House Witch

Chapter 864 863 Persuasion

Chapter 864 863. Persuasion

Fenrir, who was in tears, came all the way to his secret base.

This is a remote corner of Avalon Village that few people usually come to, and Avalon Village is just on the edge of this medium-sized residential island.

Therefore, this secret is at the edge of the entire sky island. After crossing the simple fence, there are misty clouds below. Looking further down, you can vaguely see the infinite vastness of the ground.

If you look up and look into the distance, you may see other sky islands floating not far away. These sky islands scattered up and down and arranged in an orderly manner constitute the entire Night City.

Sitting on the bench next to the railing, Miss Dogman Witch looked into the distance, then couldn't help but cover her face with her hands, sobbing quietly.

In this place where no one else disturbed her, she could finally release her emotions.

In fact, she also understood that Mr. Adam was doing it for her own good, but she understood the truth, but it was really uncomfortable to have her idol reject her admiration so mercilessly.

However, as he cried, Fenrir put down the hand covering his face, and then turned his head warily.

She felt someone approaching.

As a result, when she turned around, a handkerchief still exuding the fragrance of flowers had been handed to her.

Looking up at the hand that handed the handkerchief, Miss Dogman Witch saw that familiar and pretty face that was as kind and approachable as the big sister next door.

"Lord Hermes and Miss Astymos, why are you here?"

She did not take the handkerchief, but hurriedly wiped the remaining tears in her eyes with the back of her hand. She tried her best to pretend that she had never cried, but as soon as she spoke, her trembling voice betrayed her. .

"I was a little worried about you, so I ran after you to have a look."

Dorothy looked at the panicked Fenrir and replied like this.

Alas, there is no other way. Adam, a straight man with steel, has no intention of chasing after Miss Dogman Witch, and there is no way he could chase her. After all, if he softens his heart at this time, then the cruel words he just said will be in vain.

But the father was so cruel that Dorothy, the daughter, had no choice but to come over on his behalf to see what was going on.

Although Miss Dogman Witch's secret base is indeed remote, the Otaku Witch still has special tricks for finding people.

Well, actually her little trick didn't work, this time it was Artie who led the way.

Originally, Dorothy wanted to let go of her mental power to search for Fenrir's magical aura, but she knew a thing or two about this.

But before she could take action, Miss Demon King who came out with her pointed in a direction and said.

"Teacher, over there, I smell anger mixed with sadness, and the traces are still fresh."

This made Dorothy look at Artie with some curiosity, wondering what her convenient tracking technique was.

However, she also agreed with Atty's judgment. After all, this was the future Demon King, so he naturally had a few tricks up his sleeve.

And sure enough, after following Artie around and around, she found the poor little dog licking its wounds alone in this hidden edge corner.

Dorothy pulled Artie, who was about to step forward directly, and the two waited quietly for a while. After Fenrir cried for a while and released his emotions a little, they stepped forward.

"Sorry, I was rude."

Fenrir also apologized after wiping his tears.

It was a very happy meal, but it turned out to be so unpleasant because of herself. Miss Dogman Witch felt a little ashamed. After all, such a sumptuous breakfast obviously took a lot of effort from Miss Hermes.

Even now, she briefly recalled the delicious food she had just eaten. As her saliva secreted unconsciously, the sadness in her heart dissipated a lot.

Well, if the order of eating and talking were reversed, then I might not leave the table now, but turn my grief into appetite, and then be healed by the delicious food while eating.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, it's Mr. Adam who is a little too ruthless."

Dorothy shook her head and criticized her father backhand, as if she was siding with Fenrir.


"I don't blame Mr. Adam, he is doing it for my own good, but I'm just not able to bear it."

But Miss Dogman Witch immediately defended her idol, as if the brave man could never be wrong.

Dorothy: "."

The otaku witch was immediately speechless.

Please, do you think I'm superfluous?

Seeing that some people dared not accept the kindness of his teacher, Atty on the side was very unhappy.

"Haha, yes, yes, your Mr. Adam is right. It's my teacher's fault for being sentimental."

She looked at Fenrir dissatisfied, muttering so loudly.

