House Witch

Chapter 725 724 Travel Guide

Chapter 725 724. Travel Guide

"Senior sister, don't you and the President live in the Shining Tower anymore?"

Senior Audrey and Mia arrived at the Witch's House in a hurry, but their attention was not directly attracted by the food on the table as usual. Instead, they looked directly at Dorothy and "Sophilia". man, asked.

"Ah, Mr. President, what are you doing?"

Senior Sister Mia also noticed the abnormality of "Sophilia". The Golden Princess looked at the black-haired president, a little confused.

What happened? The pure white witch dyed her hair into a pure black witch?

Although the hair is only black, the skin is still quite white, and the iconic golden eyes have not changed, but the temperament of "Sophilia" in front of her is completely different from before.

In the past, the president gave people the impression of being calm and dignified, but he was also quite reliable and trustworthy.

But the current Black Guild Leader feels cunning and enchanting, just like a smiling tiger, harmless on the surface, but in fact very dangerous.

"First of all, I am no longer the president. Senior sister, please stop calling me that."

"As for the hair color issue, because the previous riots have not completely subsided, so in order not to attract attention, I just changed my style."

Lucifer raised her head, stuck out her tongue and licked the milk stains on her lips, and then said this with a delicate smile.

"Don't listen to her nonsense. This is Lucifer, the incarnation of Sophiria, a bad woman. Senior sister and junior sister, you should all be wary of her in the future."

Dorothy, on the other hand, looked at this bad guy who didn't even make a draft of his lies speechlessly, and then turned to remind senior Mia and Audrey.

"As for Sophilia herself, she has left the academy early due to something, so naturally I can no longer occupy the room in the Shining Tower, so I simply moved here."

She explained this to her sisters.

Senior Mia and Audrey were also slightly stunned after hearing this.

The two people with extraordinary backgrounds naturally understand what an incarnation is. However, the two of them were a little surprised that the majestic and perfect president in their minds turned out to be such an incarnation with a bad personality.

After all, the personality of most people's incarnations is just part of the characteristics of the original body. The contrast may be there, but it is rarely such a strong one.

Wow, could it be that Sofilia, the perfect student council president, actually hides the heart of a bad woman?

Hiss, is it so exciting?

Audrey secretly looked at the incarnation of the president with some curiosity.

She has been more sensitive to bad women recently. After all, Sister Chi seems to like bad women very much, and the little fox is working hard to learn to be bad.

"That's it. Then Miss Lucifer, please take good care of me in the future."

Senior Mia extended her hand towards the fallen angel generously, greeting him in such a polite and friendly manner.

Although the incarnation and the body are theoretically the same person, generally speaking, treating the two as different individuals in social etiquette will show more respect for each other.

"If senior sister you can give up coveting my eldest daughter, then I think we will get along very well."

Lucifer also extended her hand in a dignified manner, but with a smile on her face, she said this.

Senior Mia: "."

The Golden Princess looked at the incarnation of the president in front of her, and her eyes became sharp.

"That's impossible, but Lady Sophia has made it clear before that she has no interest in goblins. Miss Lucifer seems to have a different opinion on this."

She asked back with a smile.

The two people's tightly held hands had not yet let go, but each felt that the strength in the other's hand was getting stronger and stronger.

"The true body? My true body is so arrogant. She knows what Hammer thinks. Senior sister, you don't have to take her words seriously."

The fallen angel lady despised her own body.

"But Miss Lucifer, you also know that in the unspoken rules of witch society, the incarnation is actually equivalent to the familiar. There are some words that I will only take seriously after hearing them spoken by Lady Sophia herself."

The Golden Princess made full use of her height advantage as the Dragon Witch. She looked down at the provocative opponent.

Senior Mia's eyes were alert and serious, but this did not prevent her from tactically despising the opponent.

"With all due respect, in my opinion, a guy who doesn't even have the courage to express his feelings openly is not an opponent worth taking seriously."

