How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1639 Rise

Ms. Olga got off the train much earlier than Lu Ping'an. She had too many secrets and needed to go directly to Wanjing.

Lu Ping'an just handed the information and documents to the accompanying working group and continued to go south to the Changpingzhou Ancient City Municipality.

There were no accidents on the road. The only thing worth mentioning was that with the improvement of the economic and political status of the ancient city, the main railway network of the East Country was also laid to the ancient city, which saved Lu Ping'an a lot of effort.

The kind of trip that took two hours on the bus, more than ten hours on the train, and then got off to transfer to the bus, and then got on to transfer to the truck was the norm in another world line in the last century, and it was also the reality that most people in the East Country in this world line had to face.

". However, it's not that there is no good thing."

As soon as Lu Ping'an got off the train, he saw more than a dozen cars lined up not far away. With Lu Ping'an's current identity, when he confirmed his itinerary, being stuck at the station should have become an inevitable fate.

But Lu Ping'an had already laughed. This was not because of the greeter himself, but because of at least four or five major categories of "vehicles".

The plant-like car with solar super engine, the traditional land ark of the Phosphorus Sprinklers, and the "new era tram" promoted by Lu Pingan himself. Although he was helpless, it seemed that his investment this time was destined to lose money. In the medium and long term, it seemed destined to be a losing business.

The future overlord tram in Lu Pingan's world line was indeed no match for these super technologies.

". It seems that the order is good?"

Lu Pingan closed the door, looked at the updated interior, and nodded with satisfaction.

Now he has inevitably been completely bound to the ancient city. Such a humanized top combat power is a treasure worth cherishing for any city.

"I heard it's okay. Recently, several automobile companies have donated money to our Abnormal Management Bureau and Special Service Team. We have updated our equipment and hired people. Otherwise, I would not have time to pick you up."

Since Xia Qin is here, is there any need to say which car Lu Pingan will get on? It's just that her posture of holding the steering wheel tightly made Lu Pingan inexplicably a little unhappy.

". Not really, how many years have passed, you are still on guard against me? I am no longer the young man who can only step on the accelerator."

"Heh, are you implying that you can not only step on the accelerator, but also ignite the jet, and use the driver's ability to accelerate the car?"

". Tsk."

Since you don't trust her, don't say more. Lu Ping'an turned his head and looked out the window. But from beginning to end, Lu Ping'an did not deny Xia Qin's guess.

He was indeed a little interested in this new car made locally. It seemed to combine the anti-gravity sail technology of the Phosphorus People, the biological hull technology of his own company, and the solar engine. It should be very cool to drive.

"Tsk, I got on the wrong car."

Although Lu Ping'an complained, he did not jump out of the car.

After all, Xia Qin drove very fast. With the police lights and sirens all the way, the new car was turned into a land airship.

Lu Ping'an was a little happy to open the window and stick his head out to blow the wind. Xia Qin knew him well and knew that even if he didn't hold the steering wheel, it would be good to be able to indirectly satisfy his addiction.

If I really let myself drive, I might not be able to follow up in a few minutes, how can I last so long now.

"Hehe, Sister Xia has also learned to adapt, and will use the alarm to clear the way. Before, she always emphasized that business can wait, where are we going? This is not the direction of the Alien Management Bureau, right?"

Lu Ping'an vaguely felt that something was wrong. Xia Qin would not drag him to the hotel directly, right? Obviously, there is a room at home, but it is a bit wrong to run there. And looking at the Silver Star Hotel not far away, he felt more and more subtle. When will this Director Xia play romance again?

But soon, he knew that his expectations were in vain.

"Several rule-level people came, and they didn't register or report, and they stayed in the hotel without paying."

The angry Xia Qin shattered Lu Ping'an's hope.

". I knew it wasn't so good. You arrested me to work as soon as I came back?"

Lu Ping'an sighed, but became more helpless.

He knew that Xia Qin smiled at him all the way, and most of the time it was not a good thing.

