How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1643 War Profits

Lu Ping'an was not in a hurry to go to the battlefield. After the war machine was fully activated, it was not a problem that could be solved in a few days or months.

Everyone and every force has its own place

"How are we doing? How is the company doing? How is the training of the reserve force?"

When the war started, it was not just a general attack by primitive society, but the entire country turned into a war machine, and all human resources were just a part of it.

Facing the joint invasion of the entire ethnic group and several worlds, only our own side, which also attacks with national strength, is an opponent of the same level.

War consumes each other. Logistics and the operation of the industrial chain during the war are one of the core factors for victory. Lu Pingan is not in a hurry to interfere on the front line. He must first straighten out the development of his hometown and the adaptation of his own forces. .

"Everything goes smoothly. We mainly operate in three areas."

Catherine went straight to paying the bills.

This time, it was a big deal, and the core shareholders and senior cadres of the rebirth company were here.

They need to clarify the company's performance during this period, as well as its future development direction. In the national and plane-level wars, all companies, forces, and individuals are destined to be just a link in the industrial chain, and they must determine their own development as soon as possible. Goals and strategic layout are top priority.

"The first is the regular business sector, which includes local corporate business and foreign business business. Generally speaking, it is very healthy. That is, many employees from foreign lands have asked to return to join the war."

The Rebirth Chamber of Commerce has developed into a large, comprehensive company with a wide range of business projects in foreign and local areas. Some businesses involving the private sector have professional managers to follow up.

These include education (professional training), magic plant sales, and the basic civilian version of animal training. This is mainly the sales end of various goods and services, and it is also the bulk of cash flow. This aspect is actually the least important, but it is The one with the most employees.

Are there employees from foreign lands hoping to come back to join the war? A matter of course.

"Reject them, but write down the list of applicants, and give priority to them for promotion later. If they are still on the job after half a year, they will be given a year's salary as a bonus. Tell them that we encourage loyalty and courage, but we do not encourage giving them for free. They are Working on the job can also put pressure on the Eight-claw forces."

Bring those business employees back and send them to war? forget it.

And Lu Pingan told the truth. The Vengeful Murloc Kingdom supported by Mercury 42 is also bleeding Ba Zhao. Lu Pingan's company is also strengthening Mercury 42's resistance there, and naturally it is also indirectly saving them. own world.

Of course, there must be some strong people among them, who will just run back and ignore them safely. If they encounter them then, he should take more care of them.

"By the way, I talked with the ancient city government. They want us to release some of the grain to lower prices. How about that?"

"I have no opinion."

"Okay, but are we enough?"

"That's enough. We have considerable food reserves over there in the forest."

Lupingan is obviously a "biological company". Food is not its main business scope, but as its territory of animal taming and gardening spreads, a large amount of food will naturally be produced as a by-product.

It still exists, and sometimes a batch is shipped to Mercury 42 as raw materials for "hometown cuisine."

Compared with those professional grain merchants who are jointly raising prices, it is more cost-effective to give way to forces like Lu Ping An who are not very pursuing profits.

Do you really want to compete with extraordinary forces for inventory and production efficiency? Hopefully those local grain merchants won't be so crazy.

Why not arrest people directly? On the one hand, there are some products that are originally products of the old era, and grain merchants have the position of foreign investment. On the other hand, considering the long term, it is better to let them handle themselves before the market environment fails. As long as no one knows about Dongguo official and Lu Ping'an Private chats are naturally market behavior.

When Lu Ping An cannot hold on, letting some managers go will have a better effect, and it will also help the confidence of those commercial companies.

"Okay, let's do that. By the way, in return, there are some industries that we can get involved in. Here is a list, and we can consider acquiring the companies on it. The officials will help us."

This is not a collusion between officials and businessmen. In a sense, Lu Ping An is helping the officials to find out.

The most common behavior caused by war is, in addition to driving up the price of materials, especially grains, the flight of capital and companies. Some foreign-funded companies chose to evacuate the ancient city and Dongguo Market after the war broke out.

They either moved to third- or fourth-tier cities, or took their money to become rich, or directly started the apocalyptic bunker plan. It is worth mentioning that the relatively safe "Red Star" has become their main destination for migration. It is based on the fact that it is mainly inland and should not be involved in the battlefield.

If the companies, products, and stores they left behind were abandoned like this, it would cause a series of troubles. For example, the operators and upper management of "Coca-Cola" ran away with the funds, but the production lines and inventory left behind were still there, and the private sector consumers still have this demand.

At this time, it may be necessary to "Kelu Cola" an enterprise that local officials trust, or simply a state-owned enterprise, which can directly take over the business and then reorganize it, so that it can transition safely.

Now, some foreign capital and private companies have fled the ancient city, and most of them are part of the industrial chain and social needs. From an official perspective, it is indeed very good to hand them over to trustworthy "private forces" like Lu Ping'an. choice.

This is a reward, but also a responsibility, and it is also a gamble. If you win, your assets will increase dramatically. If you lose, your assets will collapse. God knows what problems these companies and products will encounter during the war. Maybe the demand has changed, or the raw materials may collapse.

"It's okay, we will take it all. At worst, we will move to Mercury 42. As long as it is a civilian company, technology, or product, it can be digested there."

"Uh, this is really not colonial dumping"

"Don't use that word, please call it free trade."

After a brief discussion, this resolution that will lose money in the short term but make a lot of money in the long term was directly passed.

After confirming that all daily operations are in a virtuous cycle, Lu Ping'an also turned his attention to two more important areas.

One is the franchised arms trade, including various education, training, product manufacturing, and services related to the extraordinary. The total amount of this business is not large (the number of products), but the profit margin is extremely amazing.

The other side is more important, and it is also the root cause of Lu Ping'an's need to hold a shareholders' meeting this time.

"Woodland. That holy land that is still producing extraordinary people, how should it be handled during the war?"

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