How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1406 Preparing for the Nation

In the past, from time to time, the communication boards of the higher-ups on Earth were filled with all kinds of complaints and quarrels.

But the recent layout has obviously improved a lot. It’s not that someone is forcibly managing public opinion, but the situation is indeed much better.

On the one hand, it is the war tax and advanced combat power rotation mechanism that gives the unlucky ones on the front line some breathing space.

At the same time, they no longer have to see the sad reality of the idle hair behind them, which makes them feel much better.

More importantly, the temporary command headquarters dispatched in the East took over the legion that could obey the orders, and the group combat power of the warlord who was unable to move when the friendly forces were in trouble was completely different.

Although there are various discounts and bargains, at least when the front line is sure that reinforcements will come from the rear, the fighting enthusiasm and initiative will be much stronger.

At least, they won't be ready to run away as soon as the fight starts.

The situation has improved, and the mood of the big bosses' communication has also improved a lot. More and more combat forces are willing to do some "extra work", which also makes the overall situation a virtuous circle.

Overlord Akul: Xiaolu, how does it feel on the front line? Where should you have an eighth-level and three seventh-level? Do you need my help, uncle?

The news that Lu Ping'an is taking a rotation on the front line is not a secret, and the big bosses have been paying attention to it.

After all, the difference between this person's actual ability and the paper data is too big. He got a bunch of fragments when he was clearly at the sixth level. No one is sure how much combat power he really has with a rule-level kill record.

This time, the record of killing Bane has been confirmed, and most of the evaluations are above level eight. However, as the "elder" who invited him to this planet, Akul is still a little unsure.

After all, at the "Martial God Fighting Festival" half a year ago, he saw someone passing by who had great potential in using his full strength, but from the perspective of a quasi-god, it was nothing more than that. They had seen too many talented heroes who could not fulfill their talents. , the combat power you get is the real thing.

Have a safe journey (Ping'an Road): It's okay. I killed a stupid seventh-level guy, but now there's an eighth-level guy and two seventh-level guys on the opposite side, so there's not much pressure.

As soon as these words came out, the quasi-god Akul really couldn't understand.

Everyone also discussed for a while, saying some innocuous and kind words such as "a hero emerges from a young age". After all, it is not difficult to defeat a regular level, but it is rare to actually kill him completely.

Overlord Akul: Well, Xiaolu, you have to be careful of their revenge.

Seeing his seniors making suggestions for him, Lu Ping'an naturally responded in a friendly manner.

And this time the killing in front of everyone can be regarded as completely confirming the confidence of Lu Ping'an's senior management.

Lu Ping'an's rotation lasted for two months, but he estimated that he was not satisfied with it.

It's not that he has any grudges against this job. After getting rid of the thorn, the battlefield fell into a strange balance of power. After reporting and clocking in every day, he had a lot of time to do his own thing.

And some things are simply unavoidable.

"The preparations for the founding of the People's Republic of China are almost complete."

The Salvation Army is growing rapidly after receiving the support of the East Kingdom. They are undergoing constant internal reorganization and configuration. This is a more elegant way of saying it. To put it more bluntly, they are all vying for power and position.

"It's very annoying, super annoying. For the sake of a minister's position, all the feelings of comrades have been thrown away."

In the letter, Marshal Lu from the Salvation Army complained to her mentor.

But Lu Ping'an felt that this had exceeded the expectations of the Salvation Army's rapid expansion. It was a bit like the rebel army of the dynasty in the Eastern Kingdom of Earth, which could start an uprising by just shouting a slogan.

There are as many commanders and marshals as there are rebels. The reason why Lu Lu, the general, is so tough is because she is the general recognized by the rebel branches and goes beyond the limitations of ordinary branches.

However, when the time comes for the founding and reorganization of the country, this kind of nominal superior will not make the leaders of those branches worry that their military power will be taken away while hoping to get a good job in the new country. Position can be called both greedy and cowardly.

Reorganizing all the troops is basically the primary goal of founding a country, and the "posts" in the new country are also precious and rare. All the leaders of the Salvation Army want this to be handled well. If this is not handled well, there will be a civil war first without mentioning the founding of the country.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll come see you then."

Lu Ping'an naturally wrote back to express his comfort and promised to attend the founding ceremony. In fact, because of his special status, he had to go no matter what.

In fact, if Lu Ping'an hadn't come to do his job rotation, he probably wouldn't have been able to escape this matter.

After all, it is actually the forces of the Eastern Kingdom that are now forcing reform and founding a country. Even though the pressure of war is in front of them, and even though everyone knows that founding a country has obvious military and political advantages that outweigh the disadvantages, they are still unwilling to give up their territory. With the power in their hands, on the one hand, they pursue power and strength, and on the other hand, they try to protect themselves in troubled times.

Just imagining it, Lu Ping'an knew how difficult it would be to complete the founding of the country in a few months. Even if it was just a shell country in name only, it would be such a difficult task.

"When the time comes, bring her a small gift and wish her a good promotion."

Mr. Lu is quite tolerant. After all, his agent is the "Generalissimo", and his identity, reputation and strong personal strength ensure that he will receive preferential treatment.

Especially since she, as a representative of this world, has made a special mission to Earth, she has received all-round support from the Eastern Kingdom. With pressure from the Eastern Kingdom, her position will be quite stable.

But there are disadvantages. She is obviously too close to the Dongguo people. Unless Dongguo changes its usual style of forcibly interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and ethnic groups, it is unlikely that she will become one of the first politicians in the new country, or even the real military leader.

Lu Ping'an has heard her complain that many allies who originally had a good relationship with her suddenly distanced themselves from her, and some people "persuaded" her to work in the education department or something.

"Lu Lu, it should be that some people feel threatened."

This is not only a matter of racial conflict, but also because many bigwigs of the Salvation Army feel that Lu Lu, who has the support of the Dongguo people, has indeed become a threat that cannot be ignored.

Especially according to the agreement, the Dongguo people will serve as deputies, secretaries and other powerful figures in various key departments of the new government. These people are Lu Lu's natural allies. This agreement was negotiated by Lu Lu. Even if she got permission from others before she set off, they will definitely take advantage of the issue and try to put some accusations on her.

In fact, Dongguo did quietly ask her if she planned to become the head of state.

"I just want to save my people. I don't have that talent."

Even if she said this publicly, it was still useless. If it weren't for the help of the Dongguo people, she would have been squeezed out of the core layer. Even the leader of the branch she came from was a little afraid of her.

". Not holding a senior military position or being a military leader may be a good thing."

Lu Ping'an had some guesses, but he didn't have time to tell Lu Lu, and it was not easy to say it in the letter.

In the early days of the founding of the country, life might not be easy. Before, the foreign invaders were still fighting each other, but if there was really a "target", they would probably regard it as the main focus.

". I'm afraid that the founding ceremony will not be passed peacefully."

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