House Witch

Chapter 713 712 Dark under the lamp

Chapter 713 712. Dark under the lamp

"As long as you are happy, Sir, I have no objection to this great barrier in Gensokyo."

Amaterasu Kikyo finally said this after briefly looking at the design draft in his hand.

One thing to say is that this draft is really complicated. Miss Divine Witch can be regarded as a half-step golden immortal, and she was once the carrier of the heavenly book, so she is naturally knowledgeable, but she still looks a little laborious.

This can only be said that people are different after all. The wisdom of a born saint is indeed beyond the imagination of mortals like them.

But it doesn’t matter, anyway, the entire Dongying Island, including the three sisters, was born for the new saint. The new saint is the real owner of the island. She is the one who decides how to develop this territory in the future. Have the final say.

Even if the new sage suddenly wants to blow up the island to watch the fireworks, Amaterasu Kikyo won't have any objections, and she will even recommend herself to light the fire.

After all, she was born for the new saint.

"Okay, then I will follow this."

Seeing the "everything you say is right" look on Miss Magic Witch, Dorothy was also a little helpless.

Just like what she had thought before, she hoped that others would follow her because she was really awesome, not because of her status. However, it was obvious that the witch lady still cared too much about her status as a born saint.

However, there is nothing the otaku witch can do about this. After all, although Miss Witch looks young, she is already an ancient existence that has lived for tens of thousands of years. You cannot expect that the idea of ​​​​a living fossil can be changed at will. , that is almost impossible.

In particular, waiting for his own arrival has been the meaning of Miss Magic Witch's persistence in the past tens of thousands of years. If he insists on denying his identity, he is almost denying the meaning of Miss Magic Witch's past existence, which is a bit too much.

Alas, just as she could never change her identity as Dragon Mother's daughter no matter how much she resisted Dragon Mother's request for inheritance, she could no longer tear off the identity label of a born saint.

It is precisely because of these helplessness that true freedom is so out of reach.

In her previous life, she had heard many stories about the rich second generation who wanted to prove themselves. They wanted others to recognize themselves, instead of being treated as the sons or daughters of xxx for the rest of their lives.

This is undoubtedly a kind of hypocrisy, but if you think about it carefully, this may indeed be one of the biggest worries among the few young masters and ladies who lack everything.

Well, the troubles of rich people are so incomprehensible.

Although now the hypocritical person is actually me.

When the otaku witch thought about this, she felt a little complicated.

It seems that I have become the character that I criticized and cursed in my previous life.

But forget it, my second brother is gone, what’s the point of saying all this, it’s just pretentious, as long as I’m happy.

The butt determines the head. This is the truth. There are some things that no one can understand no matter how much they say before you sit on that position and experience the feeling yourself.

Well, just like parents urging marriage, it is difficult for parents to understand why their children are so resistant to blind dates and why they are so picky, and it is also difficult for children to convince their parents to accept the fact that this era is different from theirs. In the end, neither party can convince the other. .

Probably, this is the generation gap.

"Oh, one more thing. I'm actually here to say goodbye. It's not difficult to build this barrier. It will be ready in a few days. I will leave after it is built. Miss Kikyo, when the island You still need to take a closer look at the things above, especially after the opening of Japan Island, there will definitely be a lot of troubles, and you will need to come to calm things down when necessary."

The otaku witch stood up and prepared to leave.

Although this Japanese island has become her territory, she, the lord, will probably not come back to take care of things personally for a long time in the future. After all, she is still a student and has to go back to school.

After the opening of Japan in the later period, there will definitely be many witches who are curious about fairy culture and come to travel. Dorothy is very aware of the lawlessness of those outside witches, and there will definitely be a lot of disputes by then.

But as long as Miss Divine Witch is suppressing him, it won't be a big problem. After all, as long as she is on the island, Miss Divine Witch has the strength of a golden immortal (sage).

In this regard, Amaterasu Kikyo did not have any opinions.

"Well, this is my duty. Please rest assured, sir. It's a pity that I can't leave Japan Island now and can't always follow you to serve you."

The magical lady nodded first, accepted the task, and then said a little disappointed.

For her who has now switched to the path of Earth Immortal, this Japanese island is actually a prison.

