How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1346 Omen

It was just the right time for Accountant Wang to find a safe journey.

It is estimated that we will need to sail again soon. If we leave the earth, God knows when we will come back next time.

Thinking about the overall situation, now that the "official matters" have been finalized, it is time to deal with the "private matters" of your team.

As the leader of the team, a senior member of the Daughters of the Forest Church, and the mentor of the Marshal of the Salvation Army, Lu’s focus is on the overall situation.

It was natural for him to negotiate with senior government officials and local quasi-god bosses, but he neglected the development of his own team.

And once you really miss it and want to make up for it, you don’t know where to start.

". Let's make a big purchase. Get more equipment, production lines and vehicles. If Fang Wen is here, there won't be many problems with daily maintenance. If it doesn't work, the first batch of large-scale demonization will allow at least 50% of the equipment to be used in foreign lands. use."

Lu Ping'an had a lot of Dongguo coins and credit coins on hand, so he took the opportunity to make a big fortune.

I and my team already have double-digit cities as territories on Mercury 42, but most of the development status is quite subtle. They should obtain more industries and technologies.

As the holder of the Rebirth Chamber of Commerce, since it enjoys taxation and profit sharing, it naturally has to bear some responsibilities. As they develop better, the association can also receive greater feedback.

Vaguely, Lu Pingan seemed to see a strange scene.

Under the festive fireworks are bustling streets, but the crowds on the streets constitute cities.

Islands, mountains, and cities in the deep sea form a prosperous country, and within it, the shops, fleets, and even the clothes of the staff all wear the emblem of the scales.

Many lives trade and live together equally and tolerantly, exchanging what they need under the holy symbol of the balance.

Is that the holy symbol of the Scale Beast? Different from the scale held by the beast's claws, this time, under the scale is an ancient tree that represents prosperity and regeneration.


When Lu Ping'an woke up again, his dream passed by in a flash.

Is it a dream? Is it imagination? Or foreknowledge? No, it is the prompt given by the spiritual instinct of longing for evolution.

Lu Ping'an blinked. Except for that time when he glimpsed all spirits, this was probably the most "real" spiritual intuition he had come into contact with.

Perhaps, these are his rules, his divine kingdom on earth, and the foundation of his enlightenment. His path is destined to be linked to the prosperity of civilization, and is destined to be associated with "fair trade."

Just like the original big cat, "truth" needs to be verified. It tried to use the life of a city to verify its "principle of the balance", and its own rational intuition told him that maybe he had similar needs.

Verification requires materials.

Then, it seems that it is necessary for oneself to prosper the foreign country that fulfills its own "rules".

"Xiao Wang, uh, Lao Wang, what you said is indeed very important." Lu Pingan spoke, his words were very sincere, and he decided to increase the salary of the person opposite.

In the eyes of Accountant Wang, his BOSS leader just thought for a moment, blinked, and then confirmed his work.

He showed a happy face, and then tried to keep calm. It was enough to talk at this point. What to do in detail, how to transfer the earth's industry to the past, was beyond his scope of authority and responsibility.

After the man left, Lu Ping'an also took out his notebook and wrote down some notes.

He realized that he had indeed forgotten some important points. The senior executives of the Rebirth Business Group were too "characteristic". Perhaps they had too many high-level combat powers, but they did not care much about the management of "external things".

Perhaps among the senior officials, only Guan Xinxian paid special attention to him because he wanted to better pursue his own ideals, which required nearly unlimited resource investment.

Before, Lu Ping'an had Catherine, the "big manager", come to supervise the business situation. Now she has indeed returned, but she is a little bit resentful about lagging behind other colleagues. She is practicing more every day, and it seems that she has no intention of taking over the "Shadow Group" long” job.

".I can take over again, but I have some conditions."

Thinking of doing it, Lu Pingan went directly to Catherine to talk about it.

