House Witch

Chapter 952 Chapter 951 The Imprisoned Princess

Chapter 952 951. The Imprisoned Princess

The kingdom of dragons, the land of gold.

This is a super giant sky island that can no longer be described as an island.

This is a continent floating in the sky, majestic and majestic, with no end in sight. Just the shadow it casts on the ground below is enough to turn an area into eternal night.

On this continent are densely packed various commercial buildings. Obviously this continent is so vast, but judging from the scale of the buildings, it seems that the land is still not enough and seems a bit nervous.

But this is normal. After all, Golden Township is the economic center of the entire Witch World. Opportunities to make a fortune are everywhere here, so any business association with some strength will find ways to occupy a place here, no matter how small or remote it is. Any shop will do.

Although the empty island continent in Golden Township is huge, it still seems that the land is in short supply due to the strong demand. After all, it is not just the witch merchants who want to buy property here, some more powerful alien chambers of commerce will also come here. For example, dragons, demons, angels, or lower-level elves, dwarves, mermaids, etc.

Although the area of ​​the Golden Township Continent is actually expanding a little bit every year, it is obvious that the expansion speed is still not as fast as the demand speed.

Therefore, around this vast floating continent, there are densely packed sky island groups of different sizes, surrounding and guarding this commercial capital like a star ring.

In short, the Golden Township will be infinitely prosperous.

However, people often only know that the land in Golden Township is worth every inch of land, but few people know that this super giant sky island is actually "every inch of land is valuable" in a literal sense.

As long as you dig out the surface soil and continue digging down for thousands of meters, you will find that what is hidden underground is not a rock layer, but a gold layer.

The core of the entire Golden Land continent is actually made of gold, and it is not ordinary gold. It requires a huge amount of ordinary gold to be fused and forged through complex processes to extract a small amount of witch gold.

This is one of the most valuable spiritual metal materials in the entire Western Universe. At the same time, it is also the casting material for the Witch's Golden Yuan.

Using such precious materials as sky island materials is something that most people dare not even think about. Even if there is a madman who dares to think about it, he can't do it. After all, after exhausting all the gold in a normal small world, the final smelted The witch gold is probably only enough to build a two-story villa, maybe without a garden.

So how much witch gold is needed to create such a majestic floating continent, and how many worlds need to be drained?

No one knows this.

But this is the wonder of the witch - the Golden Land.

It's a pity that even if someone discovers the secret underground, there is no way to really make a fortune. After all, everything in Golden Township belongs to the mistress of Golden Township. If you take even a penny without the consent of the mistress, The ending waiting for you will not be too happy.

The witch gold everywhere is imbued with the power of the goddess of wealth. Even if it is just a little bit like a hair, it will be instantly sensed, and then the debt collectors of the world-famous Golden Township Security Association will Landing next to you, ready to collect debts.

However, if you have the ability to continue diving without triggering the power of the witch's gold, then through the thick gold layer, you will reach deep into the earth veins where liquid gold flows like blood vessels.

Follow the golden river of the earth and pass by the ecological circle of rare and rare animals composed of various wonderful golden animals and plants along the way. Finally, in the center of the underground world where hundreds of rivers flow, you can see the Golden City.

A majestic and magnificent golden city that is truly made of the highest quality witch gold.

By the way, the highest quality witch gold needs to be smelted twice with ordinary witch gold. The smelting ratio is higher than the shipment rate of smelting witch gold with ordinary gold. It can be almost 1 out of 100.

This is the real golden land in the earth.

This is a holy place that only the real high-ups of the Golden Township are allowed to enter, and the owners of this city are naturally the noble Golden Family - the Astros family.

However, at this moment, in the center of this golden city that even a mortal could not even imagine to describe one ten thousandth of its extravagance, on the tower of the exquisite but majestic castle, a young girl leaned against the window with some melancholy, looking into the distance. at.

It was obvious that wherever she looked, everything was prosperous. This was a truly blissful place that was infinitely more luxurious than the paradise that mortals imagined would be filled with milk and honey flowing everywhere, decorated with gems, agates, pearls and other treasures.

But these scenes that are enough to drive ordinary people and even most witches completely crazy cannot enter the eyes of the girl on the tower. She is obviously looking at these, but what is reflected in her beautiful eyes seems to be another scenery. .

"It's so boring."

Mia looked at the extravagant lives of those of her own race in the city or the top brass of the Golden Township. She shook her head and then withdrew her gaze.

But after returning to the bedroom and lying down weakly on the soft bed, the Golden Princess suddenly realized that she seemed to have really changed.

After all, her past self was actually envious when she looked at the drunken and revelry life in the city downstairs. She would also want to join in and indulge herself to her heart's content.

Unfortunately, her mother had always been very strict with her and would never allow her to indulge in lust. The identity of the future mistress of the Golden Country was like a shackle that bound her. Everyone expected her to grow up to be as powerful and graceful, majestic and dignified as her mother.

