How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1336 Employment

Where there is demand, there is a market, even if those demands may not be on the table.

"It seems that everyone is very busy."

The explorers of foreign lands are not just Lin Nu's family, but also the dozens of righteous gods and affiliated forces. I am afraid that the number of key worlds they have opened at the same time exceeds three digits.

There are so many worlds, so many resource points, and a series of problems related to industry, population, culture, and religion, all of which require a large number of talents to solve the problems.

Naturally, there is a human dispatch and trading market.

And because Wanjing, the capital of the Eastern Kingdom, is so important and so many forces have their bases or headquarters there, it has naturally become a place for cooperation and coordination.

This kind of "trade in force" is obviously neither normal nor legal, but considering that even if you ban it and they do it secretly, it will bring about a series of social instability factors, the government has also adopted a tacit attitude towards it.

Of course, it's not appropriate for you to do it in the inner ring or in public, so we organized it in this outer ring area.

Similar places are actually found in every state, but this "big market" is definitely the largest and has the highest ceiling. When most of the upper-class forces in the Eastern Kingdom have people stationed here, it can even indirectly affect the entire world. situation.

"Let's raise the stakes, and at the same time, release some information. This time it is an open recruitment."

Lu Pingan found his staff, who were the cadres of the Salvation Army that Lu Lu came with. They had actually been stationed around to distribute materials and leaflets, hoping to recruit more forces interested in Mercury 42. But from the results Look, the feedback isn't bad, it's basically non-existent.

Ordinary teams with a few people or dozens of people (no rules level) cannot affect the overall situation, and the stationed personnel will not be too interested, and the forces and organizations that are enough to affect the overall situation will not enter the game for these simple flyers. .

In order to lure them into the situation, firstly, they need great righteousness, that is, official approval. Otherwise, they will just deploy troops at will and do whatever they want, which is also very taboo.

The second is to give away profits. You have taken over the richest cities and mining areas. If you invite us to send troops, do you really only give us money? For the Orthodox Church, money is probably the most meaningless thing.

"Leave my contact information and ask them to talk to me directly. I will come once in the next two days or make an appointment to talk in person."

Then, when you invite others to join the game, you naturally want to give them room to develop together.

A city, an island, or even a "continent" can all be discussed. Since Lin Nu Church has determined that she cannot survive alone, it is natural for other forces to intervene.

Of course, if it comes too messy, it will be a disaster.

How to sell the existing "chips" at the highest possible price and provide tickets to the right people and the right forces depends on the strength of the negotiator.

The staff here were sent here very early, and the salary, resources, etc. were all written down. The price of this advertisement is not cheap. But neither Lu Ping An nor Lu Lu actually put their thoughts on it. .

The first is that you cannot get the "covenant" and "license". Everything you talk about is empty, and others will not talk seriously with you. At least, the premise (license) of this matter must be more than half successful before others will take it. really.

Secondly, our own side still has some expectations for the official, hoping that even if they are unable to send direct combat forces, they can still pull the strings. It is not just that they are expected to introduce high-quality fighting groups of our own, but if the officials pull the strings, there will be official support for them. If both parties guarantee cooperation, then the mercenaries will be much more honest.

After all, Lu Ping'an and his party still have high expectations for the officials, hoping that they can give Mercury 42 enough preferential treatment. But now it seems that being able to help with publicity is the limit of help. In at least hundreds of worlds Now that they all have to intervene, there is really not much they can do.

"Give up some areas, cities and islands."

This is also a predetermined content. If you want them to appear as reinforcements, you must at least give the opponent a space and base for development.

It's just that the previous publicity was really "publicity", more of a recognition of familiar faces, letting people know about the situation of Mercury 42, and the fact that they are indeed hiring people. But now the greatly increased remuneration means that they are really hiring people. .

In the following days, Lu Ping'an planned to come once every two days, intending to directly negotiate terms with interested forces face to face. Those terms that were suspected of ceding territory were not suitable for widespread circulation.

When he was away, Lu Lu would also take over, but it was extremely inappropriate for her to be solely responsible. It made people feel like local people came out to "ask for help". While negotiating passively, they might also be criticized. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the lion opened his mouth, and

"Lu Lu, you need to be stronger and adopt the attitude of 'it doesn't matter if you don't come, there are many people willing to join in'. As a diplomat, your over-friendliness will be regarded as cowardice, and weak people will be seen as cowardly in diplomatic negotiations." It’s hard to get respect among them.”

But with two high-level combatants, Lu Lu and Lu Ping'an, they will naturally get the respect and attention they deserve.

Lu Pingan took a look at the bustling scene and the staff who were adjusting the new conditions, and nodded with satisfaction.

"If you are willing, take the bait, and when you see it, someone can talk to us."

He sat at work for about an hour. It was too boring, so he was ready to run away early.

After all, this is still not the main job for which he came here today.

"I hope the negotiations will go smoothly."

Since the Grand Bazaar has this name and so many goods shops, it is naturally also the main commodity trading area.

There are too many things that are not suitable for entering the inner ring of Wangjing. This may be the last place for them to circulate as commodities.

Lu Ping'an didn't hide his goal. He came to buy materials for Big Cat's new body.

There is no shortage of regular resources in the research laboratory, but to create a divine body, the standing resources in the warehouse are absolutely not enough.

"Please give me some blood"


Lu Pingan met the Holy Son of a certain church. They had a good conversation at first, but as soon as Lu Pingan said he wanted some blood essence, the other party exploded.

This is not only the amount required by Lu Ping An, but more importantly,

"God knows how many curse-killing spells there are in this world. How can you hand over a part of your body to a stranger? Please don't come closer. I know you have a rule-level human head in your hand. If you come closer again, I will call "People"

Unable to obtain it in the normal way, Lu Ping'an also tried to get it. He tried to get into a quarrel with a certain holy son. Blood spurted out on the battlefield. Isn't this super normal?

But the opponent was obviously more sophisticated than expected, and the provocation tactics became meaningless.

It seems that this main material will not be received in the short term, but Lu Ping'an has gained a lot of unexpected auxiliary materials.

"Bones of steel, flesh and blood of spirit, and the brain (core) of God?"

After reintegrating what he had learned, Lu Pingan had more goals.

"Big Cat, you don't have any life-or-death friends who are willing to contribute a lot of treasure to your resurrection?"

"A friend of life and death? Are you willing to trade your own life for my death?"

Well, Lu Ping'an knew that Big Cat really had no friends at all.

The price of the body that Big Cat has to bear is too high, and the top-quality materials are basically in a state of marketability. Even Lu Ping'an himself has a headache.

I'm afraid I have to take the initiative to enter this "high-end market" that is full of hostility and wariness.

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