How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1389 Flower City

"It's so beautiful."

From the deck, looking at the towering firefly trees and the falling sparks, Wang Xier also smiled happily.

When she came to Mercury 42, although she still had a job, it was completely different from the almost suffocating responsibilities and pressure she had before. Her dark circles under her eyes had improved a lot, and her originally thin contours had become plumper.

No woman would have imagined that she could see beautiful fireworks in this foreign land and still be in the mood to enjoy the scenery.

"What a beautiful scenery. Safe road. Why do you say that the scenery in your territory is terrible?"

At this moment, even someone who looked confused was a little surprised.

He had determined that the time was slightly exceeded, but he did not expect that the area under the boat that was supposed to be the green sea would actually become clear again.

"Really, you worked very hard."

The white pupils see through the space. The roots inserted into the ocean and the earth are absorbing endless filth, and the sparks scattered in the sky are actually the result of purification.

Lu Ping'an touched the sparks flying across the ocean and expressed his gratitude and praise to his "family members".

After a long time, many accidents still happened. The original seeds blossomed and sprouted, and the "big trees" of Ping An Road began to appear in various cities.

".it's beautiful."

Still far away, those "petals" that looked like sparks slowly floated over, and the travelers on the boat excitedly tried to catch them.

At least Wang Xier almost stretched herself out of the deck.

"So beautiful, what on earth is this?"

She went to fish for it happily, and then...

"So many, so many, eh, is it too much!"

When a large number of "sparks" hit the deck of the ship, and when Wang Xi'er was almost washed away, Lu Ping'an answered.

".Don't be like this, I'll be there soon."

Obviously, this is "salvation" saying hello to its creator. Of course, it may be another possibility.

"Lu Ping'an? Did you do this? What on earth is this?"

Buried among the flowers, not only Wang Xier kept throwing these flowers happily, but they, with their girlish hearts filled with hearts, felt like they were in a fairy tale.


But with one word from Lu, the scene froze instantly.

He touched his chin and added a few words.

".Things like bark are her metabolites. They are safe and very clean. They are the product of purification of 'pollution'. Similar to flowers, they are the reproductive organs of plants. They are very clean."

"Okay, no need to say more."

The women stared at him angrily. After being messed with like this, they no longer felt like bathing in the sea of ​​flowers.

At this moment, a "garland" appeared in the sky, which was a "channel" composed of countless red petals, linking the Yancheng ship that was still overseas. This was "salvation" saying hello to his "father", maybe , is also showing off his growth.

".It's really beyond expectations."

Lu Pingan asked Meiyuge to get a batch of seawater, and after confirming that it was indeed clear and harmless, he nodded with satisfaction.

After the tree of redemption took root here, its purification ability increased significantly. This has exceeded the theoretical limit of the original design. Something must have happened.

"This is very helpful for the plan to sell its descendants all over the world. Oh, it's profitable, it's like advertising."

"Can't you be more romantic? This kind of flower bridge and flower rain all over the city can be used as a tourist attraction."

At this time, the ladies had opinions about Lu, and even Xia Qin couldn't stand it anymore.

"Well, the field of view is different. When I thought that this is the product of salvation from pollution, I thought"

"Well, since you don't want to talk nonsense, please shut up."

Lu Pingan shrugged and did not continue.

In fact, this is because his vision is different, and it is also because he "cannot see" colors. His real eyes gave him a clearer vision, which naturally made him lose the so-called romance.

After all, not only can he see the "scum" that cannot be purified in the "petals", he can also put the petals together in his consciousness, and what appears is a pattern of "howling human faces".

".It looks like there is a lot of 'flower fertilizer'. At least, the spirit body will be full."

What is "purified" by it is probably not only the pollution on the material level, but also the beings whose bones have been buried here over the years, the invading outsiders, etc. What the salvation can digest is not just pollution and matter, as The tree of hell has actually been able to digest spiritual bodies for a long time.

In the eyes of Mr. Lu, these petals are actually a declaration. They are announcing that this city is already their own garden and that all life is within their control.

In the eyes of Mr. Lu, this is actually no different from a dog peeing and taking up territory. In order not to be attacked by ladies, he will not be really stupid enough to say it.

"Go back and adjust it."

It seems that its evolution in just six months has exceeded expectations, and Lu Ping An needs to make adjustments.

Under the guidance of the Flower Channel, the ferry slowly sailed into the pier, and the petals that had been scattered in the air and on the sea also announced to the citizens and the surrounding shipboards that the "big man" was back.

"Shot, salute!!"

Before the ship was stable, salutes and gunshots were heard below.

Next, the band played. On the red carpet covered with petals, the local magistrate below was waving the flag of the Salvation Army and the flag of the Eastern Kingdom.

"Welcome Governor Lu home!!"

Then, there were children waving flags and flowers on the roadside.

At this time, "Governor Lu" looked confused. He slowly turned his head and said to the surprised eyes of others:

"I said, it was not arranged by me. I didn't know at all. Do you believe it?"

The episode of people and horses passing by passed by, and Lu Ping'an, whose smiling face was stiff, finally returned to his residence here. But now, it seems to have been expanded by at least two circles, and there are high walls outside.

It was originally a small building, but now it has become a castle. In just half a year, the city in front of him is not so ordinary.

"This month's commercial tax revenue increased by 30% compared with last month, which is six times that of the same period last year."

When the local officials reported, Lu Ping'an felt that there was probably something wrong with this number.

For a city in the growth and development period, an annual growth of 10% is already quite good, and a monthly growth of more than 30%? This is too much.

Along the way, Lu Ping'an didn't smell the pungent chemical smell, and the super chimneys that used to discharge sewage crazily seemed to be closed.

It seems that Yancheng has ushered in a rather outrageous golden period of development without his presence?

At least the clothes and physiques (after eating) of the long-handed civilians that Lu Ping'an saw were obviously much better than half a year ago.


"I'm sorry, Your Excellency, the geographical name of Yancheng has been changed. Now it is Huacheng, your governor's city."

Well, only Governor Lu himself doesn't know what happened to his city.

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