How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1333 Study hard

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know whether your next bite will be chocolate with X flavor, or chocolate with X flavor.”

"I seem to have heard similar lines from movies, but I always feel like something is wrong."

Lu, who was in the research room, was making up for his classes while watching TV to kill time. He still had time to chat with the big cat, and even flipped through the newly released test reports with his tentacles.

I have to admit that in terms of involution, the multi-tentacles and sensory system are indeed quite powerful.

A person with limited time, while turning out to be more inhuman, has the ability of a scholar running at high speed, allowing him to easily carry out four or five study plans in parallel at the same time.

He still has time to spare two lines of thinking and use them to read books and watch TV, lest the boring learning content prevents him from persevering.

".Is this quantum reading?"

"Um, does this exist in this era?"

Facing the surprise and envy of his senior brothers, Lu Pingan explained casually.

"I'm almost at the rules level, and some things have changed qualitatively."

The other party was still in a daze and couldn't understand. Lu Ping'an's tentacles drilled into his head, and then smiled:

"The brain of an extraordinary person who has reached this level may be just a decoration. It is difficult to die cleanly. It is more like a gathering of polluted 'rules' running body."

Lu Ping'an couldn't understand his current state at first, but after he checked himself, he discovered that "making a wish" had completely optimized his state. To be precise, he peeled off his body and still "breathed" subconsciously. "Blood circulation" and other physiological circulation disguise.

The quasi-regular and regular levels are already "pollution" of order. They only maintain the "human form" subconsciously, and their essence has long been changed beyond recognition.

This is why it's so difficult for big cats to create new bodies.

Different from the "cloning" technology of mortals, the body of a high-level transcendent is actually not a material thing at all. It requires not only physical replication, but also "rules" and "materials" that bear the essence of its power.

".The research results here are somewhat interesting."

Just like when Lu Ping'an took the college entrance examination, "scholars" existed in a separate area.

As a quasi-rules-level scholar, he has an extremely terrifying level of forbidden knowledge. "Learning" this kind of technology and knowledge is as easy as breathing for him.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that more than 90% of the knowledge here is real "scientific knowledge".

"The research ideas of Mankyo University obviously have the style of the old era. They are not too extraordinary. On the contrary, they are very valuable to me."

Even the various colleges of Gucheng University have begun to divide their knowledge systems into "animal tamers" and "gardeners".

Their research and study are mainly to cultivate high-level professionals. This kind of thinking based on actual combat is quite cost-effective and has good short-term effects.

As for the higher end? The knowledge and logistics of potions require graduate students to truly enter the industry. After laying a solid foundation in just two or three years, there is no need to specialize in a certain "field."

"Material science, medicinal materials science, Chinese medicine theory (extraordinary), biology (conventional) and extraordinary biology"

Local universities tend to be practical, but Wangjing University, at least the teaching materials and knowledge systems that Lu Ping'an has come into contact with, add extraordinary knowledge to the past human research system.

For example, in biology, it opens a new path and treats alienated animals, exotic creatures, and man-made monsters as extraordinary creatures, with their own development paths and examples.

This seems to be a redundant approach that affects the advancement of low-level professionals. But from another perspective, if the developers are not limited to extraordinary people, this approach of dividing into "subjects" and "categories" can be more effective. Universalize knowledge to the greatest extent and make research and development “scientific”.

But in Big Cat's research lab, her personal style is even more extreme.

"Why is there so little extraordinary knowledge? Someone must have reduced extraordinary knowledge into 'ordinary knowledge'."

This "downgrade" of knowledge had a profound impact on Lu Ping'an, and he was exposed to a lot of pure knowledge and science, such as the evolutionary maps of various animals and extraordinary creatures, which should have belonged to animal trainers and could not be The knowledge he understood was recognized by the system as ordinary knowledge at this time.

".'Knowledge' is just tools and materials. How can intelligent creatures be limited by their own tools?"

Big Cat abandons the concept of the extraordinary and gives Lu Pingping a deep understanding of its nature.

In her conclusion, whether it is the mysteries of gods, the unique rules of foreign lands, the local knowledge of physics and chemistry, or the professional knowledge of various professions (extraordinary), they are all just "materials" that can be manipulated.

It is also because of this research philosophy that several of her "doctoral students" are pure mortals.

They regard "extraordinary" more as a "black box" that needs to be understood separately. They can develop, combine, use their own understanding and technology, and come up with various targeted "black box combinations" ", but you don't need to be able to use extraordinary.


In the long run, Lu Ping'an gained a lot. He felt a little uncomfortable if he was really asked to supplement his extraordinary metaphysics, but with this kind of "study", he made rapid progress.

In the short term, a large amount of knowledge about "animal trainers", "animals", and "medicine" allows them to bypass the restrictions of "gardeners" and make steady progress in the life system.

Perhaps, this is also the way for these real life-type top players to bypass their own professional conflicts.

"Not only that, you have to learn to 'control'. If you follow your career path, sooner or later you will be assimilated by it and become a tool for the alienation of the 'career', or become a slave of a higher-level being on the path. At this point At the point where you have to re-analyze what you have learned.”

Although he complained repeatedly, Big Cat did fulfill his promise and broke his "legacy" into pieces and taught Lu Ping'an.

His superhuman learning speed and vast amounts of knowledge reading did not bring him any career advancement. If there was any change, it was that his "general knowledge" had many more categories.

With limited time, Lu Pingan understood more about research methods and approaches. He also began to use illustrations to record life, understand life, and form life.

Lu Ping'an vaguely understood that perhaps Big Cat's real legacy and treasure was this knowledge. Of course, what was in front of him was not all, but in order to completely inherit her knowledge system, it was natural to start from the basics and understand from the outline and methodology.

Now, Lu Ping'an is stacking blocks every day. While obtaining conventional knowledge from the research laboratory, the "answers" given by Big Cat are full of extraordinary flavor. She herself is the key to the treasure house.

Every time he learns and understands, Big Mao analyzes his "knowledge" with his own "methodology". Maybe there is no improvement on the panel, but Lu Ping'an can feel that it is qualitatively changing every day.

While he was "studying hard", his own disciple, the one-eyed marshal, was busy flying.

"Can you say, 'You can't eat grapes without spitting out their skins'"

While Lu was studying, in the variety show on TV, Lu Lu was smiling stiffly, determined to meet the expectations of the host and the audience, and received waves of cheers and exclamations.

Lu Lu is popular, or the fake Dongguo people on Mercury 42 are popular

"How miserable."

"It's too awful."

But in front of the TV, the unscrupulous master and "master" watched her jokes with smiles on their faces.

Lu Ping'an could feel that the fire was unnatural, and he could even vaguely feel the official push, but

"Who cares? Haha, the tongue twister is too slippery. This is not good. You have to make a few mistakes and make the whole room laugh. The effect will be good. Give her special training when you come back."

What made Lu Lu brave enough to be promoted as an image ambassador was obviously this man who avoided business and concentrated on his private work.

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