How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1629 Carrot

Some people, when they get crazy, they beat themselves up and even rob their own homes. This is the first time Lu Pingan has seen this.

But don’t say it, looking at Chris’s cheerful appearance, she was even happier than when she robbed a rule-level weapon before.

Obviously, the person in charge on the opposite side was about to cry.

“Whose subordinate are you? Uh, don’t tell me about factions, I can’t tell. Just say that the highest position behind you is that quasi-god or eighth-level?”

“Sir Su Wen? Uh, I haven’t heard of it. Is it the foreign quasi-god who recently joined the church? Oh, that’s okay.”

Lu Pingan completed the communication, ignored the person in charge with a bitter face, and smiled and said to the big cat who was looking through the top seed bank on the opposite side.

“Take more, don’t be polite to me.”

In an instant, the atmosphere became more subtle, and the store manager was shaking all over. He was not angry, but scared.

As a quasi-senior who was in charge of emergency firefighting, he was very clear about the private behavior pattern of his “BOSS”. There were a lot of line-breaking behaviors. Is this going to be liquidated after the incident?

But Lu Ping'an didn't know at all. In his opinion, when the Linnv forces responded to the call to move south and east, choosing to take root in this delicate area was a betrayal, not to mention the identity of the foreigner. Looking at these obviously over-standard arms, they might be preparing to take advantage of the war in the East Country to start an uprising in the north.

Then, let's beat them together.

Lu Ping'an and Chris went shopping all the way, and they also went to various secret places, black markets and other special channels to find out. Everyone who was found by them had a scalp tingling. Bleeding heavily is actually nothing, but the face lost by "humiliation and beating" is a big problem.

After all, for those who are mixed in the underworld, especially the gray and black ones, face and dignity are assets.

Lu Ping'an's mission here is to "kill with a stick". Persuade them to be honest during the war and not to start trouble in the rear.

And all the way, Lu Ping'an is sure that the Wanjing Intelligence Department is not groundless.

Too many "goods" are oversized. There are few products with high-tech content and the latest specifications, but there are too many crazy weapons of mass destruction, and there are a lot of things that are too dangerous and anti-human.

". Maybe they can't organize a strong army, but they can perish together, and even drag this land down with them, but they can do it dozens of times."

Lu Ping'an is tired of the poor people's nuclear warheads, various biological weapons and biochemical viruses.

"This actually has something to do with you. The "freedom virus" of the King of No Killing has become the focus of research by all forces. It is said that the number of fish mouths killed by it has exceeded the biochemical viruses of the quasi-gods."

"Well, as long as you reconcile with your other half, you won't die."

". Too bad taste, deduct points, and punish you to help me move the gifts."

As she said, Chris piled a pile of boxes of different sizes on Lu Ping'an, and walked towards the next one with a smile.

In fact, Lu Ping'an's current reputation and authority are basically created by the awakening virus that time.

Now, this "blessing of life" regarded as a virus has returned to the Octopus Realm through the Plane Gate, becoming a new threat that the ethnic group has to face in countless worlds.

Therefore, Lu Ping'an has even begun to have some fame in the multiverse. Of course, it is a bad reputation.

And this "big villain" actually pretended to be confused and said that his virus would be fine as long as it "lived peacefully with the new self". No wonder Chris said he had a bad taste.

Authority and power are the best passes. Lu Ping'an and Chris can walk together as two super nuclear warheads wandering around, which is a deterrent and a warning in itself.

At the same time, Lu Ping'an also gained a lot, and got some technology and assets that cannot be bought with money.

".How to write the report back. Well, just say that there are a lot of unstable factors, and it will explode sooner or later."

Originally, they were a group of marginal people, and there were refugees and disaster victims from various foreign countries mixed together, plus a large number of middle and high-level professionals. The grassroots had nothing but hatred and dissatisfaction, marginal people and cultists had a lot of illegal technologies and channels, and the top combat power might be the highest density in the world, but they were the group with the largest status gap.

These people were mixed together, and negative emotions and ambitions resonated with each other. Nothing happened just because the time was wrong.

"Think of a way to send them to the battlefield to consume them"

Don't look at the big cat who has been making trouble. Lu Ping'an is just watching the show and being a peacemaker. He looks like a moderate, but in fact, what he is considering is the most dangerous.

But the next moment, Lu Ping'an shook his head. He was a newcomer, and these people had no trust in him. Today's knocking has widened the distance between each other. It is impossible to get trust without trust, and naturally it is impossible to touch the decision-making level.

"You can't do it, I can't do it, Dongguo can't do it. But these Sakurajima people are the masters here, and they can't do it either?"

"Oh, I understand. Maybe, we can really give it a try."

The Sakurajima refugees have been mixed with marginal elements and high-level combat forces here, especially the backbones of the middle and lower levels of various organizations, and too many Sakurajima people have entered.

They are bound by interests, and naturally they will advance and retreat together to a certain extent.

So, if Lu Ping'an lets those Sakurajima people take action, can he bring these dangerous elements with him?

"You can give it a try."

The next day, Wan Jing contacted, and all radio stations and televisions took turns to broadcast on the spot.

"For the distribution of Sakurajima after the harvest, the land will be divided according to military merit, similar to the enfeoffment of nobles in the past. Here it is divided according to first-class merit and second-class merit."

In an instant, New Tokyo was boiling with excitement, and all the media in the streets and alleys were talking about it.

This bait is enough. Do they really think that their military capabilities can redeem Sakurajima?

"No, they can't bear the thought of their homeland being rewarded to people from other countries, especially people from the East."

This is a clear bait, and it is also a carrot on a stick. Everyone knows that Sakurajima's recovery is not a temporary thing, and this distribution of benefits will most likely never be achieved.

However, when the carrot was hung up, the national enthusiasm ran wild in an instant.

Now let alone politicians who stop it, there are people who say "it's impossible" on the streets, and they are beaten as defeatists and ethnic traitors.

Some things, when emotions are involved, are naturally difficult to reason about.

Seeing a large number of young extraordinary people choosing to join the legion, many of whom had backgrounds in local special organizations, Lu Pingan knew that most of his goals had been achieved.

".Let our people take action. By the way, didn't some people say that even if this system is taken back, the East Kingdom will still have a majority? Then, let our navy say that the people of Sakurajima are like this now If there are many, a warm island will be filled.”

Lu Ping'an, who is full of bad taste, is still weaving his hell jokes full of malice.

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