Of course, it was also because she had a rare evil dragon physique. Although this special physique gave her power far beyond her peers, it also brought her desires far beyond ordinary people.

Once she indulged in lust, it would be difficult for her to control herself, and she would only hurt others and herself in the end.

She had to firmly restrain the strong desires in her body and live a life like asceticism. Only when necessary, with the permission of her mother, would she release the repressed desires through some special means to prevent herself from exploding like an expanding balloon.

Therefore, even though she had a noble status in the Golden Country, she was actually always a weirdo in the eyes of her people.

Many people would flatter her on the surface, but behind her back they would say that she was unsociable, hypocritical, and hypocritical.

These things once made young Mia very distressed, otherwise she would not have decided to go to the Witch Academy.

After all, the princess of the Golden Country normally does not need to go to that kind of commoner academy. The teaching quality there is not as reliable as receiving one-on-one teaching from various top private teachers at home.

She just wants to escape from the extravagance of her home that can only be seen but not played. Change her life and go to the poor countryside. This will help her practice, just like those mortals who hide in the deep mountains and old forests where there is nothing to practice in order to cut off their desires.

The Witch Academy is a prosperous big city in the eyes of some country witches from small places, but in the eyes of the Golden Princess, it is a deep mountain and old forest suitable for practice.

However, I don’t know when it started, this practice seems to be wrong.

“Little fairy, my little fairy.”

Mia lay on the bed, reaching out to the ceiling, as if she wanted to catch the phantom of her lover, but it was a pity that she was destined to catch only loneliness.

She thought of the witch's house, and the days and nights when she and her sisters roasted fire, enjoyed delicious food, and talked about ideals and the future.

These memories seemed so ordinary, and they were calm when recalled. They were just ordinary daily life, but they attracted her more than the empty extravagance outside.

Well, from this point of view, the good news is that her asceticism was successful, and now she no longer had those annoying worldly desires, but the bad news is that she seemed to be infected with something more terrible.

"Ah, I haven't seen the little fairy for two weeks."

The plump and graceful golden princess on the bed rolled, crawled, and pupa on the bed like a little girl.

She was addicted to Dorothy and urgently needed to replenish the energy of the witch at home.

Unfortunately, for her who was now locked up by her mother, this was difficult to do.

This is the command of the sage. It is not just the order of a big man in the usual sense, but the power that can really change the world. If she is imprisoned, then Mia will never be able to leave this castle.

Not to mention that she is just a big witch now, even if she becomes a peak, she can't get out of the command of the mother.

Especially here is the golden land of the earth veins, the territory of the mother. Here, the mother dare not say that she is close to God, but she also has a strength that is quite high even among the sages.

Her command is enough to make ordinary sages feel a little headache.

So, no matter how much she wants to go out, Mia knows that she can't go out before the mother calms down.

But who knows when the mother can calm down?

When she thought of the mother who always had a smile on her face and emphasized harmony and wealth, her face suddenly became cold, and the Golden Princess couldn't help but feel fear in her heart.

She has never seen the mother get angry since she was a child, and this time is undoubtedly the biggest one.

This is indeed because she went too far. Under the pressure of those hateful old immortal elders, she couldn't suppress her anger for a while and said "at worst, we can split up".

This is a taboo that the Golden Princess should never say, and it is also the reason why her mother is so angry.

Alas, I am still not mature enough. I always pretend to be a gentle and steady elder sister in front of the little fairy, but sometimes I can't suppress my arrogant nature of the evil dragon.

Everything she has is a gift from the Golden Country, and her growth is also derived from the resources of the Golden Country. She has already merged with the Golden Country, and even if she dies, she can't eliminate the mark of the Golden Country.

How can she be qualified to talk about splitting up?

To put it nicely, she is the princess of the Golden Country. To put it bluntly, she is just an important property of the Golden Country, a mere resource. How can she be qualified to talk about splitting up with her master?

And this may be the reason why she was attracted to the little fairy.

At first, their encounter in the magic web duel only made Mia have a little affection for this guy who never admits defeat. She thought it was quite interesting, but there was no love.

The confession she was thinking of at that time, the so-called love, was just a lie.

After all, it is normal for a rich girl like her to use sweet words to hook up with girls. If you don't believe me, look at the sisters of the same clan downstairs who are hugging those celebrity models one by one, and they all say "I love you" and "Baby, you are everything to me"

Of course, she is somewhat different from those sisters. She has a stronger possessiveness, so she doesn't have the idea of ​​throwing it away after playing with it, but really pursues it seriously.

Anyway, for her, love is a real luxury, and it is impossible to meet it in this life, so there is no need to love each other sincerely. It is enough to be a partner if you like each other, find it interesting, and get along with each other happily.

