House Witch

Chapter 961 960 Starting from scratch

Chapter 961 960. Starting from scratch

"Golden Trial? Mia, are you serious?"

When Victoria heard her daughter's words, she stood up from the bed in shock, and her face became a little ugly.

"I can give you another chance. Are you sure you want to start the Golden Trial? Once this trial starts, even I can't stop it. You may lose everything you have now."

The Golden Sage said very seriously.

Golden Trial, this is a very old word, so old that most of the young generation may not know that there is such a trial.

But this trial was set up by the founder of the Golden Country, the first ancestor Astros.

Therefore, the Golden Trial also has privileges that are higher than all other rules.

The threshold of the trial is very low. As long as there is a member of the Golden Country in the future who is dissatisfied with the family arrangement and has an irreconcilable conflict with the family's will, she can apply to start this trial.

And the rules of the trial are even simpler. As for the Dragon Witch, everything depends on strength.

Of course, the strength in the Golden Country is not just military force, but more of a business ability.

Once the Golden Trial begins, the participants will be deprived of all their current wealth and status, and will be directly demoted to the lowest level of p9-level merchants in the Golden Country.

She needs to start from scratch, until her wealth and status reach or exceed the level before the trial again, which is considered to have successfully passed the trial.

It sounds easy, after all, the top leaders of the Golden Country are not all good-for-nothings, many of them have climbed up from the bottom, and now it's nothing more than another try.

But in fact, the real pitfall of this trial is that when you really need to use this trial, that is, you are already on the opposite side of the entire Golden Country, and in this case, you have lost your previous wealth and status, but you need to develop in the hostility and targeting of the giant Golden Country.

This difficulty is a bit hellish.

Fortunately, the first ancestor would not really set up such a trial that is completely impossible to pass, so the trialists actually still have some privileges.

First of all, it is the safe period.

The trialists initially have a safe development period, during which the members of the Golden Country are not allowed to make any form of difficulties for the trialists.

Only when the safe period is over, the members of the Golden Country are allowed to conduct an "assessment" on the trialists.

Well, it is called an assessment, but in fact, it allows them to start to settle personal grudges.

But since it is an assessment, there are still difficulty levels.

And this is the second privilege of the trialists. You don't have to worry about being harassed or oppressed by power and position, because during the trial, you can ignore anyone's words.

There is actually a strict level of authority division among the members of the Golden Country, from the lowest level of p9 authority level of the traveling merchant to the highest level of p0 authority level of the hostess.

In the Golden Trial, the difficulty of each assessment is also based on these levels, but each time it is current +1.

In other words, when the first assessment is conducted, all p8 level members can attack the trialists who are still p9 level. If the trialists resist the encirclement, then her authority will be upgraded by one level and she will get a certain period of safety again until the start of the second assessment.

And so on.

Theoretically, as long as you can grow well enough during the safe period every time, and the speed of growth can keep up with the difficulty of the assessment, then through repeated assessments, you can eventually usurp the throne and become the new mistress of the Golden Country.

This is directly taking the fast track to promotion.

But ideals are beautiful, but reality is very skinny.

First of all, the safe period is not as long as imagined. In fact, the time limit of each safe period is very strict. Even if a normal elite businessman sleeps an extra hour every day, he may not have enough time.

Secondly, this safe period is not only based on time, but also on your wealth scale. When your wealth scale reaches the assessment standard line, even if the safe period time has not arrived, the assessment will begin.

Well, it directly blocks the way for geniuses to grow in a wretched way, forcing you to walk on a tightrope every step of the way.

Moreover, the minimum standard of the assessment line is even a pitfall to set up entry restrictions at each level of authority.

This means that you, a beginner, are going to challenge the encirclement and suppression of a group of big guys who are currently at the perfect level.

The difficulty is still at the hell level, but there is a little more hope of victory that only exists in theory.

Well, that's about it.

The rest is the rewards and punishments of the trial.

This golden trial is really high-risk and high-reward. As long as you pass the test, you can make a wish of equal value to the first ancestor according to your final authority level.

Of course, if you fail the test, you will really have nothing.

Even being eliminated with nothing is considered to be a combination of ability and good luck.

Most of the test failures are actually bankrupt and heavily in debt, and have become slaves of the Golden Country since then.

In short, this golden trial is actually the kindness of the first ancestor. She gave the desperate but resentful descendants a last chance to fight.

And now Mia just wants to regain her freedom through the golden trial.

Even though Mother is the current mistress of Golden Township, she still cannot violate this trial rule set by the first ancestor. Once the trial begins, the current house arrest will naturally become invalid.

However, the only problem is that the price she needs to pay is a bit too high.

After all, her current identity is the princess of the Golden Land, and her internal authority level is as high as P1, which is the same level as the elders in the elders group.

In other words, if she wants to pass the gold trial, she will face an encirclement and suppression by the entire group of elders.

This is actually equivalent to challenging the entire Golden Township.

Moreover, don't think that the elders will be merciful because of her mother's sake. That's impossible. After all, it will be directly related to the succession dispute in Golden Township.

Because of the high price of witch childbearing, many witch families are actually inherited from a single line. However, after a long time of inheritance, there will always be some people who see no hope of progress and simply choose to have more children and more blessings. In the end, they may only be of the same line. It changes into two meridians, and the two meridians become four meridians.

The longer the family is passed down, the larger it becomes.

The Astros family is an extremely rare and prosperous family among many aristocratic families. The inheritance of nearly 100,000 years has made the family now have thousands of branches.