But she glanced at the apprentice next to her, and her regret could only be fulfilled by this apprentice who was her half-body.

And Amaterasu Mingsetsuna immediately understood the look in her teacher's eyes. If her teacher had sent her to be a servant for others, she would have been so angry that she would run away from home or something like that, but now

"Teacher, don't worry, I will take good care of you. You don't have to worry too much."

The little witch said seriously, with an expression on her beautiful face that said, "I will support you as your wife and daughter."

Okay, now I can finally follow the clown in a legitimate way, which is great.

Amaterasu tried hard to control her expression, not to laugh too loudly, and she was also thinking about whether she should act reluctant to let go to the teacher again.

Seeing this, Amaterasu Kikyo almost couldn't hold on to her fairy aura, she was so hard, her fists were so hard.

This naughty kid has to go without a fight for three days. It's extremely filial.

But forget it, although they are apprentices, they are actually half-body. They are actually both Amaterasu, one soul and two sides, so there is no need to distinguish each other.

"Lord Clown, please give me more advice in the future."

Seeing that the teacher actually resisted beating herself, Miss Ghostface stood up directly, bowed deeply to her boss, and then said so happily.


Dorothy did not refuse this. After all, this had been said before, and she had already issued the Witch House employee card to the little witch. This was the only building of her association so far besides herself. The designer is here.

"Then let me offer you this parting dance of blessing for your lordship."

Seeing that the new saint agreed, not only the little witch was happy, but the witch lady was also very happy. She stood up and came to the side and said so.

Kagura dance is a compulsory course for Japanese shrine maidens. This is because Amaterasu, the main deity, likes singing and dancing. Before, the shrine witch lady lacked spiritual power and no longer dared to dance casually. Now that she has been healed, she has regained her former self. pleasure.

Although the complete Amaterasu Kagura Dance is a killing technique, it still has the effects of praying for blessings and eliminating disasters that some gods have.

Of course, these small abilities are of little use to a born saint. All Dorothy sees is the beauty dancing.

That dancing posture is as graceful as a startling dragon, like a swimming dragon.

So, after drinking a few more cups of tea and enjoying the farewell blessing kagura dance performed by the magical witch herself, the otaku witch took the little witch away with satisfaction.

Well, I have nothing to do now. It’s a great day to watch the dance at the shrine. The dance of Miss Divine Witch is so smooth.

Anyway, Dorothy looked forward to her next trip to Venus City, and the dancing of the girls in the city of art must be very beautiful.

When the two returned to Yae's mansion, Dorothy was surprised to find that Aunt Yae and Teacher Spider were at home, which immediately made her overjoyed.

"Sister Yae, you are finally back. I haven't seen you for many years. I miss you so much."

The otaku witch then greeted her enthusiastically.

In response to this, one of the two adult witches had a complicated mood. The two of them were like middle-aged men being urged by their partners to pay public wages, and they were all trembling with fear.

Fortunately, Noel Rose was secretly happy that her good apprentice did not stalk her this time, but instead targeted her best friend.

However, although it is a good thing to escape this disaster, this is my apprentice, but he directly ignores me as a teacher and is so enthusiastic towards others.

Teacher Spider felt complicated for a moment.

Well, it's like a loser who can no longer satisfy his partner's needs and watches his unsatisfied girlfriend throw herself into someone else's arms in front of him.

Damn it, I am the one who suffers.

Hey, good sister Yae, please support me for a while. My new textbook will be compiled in a few days.

With such complicated feelings, Teacher Spider thought so in his heart.

Of course, Dorothy is definitely not the kind of scumbag who loves the new and dislikes the old. After all, Teacher Spider has not completely become a scumbag yet. Before that, she still respected the teacher very much.

The reason why I mainly held on to Aunt Yae was simply because the teacher was at the school. I could learn at any time if I wanted to, but after I left Japan Island, it would be difficult to find Aunt Zi.

Although distance is not actually a problem for space witches, the problem is that space witches can really hide and seek. When a space witch wants to hide from you, it is really difficult to catch it.

Therefore, since it is rare to catch it, you cannot let it go. You must squeeze it hard first.


"No, my good niece, please spare Auntie. Auntie is old and really can't bear it. She can't withstand the harm caused by you young people."

