House Witch

Chapter 885 884 The fox pretends to be the tiger's power

Elizabeth had a nightmare.

In the dream, she was tied to the operating table, and a vicious female nurse kept stabbing her with an oversized and thick syringe.

Once, twice, three times.

Until her body was covered with dense pinpricks.

This frightened the second prince lady to sit up from the bed, panting heavily.

The dream was so real that she even woke up at this moment, but there was still a lingering tingling sensation on her body, as if someone had really just stabbed her.

The Thirteenth Clan of the Blood Clan originally ran a hospital, and Elizabeth was a well-known doctor in the clan. She asked herself that she was quite medically virtuous and had never harmed patients. She really couldn't figure out why she would do such a thing. Horrible nightmare.

However, as she woke up and her dazed consciousness gradually returned, Elizabeth recalled the previous battle and the scorching sun that seemed so close at hand.

She suddenly became alert, and then looked around cautiously.

Miss Second Prince thought that she and her sister had lost the battle and would be imprisoned by the circus people, but unexpectedly, this was a very clean and tidy room, and even a little cozy.

Moreover, she didn't have any restraints on her at this time, neither her magic power was blocked, nor was she shackled or anything like that. This treatment really didn't feel like she was being held captive at all.

However, what made Elizabeth feel relieved was that she soon saw her sister who had not yet woken up in the bed next door. She stepped forward to check on her sister and found that her sister was breathing smoothly and was not in any danger. Take a breath.

At this moment, the door opened, and a black-haired figure sneakily poked her head into the door, and she held a handful of shining silver arrows in her hand.

It's the fortune teller lady who is gifted with evil spirits.

"Ahem. You're awake. How did you sleep? Did you have any strange dreams?"

Seeing that her target was awake, Adi silently carried the silver arrow in her hand behind her back, then a harmless smile appeared on her innocent and lovely face like an angel, and she asked with great concern.

Well, she doesn't care about the physical condition of this vampire aunt. What she cares about is whether the effect of her True Love Arrow has been lifted now.

She had really taken a strong drug before, and that arrow was triggered by her jealousy. It was an extraordinary performance. If it was not relieved, the vampire dragon lady would really be entangled with the clown for the rest of her life.

But now, the clown is myself.

When he thought that the mysterious clown turned out to be the incarnation of the teacher, and that he had created a love rival for himself under the influence of jealousy, Artie felt remorseful and wanted to slap himself twice.

Damn it, original sin was wrong to me.

And how happy it was when I shot that arrow before, how embarrassing it was when I wanted to release it later.

She has two arrows, one golden and one silver.

The golden arrow is the arrow of love, which can make people fall in love with a certain target, while the silver arrow is the arrow of resistance, which can make people start to hate a certain target.

Of course, the two arrows can actually neutralize each other. The golden arrow can cancel the effect of the silver arrow, and the silver arrow can also cancel the effect of the gold arrow.

But who made her golden arrow perform at a super level yesterday?

Anyway, Adi had already stabbed the vampire dragon lady with silver arrows all night yesterday when she was still unconscious. If this guy hadn't woken up now, she would have wanted to stab her a few more times.

Well, if you cut the weeds without removing the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

"Dream? I did have a nightmare last night."

Elizabeth looked at the fortune teller with some vigilance at first, but after finding out that the fortune teller was the only one coming, she relaxed a little.

As long as the man with weird tricks and the magician who can summon the sun didn't come.

At this time, Miss Second Prince has recovered her peak 75w Mana magic power. Therefore, if she only faces this Miss Fortune Teller, she is indeed not very afraid.

Moreover, she recalled the strange dream last night, thinking that since the other party was a fortune teller, he should be able to interpret dreams, so she simply told her about it.

"Well, that's pretty much it. Miss Fortune Teller, is there any sign of my dream?"

she asked, still a little nervous.

After all, she really hadn't had a dream in years.

Artie: "."

The devil girl suddenly felt guilty.

What kind of dream is this? You really were stabbed by me all night, okay?

However, it was naturally impossible for her to tell the vampire dragon lady the truth. Her eyes rolled around a few times, and then she opened her mouth and started talking nonsense.

