How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1387 Chaotic Mercury

When Lu Ping'an and his party returned to Earth to seek help and negotiate the alliance, the time of Mercury 42 did not stop, and the foreign invaders did not stop.

In fact, on the contrary, the battlefield became more and more intense. If they did not feel pressure, the princes of Lin Nu Church would not have to take the initiative to share their cakes.

"It's been five months? Haven't you come back yet?"

". It may take a little time. The flow of time on our side is still a little abnormal. According to the information I got, it seems that it has only been more than three months on Earth."

The timeline that was disrupted at the beginning is not without consequences, especially now that the super existence who stepped on the accelerator is no longer there.

In the past few months, the flow of time on Mercury 42 is indeed a bit chaotic, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but without the power of the world controller, everything is returning to calm, and the maximum time difference does not exceed three times, which is generally acceptable. "Time difference".

Now I have calculated it overall, it seems that it is reasonable to waste a few more months.

"It takes more than two months to go back and forth. It really takes a little time."

Although it is understandable, all fronts are already a little bit overwhelmed.

Invaders from the outside world continued to leave. After confirming that the front line was relatively safe (it would not fall into the turbulence of time and space), the high-level combat forces of various forces began to leave the field to occupy the territory. Several cities and regions have begun to become obviously foreign, and some high-level combat forces of Mercury 42 were also forced to leave the field.

Naturally, in the "chat room", the discussion about reinforcements also occurred occasionally, but everyone knew that there would probably be no answer in a short time.

As they chatted, they naturally complained and pulled each other.

Each boss has his own sphere of influence, and his combat power is always limited. Before his core sphere of influence is invaded, he naturally does not want to fight desperately, but when your sphere of influence is really attacked, it doesn't make much sense for you to fight desperately.

Let alone the full mobilization of the war potential of this world, each force is sweeping the snow in front of its own door, which is the biggest problem.

Everyone can see this problem, but it is impossible to solve it. Many people joined Lin Nu because the Lin Nu Church was loose and free enough. If everyone is an insider, even if you are slightly stronger, your interests are there, why should others trust you and obey your orders.

Credibility is something that does not exist in such a loose alliance, especially when each lord has his own territory and industry. Many of them even secretly hope that their neighbors will be killed so that they can accept population, resources and territory.

What they need most is not military force, but "the person in charge".

What the insiders say, no matter how correct, will be questioned. This is the root cause of their request for help from the East Country. As the senior leaders of Lin Nu Church, they themselves do not trust Lin Nu's people, but trust the East Country officials.

"Lu Ping'an is back."

Suddenly, the "big group" who had been silent and neutral suddenly spoke.

She has her own unique channels, and many news come earlier than others. Even she, after receiving the news, repeatedly verifies the authenticity.

After all, she had personally contacted Lu Ping'an and really knew Lu's situation. The boy was not the old guy pretending to be young as in the legend, but a real pink newcomer.

"Have the reinforcements arrived?"

"Did he succeed?"

"How is the Savior Army? Has his disciple's founding plan been officially approved?"

All parties have their own requirements. In the past few hours, the chat bar with only one chat message directly filled the screen.

Too many messages slid by, and many hidden bosses came out to breathe, and everyone knew that there were so many people peeking at the screen.

This is no wonder. After all, the results brought by Lu Ping'an's return may directly determine the life and death of this planet, and how many bosses will lose everything. For most of them, the latter is the most important.

In fact, the front line is like this, in the final analysis, they are still at the ends of the snake, and they are still hesitating whether to run away.

"Next, the quasi-god can speak for five minutes, first of all, he succeeded."

This news undoubtedly made everyone relieved.

The quasi-god 'King Kui' Akul spoke first and asked.

"I knew that guy could do it. Success to that extent? Is the government willing to send reinforcements? That's unlikely. How many mercenaries are there?"

After sorting out the information in his hand, "Da Qun" Xiuyi announced what Lu Ping'an had done.

"First of all, the covenant has been negotiated, and it is of the highest level, and the national leader personally signed and approved it. Of course, there is no need to think about the military district. Their coming may not be a good thing for us. Lu Ping'an has completed most of the tasks originally commissioned."

I'm afraid that if it weren't for the silence, the screen would probably be filled with a lot of exclamations and symbols.

But the information Xiuyi got was too much and too complicated, which made her, who had experienced many battles, miss its authenticity. After thinking about it, she wrote it down directly.

"We have negotiated with the natives of the Silent Mountain World. Their reinforcements are on the way. At least two gods are bringing more than 100,000 elite Salars."

"We have negotiated with the Moon God. He defected from the Red Star Republic and should arrive in the sky of this world in the short term to become one of the guardian gods."

"We have negotiated with the authorities. Not only will the mercenaries of the two righteous gods join us, but there will also be many scattered mercenary forces participating, and they are all under the constraints of the authorities."

"Not only did the government promise to help the Salvation Army build a country, it will also make a series of investments and infrastructure. The first batch includes dozens of subordinate units of large state-owned enterprises. It is expected to make large-scale investments in light industry, agriculture, military industry, education, etc."

"A group of earthlings from the East will immigrate here. Please take care of them."

The messages were flooding the screen. There were no details, but just tens of thousands of words were written to simplify the content as much as possible.

When Xiuyi finished speaking and lifted the ban, it immediately caused an uproar.

"How is it possible? The government is doing charity?!"

"That's ridiculous. Mr. Xiuyi, did you get false information?"

"You wouldn't do this to strengthen our determination to resist."

Many surprised and unbelievable messages were flooding the screen. Most of the senior executives had psychological expectations. Earning 10% was a pleasant surprise. Earning 300% would make them consider whether they were deceived.

They probably thought that even in the best case, there would be a righteous god reinforcement coming to support the local Salvation Army to build a country. Would the local area really invest a lot? They dared not even think about it.

".The reason why Lu Ping'an was late was that he and the 'World Devourer' Barn had a fight in Siberia."

It seemed that Master Xiuyi suddenly talked about something unimportant, but at this moment, even if there was no ban on speaking, no one interrupted.

"It is said that they fought for a week, turning more than ten square kilometers of snow into scorched earth. Lu Ping'an won, and Barn died."

Well, no one questioned or doubted it anymore.

An old-fashioned eighth-level, a life-type evil god that is the most difficult to kill, was completely destroyed. Strength is always the most convincing proof. Since Lu is strong enough, he can do anything.

But from this moment on, no one dared to underestimate Lu Ping'an, and the thoughts that should not have been there were naturally restrained.

"Perhaps, we all owe him a big favor, and we should think carefully about how to face him in the future."

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