House Witch

Chapter 967 966 The Forest Witch's First Time

Chapter 967 966. The Witch of the Forest’s First Time

"Okay, okay, I apologize, I'm sorry."

Seeing that the dragon loli in front of her was about to jump up and hit her in the stomach, Dorothy stopped and apologized quickly.

Well, it wouldn't be a big problem if this witch loli from other templates received a headbutt, but this one with two huge dragon horns on its head in front of her, if hit with a headbutt, the otaku witch felt that she might have to go down there to see her. Sister.

In fact, this is not a big problem, but this way of death by being headbutted by a loli is a bit too funny, so I might as well avoid it.

Although the person in front of me is not a real loli, this guy seems to be hundreds of years older than Dragon Mother.

"Huh, I'll forgive you this time."

Miss Cruelty also snorted coldly, and decided not to care about it this time because we were all colleagues and she had benefited from the clown several times before. Otherwise, according to her usual temper, she would have thrown it away long ago. White gloves.

"Then let's get to know each other again. I'm Dorothy Jörmungandr. I don't need to introduce the rest. You should know them all."

The otaku witch stretched out her hand towards her old friend and introduced herself.

Although everyone is an old friend, and the Clown Grand Inquisitor has long been promoted to the fifth scourge of the Tribunal, this is her first time having sex offline, and Dorothy still wanted to have a sense of ritual.

On the opposite side, Miss Cruel was not pretentious. Her temper came and went quickly. Since she said she had forgiven her, she would never hold grudges again, so she readily reached out and shook Dorothy's hand, and then He also said his name.

"My name is Inanna Valkyrie."

However, Dorothy was slightly startled when she heard the name of this old friend.

"Valkyrie? Um, that's not it."

She noticed Miss Tyrannical's surname. If she remembered correctly, the Valkyrie family is the owner of the Dragon Cry Arena, so it's no wonder that Tyrant is collecting rent here.

"Hehe, yes, this is my territory. Next time you come over to play, you can tell me your name and I will get a discount."

Seeing the surprised look on the otaku witch's face, Inanna proudly straightened her steel chest, which looked very defensive, and said so boldly.

"Um, I thought reporting your name was free?"

Dorothy complained softly.

Well, the charges for Longming Arena are quite high. After all, it is the best dueling arena. The rental fee here is three to four times that of other arenas. She is so stingy that she really can't bear to come here to play.

Anyway, she is a harmless earth witch and is not that warlike.

"It's free. You and I have a fight, and if you win, how about I give it to you for free? After all, our ancestors have stipulated that only the strong can have privileges here."

Although the otaku witch complained in a low voice, the cruel lady still heard it due to her good ears, and she immediately suggested it with great interest.

Well, in fact, she has wanted to fight this mysterious clown for a long time, but she has never found any chance. Now that it is rare, she really feels a little itchy.

"Fighting you? What's your strength? What's my strength? Don't you have any secrets in mind?"

Looking at the cruel lady gearing up, Dorothy rolled her eyes speechlessly.

"We can choose the equal mode. How about 200,000 mana magic power?"

Inanna turned a blind eye to the witch's glare.

Hahaha, who on earth has no idea? Clown, see for yourself, what about your record is like what a little witch with more than 200,000 mana can do?

Besides, I was watching from the outside when you were killing people on Dongying Island. You can deceive others, but you can't deceive me.

The cruel lady complained in her heart.

But looking at Dorothy without any disguise in front of her, Inanna was actually quite shocked. She really didn't expect that this guy's magic level was so low.

But thinking about her information that I and others had investigated before, this little guy is only 16 years old this year and is still a half-witch. So the level of magic power is really reasonable. Even among half-witches, this is considered excellent. .

But then think about what I heard a month ago about this guy's terrifying record of picking up ten thousand people on the pier.

Her hands were itchy. She really wanted to have a good fight with this guy. She was addicted to fighting.

"It's not that good. If you don't fight, you won't fight. I'm a cultural person who doesn't like fighting. I'm here to do business today. Give me a better stall. It doesn't have to be too big. Two square meters is enough. I'll give you twenty piece."

