How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1426: Fellow Clan

The progress of a professional is like piling up blocks.

Slowly accumulating, slowly building, unknowingly, the pile gets higher and higher. When those small fragments become just the right components, they eventually form their own "shape".

How far a professional can go depends on accumulation.

Some things cannot be lazy, and the further you go, the more obvious the advantage of "real gold" becomes.

The "cat statue" made of "bricks and stones" and the "tiger statue" engraved with "diamonds" are naturally not of the same level.

And if you have more types of parts, you can naturally form more types of "statues".

"This is the biggest advantage of the professional system, a stable and continuous growth system"

Exotic existences like big cats originally had their own extraordinary system, but they were finally completely integrated into the professional system, naturally because of this advantage.

Most ordinary extraordinary tribes are too dependent on their own talents, such as the octopus that Lu Ping'an killed before, and the energy tribes they encountered before. They are extraordinary beings themselves, so they naturally move forward on their own evolutionary path.

Lu himself has also gone from "collecting building blocks" to "building blocks". Originally, his accumulation was not enough and he would definitely get stuck.

But he happened to collect some "god-level building blocks", which could be used as the core of the "statue" from the beginning.

At the same time, the Taboo Library, a production base that can customize "parts", is really too cheating.

The only problem is that the points required are too expensive, involving a few thousand points at the rule level. According to the calculation that the first level is tripled, it may take five or six thousand points to complete the eighth-level profession.

"It seems that I can't count on it."

But at this point, Lu will only use points to force a breakthrough at a critical moment.

You get what you pay for. At least Lu, who has gained a "new toy", is quite satisfied with this leap.

"Life and death have reached a balance again"

Especially when he faces war and can try out his abilities for the first time.

"For freedom!!"

This time, when the battlefield is opened again, the party that has just arrived at the battlefield can't tell the situation of the battlefield for a while.

A large number of Zergs collided with each other. In the sky, underground and even in the water, the Abyss Zerg and the Awakened Zerg began to kill each other fiercely.

Mudar Yingjie and his people needed a chance to prove themselves.

This time, they provoked another encounter.

They were the first to stop the Zerg swarm trying to break through. When the reinforcements arrived, they had been fighting for a whole day.

There were corpses of Zergs everywhere. On the ground and in the water, various body fluids flowed into streams.

They couldn't tell each other apart, and they were always biting and fighting each other.

". Really too active."

For most people, Lu Ping'an would feel physically uncomfortable, but he only saw the passing of countless lives.

"Mudar, give me the command."

The hero in the sky heard the news, but he was not surprised but happy. For him, perhaps this was an opportunity to be accepted by the new country.

However, if he knew that Lu Ping'an was a high-level black knight, it would probably be a different taste. But most of the awakened Zerg still took the route they had in the past. They are probably the intelligent group with the lowest proportion of professionals in this world.

"You can use it to connect with our grassroots commanders."

Mudar landed suddenly, and then spit out a large amber-like sphere, inlaid with many round beads, flashing like a living thing.

Lu Ping'an tried it, and when his mental power sensed it, he used it as a fulcrum to connect to a "sub-body".

This is the mind network of the Zerg in the past, a mesh network with each fulcrum as a sub-core.

In the past, the Zerg, with this technology developing and gradually reaching the peak of history, they can exchange knowledge and wisdom at any time, can cooperate with a high degree of tacit understanding, can use the voice of the mind to resolve disputes and misunderstandings, and can also train a large number of cubs in a quick way.

Mudar's "mind technician" at that time was an engineer who was good at using the mind network. His main job was to train the cubs, open up their potential and teach them according to their aptitude.

But success and failure are both due to Xiao He. It is not known when a "mind virus" appeared on the network, and the weak could not resist it at all, and instantly fell into madness.

Only the most mature and powerful psychological holders can resist this virus. Some mental technicians have developed a technology to completely connect the psychology of the weak through the "local area network". This is the prototype of group consciousness, and at the same time, it is also the beginning of nightmares.

The mental virus mutates repeatedly, and the final result is that once the contact is made, the original "temporary link" becomes permanent, and the original peace-loving becomes cruel and malicious. If you still can't detect that this is a malicious virus created by a certain existence, then the survivors are too simple.

Some people fled this world, and the virus that lost its source naturally became weaker, and also lost its almost unlimited mutation and evolution ability.

This is the origin of the abyss zerg, and it is also one of the sources of their greedy and brutal minds. Obviously, the original virus did not completely die out, or it has been permanently integrated with them.

"You are still using this?"

Lu Ping'an has some understanding of this history. When he touched this psychological network, he felt a little hairy.

"It is safe. To be precise, we set up countless technical barriers for safety back then, but they were meaningless in front of 'him'. Now that he is gone, this technology has been repeatedly verified and is definitely safe."

Lu Pingan smiled slightly and did not continue to question.

Is it really safe? So, why is this psychological network only connected to some grassroots commanders? The only ones who are really afraid of having to use it are you, right?

The Awakened Zerg are really poor. I am afraid that even these things were excavated by archeology.

“But it works”

Now that the road is safe, there is no need to worry about corrosion by things like Ben. He easily completed the link, and his mental power echoed in the minds of various grassroots commanders.

"I am Lu Ping'an. I take over the command now. You are all soldiers under my command."

[Announcement, the war game begins, start marking your own side.]

At this moment, Lu Pingan's professional ability has been activated.

In the past, the "marks" that needed to be slowly expanded expanded rapidly with the help of the psychological network.

Looking at the "red ones" in front of him, Lu Pingan nodded with satisfaction.

At least for outsiders like myself, it is very important to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

And this is also the first time Lu Ping'an uses his professional abilities. His abilities are quite "slim", but also extremely deadly.

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