The eyes of the two collided, and the exchange of eyes between the great witches was enough to literally spark a collision of electric sparks.

This frightened Audrey who was beside her very anxious. The little fox kept looking left and right, looking at Senior Mia with anxious eyes from time to time, and trying to comfort Lucy Fair with its big fluffy tail.

Well, he looked like he really wanted to break up the fight, but he didn't know which side to help. He kept wanting to speak but was reluctant to speak.

On the other side, Dorothy, who was also standing in the middle, looked at this scene and shook her head helplessly.

Alas, there is no place for this charm.

However, she didn't feel any pressure at all.

After all, she had clearly rejected Senior Mia's confession, and everyone agreed to just be friends for now.

And Lucy Faire.

Haha, this ghost woman knows nothing about love, but she just wants to find something to tease me.

This so-called Shura Field is just the restlessness of adolescence and is not worth mentioning.


"Senior Fanny, can you please stop secretly playing with my hair and touching my earlobes?"

She glanced at the hat on her head speechlessly, then reached out and patted a slender tentacle off her ear.

"I'm enjoying the superiority of the winner. Okay, you see, these two guys are about to fight, but they don't know that you they are fighting for are actually my plaything. I can do this, Like that, and like that again.”

"Hehehe, I'm so excited when I play with you like this in front of them."

The fun-loving senior's voice was full of joy at this time, and it sounded perverted, like a psychopath.

Okay, this guy is a psychopath to begin with, so that’s okay.

"You are truly a pervert. Also, is this the extent of your so-called teasing?"

The otaku witch rolled her eyes disdainfully. The most she dared to do was play with her hair and touch her earlobes. The hat-wearing senior had completely embarrassed the tentacle monster. Well, how could a tentacle monster be so innocent?


The future fourth king felt that her majesty as a king had been offended. She was trembling with anger, and the starry eyes on the brim of her hat widened with anger, but after looking at you for a long time, there was still no other movement from her.

Dorothy, on the other hand, directly used her authority as a master to force the tentacles hanging from the brim of her hat to roll up the sun-fried eggs on the table and bring them to her mouth. She just ate breakfast leisurely while holding her hands. Breasts, watching the youthful drama of the sisters on the other side.

The fact that the omelette was eaten in just a few bites can only be said to be worthy of my craftsmanship. It is delicious, so delicious that it makes people lick their fingers.

Oh, I didn’t eat it with my hands, so that’s okay. It’s not impossible to lick the tentacles.

i lick


"Ah, Xibao, you are perverted. The ends of my tentacles are very sensitive."

The shameful senior who had just looked like a minotaur was victorious was immediately made to scream cutely by this sudden attack. She retracted her tentacles as if she was electrocuted, and then the top of her hat was already spraying hot air.

"It doesn't matter, my tongue is the tongue of God, more sensitive."

Dorothy blinked and said.


The shameful hat senior recalled the soft touch that almost made her soul freeze just now. She wanted to refute, but she had to admit that Xibao was really moist.


He teased and was teased.

Miss Witch Hat turns directly into Miss Steam Hat.

"So, how long are you two going to stare at each other? If you don't like the breakfast I worked so hard to make, you don't have to eat it next time."

She reached out and picked up the raptor milk on the table and drank it in one gulp, and then said this.

Well, she was more concerned about the fact that her craftsmanship was ignored than the Shura field or anything else. For a chef, there is nothing more offensive than this.

As soon as he heard her words, the two people who were still looking at each other suddenly turned off the fire, and Audrey stepped forward and took a step directly opposite the house witch. She sat down obediently and started eating.

Senior Mia and Lucifer sat looking at each other, lowering their heads and starting to eat.

Well, let’s eat first, and then we’ll have the strength to tear the little bitch apart after we’re full.

Moreover, if you really can’t eat from the little fairy (elder lady) in the future, this is really an unacceptable loss, and most of the fun in life will be lost.

