House Witch

Chapter 890 889 Artie’s sexy moves

Chapter 890 889. Artie’s sexy moves

Fanzhuo mother and daughter were in very complicated moods at this time, especially Grand Duke Fanzhuo, who narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the two nominal "nieces".

Well, they can't actually be considered nieces, at least Mikala can't. After all, they are actually the same age, and the other one may be slightly older than her.

In terms of seniority, Mikala could even be considered Van Zhuo's senior, as he was embraced earlier than her.

The reason why she became one of the Thirteen Grand Dukes is simply because in the ancient period when Sin City had not yet been established, the Fanzhuo family was one of the most powerful aristocratic families in the city. The city lord Satan and the true ancestor Lilith They were all later conquerors. At that time, in order to better conquer the powerful people in the city, they were given a certain degree of autonomy and allowed them to establish their own clans.

This is how the nine major clans of the Sacrifice Sect came to be today, and because the Vanzhuo family was the leader of the nobles at that time, they now have the second strongest position among the thirteen clans.

As for the three returning clans, these three were outside forces that later joined the Sin City. They were given autonomy because they brought their families with them and were strong.

But in fact, during the years when True Ancestor Lilith was still around, these twelve clans were always concubines, tools, and servants. The only real direct clan was the Dracula clan, and they were the true ancestor's confidants. .

Well, even now, the strength of the Dracula clan is still comparable to that of the other twelve combined clans, and they are still direct descendants.

Therefore, even though the two marquises were visiting, the Grand Duke Fanzhuo still received them personally and did not dare to neglect them at all.


My Vanzhuo family hasn't offended the Delaku family recently, right? Why do these two want to frame me like this?

Grand Duke Fanzhuo looked at the "gifts" held in the hands of these two cheap "nieces", his face was calm, but his heart was full of vigilance.

If her daughter hadn't just shown her what happened to the future Demon King last night, she might have really been fooled today.

"Thank you both for your concern, but I saw that this is not the soul we need."

The Duke finally stepped forward and pretended to take a closer look at the future demon king. Finally, he shook his head and said this with regret on his face.

Well, in fact, she could see the extremely evil special soul of this young black-haired witch at a glance, and she was extremely sure that this was the sacrifice Lord Satan wanted, but this was the future third king, and he sacrificed this One person is truly the eternal sinner of the witch world.

Previously, Fanzhuo also saw from his daughter's memory the era of the devil that was extremely prosperous as shown in the magic show. Even as a vampire grand duke, she yearned for that era when demons and witches could walk proudly with their heads held high.

This person can be the savior of their demon witches.

Of course, if she just looked at the scene in her memory, she would still be half-convinced, but now after checking it in person, especially after discovering that this young witch only had 500,000 mana of magic power at the age of sixteen, she was already convinced. There is not much doubt left.

This evil boy is so evil, he really looks like a king.

Well, I can't afford to offend him. I can't afford to offend him. This is too hot. I have to send him away quickly.

The road to a king's ascension to the throne is tortuous and rugged. It takes thousands of bones to become a general, let alone a king of the world.

The two kings in the sky, whether they are the God King or the Dragon King, have gone through ups and downs on their way to the throne, stepping on countless ignorant stepping stones, and the future Demon King will naturally do the same.

However, the Fanzhuo family does not want to become one of the stepping stones in the rise of the Demon King.

Thinking of this, the Duke couldn't help but look at his daughter Lucia beside him, secretly glad that his daughter's information was timely.

If her daughter hadn't notified her in time last night, she would have accepted the gift with great joy today when she saw the two nieces bringing them to her door without knowing anything about it.

Regardless of whether the sacrifice was successful or not, her Vanzhuo family would most likely be in trouble anyway.

After all, after sacrificing the future third king, can the two kings of world consciousness and heaven let you go?

And the sacrifice failed, which offended the future Third King. Do you still want to run away when the Demon King takes over?

In short, if you can't offend me, you can't afford to hide. Whoever loves this gift wants it, but my family can't afford it anyway.

Camilla: "."

Elizabeth: "."

The two prince sisters were silent for a moment, and looked at each other, a little confused.

Isn't this script wrong?

