How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1648: Gate of Heaven

When the war started, the first to start were the vassal forces, or agents.

". In this wave of attacks, the battlefield in the north is Red Star, in the east is New Tokyo, and in the south are those South Asian countries."

Even Lu Ping'an, the strategic layout he got was incomplete. He knew that the military deployment in the north was already the limit, and no one would convey the intelligence that was not related to his work.

And judging from the Sakurajima people who were attacking the Leighton Peninsula like crazy, his work of "appeasement" and "eliminating future troubles" was done quite well.

"The protesters outside, haven't left yet?"

"God knows how they found us. They are still protesting. The TV station came, but they were suppressed by the ancient city officials."

". Okay, find two buses at night and send them out of the city collectively. The ancient city does not welcome them."

Glancing at the protesters outside, Lu Ping'an never really regarded these converts as his own people.

Since you want to put me on the fire, then go back to where you came from.

Those protesters are basically the so-called new Koreans. They have made almost no contribution in the past two years, but they are always looking for trouble.

This time, they must have learned from some channels that Lu Ping'an had some connection with New Tokyo, so they went to protest directly.

However, if you want to be accepted by others, the premise is that the protesters regard you as their own. At least, you have to show enough united front value. A group of refugees who have nothing and are causing trouble everywhere should be eliminated as unstable factors during the current war.

The small episode passed by in a flash, and Lu Ping'an, who was not distracted at all, sat back in his seat and continued to sort out his commodity chain.

After the outbreak of the war, the logistics also fell into a busy state. He was busy shipping grain to stabilize prices and had no time to argue with them.

Some things verified the speculation. Sure enough, some bastard grain merchants were driving up prices, and Lu Ping'an planned to make them lose all their money.

"Are the food reserves sufficient? This time, we will reduce the price to 80% of the pre-war level!"

"We have already overstocked. Our land of life is too fertile. We sell the food directly to oil mills and wineries to make money from materials."

The more powerful the life boss is, the more fertile the kingdom of God on the ground is. Just like a new gardener who just entered the industry needs to rent "forest land" to cultivate various magic plants. This directly led to the monopoly and exploitation of low-level life by many life churches, but I will not expand on this for the time being.

The area of ​​Lu Ping'an's forest is quite large. Although every inch of land is valuable, there are still a lot of "fields" available for use.

Generally speaking, when there is no "planting commission" or "order", it is to pull up the low-pollution slightly demonized grain seeds, because ordinary people can eat this kind of food, and it is said that it can also increase the chance of becoming a professional, and low-level professionals have additional benefits, increasing the speed of advancement.

Because the land is too "fertile", these low-level magic plants will naturally grow wildly, and may be harvested in three or four days. Top gardeners are so unreasonable in mass production of food. To be precise, this is actually their real essential work.

On the other hand, with the increase of Lu Ping'an's strength, the external kingdom of God's forest has grown so much, and the growth of his "main body" courtyard has been hundreds of times larger. Now he still cannot rely on the god's boat of other gods. Every journey makes him fly tiredly.

This is also the root of being regarded as a quasi-god or above. The kingdom of God's courtyard is here, and Lu Ping'an may be just a thought away from ascending to God.

However, ascending to God is in a sense to raise funds from the world. Although "listing" can obtain a lot of resources and funds, it is inevitable to lose the dominant position.

This is also one of the reasons why many gods need a lot of human anchors. They need external forces to maintain themselves and avoid being completely assimilated by the "world" and "rules". Although you are still alive at that time, or even more powerful, you may have become a slave to your own "reason".

Indeed, the God of War longs for war, but is a madman who constantly pursues more war still you? The same goes for the God of Redemption.

"Lu Ping'an should not choose to ascend to God."

This is vaguely widely recognized. Although it is an extremely painful process to suffer and accumulate on the road to quasi-god and to seek the possibility of advancement that may not be available in a lifetime, its upper limit and degree of freedom are obviously higher than those of true gods.

Why do so many big guys regard ascending to God as the ultimate goal? Very simply, the quasi-god easily raised a hundred times, a thousand times or even ten thousand times the "scale" in the "financing" process of taking a step.

The power of a thorough qualitative change is a temptation that cannot be refused. From that moment on, unless He goes crazy, it is basically impossible for Him to die. Even if the world is destroyed, He can develop in another place.

Even because of their excessive power, they cannot enter the surface in most worlds, but from another perspective, it is also because of their power that their "will (blessing/divine grace)" can even interfere with the world.

The "seeds" they provide can become the path for other professionals. Compared with ordinary quasi-gods, it is a completely different dimension of power.

However, there are always some beings who have not taken the smooth road.

Not to mention the distant past, there is a reason why even quasi-gods have to call you "Your Excellency" for Xiuyi. That is the most difficult path, which is infinite accumulation, but also has infinite possibilities.

In fact, there is still a hidden limitation here.

Ordinary gods cannot surpass the world.

The gods who successfully ascended to the throne by borrowing the power of the world are dancers performing on the stage of the world. They are included in the world. After growing to a certain extent, they naturally cannot continue to grow.

Of course, there are also those who backstab the world and break through the restrictions. After all, those are rare events, so I won’t expand on them for now. In theory, you have successfully listed by borrowing the "funds" of the world, and you have the "official position" of the God of XX given by the world. Naturally, you are the dog of the world. When you grow to a certain extent, you will be restricted. Often, there are several gods of the same kind who will compete with each other.

"The existence of the Twelve Pillars easily accommodates countless worlds, rather than being restricted by a certain world."

When you are still in the "destiny" of the world, how can it allow you to surpass it?

It has been a long time since His Excellency Xiuyi took that road, and it is still a long way off. Her evaluation may have surpassed most gods, but her ultimate output may not be as good as the weakest new god.

This quantitative change to qualitative change may not only require accumulation, but also opportunities and even miracles.

In this regard, Lu Ping'an has an advantage.

His concept of "life trading" is rare and powerful, which can help him accumulate quantitative changes. Not to mention Chris's legacy, it is the root of his ability to go it alone.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to merge the two conflicting paths of animal taming and gardening before becoming a god. Generally speaking, the land that high-level gardeners can provide is the "magic plant" to accelerate growth.

But Lu Ping'an actually accelerates the growth of "life", which is the fusion of the two major paths in concept. Its growth foundation is that the god-level big cat inherited the god's ship back then, and the core was inherited by Lu Ping'an again.

In fact, he started from the platform of the god. Of course, the strength of the broken pieces of land cannot be compared with that of the true god, but the "life points" he had at the beginning, which vaguely reached the existence of the world's principle, showed the extremely high level in quality.

For an existence like him, perhaps, war is also an opportunity.

".Although I don't want to admit it, the "life trading" during the war is probably countless times more than usual."

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