The team is currently in a delicate state. The ability of Captain Guan, who has been in office for ten years, to maintain the team's integrity has reached its limit. Now that the business group has suddenly gained so much territory, it needs dedicated personnel to manage and organize it.

Even if Accountant Wang didn't mention this matter, he would soon notice it when Lu Ping'an and his party returned to that world. By that time, it was already too late. After all, a round trip was too cumbersome and a waste of time.

"If it were before, I would suggest that we take it easy. Who can be sure how long we can keep that world, as long as we make enough money without losing money. But now, we can't give up on Mercury 42."

Both Catherine in front of her and Lu Ping'an himself were aware of a key issue, a reality that had changed qualitatively.

In the past, I could leave at any time because I didn't invest enough. Now I am bound to the "Guchong University Mercury 42 Branch" plan. Next, Gucheng will also invest in some projects in that outer domain, and then consider the official "cultural pilot program of Dongguo" "project, at least Lu Ping An's own political life has been directly linked to it.

".Can't afford the loss."

Lu Ping'an has exhausted all his efforts in dealing with quasi-gods and gods these days, and he really hasn't paid much attention to such long-term management matters. Or, to put it another way, he has not changed his perspective from a "traveler (explorer)" Change to a "master" attitude.

Now, he is a lord and a landowner, and he is recruiting "reinforcements".

In the future, that may be his home, his kingdom of God on earth. Since he cannot lose, he cannot lose.

"At this time, you can't think about losing money. Invest more in Catherine. I'll give you all the Dongguo coins and credit coins I have in hand to acquire more industries and technologies used there."

Lu Pingan wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper again, but at this time, Catherine shook her head.

". First agree to my conditions, or else you will roast me on the fire."


There are only two conditions for Catherine. The first is that she only serves as an administrative deputy rather than the person in charge.

On the one hand, it is too tiring to take the blame, and more importantly, she is a phosphorus spreader.

"We all know that the Rebirth Chamber of Commerce is extremely equal to all races, but it is still a team with humans as its core. As a core executive, I have no problem, but if I serve as a spokesperson, there will be trouble, whether it is outside or above. "Catherine said it very sincerely, she must make this matter clear.

Outside? There are other humans in the Mercury 42 tribe of Phosphorus Spreaders. When they see Catherine, a Phosphorus Spreader, become the de facto manager of the business group, they will definitely have a lot of messy thoughts.

above? The official leaders of Dongguo who have been eyeing this project, what do they think about the fact that the manager of this project is a foreign race?

"Even if you trust me, if you really expect me to be loyal for a long time, you'd better find someone to check and balance me. This will make it easier for me to work."

Catherine is very sincere. She knows that Lu Pingan is not a person who likes to play tricks. If you have any ideas, it is more appropriate to communicate directly.

"...I will find it. But now, I'm afraid you have to hurry up and spend at least 80% of the currency, all of it in kind and industry. We want to invest in my territory."


Catherine nodded. She also knew that this meant her second condition, and Lu Ping An accepted it.

The first condition is for your work to proceed smoothly, and the second condition is for yourself.

If you become the "shadow leader" again, you will have to spend a lot of time and energy taking care of group affairs and even managing the territory.

"I will (lend) you a sum of life points regularly, and at the same time, let Chris help you with your work."

Upon hearing this, Catherine was overjoyed.

Unlike the mortal world, now that we have reached the edge of the rule level, who doesn't want to become a true legend? Even if it is just a substantial increase in lifespan, it is a completely irresistible temptation.

Since I have to waste time serving the team, I naturally want more compensation from Ping An.

Looking at the girl happily checking the account book, spiritual intuition visited Lu Ping'an again.

He was silent for a moment and then said suddenly.

"Perhaps, working hard for me will be your chance to gain immortality."

"Ha, don't even think about using my job for free. I've seen too many bosses of PUA employees."

".I am the Contractor and I don't lie."

"Ah, yes, yes."

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