How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1384 Additional Investment

"Sir, how does it taste? Do you think it suits the appetite of the people over there?"

Lu Ping'an put down his chopsticks, thought for a while, and ordered himself another piece of Wanjing roast duck.

Not bad, fat but not greasy, and with a light woody fragrance. He had never eaten such authentic Wanjing roast duck in his previous life.

And on this table, basically all the dishes of this grade are at the master level in terms of quality and cooking. Lu Ping'an can feel that "common materials" are used as much as possible, but.

".No, their taste is not so delicate. And it's too greasy for the long-handed people, and too light for the fish people. If you mainly do business with humans, hehe, my "hometown food" restaurant is about to go bankrupt."

"Sure enough. How about trying this?"

The official in front of him was very friendly. Not only did he take the initiative to invite Lu Ping'an to have a big meal, but he was also accompanied by some big company bosses.

Would they not know the taste of the ethnic groups over there? Do they really want Lu Ping'an to come and try the dishes in person?

".Guoliang Group has some interest in that place and should join the investment. Maybe within half a year, the first batch of more than 20 chain enterprises will move in, with at least more than 600 stores. This is just the first phase. Let's see how the returns are. If you are interested, you can invest."

Finally, it was time for the main course, but Lu Pingan smiled bitterly when he heard him say that.

I, Lu, know that you have good intentions and plan to increase investment in Mercury 42, not only to increase Dongguo's position there, but also to do me a favor.

But investing in Guoliang and its hundreds of subordinate stores? Am I qualified? Well, I probably have the strength, but I can't see any splashes with my little liquidity. If the capital chain is broken, I will go bankrupt immediately.


"We need some extra protection here. If we can put up your "hometown cuisine" sign, we will give you 10% of the shares. They can be responsible for the operation and routine security. Of course, it would be better if you help us when necessary, and we will give you extra compensation at that time."

Now, it was Lu Pingan's turn to be surprised.

This gift is really too heavy.

This is not about money at all. In the Age of Exploration, capital may be the least important factor in developing a region's "civilization". The most valuable assets are the cannon fodder and adventurers who are willing to step into the unknown ocean under the premise of unknown form and extremely high risk.

In the case of stable income, sailors and captains will come in an endless stream, but now Mercury 42 is still in the war period. At this time, a large amount of investment is a very valuable "gift".

It is estimated that this is the result of repeated consideration. With the current openness of Mercury 42, if it is really to be widely spread, it is equivalent to giving away infrastructure. Heavy industry and light industry have been localized for ten years. It takes time to adjust and adapt to catch up. If a large number of them enter the grain and food industry, they can become real physical assets.

The "store manager" sent by the chain company under the state-owned group can be spread everywhere, and the most troublesome human resources problem can be solved instantly.

As long as Lu Ping'an nodded, he would have a huge industrial cluster that could be spread across countless regions. This is not just a matter of making money, but Lu Ping'an's Chamber of Commerce can directly enter all the power areas of Mercury with the official support of the East Country.

Even if you are a "big group", you will not expel the East Country's "state-owned enterprises" in its territory. Lu Ping'an may also be able to rely on this to have a huge intelligence network and extensive voice.

As long as the grain and food industries are industrialized and spread all over, Lu Ping'an will naturally become the actual controller of Mercury 42 at a certain level.

".Can I?"

"Of course you can. Of course, if you have time to help us train the security personnel over there, and let the business personnel over there have more self-protection capabilities, it will be even better."

This is undoubtedly an exchange of interests, but the other party proposed this condition, also considering Lu Ping'an's advantages in "cultivating talents", and if the backbone group of the new era is really cultivated, Lu Ping'an, the "mentor", will naturally have a wider range of interference capabilities.

I am afraid that by that time, Lu Ping'an, a major general with a nominal title, will become a military district commander in a real sense.

The Salvation Army wants to build a country, but as the price of support, the East Country must definitely control some of the industries of the new country. They expect Lu Pingan to intervene in the grain and food, after all, he is a top gardener.

".Uh, okay, I am professional in cultivating talents. As for local grain planting and food improvement, I can only say that I will do my best."

"That's enough."

After finishing this meal, Lu Pingan's itinerary has just begun. He was invited to accompany the mayor of Gucheng to visit a state-owned warship factory and affiliated heavy equipment manufacturing industry in Wanjing.

".Very powerful, very amazing."

Lu Moumou. Major General Lu, when invited to speak and express his opinions, could only bite the bullet and say a few words.

"I can't stay in Wanjing anymore. Let's pack up and run away."

Originally, Lu Moumou was just a pendant of his eighth-level disciple and an "intermediary" of the diplomatic delegation. He just participated in the development of the two places.

But now, after Lu Moumou really killed Barn and demonstrated his combat power group, he is a veritable "local lord".

Now, Dongguo wants to invest and develop in Mercury 42, so the heads of the related companies will naturally come to pay their respects.

Not to mention all kinds of gifts, there are also many people who directly give shares, and Lu really dare not refuse to accept them. You are linked to common interests, so the other party will be more at ease to invest heavily, hoping that you will stand up for your own interests when needed.

This time, the covenant and agreement have actually been signed, but Lu's performance has won him more. In addition to the paper, a lot of higher-end additional investments have been added. The original small restaurant has become a brand chain, and the original craftsman shop has now become a large factory.

However, these new "investments" naturally have to be reviewed by Lu Ping'an, the "master". This made him very annoyed and he wanted to run away directly.


Don't say it, the mayor of the ancient city really suggested that he run away irresponsibly.

This is really not for poaching people. Lu's position is actually very stable. The first is the ancient city, the second is the East Country, and the third is humans. That's it.

"You are here, you can't get around it, you must nod or at least acquiesce. If they really ignore you, they may offend you, so you must look over it. If you run away, they may also feel relieved."

Don't say it, it's really the truth, Lu Ping'an sighed.

For a moment, he really didn't think of it. It's not that he didn't have the experience and intelligence, but he didn't have the heart. He knew that he couldn't devote too much energy to politics, business, and farming, and he grew too fast and had too high a position, so he naturally had to face these realistic responsibilities.



"100 points a week."

"Leave it to me, I will be your best agent."

Leaving Wan Jing's troubles to her, Lu Ping'an disappeared again.

He actually has more important things. Official investment and support are one aspect, the development of the Chongshang Chamber of Commerce is one aspect, and Lu Ping'an's own "progress" is another matter.

His ability is a self-contained system, and the mass production of polluted items in the craftsman path requires a lot of materials and resources as raw materials.

The industrial layout of the Rebirth Chamber of Commerce can be handed over to other people for help, but Lu Moumou's own ability to build it, the astronomical figure of the purchase order, is only calculated by himself.

Not to mention the distant past, just to build a set of equipment and a weapon for each of the backbones of the society, he is the only one who goes to find the materials personally.

After the evolution of Lu Moumou, the upper limit of his ability has been improved by more than a little, so he is not the only one who benefits. Many people in the society are staring at it eagerly, but.

".It's so expensive, why is it so expensive."

The increased strength after the upgrade also brings a higher level of material consumption, involving materials above the rule level, how can it be cheap.

Well, today's update, take a break and adjust, and also think about the next plot.

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