The two of them did not expect that this plan would encounter such a change at the beginning. Before coming, they thought of several reasons to explain the origin of this "gift", but they did not think of the Vendro Grand Guild directly rejecting it. receive.

After all, who among the thirteen clans of the vampire clan doesn’t know that the Vanzhuo family is the most loyal sacrificial sect, and ancient vampires like Camilla know some secrets that young people don’t know.

That was in the past before the witch appeared, in the years when the sinful city was still in power as the city lord Satan, this Grand Duke Vanzhuo had a secret love for the city lord and wanted to be the city lord's wife.

How could she refuse such a gift that could please her sweetheart?

But now the other party really refused. Although the two sisters were confused, they couldn't force the other party to accept the gift.

The two of them had no choice but to secretly look at a "follower" on the side.

It was also a vampire witch, and judging from her bloodline level, she seemed to be an earl.

This is of course Dorothy's disguise. Her self-created magic "Seventy-two Transformations of the Witch" can be used to change races in a fake way. Back then, she used this to fool Miss Wendigo. Now she is using it to disguise herself. It is naturally not difficult for a vampire witch.

Moreover, she really understands vampire witches very well. After all, her sister Alice has been her research subject since she was a child. Dorothy even knows her body better than her sister herself.

Also, she tutored her sister in her studies and magic. Alice had sold all the Dracula family secrets that Anne had passed on to Alice.

Therefore, even if you call Dracula himself out of his sleeping coffin, this loli grandmother will have to praise Dorothy as an authentic member of the Dracula family.

At this time, Dorothy looked at the Archduke Vandro in front of her with some surprise. This noble and elegant lady could not compare with the old and cloudy Grand Duke Vandro in her memory.

This lady is really moist.

The super wide strike zone of the otaku witch has moved again. She really has no resistance to such mature and rational big sisters.

I just don’t know what kind of setbacks this noble lady went through in the tens of thousands of years that followed, before she became what she was in later generations.

Ah, here, she wouldn't really sacrifice the historical Atty, would she?

Dorothy was thinking so wildly.

However, this intellectual elder sister's version of Grand Duke Fanzhuo is indeed much more rational than the crazy and paranoid old man in later generations.

Her acting skills deceived the two aunts, but she could not deceive the otaku witch, the "chauffeur" of the sage of lies.

"You are too young to show off your acting skills in front of me."

She noticed at a glance that the Duke seemed to have known Artie for a long time, so he refused Artie's gift, and even felt a little disgusted with it.


The witch glanced at Lucia next to Archduke Vandro, and she recognized that this was one of the guests at the circus last night.

"Good guy, this really preserves the memory. No wonder my plan didn't go smoothly."

Dorothy soon figured it all out, but she was a little confused about it.

After all, in her fantasy setting, only "comrades" who truly believe in the future of that era of demons, are truly willing to work hard for the arrival of that era, and have a certain level of determination can retain their memories.

The otaku witch only thought that the Flame Demon lady might become a companion, but she really didn't expect that this vampire eldest lady, who seemed to have an unusual status, would also retain her memory.

Good guy, do you want to start your own rebellion?

Dorothy was a little in awe for a moment.

It's just that this is a bad start. I really feel like I'm being targeted by the world. Why can't any of my plans go forward normally?

The otaku witch is helpless.

And just when she was thinking about what to do next, Artie, who was tied up as a caterpillar, was very unhappy.


She spat out the ball stuffed in her mouth and started to make a fuss.

"You old woman, stop pretending. I can sense the greed for me in your body, and you still say that I am not. I obviously mean it. Come on, hurry up and send me to the altar."

Artie said.

Well, the teacher has already added money, so she has to do things no matter what. She has decided to pay this sacrifice today, and no one can stop it.

However, when she made a fuss, everyone in the hall suddenly looked at her speechlessly.

Dorothy also covered her forehead with one hand. She also accepted Artie's joke.

Are you really the most cunning and insidious Demon King in the legend of later generations? Why do I think you are just a fool?

The home witch deeply realized the huge difference between the seller's show and the buyer's show.

On the opposite side, Fanzhuo mother and daughter looked at this group of uninvited guests with even more vigilance.

Are you guys trying to get into trouble?

