How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1646: The front line fell

There are often many choices in peaceful times, but the lucky ones who indulge in peaceful times often do not realize this kind of happiness. They will only complain about heavy overtime work, lower and lower wages, and the rising cost of living. .

But for those unlucky people during the war, this was already an outrageous moan.

Those unlucky ones miss the "daily life" of the past.

When the war comes, daily life no longer exists, and their lives become simpler and rougher. When they can pick up a weapon, they go to the front line with a weapon and wait as long as they can.

disease? age? gender? In the face of the survival of the ethnic group, they are all meaningless excuses. If you are not willing to go, many people will drag you to the battlefield to enjoy the last part of your life.

And these realities are not talking about the European war in another world line, nor the war in the outer regions of Mercury 42, but the last struggle of most ethnic groups when they face the end, and there is no essential difference. Some ethnic groups succeed in their struggle, and most of them Some of them just filled in the majority of their tribesmen and faced humiliating enslavement or extermination.

"This is the current situation in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the Pacific Island countries. They have entered a state of great bleeding. The recruitment age has now reached 80 years old. If it drops to 10 years old, they will not be able to hold on for long."

Why not East Asia? East Asia, excluding East Kingdom, was all sent three years ago, and now that land has become the territory of invaders from outside the realm.

The ones who still have hope now are probably some countries in the south and southwest of the Eastern Kingdom. Although they are miserable, they have indeed held on for so many years, taking advantage of the Poison Sea to stabilize the front. That means a large number of high-level Professionals and battlefield veterans were forced to cultivate themselves. Surrounded by the sea on all sides and with mountains behind them, they had no way out.

It is indeed a pity that these bones and blood have been wasted like this. From a strategic perspective, after all these countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia have fallen, it means that the invaders from the outside world do not need to worry about the rear supply lines, and do not need to disperse their forces to deploy defenses, and can use all their strength to attack the east. country.

"If it really gets to that point, it will be very uncomfortable. If they are alive, even if they are just hanging on, the invaders from the outside world will be very uncomfortable."

Therefore, even if the assistance is very difficult, Dongguo has never stopped providing assistance to those island countries and Southeast Asian countries. Of course, Lu Ping'an knows that Dongguo's most satisfactory assistance is to bring the family members of their leaders and senior officials to Dongguo, so that they can It has no worries anymore.

The leaders themselves? Many people have the idea of ​​​​deserting, but they are all rejected by Dongguo. Even if they cause resentment, they cannot transfer their leaders at this time. It may be a good thing or a bad thing, but now Dongguo does not want to bear the possibility of an avalanche. .

It is worth mentioning that it is also because of the existence of the poisonous sea that the "underwater giant black fish" who have vigorously developed the East Kingdom have made many military exploits in recent years. Many aids and rescues have been completed by these underwater pioneers. But it is also due to the recent sharp increase in the loss rate that it is a fact recognized by everyone that the "suspected foreign invaders" have basically overcome the poisonous sea.

"...If we could, we expected them to last another year, but obviously they won't."

In the small countries in Southeast Asia, some countries have surrendered as a whole. Countless pairs of eyes are staring at them, preparing to see how they will deal with the invaders from the outside world.

The bottom line of human beings is constantly being penetrated. Perhaps to Lu Ping'an, it may seem like a humiliation that would be better than death, but among those suffering ethnic groups who have nothing left, becoming a slave is also a completely acceptable option.

".Then they all died, and all kinds of monsters and monsters started to feast on them outside the capital for ten days, leaving nothing behind."

But obviously, the other party does not need human surrender.

From the perspective of strategic decision-makers, pretending to accept surrender at this time, or even establishing a puppet state, can greatly reduce the will of all countries to resist.

"Those fools, Ba Zhao and the others are simply a group of barbaric tribes chasing profits and flesh and blood. Do you want to surrender? Who do you surrender to? Who can suppress all tribes and prevent them from eating after being driven crazy by the poisonous sea?"

The cruel natural environment has also put great pressure on the invaders from the outside world. Now there are countless corpses of visitors from the outside world under the ocean, but there are more coming from the other side of the gate, which is holding up the military line.

In the eyes of outsiders, these are crazy invaders from the outside world who are massacring and venting their hatred, but those who really know them know that these are just a group of hungry and crazy beasts.

".In a sense, it's a good thing. At least now, no one dares to surrender."

Chrissy casually told the truth that everyone was thinking but didn't dare to say.

In fact, as the capital island of a certain island country was massacred, the will of resistance of other countries was instantly full. High-quality stocks such as Dongguo Military Industry, Liquor, and Mining also rose wildly. The entire stock market rose by more than 30% on average.

"Why? Why did our stock go up when it had nothing to do with them?"

Lu Ping'an didn't understand. This was completely unreasonable. The stock markets of those countries that had encountered difficulties had already collapsed. Why did the stock market of Dongguo, which couldn't work together, rise?

In fact, when Lu Ping'an heard the news about the skyrocketing stock market in Dongguo, especially when the market price of his reborn company doubled in three days, he thought it was some kind of hellish joke.

“.Don’t look at the fighting spirit of those countries, and the constant speeches of expressing loyalty and fighting to the death. In fact, many capitals and politicians have begun to prepare for the retreat. If their funds and money are still in their own currencies, they will be worthless after the war. Their capital will enter the East, and naturally need to be ‘cashed in’.”

A large amount of foreign capital has come in, and it is obviously impossible to find projects for investment urgently. Then, they can only enter the stock market, bond market and housing market as usual.

Now the East does not like to issue bonds crazily as usual. Is it crazy to buy houses at this time? Buying houses during the war may still hit the homeland. No one will be so stupid.

Without a choice, they have to enter the stock market.

This is actually beneficial to the East. The average increase is 30%. Medical logistics stocks such as Lu Ping An have doubled, and a large number of military stocks have strangely tripled to ten times. God knows how much wealth and funds have come in this wave.

As for those military enterprises, they also had almost unlimited war funds this time. Even Lu Ping'an had so much money that he didn't know what to do.

"How about we build a few more ships?"

"Are you sure? The price of civilian ships has more than doubled. The military has a quota system. You can get it if you risk your reputation, but are you sure you want to compete with the front-line military region for production capacity at this time?"

It seems that there are too many people who are ready to invest in warships and ships like Lu Ping'an, and the civilian shipbuilding industry is also overloaded.

".Then what should I do with my money? Otherwise, just build a few shipyards. Anyway, I have the technology here."

This idea seems to be good, so starting from the next day, the ancient city has two more super-large shipyards.

Similar things happened in other fields. The rich "big guys", "churches" and "big companies" have increased their investment in military industry, logistics and medical care. The failure of the front-line battle line has strangely made the military strength of the East Country in the rear increase again.

The fall of the front line has directly fed the rear, and if the war is finally won, I am afraid that the whole Southeast Asia and South Asia will be

"Lu Ping'an, the signal has come, they have started to attack."

And Lu Ping'an finally waited for the long-awaited signal.

"Has the Sakura Kingdom started to attack? They attack the Leighton Peninsula (North Korea), which is also a traditional art."

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