"This is not a good sign. You are a vampire witch. Blood is your life. And the syringe is used to draw blood. It is still such a big and thick syringe and it sticks for a whole night. This means that you will be in the future for a long time. It can be a time of slump.”

"No, this may not be just you, you are just a representative. It may be that the thirteen clans of your vampire clan will be in a downturn for some time in the future. You who have always sucked other people's blood will spit out everything you have sucked before."

"But don't worry, since you are still awake in your dream, it means that this crisis is not fatal, and you still have a glimmer of hope. As long as you can catch it, then the syringe can draw blood, but it may not be unable to transfuse blood. "

Artie started talking nonsense casually.

On the opposite side, Elizabeth also listened very seriously. The more she listened, the more it made sense.

Well, the main reason is that this fortune teller lady is really very talented and has the appearance of a king. Maybe her words really represent destiny. In short, I would rather believe it than not.

She thought so.

Until Artie's talk was interrupted by a brain failure.

"Ouch. Teacher, what are you doing?"

The Demon King girl covered her forehead and screamed in pain while acting coquettishly towards the otaku witch who had arrived beside her at some point.

Dorothy was also speechless.

This naughty child doesn't know herself now. She doesn't know that she will become the supreme witch king in the future, so she talks nonsense.

But Jun Wuxi said that Adi might not have taken it seriously, but her words would really represent destiny to a certain extent.

On the side, Miss Second Prince, who was listening attentively, also raised her head and saw the Miss Magician who had just defeated her and her sister yesterday.

Well, she should be alert at this time, she should be on guard, but the strange thing is that before being alert, Elizabeth was the first to turn slightly red, her heartbeat was inexplicably accelerated, and she was a little afraid to look at others.

"Uh, what's wrong with me?"

The Second Prince's Lady herself was somewhat confused about her own situation.

When Ati saw this, he almost rushed forward with a silver arrow.

Damn it, you are blushing like a bubble teapot, damn it, I will never use the arrow of true love on an old woman who has been single for tens of thousands of years, this is crazy.

The Demon King girl gritted her teeth in her heart.

Although her Arrow of True Love is magical, the principle of this magic is actually quite simple, which is to use the power of fate to direct the future to the world line where two people fall in love.

The arrow of true love is just an introduction. What it arouses is actually just the lust of both parties, which is equivalent to the match that lights the fire. As for how big the bonfire will be later, it depends on whether you have prepared enough firewood.

This old vampire dragon lady has lived for God knows how many thousands of years, but she is still single all the time. Atty even dared not think about all the money she had accumulated.

But now it's fine. When the dry firewood met the fierce fire, it was out of control. The silver arrow she poked all night last night was to put out the fire, but now it seems that it can't be put out. It can't be put out at all. This As soon as the two met, there were signs of a resurgence.

Damn it, I really deserve to die for being so mean yesterday, I don’t want this kind of thing.

Artie hammered the ground crazily in his mind.

Of course, Dorothy was too lazy to pay attention to the inner drama of this naughty child. She was relieved to see that the second aunt in front of her was finally not as crazy as in the dragon form yesterday.

It seems that Artie has lifted the deceptive love spell.

"Miss Camilla, Miss Elizabeth, I think we can have a good talk."

She had a straight face and said this seriously.

Well, originally she really wanted to follow the original plot, but damn, this plot did not go well at all. As soon as the circus opened, she encountered a boss blocking the door. What would she encounter if she continued to open the circus? I can’t even think about it.

I'm afraid the Thirteen Dukes will all come to block me in two days.

So, screw the plot of Meow, who loved whom, she was ready to achieve her goal in her own way.

Therefore, the house witch looked at the second aunt in front of her, and then at the aunt beside her who was actually awake but still pretending to be asleep to observe the situation, and added something.

"After all, you two ladies don't want your Thirteenth Blood Clan's collusion with the Abyss Demon God to be known to everyone, right?"

Miss Japan Island Lord's performance is very stable.


As soon as these words came out, Elizabeth, who was still blushing and heartbeating, suddenly became sharp-eyed. On the bed next to her, Camilla didn't pretend to be asleep. She sat up directly from the bed.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Camilla spoke.

The First Prince's Lady doesn't like to beat around the bush. She always speaks directly when she has something to say, so she simply shows her cards directly.