Well, if the teacher hadn't been here, she wouldn't have dared to make a mistake, otherwise Miss Demon King would have decided to make this unscrupulous dog suffer the same consequences.

However, as soon as Dorothy glanced at him, Artie immediately stretched out his fingers to make a zipper motion near his mouth, indicating that he had shut up.

The otaku witch was also helpless about this, and then she continued to turn her attention to Miss Dogman Witch.

Fenrir also explained to her in a panic.

"Lord Hermes, I didn't mean that, I just..."

The dog-man witch is a bit arrogant, and she was so panicked that she couldn't say anything at all.

Fortunately, Dorothy didn't care at first, but comforted her softly.

"It's okay, it's true that I talked too much, but if you don't mind, you can tell me about you and Mr. Adam, so as not to keep everything in your stomach, which would be uncomfortable."

The otaku witch said this, with a gentle smile on her face, and the effect of her pure and kind appearance and talent on making people approachable was maximized.

Fenrir, who was already in a turbulent mood, could not withstand this. He couldn't help but start talking.

"I know Mr. Adam has always disapproved of me helping the village too much. He always advised me to leave the village and go to witch academy to become a great witch and not be held back by the village."

"But how can the village be my hindrance? Everyone in the village is my family. Isn't it right for family members to help each other? How can this be considered a drag?"

"Besides, I am a witch, and a great witch. I can live for a long time. I can study at any time. But now the village really cannot do without me. Even if Mr. Adam is very powerful, in this witch world, there are many Things cannot be solved by force. The village needs my identity as a great witch. As long as I am here, the village will avoid a lot of trouble."

"I have decided a long time ago that I will protect the village founded by Mr. Adam. Anyone who wants to harm the village must step over my body."

"Besides, I haven't really wasted my talent. I've been learning martial arts from Mr. Adam. I'm obviously pretty good. There aren't many people at the same level in the underground black boxing arena who are mine. opponent"

Miss Dogman Witch originally stretched out her arms to show off her beautiful arm muscle curves to Miss Hermes beside her.

However, as she was talking, she remembered the fact that she was instantly killed by the opponent yesterday, and her face suddenly turned red again.

Her strength seems to have nothing to brag about in front of this unfathomable boss.

Besides, Miss Hermes seems to be younger than me.

Fenrir was suddenly discouraged, and then asked with some frustration.

"Lord Hermes, am I really useless? Otherwise, why is Mr. Adam always unwilling to agree with me?"

The young witch's face was very confused. She really wanted to be recognized by the idol who was also her teacher and father, but the cold rejection just now seemed to still be echoing in her ears.

She had no choice but to turn her head and look at Miss Holmes, hoping that this great peer could give her some advice.

Dorothy, on the other hand, patiently listened to Miss Dogman Witch's words, and she also felt a little complicated at this time.

Wow, this is really a youthful trouble for young people. My conscience, I finally met a young witch of my age. In the past, among a group of precocious geniuses, I was always the one who was taught. Now, It’s finally my turn to be a close sister.

The otaku witch is still a little eager to give it a try. Although Fenrir is actually older than her, she should be called her sister.

She now understood the conflict between Adam and Fenrir, and after understanding everything, to be honest, she stood by Adam this time.

In her opinion, the Avalon Village has indeed become a drag on Fenrir, just like a dog chain turning this free wolf into a guard dog.

Moreover, Fenrir's somewhat outrageous sense of mission for the village is indeed a bit too much. It's as if she can't move around without leaving her village. This is a bit too serious about herself.

However, Miss Dogman Witch does indeed attach great importance to these family members. As a family hero, Dorothy can understand this feeling.

Well, although this dog is a bit silly and naive, she is not annoying.

And just when Dorothy was thinking about how to tactfully remind Fenrir, a burst of uncontrollable laughter came from the side.


The Otaku Witch and the Dog-man Witch turned their heads when they heard this, and then they saw the Demon King who was covering her mouth with all her strength, but still couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, teacher, I thought of happy things and I really can't hold it in anymore."

Seeing the teacher looking at her, Atty wanted to hold back, but she really couldn't control more than herself.

After all, in her opinion, this Fenrir is really stupid and ridiculous.

"why are you laughing?"

The dog-man witch lady also looked at the devil girl with an unkind expression.