Seeing that the family finally started to eat together peacefully, the otaku witch nodded with satisfaction.

Look, what is the majesty of the head of the family, what is the student council president, what is the golden princess, I can make them dare not move even with a word.

Little witch with arms akimbo.jpg

She also ignored Lucy Fairy and Mia, who were already competing to see who could eat the eldest lady's "love dishes" faster, and looked directly at the junior sister opposite.

"Audrey, when can we set off? This is my first time going to Venus City. Is there anything I need to prepare? Are there any customs that require special attention over there? I heard that the family there Go on a gang rampage and don’t mess with other people when the time comes when you don’t know anything.”

Dorothy asked.

Well, when I went to Dongying Island before, I went directly without any preparation, and ended up with a lot of trouble.

Every time you learn something, you gain wisdom, and you will definitely not make the same mistake again.

Although she felt that she seemed to have a troublesome constitution recently, and things might not go smoothly, but no matter what, it was right to make a travel strategy plan first, so that she could face it calmly even if something happened.

Speaking of which, she is really a little witch who came from a small 18th-tier city. The Witch Academy is already the largest city she has ever been to before. However, although the witch academy is also a first-tier city, it has a special nature after all. It's a bit too early to emphasize education over entertainment. In such a large place, there are all kinds of learning facilities. The most decent entertainment venue is the bar and nightclub that Lucy Fair used to run.

But Venus City is different. This is one of the famous super first-tier cities in the Witch World, and it is also a super first-tier giant city with full entertainment attributes. Thinking of this, Dorothy has the feeling that a country bumpkin is about to have her first time. The inexplicable nervousness of entering the city.

Well, how can I pretend like it's not my first time?

How do I get into town? What to wear? How to get there?

Take the teleportation array directly? Or ride a broom? Or just drive my White Dragon Battleship?

I heard that traffic in big cities is very congested, why not take the bus?

But the bus hub seems to be very big and there are many intersections. Don’t I get lost?

In short, in addition to expectations, the otaku witch's heart is full of various little uneasiness.

Fortunately, she didn't go alone this time, and there was Audrey, a local, as a guide.


"Well, senior sister, we can go at any time. We don't need to prepare anything. My house is quite big and has everything. You can live in it directly."

"As for families and gangs, they don't seem to have any. I haven't heard that they have any rules or anything."

"Um, I'm sorry, senior sister, maybe there really is, wait, I'll ask my sister."

Audrey was stunned by a series of questions from her senior sister. She wagged her tail subconsciously and wanted to proudly say that her hometown is really great. The people in the city are very friendly and harmonious. Everyone is Good guy or something.


She quickly remembered the various dirty desires that once scared her into isolation. Would the residents of a city full of good people really have such strong and dirty desires?

Although everyone has desires and desires, everyone in Venus City seems to have particularly strong desires.

Moreover, after being brought into the minds of mothers before playing Tamamo Mae on Japan Island, the little fox has already realized that his hometown is far from as glamorous as it seems.

Although it was her hometown and the place where she grew up, she didn't seem to really understand this city.

She spent most of her life in isolation at home with her mothers guarding her.

In short, while talking and thinking, the little fox became lost. Her ears drooped and her tail stopped wagging. Instead, she took out her spell book and started asking for help from her sister.

Dorothy: "."

Come on, it seems that Junior Sister is not a very reliable guide.

Oh, I'm so stupid, really, how could I think that a person who barely leaves home could be a good guide?

The otaku witch silently reflected on her big mistake.

Then she silently reached out and touched her trial order.

[Joker: Paladin, are you there? 】

She initiated a private chat with the succubus Madeline.

[Paladin: Well, we have arrived at your door. Open the door. 】

The other side responded instantly.

Dorothy: "."

Ah this

The house witch is opening the door

I obviously agreed to do my usual routine at the beginning of the month, but in the middle of the night I was sleepless and bored and got up to write it out. Writing a leave request is also a kind of thing.

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