House Witch

Chapter 965 964 Overspending and Business

Chapter 965 964. Overspending and Business

Within the Territory of Glory.

"Huh, working people are the most glorious."

Dorothy wiped the non-existent sweat on her forehead, then looked at the huge alchemy workshop in front of her that was almost completed, and sighed with emotion.

At this time, she was wearing a construction site suit, a safety helmet on her head, and a towel for wiping sweat around her neck, although this thing was of no use.

Her dragon witch's physique has really become more and more exaggerated as her magic power gradually increases. Even though she has been moving bricks for more than 20 hours almost every day for a month, and even has multiple thoughts taking turns to move bricks, she really doesn't have it. A few drops of sweat.

Well, the Dragon Witch's physique is really suitable for civil engineering.

Fortunately, this month's hard work has not been in vain. The six almost top-quality alchemy workshops are almost completed.

She drafted and designed these alchemy workshops herself. The building materials for each one are of the highest quality and are fully equipped to ensure that they can be used for tens of thousands of years without any quality problems. Moreover, she has reserved them in advance. There is space for later expansion and upgrade. In short, everything is quite perfect.

The only little problem is that

"Little goblin, although I know that your design must be perfect and your construction technology is also great. These six workshops are all the best I have ever seen, but I still have to remind you again that we are starting a business. In the early stage, you shouldn’t take too big steps. You really don’t need to pursue one step in the early stage and just go to the graduation outfit in the later stage.”

Senior Mia came to the construction site with the ledger. She didn't mind the dusty environment around her, so she sat down next to the otaku witch and handed her a bottle of water while saying helplessly.

She has no choice but to do this, because the original budget for building the factory has now been exceeded again and again.

Originally, everyone agreed that out of the 100 billion start-up capital, 50 billion would be used to complete the construction of the alchemy workshop, and then the remaining 50 billion would be used as production costs, which would be enough for the workshop to produce the first batch of goods. In this way, Come, then you can make bigger and bigger profits.

But the plan is beautiful and the execution is bone-chilling.

Almost 500 billion has been spent now. Don’t ask where the extra 400 billion came from. The Golden Princess expressed that she was a little tired. The little money she finally earned in the past month was all filled into this bottomless pit.

Well, when the budget was just exceeded, Mia still thought that there was no need to disturb the performance of the little fairy for such small things. She had to design and move bricks, and she was already very tired every day, so it was a little over the limit. As for the budget, she can just pay to make up for it.

But as she continued to make up for it, she found helplessly that her earning speed could not keep up with the little fairy's spending speed.

After all, she is no longer the golden princess who can make trillions of dollars worth of money with just a wave of her hand. She is still in the initial stage, and doing business requires money from various places.

This sweetheart is a bit difficult to raise.

Fortunately, she finally gritted her teeth and persevered until the first phase of the project was successfully completed, and then she thought of coming over to gently remind the little goblin that it was time to control herself.

However, as she spoke, Mia was filled with wonder as she looked at the tall and majestic new workshop in front of her, which was full of industrial aesthetics and also lacked the mystery of alchemy.

The Golden Country is good at alchemy, and she herself was also the head of the alchemy school at the Witch Academy. She naturally has this vision, but Mia still feels that the workshop in front of her, which is only preliminary, is the best she has ever seen in her life. workshop.

In other words, this thing can no longer be described as an ordinary building. This is the prototype of a wonder building.

All I can say is that she is worthy of the little fairy's handiwork. She always shocks everyone when she makes a move.

"It's so beautiful."

Mia couldn't help but sigh.

But the next moment, she shuddered and returned to reason.

Let’s talk about it. Of course, wonder buildings are good. No one dislikes wonder buildings, and no one will reject them. But as she said before, as a start-up association that has just started, it is really necessary to come up with it. Is it just a spectacle that only a giant consortium can afford?

