House Witch

Chapter 804 803 Heart-wrenching love

Chapter 804 803. Heart-wrenching love

"Then let us begin the final trial, shall we?"

In the luxurious theater court, on the high throne, the Demon King set his sights on the final accuser.

Fallen Angel Lucifer.

And even though she is the Queen of Witches, her eyes flashed with solemnity at this time. This opponent is a powerful enemy.

Even if she can easily kill this weak opponent with just a breath now, emotional confrontation sometimes really has nothing to do with strength.

Besides, this rival lady is really young and has outstanding talents. As long as she is given a little time to grow up, even I, as the Demon King, am not sure how high she can reach in the future.

Before the rise of the witch, Gabriel, the Lord of Glory, was once the strongest person in the Western Universe. She once held most of the power of destiny.

If she hadn't met an opponent who could defeat her like Mr. God King, this strongest record might have been maintained for a long time. After all, even now as the Demon King, I would actually have a headache if I met this old senior. I don't think it is necessarily the case. Can beat it.

After all, if a conspirator and fraudster like himself encounters a prophet who has opened the prophecy trick, he will also be defeated by God, which will be very difficult.

Time and space are king, destiny is supreme, this sentence is not a joke.

A large part of the reason why Teacher God King was able to defeat the Lord of Glory was because Teacher God King also held some power over destiny.

Only destiny can fight fate.

If the powers of the God King Teacher and the Lord of Glory overlap, they will almost have complete destiny authority.

Fortunately, these two are mortal enemies and there is almost no possibility of working together. Otherwise, other races in the Western Universe would be in trouble.

But who would have thought that the blood of these two mortal enemies would eventually come together, leading to the birth of this girl of destiny who should not have been born?

Destiny is so wonderful and unpredictable.

Of course, as the Demon King, it is impossible for Ms. Astymus to be jealous of the talent of a junior. Not to mention that she has not grown up yet. Even if she does grow up, as the most powerful person currently standing on the top of the Western Universe, One of the strongest men, the Demon King, is actually not afraid.

But I can only say that she is worthy of being the daughter of destiny. She is really capable. Now the closest frontrunner to the teacher is this little angel, which is very strange.

This final trial is actually meaningless. After all, the outcome has been determined long ago and there is no suspense.

And she came here to play pranks, not to eat dog food, especially when she was eating dog food from her favorite person and other people.

This feeling

Hee hee, it’s surprisingly surprising.

Well, people who have fun must naturally be prepared to be a fun person. If you can't even understand the fun of being a fun person and being watched as a fun person, it only means that you are not happy enough.

Hey, look at my damn arrogance, ugly jealousy, and raging anger.

These emotions are so delightful.

The Demon King's lips, which were not covered by the Kaitou mask, pursed their lips, and then her smile became even brighter.

However, this can’t be fun for her alone, my dear teacher, let’s do it together.

Then, she slowly extended her hand towards the sweaty otaku witch on the stage.

Well, although this final judgment is meaningless, there are too many secrets hidden in this little angel's mind.

Jie Jie Jie, Miss Witch of the Forest, wait and see the urgent headlines of today's "Witch Daily".

Well, this was not exposed by me, but by your dear roommate. This does not violate our previous agreement not to expose each other.

Miss Demon King smiled slyly.

Dorothy was very panicked now. She was so panicked.

There is no way, who knows that Sophilia really knows too much, there are almost no secrets between her and her roommate.

Whether it was the Witch of the Forest, the Book of Destiny, or the sister of the God King later on, she had never hidden these ulterior secrets from this pure white witch in the past.

After all, she really trusted this future housekeeper who had sworn allegiance to her, and she knew that she would not betray her.

But Sofilia is not here right now, the bad thing Lucifer is here now.

Well, it's not bad actually. After all, the avatar thing is just like a personality mask. It only switches a little bit of personality, but the nature remains unchanged.

Although Lucifer often teases and teases herself, she will definitely not betray herself.

But the problem is that they can't help themselves in this court of love. She has seen all the previous trials. Every time the sisters expressed their "love", the memories of those scenes flashed back almost She almost took off her vest.

If Miss Fallen Angel also had a flashback later.

Wow, that picture was so beautiful, Dorothy couldn't even think about it.

Now she was seriously considering whether to risk being caught by her good sister by overturning the table.

God above all gods, activate!

Just when the otaku witch was really about to activate this ur talent for the first time, she suddenly heard the pleasant voice of Miss Fallen Angel on the stage, which was almost as good as Miss Demon King.

