43. The Countess’s fiancé became the target of a conspiracy.

A noble’s marriage is a kind of business.

For example, it is no different from finding a partner to expand or maintain a business,

or taking out insurance in case of an emergency.


It’s good if it exists.

But it doesn’t matter much if it doesn’t.

The important thing is to obtain descendants to continue the family line and to protect the family’s domain.

Therefore, there is an implicit social agreement that the marriage partner of a noble should be of equal or similar status.

If one side’s status is too low, it won’t be helpful.

However, rarely,

Very rarely,

Even if there is a significant difference in status and wealth between two people, if they can help each other in crucial ways, is there really a need to oppose their marriage?

This was the thought of some influential people who understood the Countess’s position.

They did not intend to openly support it, but neither did they plan to vehemently oppose it.

Such people were not uncommon among the merchants, nor in the villages on the outskirts of the city.

However, there were also many who did not think this way.

Among the city council members gathered in one of the council’s meeting rooms, there were several who shared this sentiment.

“In these times, it doesn’t seem right to follow one’s heart too much. It is appropriate for the Count to marry a force that can be of help.”

“That was the plan. Twice already. But we lost both the fiancées and the potential allies.”

“Still, marrying someone who is all alone is problematic. Of course, I agree that Sir William has many merits and is a capable person. I’ve heard that his skills are almost on par with Master Johan. However, for the sake of the territory’s survival and development, I think this decision should be reconsidered. The Count’s marriage is not a personal matter. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a key policy that determines the future of the territory.”

A fellow council member interrupted the council member who was vehemently opposing the Count’s engagement.

“They are not married yet, are they?”


“They have announced their engagement, so they will be engaged soon. But marriage? Well, I can’t quite imagine it.”

“What do you mean, Sir Sjogren?”

“It feels somewhat artificial. And aren’t there retainers who protect the Count like parents? They have been quiet. I’ve been thinking for a while that Sir William’s appearance was quite strange. It feels like watching a well-crafted script. So, I think we should wait and see for now.”

At Sjogren’s words, the council members fell into their own thoughts.

It was something they had all felt to some extent, so it was not easy to make a judgment.

At that moment, the door to the meeting room suddenly opened, and a council member rushed in.

“Fellow council members. I have important news to share.”

He held up a letter for everyone in the room to see.

“What is that letter, Sir Bjork?”

“It is a letter from Erik Kalmar. I believe similar letters have been sent to other council members as well.”

“Erik Kalmar? Kalmar, you say? Who is that? Was there such a person?”

“He shares the same great-grandfather as Countess Linnea. He left the city of Kalmar 15 years ago.”

The council members looked at each other.

And they found the same answer in each other’s eyes.

So this is the background behind the sudden engagement announcement!

“What does it say?”

“It appeals that he also has a right to the title of Count of Kalmar. He claims that since Countess Linnea is still unmarried, she is not qualified.”

“Of course! Now I understand everything!”

“I see. The Count had anticipated this turn of events and prepared in advance. But who is Eric’s patron? He couldn’t have acted alone.”

“The letter didn’t specify. But judging by the nuance…”

“It must be either Glenn or Maximilian. They’ve been targeting the Count of Kalmar for a long time.”

“Yes, that’s correct. The letter’s nuance suggests it’s Duke Glenn.”

At those words, the council members looked at each other and shared a sinister smile.

Our Count. Quite impressive!

Realizing Glenn’s schemes long ago and preparing countermeasures in advance means that someone close to Duke Glenn has been recruited by the Count!

In turbulent times, a capable leader is like a skilled captain navigating a ship through a storm. They hold the lives of the passengers in their hands.

Moreover, the Count of Kalmar was bold enough to use his own marriage as a means as soon as he grasped the situation.

The council members of Kalmar could shake off some of their anxiety about the future.

However, one question still remained.

Could Sir William survive unlike the other fiancés?


Duke Glenn couldn’t believe what he had heard.

So he confirmed it again to make sure he had heard correctly.

“I didn’t mishear, did I? The young Countess of Kalmar is engaged to the knight she appointed?”

“Yes. And he’s not a knight, but a baron. He was recently promoted to baron. And this time, a part of the county was separated and made into an independent barony.”

“Is the Countess out of her mind? No, wait. It could be possible. Yes, it’s not impossible.”

Duke Glenn thought he understood why Countess Linnea had gotten engaged.

Having two engagements fall through must have been a significant political blow to Countess Linnea.

Losing the forces that were friendly enough to be chosen as the Count’s consort and potential allies must have been a substantial blow.

The family of the first fiancé, Count Plens, who was assassinated, had rapidly leaned towards Duke Maximilian.

Although they originally belonged to Duke Maximilian’s faction, they were close to neutral, so their change in stance was widely believed to be related to the assassination.