There are not many wonders of this scale in the Golden Land, okay? You just gave me six of them, but if necessary, the six can be combined to form a super giant wonder. This is really too greedy.


Listening to Senior Mia's words, Dorothy was also stunned, and immediately started sweating profusely.

I'll go, it's over, my old habit has happened again.

Over the past month, she has been having fun and is addicted to civil engineering and infrastructure. At first, she really wanted to design an ordinary but sufficient cost-effective solution, but as she drew the drawings, her damn inspiration started She started moving randomly, and then all kinds of strange ideas came one after another. In the end, what she built now was completely different from what she had expected at the beginning.

She had been busy with work, and whenever there was a need, she would write a note to Senior Mia, and all kinds of high-end building materials would be delivered immediately, which was easier than the wishing elf, so she completely forgot about the cost. I'll take care of the budget and concentrate on my creation.

But now seeing Senior Mia coming over to remind her in person, she immediately came back to her senses.

But now when she looked at the workshop in front of her that had just completed its initial construction, even someone like her who didn't know much about prices realized that this thing was definitely overspending, and not even a little over one star.

Damn, the late-graduation technology was picked out by her at the beginning. I really can’t afford it, and I don’t have the resources to use it.

"Senior, um, our budget?"

She didn't even dare to look at Senior Mia anymore, so she could only ask hesitantly.

"This is the ledger."

The Golden Princess reluctantly handed over the account book in her hand.

And Dorothy glanced at it, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead. Now the sweat towel hanging around her neck came in handy.

Turtle, it’s okay to overspend ten times.

It may even be more than ten times. After all, the design fees, construction workers' wages, etc. are all confiscated. What is listed now is just the cost of building materials.

But the problem is that even though the funds have exceeded this, she has just completed the construction of the workshop building, and has not yet built any facilities for subsequent production.

For example, the construction cabin is used to produce battleships, the alchemy furnace is used to produce various battleship parts, and the magic energy cavity is used to simulate the spiritual world for flight testing of battleships.

Chao, the money is not enough, really not enough.

But this is also true. The Witch Warship is the ultimate secret of the Alchemy School. It is a skill point that can be lit up at the end of the game. Basically, if you click on this thing, the game will be over. So if you want to do this thing, how is it possible? Don't burn money.

In fact, everyone's initial plan was not to directly produce the real Witch Warship in one step. They actually took the civilian route first and opened up the market by building a beggar's version of the warship similar to the White Dragon Warship.

Well, that thing can't actually be considered a battleship. It should be considered a civilian vehicle. In other words, it is positioned like a luxury car factory.

but now.

Embarrassing, she has really built a military warship manufacturing plant, and it is even a high-end military ship.

Do we really want to continue building “cars”? I always feel like it's a bit overkill.

"Tsk, senior sister, don't worry, wait for me, I'll go get some money right away."

Dorothy thought for a moment, and since she had already made a mistake, she might as well just forget about it.

In fact, she could ask for it from Dragon Mother. Dragon Mother also offered to give her money before, but Dorothy refused. She would rather rely on herself for this competition with the Golden Land. Dragon Mother has already provided her with the venue. , this is enough. As for money, she still has some ways to do it.

At that moment, she took out her spell book and sent a message to her junior sister.

On the side, Senior Sister Mia comforted her.

"Little goblin, I'm not in a hurry, and I don't mean to blame you. In fact, I thought you might end up like this before. I only blame my own lack of financial resources for not allowing you to display your talents without any worries."

She also said a little disappointed.

Well, she has never been as worried about money as she is now since she was a child. Even when she just left home a month ago, she has never been so panicked now.

She even had a little self-doubt. She thought that maybe she was really not that good. The reason why she was so arrogant in the past was actually because of the support of Golden Township. But now that she left the support of Golden Township, she couldn't even support her sweetheart. Come on, not to mention the subsequent gold trial, and even the goal of making Mother abdicate early.

