House Witch

Chapter 823 822 Cooperation

Chapter 823 822. Cooperation

Annie: "???"

Seeing the suddenly arrogant otaku witch in front of her, the Loli stepmother was immediately filled with questions.

What the hell? My daughter is suddenly my boss?

Anne was confused.

Although she knew that Dorothy's biological mother was very powerful and a big shot, it was not the Dragon Witches' turn to interfere in the affairs of the Demon Kingdom. The City of Venus also belonged to the God King in the Tribunal's division. The jurisdiction of the faction.

Therefore, this little guy's authority should not have been given by Euphilia, so where did she get it from?

The stepmother was very puzzled.

Moreover, the style of this judgment order is so special. I have never seen it before. Could it be a fake?

Dorothy, it is a serious crime to pretend to be a person of authority.

Anne wanted to persuade her young daughter not to make a mistake, but when she looked at the strange trial order carefully, her eyes widened even more. She even took out her own trial order in disbelief. Then I logged into the intranet of the Tribunal to check, and then I couldn’t close my mouth.

Oh my god, it seems like it’s not fake, this is a real guy.

Not long ago, the Tribunal issued an announcement to the one hundred and eight Grand Inquisitors. The content was very simple. It said that major changes were about to occur within the Tribunal and that the three king factions had maintained checks and balances for tens of thousands of years. The pattern is about to be broken, and a brand new fourth faction has parachuted in.

Hades Faction, this is the name of the new faction.

The Grand Inquisitor who leads this faction is Hei Wuchang.

The notice requires all the Grand Inquisitors to cooperate with the work of the new Grand Inquisitor. The Hades Faction is newly established, and some people may be transferred from the Three Kings Faction. In short, everyone is excited as soon as they see this Judgment Order. Just cooperate and that's it.

Well, it is said to be an announcement, but if you look at it from left to right, it is simply a rainbow fart. Apart from letting everyone follow the command, it does not provide any useful introduction to this brand-new faction and the mysterious Black Impermanence Grand Judge.

This notice was sent out not long ago. Anne had been accompanying her mother and sisters, but she hadn't had time to check it yet.

But now she was shocked when she saw it.

Of course, more than one person was shocked. The small group of great inquisitors had already exploded.

Tyranny: "Good guy, the new leader who landed in the air is so powerful, which sage is this?"

Yu Ni: "Wow, the Hades faction, does this have something to do with the Hades system? That place is so mysterious. Although I have died many times in the past, I can't remember the memories after my death after being resurrected."

Jingzhu: "A new faction was suddenly added. It seems like there is going to be a big move from above."

The traitor: "Hehehe, it must be a big deal. The three major factions of the Tribunal correspond to the three kings. So the sudden addition of the fourth faction is still the Hades faction. Doesn't that mean that the new king in the future will have a relationship with the Hades?" related?"

Tree Shepherd: "Hey, the format of this notice is wrong. Why does it look like it wants us to kneel down and lick it? Is this the legendary leadership inspection?"

Hai Zhige: "Pull him down. We don't talk about bureaucracy. We all rely on strength and performance. Moreover, this notice was jointly issued by three Grand Inquisitors. This only shows that the new leader is really very good." He has strength that makes all three adults admire him."

War Instructor: "Hey, that traitorous guy has always been smart. I think what she said makes sense. Is it too late to hug her thigh now?"

The liver is as strong as a rock: "Can you please stop being so embarrassed? You are a martial artist. You must remain cold. Let me, a civil servant, do this kind of hugging thing first."

War Instructor: "Haha, the new faction will definitely have more work. Shitou, do you think you don't have enough overtime?"

Everyone in the group was chatting enthusiastically, but Annie was not good at swimming. She had been a diver for thousands of years, and she didn’t have the intention to go to the swimming group now, because she had pulled the notification on that side to the end and just watched it. A photo arrived.

It was a strange-looking trial order, and the introduction next to the photo said it was a token of Judge Hei Wuchang.

Annie: "."

The stepmother looked away from the photo, and then looked at the trial order in the stepdaughter's hand in front of her.

Very good, exactly the same.

So, boss? That's it?

