How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1382 The Road to Godhood

Destiny may be just an interjection in the material world, but on an extraordinary planet, it may be an unspoken rule operating in the shadows.

When Baan fell, it also meant the end of the last "Mother Goddess Road". From that moment on, some subtle changes occurred in the entire world.

".The power of the Mother Goddess' Path can no longer be used?!"

"Mine can still be used. The effect has been reduced by at least two-thirds."

"What happened? Why do I feel that my power is weakening and I seem to be falling down? Don't, don't, don't!!"

For the remnants of the Mother Goddess Sect, it will be a nightmare from this day on. In other words, if you are willing to give up everything in the past, this day will be the beginning of a nightmare.

The "Mother Goddess" is actually only one step away from truly becoming a god. With the emergence of quasi-gods and eighth-level powerhouses, its rules have essentially begun to be embedded in the world and become one of the "quasi-rules" of this plane.

This is also the reason why the more high-end professionals in a pathway, the more powerful that profession is. The overall power of a pathway is enough to modify the basic code of the entire world, or a decentralized network with a supercomputer as its core. In fact, a The person at the top of a path is often the real holder of the path. It has some control and influence over those below.

Originally there was no road, but as more people walked it became a road. When the road leads to the sky, it naturally becomes the so-called "step".

"The 'Mother Goddess' is gone."

Two opportunities, two opportunities to reach the sky, but they both fell into the headwind.

When the mechanism of this world determines that the "Mother Goddess" is useless "junk data", it naturally and ruthlessly eliminates them. Those remnants of the Mother Goddess who feel that they have lost their power have not actually lost their power; It has lost the recognition and support of the world, and has lost the "increase" it had for a long time.

The debate between "annexation" and "linkage" has come to an end. These are two completely opposite paths.

One is to swallow up other lives, and the many become one, everyone is for me.

One is to share one's life with other lives, one becomes me, and I become everyone.

"It's useless to give you a chance!"

The judgment mechanism of the world is bloody and cruel. It is unreasonable and moral. But when these two paths collide violently, the survivor will naturally be correct.

"It seems like I can 'share' my career."

Lu Ping'an had some vague feelings. He felt that his special path could "preach" in this world and allow some professionals to become lower-level professions. Of course, it was a reduced version and a selected version.

The more lower-level passers-by, the more feedback Lu Ping An can get, and more importantly, the world will recognize this rule.

Then, Lu Ping An will not only be more powerful, but also reduce a lot of resistance when ascending to the gods.

"No wonder, many high-level professionals start to build their own churches at the eighth level and quasi-god stage. No one will do it if there is no benefit."

The closer each lower-level professional is to you, the higher-level person, the more similar he is to your "clone". Then, the upper-level person can naturally easily crush the lower-level person, and there may even be a situation where he takes over (you must be prepared in advance).

Lu Ping'an hesitated for a moment and shook his head. Although he had the authority, he didn't have to use it. He was growing too fast, so he had better be honest during this period.

However, he did feel the "favor of fate". All of his professional abilities were significantly enhanced and more stable to use. Lu Ping'an's super-standard professional abilities themselves were the feedback given by the world. He was given The privilege of "breaking life and death".

When new people laugh, old people will naturally cry.

When the Tower of Babel of the Mother Goddess completely collapsed, the higher-level professionals had greater influence, and the closer they were to the original ones like Chris, the more severe the damage would be.

Among the remaining high-level devout people, at least one-third have directly lost their main career path, and the remaining ones have no possibility of going further. For those professionals who have stepped on the edge of collapse, the degradation of their main career is about the same as directly Death penalty, permanent stuck in level equals slow death.

According to subsequent statistics, at least thirty hidden Law Order-level Mother Goddess followers mutated on the spot that day, and then quickly died.

The few survivors recognized the situation and immediately apostatized or martyred the religion. At this moment, the Mother Goddess system that Barn had worked so hard to maintain completely collapsed, and it was impossible to revive again.

As for Lu, he was just surprised by the power of his new professional ability and the chemical interaction between various ability systems.

"It seems that I can split it into part and make it a very attractive lower-level profession. Uh, a unique path to start at the fourth level?"

But he gave up in the end. After all, he was too young, still in the period of rapid growth and the official honeymoon period. It would be better to do less of these subtle things that would cause changes in stance. The main reason was that he was too young and had no potential. Exhausted, there is really no need to do such troublesome things just to go further.

These days, Ping An is quite experienced just playing with his own "fictitious assets". Not only does his ability have a wide range of uses, it can be effective on most ordinary items (very fun), and it can also "activate" taboo items. to achieve high practical value.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Pingan spends money to buy IQ, which is the "living soul" of ordinary items, similar to the creation of a false soul.

If it is a taboo item, it may be that they are actually "living things", and the IQ maintenance fee spent is often fixed, that is, their personality, preferences, and even self-positioning are determined at the beginning. They basically agree with Lu as their master, but it is a bit difficult to work for nothing.

In this regard, Lu is not difficult. His "life investment" is integrated with the craftsman system, and he can mass-produce quasi-polluting and taboo items. Since these masters want to negotiate conditions, Lu can completely cultivate a new lower-level existence by himself. As long as the points are enough, powerful taboo items can be mass-produced.

On the other hand, he found that his greedy craftsman's "naming" ability can also be used together with this "fictitious asset". Naming these newborns can greatly enhance their abilities and make it easier to command them.

For example, mass-producing a batch of tree people, and then adding titles such as "Tree Man Berserker" and "Hunter" will give them similar professional characteristics.

At the same time, even when facing those taboo items, Lu Ping'an can also "rename" them, of course, spending a considerable amount of points.

It can be said that as long as Lu Ping'an's ability combination chain is running, as long as the points are sufficient, he can continuously expand his "legion" and "arsenal".

At this time, looking back, Lu Ping'an realized that he had accumulated a lot without realizing it.

Craftsmen, scholars, runners, drivers, tamers, gardeners and other professions formed a complex professional system. If he wanted to dismantle it, he could dismantle several very practical low-level unique professions. For example, named scholars/craftsmen, gardeners who control holy fire magic plants, etc., through which they can guide professionals to their own unique paths.

".This is not surprising. Many quasi-gods have this ability. You just have it in advance."

When the big cat said this, he squeezed it out with his teeth.

Lu almost understood that he already had his own "road to godhood". The world has opened up the permission for him to "cast a wide net". He only needs to accumulate.

He thought about it and decided that it was too early to take this step. Although Big Cat looked unhappy, he also advised Lu Ping'an not to rush and accumulate more. When he really reached the point of ascending to heaven, he would have more choices and a higher limit.

And since Big Cat had given her so much face these days, Lu didn't provoke her, but just asked casually.

"Ah, yes, yes, did you have this back then? Uh, a gentleman talks, not fights."

"I'm a woman!"

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