Of course, she was also very angry in her heart, not only at the magician who had caught them and tried to threaten them, but also at the sacrifice and return faction.

A bunch of useless people who accomplish nothing but fail. How can we achieve the great renaissance of the vampire witches together with those insects?

Although it was not the Dracula family who colluded with the Abyss and made deals with the devil, the thirteen clans of the blood clan all prospered and suffered losses. In order to maintain the last dignity of the vampire witch, the Dracula family still had to give to those clans. Wipe the guy's ass.

"Well, I want the thirteen clans of your blood clan to abdicate from the position of Lord of Night City, and then perform a show with me."

Seeing that her aunt was so straightforward, Dorothy simply stopped beating around the bush and said this.

"Are you dreaming?"

"This is impossible."

Camilla's and Elizabeth's voices sounded almost at the same time, and the two sisters were also stunned by the big mouth of the magician lady.

This mouthful requires them to give up all their current power, status and wealth. How dare you do this.

However, the two sisters' anger did not last long, because they saw the magician lady and silently took out a token.

That is the Great Judgment Order.

But Dorothy just flashed her judgment order and then put it away.

Well, the main reason is that I'm afraid that if I look at it twice more, the secret will be revealed.

Although the history of the Tribunal is indeed very long, it is said that it took shape during the period of the God King. At that time, it was called the Tribunal of Heretics. During the Dragon King period, it officially moved from darkness to light and became a special department that monitors the whole world.

But who knows if the tokens of the Tribunal of the Dragon King period and the later Tribunal of the Demon King period have the same format.

She was using the sword of the future to kill the current official, and she still felt a little guilty.

"Are you from the Tribunal? Is this what the higher-ups mean?"

Camilla was silent, and Elizabeth continued to ask.

Although the token only disappeared in a flash, the two princes and ladies had amazing eyesight after all, and they had already clearly seen the general outline and aura of the token.

It was a silver dragon tablet, and the power of the dragon on it couldn't be faked.

This is the trial order of the Tribunal, and it is also the Dragon King's special envoy from the Dragon King faction.

Now is the era of the Dragon King, and no one can ignore the majesty of the Dragon King.

For a moment, even though she was as strong as the two sisters, she felt suffocated and frightened. She was afraid that the supreme witch king would suddenly coldly issue an extermination order, and then countless armies would come and kill the thirteen clans of the blood clan directly. Turn into history.

But Dorothy did not directly answer her second aunt's doubts.

After all, she, the otaku witch, never lies.

And she really didn't lie. She was really the Grand Inquisitor of the Dragon King Faction, even though she was from the future.

She just said calmly.

"This is not a discussion, just a notification. After all, if you vampires don't want to be decent, then"

She stopped mid-sentence, after all, it was all true up to that point.

In the future, she will personally lead people to raid the hometown of the thirteen clans of the Blood Clan and break them all into the Hall of Holy Blood. It is indeed not very honorable.

"There is an old saying in the ancient Eastern Universe: If you don't want others to know it, you have to do it yourself. After all, the Thirteen Clan of the Blood Clan are the heroes who have followed the Lord God King and made great achievements in battle. Two ladies, I will say this. You guys are good. Think about it, and I’ll come back to you later when dinner is served.”

The otaku witch stood up, then turned around and left, holding Atie beside her in one hand.

She had already said what she wanted to say. Any more words would be too much. She believed that the two aunts would make the right choice.

After the two left, the two sisters looked at each other in the room, and both saw fear and uneasiness in each other's eyes.

Lord Dragon King's will, do they have a choice?

"Sister, do you think everything she said is true?"

Elizabeth asked.

"Besides the Tribunal, are there such talented young witches with no reputation anywhere else?"

Camilla thought of the super luxurious configuration of this circus, and then replied with a hoarse voice.

As a result, the second prince's lady fell silent.

The room immediately fell into deathly silence.

Outside the door, Dorothy finally breathed a sigh of relief and was finally fooled.

"Teacher, is what you just said true? You really are."

On her hand, Ati also raised his head curiously at this time and asked with some uncertainty.

Although she felt that the teacher was cheating, she really couldn't find any flaws. Her power of original sin told her that every word the teacher said was true.

"Haha, guess what."

The sage of lies is smiling

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