Anne looked at the little witch in front of her with a magic power of about 100,000 mana and didn't know what to say.

Well, she saw that the Inquisition also took jujube pills.

The great judge.

This is the highest position in the Tribunal, usually held by sages. How could such an important position be given to a little witch in her teens? If this spreads out, where will the prestige of the Tribunal be?

However, the Tribunal is a special institution that is directly responsible to the Three Kings, and the position of Grand Chief Judge is generally appointed and removed by the Three Kings themselves. This means that even if you want to go through the back door, there is no way.

And Dorothy can become the Grand Inquisitor, which means that she has been appreciated by one of the three kings.


Loli's stepmother turned to look at Adam beside her, and then couldn't help but ask.

"Adam, are you sure this is your biological daughter? Not the illegitimate daughter of a certain crown prince?"

Adam: "???"

Adam, who didn't know the rules and regulations of the Inquisition, was full of questions.

Dorothy on the side looked at her stepmother's astonished expression, but she put the trial order back away with satisfaction.

Very good, I finally got it this time.

As for what Anne asked Adam, it almost made Dorothy laugh out loud.

Hahaha, stepmother, you are asking the wrong question. You should ask those ladies if they are Adam's illegitimate daughters.

The otaku witch thought of her good sister and the relationship between Lord Dragon King and Father Adam, and she couldn't help but sigh that her father was the real protagonist.

Look at the script. Because of kindness, he took care of a poor little girl who was bullied in the village. As a result, this little girl who was like an adopted daughter became the overlord of the universe after ten thousand years; no one wanted to find a timid girl. The earth-eating dragons were kept as pet mounts. As a result, thousands of years later, the little pets of that year could chew the world like jelly beans.

Tsk, damn it, this is not the ultimate cool male protagonist.

Dorothy was very sour about this.

But fortunately, this is my biological father. If my father is great, doesn't that mean I am great? If I have someone else, I will definitely rely on my father with all my strength.

"Okay, Annie, it's time to get down to business. Why did you say before that the thirteen clans of the Vampire Clan are not monolithic?"

The otaku witch asked.

In this regard, the stepmother was also helpless.

The stepdaughter suddenly became the boss, so naturally it was hard for her to ask the child to leave.

She also did not ask how Dorothy became the Grand Inquisitor. After all, if you think about it, you know that this kind of thing is a secret. The secrets involving the three kings are not something that you can be curious about casually.

Even if the child took the initiative to speak, Anne would not dare to listen.

Knowing too much is never a good thing, and one really shouldn't be too curious.

"Yes, yes, Lord Hei Wuchang, I will report right now."

The Grand Inquisitor Xue Yue's attitude became obviously more respectful, and there was already a sad estrangement between her and her stepdaughter.

Gee, that's obviously impossible.

Anne glared fiercely when she said this, and Dorothy, who was opposite her and was still very proud, suddenly trembled, and then immediately squatted down humbly, not daring to continue to look down at this petite stepmother from a high position.

Alas, there is no other way. No matter how high your official position is outside, your mother will still be your mother when you return home.

Obviously this is the castle of vampires, and Dorothy is a guest, but at this moment she quickly invites her stepmother to sit on the sofa, then skillfully brings tea and water, serves her well, and finally sits down obediently. He stood aside and looked like he was listening carefully to the teachings.

The head of the family has always been Anne.

Adam? What do you mean Adam? How can that pretty boy compete with my stepmother, who is young and beautiful and often gives me pocket money? I am the first person to refuse to agree.

After Annie took a sip of black tea, she began to tell the inside story of the Thirteen Blood Clan.

"Have you read the vampire files from the Tribunal before?"

The stepmother asked.

"Yeah, I've seen it."

Dorothy also nodded quickly.

"Then you should also know the three plans of the vampire witch. Now the thirteen clans of the vampire clan are divided into three factions because of those three plans."

"One is the True Ancestor sect whose goal is to resurrect the True Ancestor, the other is the Sacrifice sect whose goal is to pray for Satan's gifts, and the other is the Return sect whose goal is to return to the abyss and become a demon again."

Annie's face gradually became serious, and she looked at the stepdaughter in front of her seriously.