"Hey, eldest lady, do you like me?"

Dorothy raised her head in surprise, and then saw the fallen angel lady who was lying on the railing of the second floor platform, holding her chin in her hand and looking at her.

The pair of magic eyes shining like gold were smiling, just like the water of Crescent Lake, sweet to the heart.

Tsk, although the otaku witch has always felt that Lucifer is a bad woman and her Sophia is better, but I have to say that compared to the pure white witch lady who keeps a straight face every day and has a tough mouth. , this dark fallen angel lady is a bit too good at it.

Anyway, an innocent little witch like the otaku witch can't defeat this bad guy. She can only go to the Goblin King every time and let this vulgar martial artist give this bad woman a punch.

This bad woman really knows how to stir people's hearts, and is much better than the shameful succubus and nine-tailed fox next door.

Just like now, Dorothy was ready to flip the table and stop playing, but when this bad woman asked her with a wicked smile, she suddenly felt the blood rushing to her face, and she didn't even bother to activate her talent.

"What are you talking about? I only like magic in my life, okay, you are just a maid."

She said this while forcibly using the will of the God of War to reverse the hot blood on her face to prevent herself from blushing and being embarrassed.

Damn, obviously what this love court needs is your love, okay, but you asked me if I love you from behind? I love you so much.

The otaku witch complained in her heart.

"Miss, don't answer the wrong questions. You just need to answer whether I love you or not."

The fallen angel lady on the second floor was even more arrogant. She still smiled and looked at the eldest lady who was standing upright on the stage, but it could be seen that she was a little unnatural, and then she corrected her like this.

She was clearly in a dangerous game played by an unknown strong person, but Lucifer was not anxious at all.

Well, why are you so anxious? Others don't know the balance of love and desire, but she does.

After all, in her destiny line, she was only one step away from the position of the Arrogant Demon God. Naturally, she was very familiar with this original sin weapon that weighed the seven deadly sins.

Although the scale of love had changed its appearance, she could already tell at a glance that it was the scale of lust, and everyone knew who was in charge of the original sin of lust.

What a dangerous game, just a prank by the Demon King.

She and the Demon King might be able to reach an agreement on teasing the eldest lady.


Looking at the fallen angel with a wicked smile on his face, could Dorothy be so angry? She didn't hesitate to say she didn't love her, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the hand from the Demon King had already reached out to her chest and pulled it out.

An extraordinarily huge pink heart was pulled out.

This heart was particularly active, and its rapid beating sounded like thunder and drums, resounding throughout the entire audience.

Dorothy: "."

Send it, you Artie, you two are playing tricks on me, aren't you?

The house witch was trembling with anger.

She wanted to continue speaking harshly, but the lustful heart in the hands of the Demon King really couldn't be faked, so she could only shut up.

Damn it, it's so embarrassing. I would rather be locked up in the God's Palace by my good sister and raised as a loser than see the cheerful smiles of these two bad guys.

"And you, senior sister, please restrain yourself. Whose side are you on?"

Dorothy had a sullen face on the outside, but in her heart she was angrily cursing the senior sister above her who was laughing so hard that she almost dropped her hat.

Damn, three fun people, three happy sisters, right?

There are too many happy people around me, and your attributes overlap, so I’ll take advantage of you all.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Xibao, I didn't mean it. I really couldn't hold it in. It's so funny how your inconsistency was revealed."

Senior Sister Fanni apologized, but actually she kept laughing. This guy was really arrogant since not many people could see him.

And the otaku witch is really helpless against this bastard familiar who rides on the face and outputs damage. If no one is watching, she can't wait to take off this shabby hat and step on it hard.

"Ah, Xibao, it's so embarrassing for you to reward others like this."

Sensing the rage trampled by the war in her Master's mind through the familiar contract, Hat-senpai said this shyly.

Dorothy: "."

The otaku witch almost lost her temper.

Alas, she often feels out of tune with these fun people because she is not perverted enough.

Apart from her remaining silent, other people in the Court of Love also had different expressions when looking at the extraordinarily huge and strong pink heart.

Senior Mia's expression was solemn, Alice's expression was "I didn't expect you to be such a sister", while Audrey's wagging tail paused and then continued wagging, while Madeline didn't care.

As for the Melon Eater Wendy, the Demon Princess looked knowledgeable.