After a round of hard forced tutoring, the blond witch who had already learned how to press the bottom of the box directly raised the white flag.

Really, regarding the knowledge of space magic, she has taught everything that can be taught at this stage. The rest are things that can’t be explained in a while. She doesn’t dare to teach them randomly. She needs to organize and prepare lessons first, so as not to Misleading people.

"Let Auntie rest for a while. I will be fully prepared after a while. I will ensure that you are satisfied, okay?"

Yae Purple covered her head that was a little worn out and begged for mercy.

She has always liked being an older sister and would not allow others to call her old. Now she has volunteered to be an aunt.


And Dorothy, who had learned a lot and felt that her space magic experience value had greatly increased again, nodded with satisfaction.

Then she got down to business.

"Sister Zi, Teacher Rose, my sketch of the Great Barrier of Gensokyo has been designed. Please take a look and see if you are satisfied with it."

The otaku witch once again took out the sketch of the list of gods and said so.

Snake and Spider's best friends also took the drawings and took a look at them.

Yae Purple: "."

Noelle Rose: "."

The two best friends looked at each other, each seeing shock and confusion in the other's eyes.

Yae Purple: "Rose, do you understand?"

Noelle Rose: "I understand a little bit. I can understand the other half of the architecture part. What about you?"

Yae Purple: "What a coincidence, I only understand a little bit. I understand about a quarter of Qi Men Dun Jia."

Noelle Rose: "What about the remaining quarter?"

Yae Zi: "This is your apprentice, you ask me?"

Noelle Rose: "."

The two best friends fell silent.

We really can't blame them. After all, there are specialties in the arts. Both of them are just peak witches who have reached the peak of their respective fields. They are not the kind of almost omniscient sages. But now this apprentice has handed over An answer sheet from a little sage.

Wow, this really touches on the blind spots of knowledge between the two of them.

"Ahem, um, Dorothy, actually the big barrier is not in a hurry. We haven't found the dragon vein yet?"

Teacher Spider coughed twice, trying to delay the time.

This design is indeed based on the Japanese dragon veins, but she and Yae Purple have been looking for the dragon's acupoints for a long time these days, and they can't find it. It can only be said that this best friend's Feng Shui secrets are really half-baked.

On the side, Yae Purple's face was also slightly red, a little embarrassed.

But there's nothing I can do about it. You can't blame her. The ancestors didn't live up to expectations, so they didn't leave a complete inheritance. She was also helpless.

"Oh, you are talking about this. In fact, I have long wanted to stop looking for you. I have already finished looking for you. But who asked you to avoid me these days? I didn't even have the chance to say it."

Dorothy scratched her head, took out three small purple snakes from her pocket, and said so.

These three were naturally the three contaminated dragon vein branches originally attached to Izanagi, Momiji, and Minamoto no Raimitsu. After killing the three of them, Dorothy caught the spilled dragon veins.

She also baptized these three contaminated dragon veins with Bodhisattva heart, turning the originally purple-black snake into a beautiful pure purple.

Yae Murasaki and Noelle Rose: "."

The two best friends were confused again. Teacher Spider looked at the best friend next to him and motioned to her to see if it was true.

Yae Zi looked at it carefully and was immediately sure that this was the pure power of dragon veins.

"Ah, how did you find it?"

The two of them were very shocked. They had climbed all over the mountains and ridges on the island these days, but they couldn't find the dragon scales. Wasn't this kid busy filming some demonic shadow? How did you find it?

The shock was followed by shame. After all, the other child had accomplished what the two of them could not do, and they had indeed been avoiding the child these days, which led to the current embarrassment.

"You can tell, sister Zi, have you forgotten? You taught me my Qi-gazing technique."

Dorothy blinked so innocently.

Yae Purple: "."

I almost forgot that this little niece is a legendary born saint.

"What about the remaining five?"

The blonde witch was silent for a moment and asked. She still thought that the Yamata no Orochi must have eight branches.

"Actually, it's Kujo."

The otaku witch stretched out her hand directly, fished it from the top of the aunt's head in front of her, and caught a lively and jumping purple snake.

Yae Purple: "."

Ah, this, the blind man is actually me?

Auntie was silent.

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