"The Dracula family belongs to the True Ancestor sect and is the only True Ancestor sect. Nine of the remaining twelve families are from the Sacrifice sect, and the other three are from the Return sect."

"Dorothy, if you insist on interfering, you must be careful of those returnist lunatics in your subsequent actions. Most of their ideas are extreme and extreme, and their actions are quite unruly, but they are indeed very powerful and very dangerous. ."

"And it's hard to say about the guys from the Sacrificial Sect. No one can tell what they will do to please Satan."

Dorothy: "."

Ah, good guy, no wonder stepmother, you are so decisive in selling your teammates, your family is just incompatible with the other twelve families, right?

The house witch is also drunk. She thought that the Dracula family, as the head of the Thirteen Clan, should have some say. But you told me that this is actually a winery, and you boss is just a decoration. Next The twelve younger brothers all have evil intentions.

Perhaps the witch's expression was too straightforward. Anne, who felt that she was being underestimated, suddenly became a little anxious, and she quickly continued.

"Among the thirteen clans of the vampire family, the Dracula family was originally the strongest. Our family could outdo the other twelve families. After all, we are the direct descendants, and they are just common servants."

"It's just that in order to create me, the container that can carry the true ancestor's resurrection, my mother spent a lot of sublimated blood, which caused the family's strength to drop significantly. Although the high-end combat power has little impact, the bottom-level manpower is a bit insufficient. This That’s why we had no choice but to shrink the scale of the industry and give opportunities to those ambitious guys.”

"But even so, as long as Mother is still there, those guys still don't dare to move. The head of the thirteen clans of the blood clan is still my Dracula family."

Anne explained this.

But as she spoke, she lowered her head in shame.

Alas, Mother really had high hopes for her back then. Although she was born as the True Ancestor Vessel, Mother did not use her as a prop simply and crudely.

Instead, he gave her a chance.

As a rare blood witch who was born naturally, she is not like other blood witches who were first embraced and restricted by the blood system. She can actually choose not to rely entirely on the power system of the blood family, but to rely on the infinite power of the witch. Focusing on evolutionary talent, she tries to find a new path that belongs only to her.

Well, as long as she can become a sage and sublimate her blood into the blood of the True Ancestor, then it won't be that important whether or not Lilith is resurrected.

She does have the qualities of a sage. As long as she concentrates on her career and works hard, she may not be unable to become a strong woman like Euphilia.

However, she retreated and chose love and family over the lonely path of being a strong person.

And her self-destruction undoubtedly caused the Dracula family's previous investment to almost go to waste.

It's no wonder that many people in the family don't like her now. You really can't blame them, you deserve it.

"So that's it, I understand."

Dorothy nodded, enlightened.

However, are you short of manpower?

The otaku witch felt inspired, then raised her head and looked at the stepmother in front of her.

"Then Annie, why don't you hire some outside manpower? Anyway, the high-end combat power is still there, and mid- to low-end manpower is pretty easy to find."

Dorothy asked.

And hearing her words, Anne became even more embarrassed.

"Dorothy, you also know the reputation of the vampire witch."

The stepmother once again hesitated to speak.

House Witch: "."

The otaku witch then remembered that the Thirteen Clan of the Blood Clan were slave owners in Sin City. At that time, they almost used other demon witches as servants and slaves.

After all, vampire can sometimes be an adjective.

Later, it was the werewolf witches who revolted and overthrew their tyranny.

And with such a historical background, it is really not easy for them to recruit people.

Of course, you can still recruit people with extra money or something, but the reliability and loyalty of the people recruited in that way have to be questioned.

"In fact, tonight's dinner is not a good thing. The other twelve families have been slowly encroaching on my family's territory and influence. I came back this time to support my mother, but it is a paper tiger after all, Draku The La family is indeed no longer able to lead the thirteen families, and we cannot control what the twelve families will do in the future."

"Otherwise, I actually wouldn't have been so ruthless as to report them all."

Annie said helplessly.

When Dorothy heard this, her eyes lit up.

"Annie, would you consider the Witch's House security service?"

Home witch is recommending herself

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