Dorothy didn't bother to pay attention to this aggressive guy's invitation. She took out twenty gold dollars from her pocket and threw it over.


Seeing that the clown really had no idea of ​​a fight, Miss Cruelty had no choice but to put away the money with some regret.

As for what this guy said about being a cultural person who doesn’t like fighting? Haha, she didn't believe a word of it. You're better at ransacking homes and chopping people's heads than I am.

However, since they were old friends after all, Inanna collected the money and decided to find a better stall for her.

In fact, generally speaking, if you want a good stall, you need to make a reservation in advance. Today, the stalls with better locations have actually been rented out long ago, and Dorothy and the three of them arrived late.

Fortunately, the space they wanted was not big, only two square meters. Inanna could still find a way to find such a small space for her.

Well, just find an old acquaintance and ask them to make a corner position for them.

"By the way, is your rent so cheap? Only ten gold yuan per square meter per day."

Miss Tyranny led the way in front, while Dorothy curiously looked at the various stalls around and chatted like this.

Although the purchasing power of one gold yuan is actually equivalent to one thousand yuan in the previous life, it is not cheap.

But what is sold here is arms, and a single order is often a big deal of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of gold yuan. Compared with the terrifying transaction amount, the rent is indeed cheap.

"Small profits but quick turnover, and you think that all the orders here are big orders. In fact, there are more small orders on weekdays. In addition to those top arms dealers, some small alchemy associations or potion associations will also set up stalls here. They can't make much money a day. If the rent is high, no one will rent it."

Inanna answered.

And Dorothy looked carefully at the stalls around and found that it was indeed the case.

Compared to the various high-end shops in the Golden Country Market, this place is more like a small commodity market. Many independent witches with alchemy or potion expertise will set up stalls here to sell props or potions they made by hand.

Although most of the potions produced by these folk workshops may not be as good as those sold in the Golden Country Market, the price is also cheap, which is relatively cost-effective. If you are lucky enough to encounter a wild genius stall, you can find treasures and buy high-quality equipment or potions at a low price.

Well, although most of the passers-by witches who come here to stroll should be attracted by the reputation of those top arms dealers.

But shopping, most of these guys are here to see the world, check in and leave. Anyway, most of them can't afford or use those top arms. In the end, the customer flow is still digested by these ordinary small stalls. After all, for those ordinary witches, these small stalls are their real home.

Dorothy strolled in this lively market, and inexplicably felt like she was at a rural market in her previous life. She quite liked this atmosphere.

If she hadn't come to set up a stall today, she might have stopped and started to shop around.

Soon, Inanna led the three of them through those ordinary stalls and came to the center of the square. The stalls here suddenly became tall and majestic.

Although it is impossible to really build a shop here, there are many movable magic huts here, with various shapes. Some are more traditional, just a big tent, while some are more complicated, some look like mushrooms, some look like giant trees, and even some are just huge mechanical castles standing here.

Well, in the witch world, it is normal to have all kinds of magical magic huts.

Most of these magic huts are temporary residences for witches when they go out, and they are of the same nature as tents and RVs in the mortal world.

Strictly speaking, the suitcase Adam gave Dorothy is also a similar prop, but the home witch has developed a little too fast, and she has not slept in the suitcase many times.

Finally, the four of them stopped in front of a magical stall made of dragon skeletons.

"Bergara, look who's here."

Inanna seemed to be very familiar with the owner of this shop. She greeted the beautiful green-haired elder sister very familiarly.

Dorothy's eyes also looked at the owner, and then her eyes lit up.

Wow, this elder sister's maternal nature is almost comparable to that of Senior Sister Mia, which is really amazing.

And compared to Senior Sister Mia, who is gentle on the surface but actually an evil dragon, this elder sister is really gentle at first glance, with kind eyes, gentle and generous.

It's just that Dorothy always feels like she has seen Mr. Spider, maybe because they both have squinty eyes.

Her eyes didn't stay on the owner for long, and she quickly looked around at the goods in the store.