"Okay, how well done?"

"Well done!!"

As she said that, she also slapped the horn fiercely to let the car in front make way.

The grumpy old man in front of him turned around suddenly, about to get angry on the road. But he got a middle finger and angry eyes from a female police officer. He squeezed out a smile instantly, and hurriedly made way with cold sweat.

"How did they provoke you?"

Lu Ping'an used an affirmative tone. He was able to make Xia Qin, whose temper had improved over the years, so angry.

But most of the time, the matter was not done to the extreme, otherwise even if Lu Ping'an did not come back, Xia Qin would have picked up the sword and fought to the death. The destruction caused by the fight of high-level professionals was too horrific. If it was not a last resort, they would not fight in the city. Otherwise, no matter who won or lost, there would be at least a national wanted order.

"They stripped the young police officer I sent over and hung him on the wall of the hotel with a few unscrupulous tabloids. They were so brave for traffic."

Now, Lu Ping'an understood that if the Gucheng Special Service lost face, it would mean that the Gucheng Abnormal Management Bureau lost face, and it would mean that the Gucheng lost face. Xia Qin didn't really care about face, but in this era, the dignity and face of the official order enforcers are equal to the people's confidence in public security, and can also greatly reduce the crime rate.

This made the police lose face, and if it is not handled well, the local crime rate will skyrocket.

"Okay, fully cooked skewers, inserted, and hung on the Gucheng Square?"

"It affects the city appearance too much. There are a lot of people there. Hang it on the machine of the city garbage disposal station. The scenery and taste there are good,"

So, what was supposed to happen happened.

Xia Qin was not unsure of winning, but she really fought to the death. The city would suffer huge losses. The destructive power of high-level professionals was too great.

However, when Lu Pingan came.

Tens of minutes later, at the garbage disposal plant in the second development zone of the city, several men without even underwear were hanging on the high tower.

And a bunch of reporters below were trying to take pictures, and the special agents were kindly advising them not to forget Musk. Some places cannot be published in the newspaper. Forget about the face. Anyway, he has been beaten beyond recognition.

Lu Pingan did not go down again. He did not like the smell, and Xia Qin had gone home to take a shower. After all, he had to thank Lu Pingan tonight. Lu thought that the other party was just looking for an excuse, but he would not be stupid enough to expose it.

"It seems that there are really a lot of them."

Lu Pingan was a little surprised. When he opened the Eye of Truth with all his strength, he realized that there were at least seven or eight combat forces above the rule level in this small ancient city.

Among them, only four were known to him and were relatively reliable.

"After all, the ancient city is already the capital of the state in the real sense, so, you know."

The reason is so simple. If a strong person wants to find a place to live, he will naturally go to a prosperous area. He went to Changping before, and now he will naturally come to the more developed ancient city with more extraordinary resources.

And obviously, their coming now is also related to the war situation. They are either here to strengthen themselves, or to find people to form a group, or to sell their combat power. Naturally, people are moving when the storm is coming.

Now, due to the efforts of Lu Ping'an and the previous generation of local managers, the ancient city has indeed developed quite well, especially in the foreseeable future, it is destined to become the core of the state.

The reason is actually quite simple and pure. This is a super-large "car" production site.

With a project, it is natural to recruit people. The skilled technicians here have been working for many years and have the potential to transfer and work overtime.

Now, with the completion and rise of the development zone, which has now reached the seventh digit, there are a large number of industrial workers and engineers here, including a high proportion of extraordinary craftsmen.

And these are the most valuable wealth of the ancient city

"The local military projects have also taken shape. After all, workers and basic engineers can be recruited at any time. It is said that the superiors are quite satisfied with us and plan to increase investment and add two more shipyards and more than ten large orders."

The bloated population density in the past, accompanied by the gradual training of industry, has become the cornerstone of the development of middle and high-level human resources here, and more importantly, they can undertake the large war orders that the East Country is about to start.

"The rise of the ancient city is today."

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