Although the second fiancé, Count Rasmus, survived an assassination attempt, his family had drastically reduced their external activities and holed up in their territory.

If she found a third fiancé and he was also attacked or killed, it would damage her reputation and cause another ally to defect.

It must have been unbearable.

Moreover, even though she is the only legitimate heir, violating the succession law is a significant burden.

So, wasn’t she using Eric Kalmar as a means of coercion?

Eric Kalmar himself seemed to be burning with enthusiasm, hoping for even the slightest chance,

There is no way that is possible.

Then how about strengthening the threat a bit more?

If we give Eric Kalmar a bit more justification, wouldn’t the young countess consider joining hands with us at least once?

So, if we assassinate this fiancé just like the first one?

“But the one you put forward as the fiancé is William Burroughs? I remember this name. Isn’t he the knight who killed Christopher and took the battle hammer?”

“Yes. I reported it after investigating his background on your orders, Duke.”

“I thought it was strange that someone with such incredible skills had such a poor background, but he pops up like this,”

Duke Glenn tapped the table.

The tapping sound gradually slowed down and then stopped.

“Hey. Berggren.”

“Yes, Duke.”

“Was it Tallin? The fiancé of the countess who died while with a prostitute?”

“Yes. That’s right. He was the third son of the Count of Flens.”

“Right. The situation was quite good back then. The fiancé died on top of a prostitute. The humiliation must have been no joke. Maybe the young girl from Kalmar lost her mind and went on a rampage.”

“Indeed, Arkhu does his job well.”

“So, what do you think about doing the same thing again?”

At Duke Glenn’s words, Secretary Berggren fell into thought for a moment.

Is it possible?

Normally, he would have answered that it was naturally possible and found a way somehow.

However, after reading the report on William and significantly raising his evaluation of him, it was hard to say it was possible.

His martial prowess was slightly inferior to Master Johan.

However, when it came to quick thinking and handling people, he was someone who wouldn’t seem out of place as a mid-level merchant who had rolled around in the upper ranks for decades.

He was a person of a different caliber from the third son of a noble family who had lived life enjoying it without a care.

Assassinate such a person by involving him with a prostitute?

I can’t picture it at all.

“Your answer is late.”

“I’m sorry, Duke.”

“Is it difficult?”

He must never say it is difficult.

To maintain Duke Glenn’s trust, he had to keep showing results.

Arkhu was an organization that claimed it could even kill the emperor.

Yes. Let’s trust Arkhu.

“No, Your Grace. It is possible. However.”


“The opponent’s martial power is slightly lower than Master Johan’s, and now he is the count’s fiancé. He will be heavily guarded. The situation is different from when we dealt with Talin.”


“The commission fee for Arkhu might be quite large. And it might not look very pretty. We could kill both William and the prostitute, hitting two birds with one stone. Of course, Arkhu will come up with the detailed plan, but it won’t be as natural as when we dealt with Talin.”

“That’s fine. It doesn’t have to be natural. This is like a knife fight in broad daylight on the street. The purpose is fear. If his fiancé dies absurdly, won’t he also fear that he could die absurdly? Fear makes many things possible. When that time comes, even that girl from Kalmar will want to talk.”

“If that is your intention, we will proceed.”

From noble mtl dot com

Duke Glenn nodded and turned his attention to the new report.

It stated that the powerful Elector Bengtsson had put forward his grandson, not himself, as a candidate for emperor.

His grandson?

He focused on the report with heightened attention.


At a gathering of all the influential people in Kalmar City and its vicinity, Countess Linnea announced that she would soon be engaged, which shocked everyone.

And as quickly as the shock spread, people’s attitudes changed.

Flattery poured in from those who wanted to align themselves with the future count consort, and visitors and invitations flooded in.

On the surface, it seemed like the place was overflowing with people wanting to curry favor with the new power.

But the world seen through the minimap was different.

The number of people who hated me enough to want to kill me had increased absurdly.

Even among those who smiled at me, there were quite a few marked with red dots.

They must hate that an outsider like me is taking Countess Linnea.

At times like this, I realize that Countess Linnea’s popularity is no ordinary thing.

However, in this way, it is impossible to distinguish between those who are hostile to the Kalmar Count family and those who harbor animosity towards me.

I never thought the minimap would have such a problem.

Still, it’s a bit of a problem that even the servants who can freely roam the lord’s castle are marked with red dots…

Moreover, there were definitely no red dots in the lord’s castle before the engagement announcement!

So, is this guy not affiliated with any group but just a jealous lunatic?

Or was he originally just gathering intelligence and then received an order to deal with me?

And is the meal this guy brought me, who is now marked with a red dot, really safe?

“Try it.”


“I said, try it.”

I handed the meal on the tray to the attendant.

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