This is a potion store, and the shelves in the store are full of potions with different functions.

Dorothy knew a little about potions, so she looked at them with interest, but she was sweating profusely.

My God, is this a legitimate store? Why are all these potions poisonous?

She looked up at the sign of the potion store, and then saw the mark of the Hydra dragon.

Oh my god, it turns out to be from the Hydra clan, the nine-headed dragon, the king of poison, no wonder all the poisons sold in this store are poisonous.

Dorothy's sight shifted to the green-haired shopkeeper sister again, but now, no matter how gentle the shopkeeper sister looked, she didn't dare to move at all.

No wonder this sister looked the same as Spider Teacher, both of them are poisonous.

However, at this time, the shopkeeper sister also ended her communication with Inanna, and her sight also looked at her side, and then she twisted her slender waist and walked out from behind the counter, which immediately made Dorothy's eyes light up again

Good, it's a snake tail.

The lower body of this big sister is not the long legs that a normal witch should have, but a slender and beautiful green snake tail, which really makes the home witch strike zone go crazy.

What a beautiful tail.

The unique aesthetic ecstasy of the dragon witch, especially the Jörmungandr family, after all, her family is also considered to be dragon and snake blood.

"Hello, Master Clown, or I should call you Dorothy, I am Belgara Hydra, of course, you can also call me Jinggu."

The shop owner's big sister swung her snake tail lightly, twisted her real snake waist and came to Dorothy, and she also extended her hand in a friendly manner.

Dorothy suddenly realized that this was Miss Jing Gu, no wonder Miss Tyranny brought them here.

He was not surprised that the two knew each other in reality. After all, they often got together in the Trial Court, and they were both dragon witches, so they were obviously old acquaintances.

"Yes, Miss Belgara, nice to meet you."

The house witch also shook hands with the shop owner's big sister politely, which made the poisonous dragon witch very happy.

After all, not everyone has the courage to have any physical contact with people of their clan.

However, she was suddenly stunned while laughing, and Dorothy on the opposite side was the same.

The two looked down at the same time in surprise, and then found speechlessly that the two dragon snake tails, one black and one green, on the ground had been entangled together at some point.

Ah this

There is really no way, after all, the dragon tails are usually not under the control of the dragon head, they seem to have their own ideas.

After the two noticed this, they forced them to separate, and their faces turned red.

"Ahem, Inanna has already told me that you need two square meters of space, right? That's it for you to use."

Belgara coughed twice with a slightly red face, and then pointed to the tail of the skeleton dragon.

While she was talking, the skeleton dragon's tail was slightly retracted, and it really gave up about two square meters of area.

"Yeah, thank you."

Dorothy reached out and grabbed her tail, and thanked sincerely.

The three of them came to the small open space, and then the witch took out a table from her magic bag and set up three stools.

Well, this is all the layout of their stall.

But at this time, the witch unexpectedly discovered that another neighbor of hers was also an old acquaintance.

"Senior sister, is this your stall next door?"

Dorothy pointed to the silver shop next to her and asked Mia, the senior sister beside her.

The Golden Princess was not surprised by this. She recognized it at a glance as the stall of her Silver Sister.

"Yes, it belongs to one of my sisters, but I don't know her well."

She said so.

While the two were talking, Inanna and Vergara beside them were also curiously looking at the three of them, wondering what kind of stall they were setting up.

Until the witch of the house took out three cloth flags that looked like fortune-telling signs and hung them next to the table.

The vertical banner on the left read "Magic Customization", which was nothing. The banner on the middle table read "Star Industry", which was nothing.

But the key was the vertical banner on the right, which also had four words on it.

"Witch of the Forest"

For a moment, the two peak witches were stunned.

In fact, it was not just the two of them who were stunned, but everyone around them was stunned.

The sudden appearance of such a small stall here also attracted a lot of people's attention. After all, this is the best location in the entire square, and those who can set up stalls here are all top arms dealers.

Now, a small stall suddenly appeared here, just like a husky mixed in with a group of dragons. Everyone was curious about what these three were going to do.

But this.

The whole audience was silent.

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