost here, and it's time for me to go down the mountain to meet him."

The master and the apprentice looked at each other, and they both saw persistence in each other's eyes. Miss Shenwu shook her head, but she didn't say anything, but got up and prepared to leave.

Seeing that she couldn't persuade the teacher, Miss Miko was in a hurry, but in the end she sighed dejectedly, and got up to follow.

Although the teacher never asked her to go too, how could she rest assured that the teacher was alone.

At least, she wanted to see what kind of person that so-called natural saint was.

If she is a villain with talent but no morals, then don't blame her for violating the mission of her ancestors at all.

Amaterasu tightly grasped the judgment order in his hand.

Such a rare and good thing for a born saint must be handed over to the Three Kings.


A group of witches waited from morning to dusk, then to midnight, and then to the next morning, when finally a soaring demonic aura slowly approached not far away.

Amaterasu's eyes widened for a moment, waiting to see the saint's appearance.

Then she saw a somewhat familiar clown mask.

Miss Witch: "."

Miss Ghost Face is in a mess.

woof woof

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