Although she knew that this guy was dangerous, it didn't mean that he could laugh at her life ideals like this.

"Of course I'm laughing at you, aren't you ridiculous?"

Naturally, Artie cannot be afraid of Fenrir. No one can make her bow her head except the teacher.

"You keep saying that the village is not a burden, but judging from your actual actions, you are clearly gradually turning the village into a burden for you."

"And who on earth told your witch that it's never too late to study? That's totally wrong. The more talented a witch is, the less time she has, and the more she will feel that there is not enough time. Even a true genius like me can't wait to learn more. Treating one second as one minute, how can you, a loser like you, think youth is worthless?"

"You idiot, you probably really don't know what limits a witch can reach in the future. This can be seen from her achievements before she is a hundred years old. If she achieves nothing before she is a hundred years old, then that will be the end of your life."

"You are such a loser that you actually think that you are something great. You are even complacent. You shamelessly feel that the village cannot live without you. You are so stupid that I can't help but laugh."

"Do you really think your village can't change without you? Are you still a witch? You're laughing so hard. This world has always only recognized one thing, and that is strength. Only strong people with strength can have everything. The real core of your village There is only one, and that is Mr. Brave."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I feel aggrieved by you, but I smell arrogance from you, laziness that is unwilling to leave the comfort zone, incompetent rage, and greed that wants to maintain the status quo forever."

"Laughing to death, with so many original sins, I can almost see the future. When you get old, you finally realize to your regret that you wasted time when you were young. It will be very interesting then. You will definitely feel that it is The village has dragged you down and will still hold a grudge against your idol for disapproving of you."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's interesting. It will definitely be fun when the time comes."

Artie was laughing so hard that he almost burst into tears while mocking Fenrir, whose face was getting more and more ugly.

"Shut up, I'm not, I won't do this."

The dog-man witch also retorted angrily at this time.

However, her voice was filled with an inexplicable guilt.

Because she discovered that following Astymus' words, she seemed to have a vision in front of her of her old self furiously destroying the village and then killing Mr. Adam.

The scenes were so realistic, as if the future was nakedly displayed in front of her eyes, which was really hard for her to accept.

"Hehehe, I can't stand it anymore, hahaha, someone is in a hurry."

Facing Fenrir's angry shouts, the Demon King girl didn't panic at all, she still smiled playfully.

"If you are not convinced, I can actually continue. Let me ask you again, how have you helped the village over the years?"

"Relying on various means to make money outside and feeding other people in the village like pets?"

"Or are you using equality and fairness as an excuse to not even let others clean your house for you?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, all benign relationships in the world often originate from equal exchange. What's your attitude towards your family? You're laughing so hard, you're obviously raising a pet."

"It's just a boring and self-motivated sacrifice. Do you want to be recognized by that monster hero? You are laughing to death, are you the only one who deserves it?"

Artie's voice is like a poisonous snake, bit by bit worming its way into people's hearts, eating at your heart while putting everything in your heart in front of people.

She just looked happily at Fenrir's face that started to waver and then gradually turned pale, and the smile on his face became more and more joyful.


Then a pair of iron fists fell from the sky, punching both of them in the head.

"That's enough for both of you."

Dorothy interrupted Miss Devil's instigation in time.

Tsk, this naughty kid is really dangerous. If she continues to argue, Fenrir will be heartbroken and become possessed.

Then, she looked sincerely at Miss Dogman Witch again and greeted her invitation.

"Fenrir, you don't have to listen to this guy's nonsense. Besides, I have a way to get you Adam's approval. Do you want to try it?"

The otaku witch looked at the dog who had really begun to doubt himself with very sincere eyes.

Her smile was so pure and kind, just like the light that pierced the darkness. Fenrir was a little sluggish for a moment. She subconsciously reached out and took hold of the angel-like savior's hand of salvation that he extended towards her. hand.

"Can I really do that?"

Miss Dogman Witch is still a little unsure.

"Of course, you don't have to believe in yourself, but you can never doubt me who believes in you. After all, I never lie."

Dorothy replied very seriously.

The house witch is confident and confident

It's really stuck. It's so annoying. I want to speed up but I don't know how to speed up.

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