Of course, forget about those small sects with little potential. There are now a total of eight factions that are talking in the Golden Land.

Among them, the most powerful one is naturally the direct line of mother and daughter Victoria and Mia. Their lineage is the strongest.

There are always five sages in Golden Township. In addition to the first ancestor, there are still four later generations, and among these four, two are from their lineage.

The remaining two belong to the other two factions.

"Mia, you should know that the other seven series have been keeping an eye on your inheritance, but as long as you don't make mistakes, they are just delusions. But once you start the gold trial, it will be equivalent to giving up your first inheritance. Those ambitious guys will not miss this opportunity."

Victoria said this very seriously.

Although my daughter had fallen out with the elders this time and was caught by them, because I had suppressed the farce before and put my daughter in solitary confinement, the elders had no way to cause trouble. .

Therefore, although this farce has had a certain impact on her daughter's reputation, it will not shake her position as the first heir.

However, now this stupid daughter actually wants to start the gold trial. Once the trial starts, she will lose all the power and wealth she currently has according to the rules. This is simply coming to her door.

This made Victoria not anxious.

Once her daughter fails the trial, even she, as the mistress, cannot save her.

After all, the Golden Trial is a rule set by the First Ancestor, and the loser becomes the property of the Golden Land. This is also one of the First Ancestor's rules, and even she cannot change it.

Therefore, when the time comes, Mia will change from the current first heir to a piece of property in the Golden Land, and the fate of a piece of property will all depend on the mood of the subsequent mistress.

You may give it to others as a reward, you may keep it for your own collection to play with, or you may sell it directly for a good price.

Then maybe life would be worse than death.

"Mother, our lineage has risen to the top through the Golden Trial, isn't it? Since our ancestors can do it, why do you think I can't?"

Facing her mother's worries, Mia didn't care at all, she just asked like this.

After hearing this, Victoria also fell silent.

Indeed, although their lineage is now the direct lineage of Golden Township, it is not the original direct lineage.

In fact, the Golden Township inheritance has gone through two major changes so far.

The original direct lineage is actually the current lineage of Kris among the eight major factions, Sage Kris, who is the granddaughter of the first ancestor and the second sage in the Golden Land.

But then, the sage Plutus rose up, and she was also the first person to directly seize power through the Golden Trial. Therefore, the Plutus family became the second direct descendant of the Golden Land.

Then there is their lineage. The ancestor Gilgamesh followed the example of her ancestor Plutus. She also relied on the golden trial to seize the status of Plutus' lineage.

As for Victoria herself, she did not participate in the gold trial. She simply relied on the invincibility of her peers to directly crush her to the top.

She originally thought that her daughter Mia could also follow her own path. After all, now that they have the support of two sages in their lineage, and coupled with her daughter's talent that is better than her own, it will not be difficult to easily rise to the top in the future.

Therefore, there is really no need for Mia to take risks and participate in any gold trials.

However, looking at the proud and confident daughter in front of him, the golden sage was silent for a long time, and finally sighed.

"I'll ask you one last time, are you sure you don't regret it?"

"No regrets."

Mia answered without hesitation.

"Then, as you wish, you are free."

Victoria took a deep look at her daughter, and finally waved helplessly, and the barrier that originally enveloped her daughter's room quietly dissipated.

At the same time, a notice spread throughout the Golden Township.

"The golden trial begins, the trialer: Mia****"

As soon as this notice came out, the whole Golden Country was shaken. Countless people began to rejoice after being astonished, and they began to act.

At the same time, the Golden Princess, who had taken off her former gorgeous clothes and all her jewelry, and was only wearing a rough linen skirt, finally left the castle.

"Is this the feeling of poverty after having nothing? It's really novel."

Mia stretched her body, feeling the discomfort of her delicate and plump body rubbing against the rough linen, and she was quite interested in it.

Then, she stepped on the ground with her bare feet, step by step, towards the outside of the earth vein.

It's time to find a way to make the first pot of gold.

And soon after she left the earth vein and stepped on the earth vein, a passerby witch flew over her head, and a gold coin accidentally fell from the person's pocket, and then rolled to the feet of the Golden Princess.

"Haha, I never expected that the first pot of gold would come so quickly. The Golden Rule is really a good talent."

Mia lowered her head to pick up the gold coin, and also showed a happy smile.

Look, isn't this the start-up capital?

She took the gold coin and strolled in the bustling Golden Township market on the surface. She seemed to be strolling casually, but suddenly she stopped and walked into a flower shop.

When she came out, the only gold coin in her hand had turned into a bouquet of flowers.

"Hi, this beautiful lady, excuse me, these are the flowers your lover has reserved for you, I hope you like them."

She came to a couple in a hurry and said this to the witch who was obviously resentful. While speaking, she blinked at the witch chasing behind.

So, the resentful witch smiled, and the witch chasing nodded to her gratefully, then happily took out her wallet and gave her fifty gold coins.

"This is the money spent and your tip."

The reconciled couple left happily, and Mia nodded with satisfaction as she looked at the assets that had increased tenfold in her hands.

The so-called business is actually so simple, just find the customer's needs and then solve them.

Then let's continue to make money.

The next morning, Dorothy and her group came to the Golden Country Market. They came to buy the building materials needed to build the workshop.

"Hey, guest, please stay, do you need the best building materials?"

In a small shop on the side of the road, the plump proprietress wearing a simple and plain golden wizard robe waved to the home witch and said so.

Dorothy: "."

Oh my, senior Mia?

The home witch was shocked

The business empire of the witch's house was launched

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