However, before Mia could finish her emo, Audrey was already trotting over happily jumping up and down.

The golden-haired and jade-faced Nine-tailed Fox lady is actually a little inconsistent with this dirty construction site, but the little fox doesn't care about this, but the nine furry tails behind her are spinning, blowing away the surrounding dust like a fan. .

"Senior sister, I brought the information you asked for."

Audrey walked up to her senior sister, opened her spell book to her, and said this excitedly but quietly.

This volume, which is not much louder than a mosquito, is already the limit of the little fox.

"Well, thank you."

Dorothy took off the brick-moving gloves on her hands, washed her hands again with a cleaning spell, this time rubbed her little junior sister's head, and then thanked her so much.

"Isn't this the battle group list of the Kingdom of Dragons? Why do you want this now, little goblin?"

Because Audrey had set her spell book to sharing mode, Mia on the side also took a look at the shared information and became a little confused.

They do need this information. After all, they are planning to do arms business in the future, and these war groups are their potential customers in the future.

However, the alchemy workshop has not yet been built, let alone the production of warships. Why go to these war groups at this time? You can't just make a big pie for others.

"Of course it's business."

Dorothy answered calmly.

Mia: "."

Ah, little goblin, you are really just trying to deceive me.

The Golden Princess couldn't stand it for a while. She wanted to remind her sweetheart that those war groups were not easy to fool.

But before she could speak, the otaku witch said with a smile.

"Don't worry, senior sister, I'm not trying to fool anyone. This is a serious arms business, and it's a truly profitable business. In fact, it's more profitable than shipbuilding. But I didn't want to go so fast, but now I have to wait a little longer. Take a risk."


Mia was still a little confused.

Arms business?

She is actually not unfamiliar with the arms business.

Although the main business of Golden Township is banking, its development has long been more than just banking. They are involved in almost all profitable businesses in all walks of life.

This naturally includes the arms business.

Well, the Golden Princess remembered that her Silver Sister was the Arms Queen of the Dragon Kingdom.

Although she always felt that the title was a bit empty, after all, the arms industry in the Golden Country was not complete.

The scope of arms that witches usually refer to is actually quite broad. Almost all resources that can be used in war can be counted as arms.

But if you have to break it down, it can be roughly divided into three categories.

Equipment, potions, and knowledge.

Equipment is easy to understand, from small staffs and robes to large fortresses and warships.

Potions are also easy to understand, with classic red and blue bottles, various enhancement potions, and even lethal poisons.

As for the last knowledge category, it is a bit mixed, and what military books and strategies, military maps, world consultations, etc. are also counted, but the knowledge arms in the usual sense actually refer to spells.

Well, after all, witches have to use spells to fight, which is more important than anything else. Otherwise, even if you are full of magic clothes, you won’t have much killing power without spells.

The arms business of Golden Country involves all three categories, but how to say it, none of the three categories are too outstanding.

As for equipment arms, they don’t have the qualifications to build ships, and they are directly lacking the most critical witch warships.

The potion business is better, but compared with the top potion families, they don’t actually have any unique secret medicines. The main thing is still cheap and affordable, large quantity and fullness.

As for knowledge, this is better, after all, Golden Country has recruited many spell masters and has been funding them to develop spells.

Well, all are involved, but none of them are too good.

In Mia’s opinion, the reason why Sister Baiyin can become the queen of arms is actually because the size of Golden Country is too large. She may not have core technology, but she can integrate resources.

By investing in alchemy workshops with shipbuilding qualifications, cooperating with potion families, recruiting spell masters, and a series of other means, the Golden Country Chamber of Commerce can provide one-stop service, so that customers can meet all their needs as long as they ask.

This is also the specialty of the merchant profession.

"So, little fairy, what kind of business are you going to discuss?"

Mia looked at her lover who was about to leave with empty hands and asked.

"Spells, a big business of military spells."

Miss Forest Witch answered.

The witch is on the road.

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