She really gained some knowledge, and she felt that this sister might have the appearance of the Devil of Original Sin.

Well, those lustful hearts before were already scaled to 10, and if this thing is put on the scale of lust,

Love Balance: "Don't come over!"

Wendy felt that her mother was having fun pretending to be cool for a while, but then she would have to cry and fuss over the broken magic weapon when she got home. As far as he knew, this thing had just been repaired not long ago.

Lucifer raised her eyebrows at this moment, and looked at her eldest lady with an even stronger smile.

"It seems that eldest lady, you will never be able to live without me in this life. Hehe, you are really a clingy eldest lady. But it doesn't matter. I am already yours."

She said so.

Such explosive words immediately stunned the entire audience. Even the Demon King, who was debating whether to put the heavy lustful heart in his hand on the scale, shook his hand and let the heart in his hand suddenly fall to the ground. On the balance tray.


Even though the original sin weapon has been strengthened and is now supported by the demon king's magic power, the horizontal bar of the scale still makes an unsettling sound.

Fortunately, I managed to hold on in the end and didn't disconnect directly.

This made Atty relieved, and then he looked at the fallen angel lady who was skinnier than her with some annoyance.

Tsk, what are you two chicks talking about? She can tell at a glance that you two have zero practical experience.

The Demon King, who is a veteran of the flowers, despises this.

Dorothy was also speechless.

What you are saying are all nonsense. Don't ruin my reputation. It's obviously you who lost yourself to me. It makes it seem like I did something invisible to you.

The otaku witch roared with dissatisfaction.

But before she could reply, Lucy Fair on the second floor had already looked at the scale of love.

"Then it's your turn."

Miss Fallen Angel said so.

Then a torrent of memory flowed out of her body, heading towards the scale of love, and the scenes in the memory flashed back quickly.

Dorothy: "Send it, it's too late."

The house witch suddenly became really anxious, and she immediately prepared to activate the God of Gods again, but when she saw Lucy Faire's flashback memory in her eyes, she was stunned, and then she couldn't hold back at all.

"It's too easy to deceive others. It's too easy to deceive others."

Veins popped up on the otaku witch's forehead. If the senior in the hat on her head hadn't restrained her tightly with her tentacles in time, she would have rushed forward to kill Miss Fallen Angel.

But I really can’t blame her. After all, no one can tolerate the dark history of their youth and ignorance being played repeatedly in front of the whole world. This is no different from the scene of you walking a bird as a child being played at a wedding.

This can be tolerated.

Other people's memory flashbacks are old photos from the past, but Lucy Faire's memory flashbacks directly turned into ultra-high-resolution videos, and the video content was a magnificent cosmic war.

It was a war between two fleets.

It is also a completely unequal war.

The one on the left is a luxurious dream team of all legendary battleships. When that terrifying lineup moves there, even if there is no attack, the momentum has already distorted the surrounding void and obliterated the avenue.

The one on the right is a mediocre standard fleet. It can't be said to be bad, but it is definitely not strong. Especially when comparing the two sides, it is just like a giant and an ant.

Then the giant was bitten by ants and cried.

Watching the scene where the dream team was finally defeated by various show manipulations was repeatedly played, Dorothy's body bound by her senior sister's tentacles continued to tremble, and she finally shed tears of humiliation.

It was a humiliation that she would never forget in her life.

It hurts, it really hurts.

Lucky Fairy, is this your love for me?

The otaku witch gritted her teeth and said in hatred.

Well, good news, the vest didn't fall off.

Bad news, dark history exposed.

Now, even though the audience was blocked by the devil's power, Dorothy's inspiration still captured the tsunami-like laughter.

Send it, send it big, send it.

Fortunately, after playing it three times, the content of the memory flashback was finally changed. Dorothy's heart was lifted again, but she soon discovered that what was played here was all about the two living together in the Shining Tower. A little bit of daily life.

Well, it's really very ordinary. It's nothing more than the scene where Dorothy cooks at home every day, Sophilia washes the dishes and does housework after meals, and the two occasionally go for a walk, go shopping, or study together.

Boring to the point of blandness.

But before the otaku witch could recover, there was a crisp click.

The originally cheerful smile of the Demon King froze.

I saw that the already shaky balance of love could no longer hold its strength, and with a snap, it completely broke.

Artie burst into tears.

It's broken. Xibao is being held by something bad. Stand up quickly. (It feels so uncomfortable to have a cold, and my nose feels so uncomfortable)

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