However, just when everyone on both sides was speechless, Caterpillar Atty suddenly bent down and jumped, squirming directly from the ground to the center of the hall.

Her move once again stunned everyone. Dorothy didn't even understand what this guy wanted to do, but the faces of Van Zhuo and her daughter opposite them both changed.

No, there it is

Grand Duke Fanzhuo just wanted to reach out to block it, but the moment her eyes met the Arti bug on the ground, all kinds of desires in her body suddenly rioted. She didn't even have time to deal with it. The desire that she had been suppressing... The secret love instantly surpassed the constraints of reason, followed by the persistence to revitalize the thirteen clans of the blood clan and the greed for the blood of the true ancestor.

Well, she suddenly didn't want to stop it.

And just for a few moments when she was controlled by the violent desire, Ati Chong had broken free from the restraints on her body. She regained her freedom, and then crushed the floor of the hall with one foot, revealing the extremely complicated magic pattern underneath. Formation, and then confidently smiled towards the teacher, showing off his white teeth.

"No one understands the summoning of the devil better than me. I will sacrifice myself as a sacrifice. Come out and follow the path of pride."

The Demon King girl chanted the incantation of sacrifice to the Demon God with high-speed divine words, and then, the Demon God's Sacrifice Circle under the floor began to shine with light.

At this time, Grand Duke Fanzhuo finally controlled the rampaging Original Sin, but it was obvious that it was too late.

The Duke just stared blankly at the future demon king who was smiling proudly, his mind went blank.

No, you can definitely mention what you want. We can sit down and have a good talk. How can there be such a fuss?

The noble Grand Duke, who had been elegant all her life, could no longer maintain the manners of a lady. She was so angry that she wanted to curse.

Of course, it was not just Archduke Vandro who wanted to curse at this time, but Dorothy on the other side as well.

She also looked at this self-sacrificing naughty child in confusion, and then her head was filled with questions.

No, Artie, I'm ready to have a direct showdown with the opponent. Now that the opponent knows your identity as the future demon king, he can definitely bring the Vanzhuo family to our side. So what kind of drama are you acting? ?

Our goal is to make all the thirteen clans of the Vampire Clan obey and abdicate. Summoning the Demon God is just a means, not an end.

Looking at the demon summoning circle with powerful magic rising into the sky, Dorothy, who was messy with the wind, felt like ten thousand alpacas were racing in her heart.

Especially when she saw Atina in the summoning array with an expression like "Teacher, can you see how smart I am?", the otaku witch covered her face with both hands.

Thank you so much.

Well, every time this guy makes a move, he really exceeds her expectations. Didn't you get your nickname of the unpredictable King of Conspiracies because of this lunacy?

This is really hard to guard against, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Who would have thought that the sacrifice would be self-sacrifice?

But no matter how confused and regretful both parties are, things are now irreversible.

With the successful activation of the demon summoning circle, a terrifying pressure instantly enveloped the entire place. Fortunately, various partitions seemed to have been arranged around the castle in advance, so the whole world didn't know about it.

However, everyone inside the castle felt the huge pressure like a deep ocean, and the source of all this power came from the beauty who was wearing pajamas and appeared in the summoning array with a confused look on her face.

He has twelve wings on his back, which is the symbol of the highest-level angel. However, unlike the pure white wings of angels, this one's wings are as black as ink and full of ominousness.

But unlike the ominous black wings, this devil's body is extremely beautiful. His silver hair is as bright as the moonlight, and his breathtakingly beautiful face always has a smile, just like the morning light that cuts through the darkness. Generally, heart-pounding.

The only regret is that his body is too slender and straight. Although it is indeed perfect, it does not stand out at all and does not have any sexual characteristics.

Well, I can only say that this kind of indistinguishable beauty is very advanced.

Of course, this beautiful demon was a little confused at this time. He was preparing to sleep in his castle when suddenly a summoning array appeared under his feet, and he was summoned directly here.

However, after he stretched out his hand and lifted Artie like a chicken, he looked around and saw that there were all old faces around him. He was relieved, and finally, his eyes fell on Dorothy.

When he saw the otaku witch's face, the Demon Lord was stunned for a moment, then remembered something, and finally showed a sincere and friendly smile.

"Hermes, right? Where is your father?"

Lucifer is asking

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