Oh, well, the main thing is that the little goblin is very playable and can't be broken no matter how you play with it. This is the most important indicator for becoming a partner of her evil dragon.

Senior Mia looked up at a doll display cabinet in her room, which was filled with expensive toy dolls made by masters.

However, few of these priceless toys were intact at this time. Basically, they were missing arms and legs, and some were directly disemboweled or beheaded.

So, it is really important not to break down.

However, Mia didn't expect that the scenario of a rich girl falling in love with a country girl, which only appeared in those magic movies or musicals, would actually happen to her.

It was obviously just a false pursuit driven by possessiveness at the beginning, but in the end, she was really a little trapped.

When did it start?

It was probably when she found out that the little fairy was actually the daughter of Teacher Euphilia.

This country girl is not authentic at all, but she is actually a real rich girl.

Although the Jörmungandr family has declined, once upon a time, it was a noble of the Dragon Kingdom that was equal to the Astros family. Both families were the direct royal family of the Dragon King, and the Jörmungandr family might even have a higher status.

After all, the origin ancestor of the Golden Country, Lady Astras, was only the youngest daughter of Lord Dragon King, and the ancestor of the Jörmungandr family, Jörmungandr, was the second daughter of Lord Dragon King, so when his own ancestor saw the other ancestor, he had to respectfully call her second sister.

Well, it was impossible not to be disrespectful. After all, as long as you look down from the sky island, looking at the "flower pole" connecting the "flower crown" of the witch sky island and the "barren land" composed of the debris of the underground world, as long as your eyesight is enough, you can see the dragon of the world coiled on the flower pole that is like a tower to the sky.

Even if this terrible ancient existence is always sleeping, any witch who sees its majestic body can clearly feel the terrible power under the world-shaking dragon.

When he opens his eyes, the world is bright, and when he closes his eyes, everything is dark. His breath will turn into a storm, and when he inhales, the sky is cold and the earth is frozen, and when he exhales, the summer is scorching.

This is the value of the second person with undisputed fighting power in the Dragon Kingdom.

He is also the one who is closest to the Dragon King among the many children of the Dragon King.

This is the real one dragon below, ten thousand dragons above.

It's a pity that the second princess is lazy by nature, prefers quietness to movement, and doesn't like to take care of things. She sleeps for at least thousands of years, and at most tens of thousands of years. Otherwise, the Jörmungandr lineage would not have declined like that.

But because this ancestor has always been there, no one dares to kick it out of the round table meeting list of the Dragon Kingdom, no matter how much the Jörmungandr family declines.

The prince's seat in their family can be empty, but it cannot be withdrawn.

Fortunately, the unbearable vacancy of that seat has finally passed, and this ancient family has finally given birth to a new prince after tens of thousands of years.

In this regard, the Dragon Kingdom is still very happy. Everyone thinks that with the blessing of the Dragon King and Jörmungandr, this lineage finally has the signs of rising again.

However, this young prince had just come to power and caused a big trouble for the Kingdom of Dragons.

The child she had been carrying for five years was lost.

The Jörmungandr clan, which had just shown signs of rising, had no successor.

This incident shocked the entire Kingdom of Dragons at that time. Although Mia was still young at that time, she was a genius witch who knew things, so she remembered it very clearly.

But at that time, she just listened to it and passed it by, and did not take it seriously, nor did she think that this matter had anything to do with herself.

But more than ten years later, she was surprised to find that her favorite online lover was actually the protagonist of that incident.

However, it was clear that Teacher Euphilia had found her, so why did this guy named Dorothy not return to the Jörmungandr clan to recognize her ancestors, but instead wandered freely outside every day?

The Golden Princess was really curious and envious of this, and could even be said to be a little jealous.

At that time, she knew for the first time that there were people who could live so freely among the nobles of the Dragon King.

In short, this woman successfully aroused her interest.

And then

And then there was nothing else.

You can see from her current situation that she lost everything.

However, although it was miserable, Mia did not regret it.

"Little fairy, it seems that I can't continue to accompany you, but the future is still long, and one day, we will reunite again."

The Golden Princess firmly believed in this.

Although she is now powerless to resist her mother's will, she will not be unable to resist forever.

Let's lie dormant for now.

Mia decided so.

However, the princess imprisoned in the dragon's castle did not know that the brave man who came to save her had already embarked on the journey.

At the border of the Dragon Kingdom, which is also very far away from the Golden Country, a dragon witch set foot on the land of her hometown.

And on the Tower of Babel, the sleeping huge dragon snake seemed to sense something and opened its eyes after a long absence.

At this moment, the earth below became bright, but the mortals who worshipped the gods were frightened by this strange celestial phenomenon and raised their heads tremblingly. Only then did some people discover in horror that the dragon god on the Tower of Babel had disappeared.

The ancestor was strolling

Xibao, the big scene you wanted has come by yourself, please hold on

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