How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1658 Preliminary Test

The battlefield is probably the most sensitive to the changes of the times and technology.

Especially in modern history, the error rate of pre-war predictions is too high.

Often after the war, some people will be surprised, "How can the war become like this?", "Isn't this a toy? How can it be used on the battlefield?"

Often after the war, it will be a time for countries to completely update their technology, equipment and even fighting methods. The military will make large layoffs or major changes. In the final analysis, it is a transition from an "outdated" military structure to a new era.

". Let's take a look at the new era."

A dark cloud pressed down on Lu Ping'an's head.

Killing is not a game, but the drone that looks like a small toy has turned the war into a "game".

One drone after another locked onto the fishman's barracks and patrols.

A piece of dark cloud, with a clear division of labor, found its respective targets.

They fell from the sky like a swarm of bees. When the queen bee of the fraction turned on the fire control system and the simple and crude firepower tilted, at least a dozen "AI sub-machines" locked onto the target from other directions.

After a burst of silenced gunfire, only a piece of meat and blood remained on the ground.

If there are more targets, they will allocate their own targets and when their crude ammunition rations are exhausted, a simple and direct suicide detonation can basically take one away.

They are not strong in themselves, and an ordinary fishman warrior can easily shoot down a few, but when the sky is full of these things, you can swing a few more spears before they fall.

There is no mercy and no need to distinguish. As long as the foreign tribes still exist on the map, they will automatically become targets for killing.

Finding, locking, and killing is cruel and efficient. The indifferent and efficient killing machine makes people wonder whether the controller behind it really regards it as an e-sports game.

".Take me to your camp. We are just passing by this battlefield. Let us see if we can do something to help you during this time."

In the background, the drone group is still washing the ground at high speed.

From time to time, a high-level fishman will burst out and fight desperately. The next moment, it will be greeted by more snipers, high-level combat power and even idle rule-level.

The map is being cleaned at a high speed. The first time the technology of the new era is fully put into the battlefield, it has achieved results that surprised the users themselves.

Even though the staff and the simulators repeatedly emphasized the actual combat effect of the new era drone group, they still remembered various World War II movies and foreign hand-to-hand combat. They really didn't expect the effect to be so good.

This wave of attacks ended quickly. When the first batch of drones went back to charge and replenish ammunition, several core battlefields in the mountains became clean.

Pools of blood and minced meat on the ground are the only answer. A large number of drone wreckage are being recovered by special personnel.

The battlefield that used to fight to the death fell into a strange calm this time. Even Lu Ping'an felt a little scalp numb when he saw the results.

"So many creatures above the law level, and there are rule levels." The death of ordinary fishmen was expected, but the large number of high-level lives being harvested was somewhat unexpected.

In front of these fleets, even a lone Command-level warrior, unless his flesh and blood are invulnerable to swords and guns, can only take away some more consumables. The Rule-level warriors also died in this environment, which was a bit beyond everyone's expectations.

"If we clear out everyone around him, he will be exposed naturally. We have more people fighting fewer people, so we can solve it quickly."

"Without reinforcements, or even friendly forces, being beaten to death alone on the battlefield is a bit miserable."

The actual combat results are the most effective gifts. This scene also has an outrageous harvest of heads, which makes Lu Ping'an and his party happy, and also cherishes the opportunity of this raid.

Everyone knows that the most effective time for new weapons is always the first time they are taken out. Targeted weapons and preventive measures will appear sooner or later, and the useful weapons and tactics will also weaken as the war continues.

Even if the fish people cannot take out targeted killer weapons such as "drone jammers" and "EMP" in the short term, they will find various brain-opening methods to deal with them, and the effect will naturally not be so good at that time.

"What about the losses?"

"It can be ignored. With this resistance, we produce faster than we consume."

Lu Ping'an checked and found that the war damage was about 30,000. It looks impressive, but in fact, the war damage is less than 2%. With the current production capacity of Longyue Island, it can be replenished within two days.

"Where is the ammunition?"

"Do you know how many munitions fields there are on Longyue Island now? What they are most worried about now is that the munitions are piled too high and go off."

Now, Lu Ping'an understands the rogue of this game. Mineral resources, industrial bases, and munitions industries are a complete set that can last you a lifetime.

This first encounter was more one-sided than everyone expected.

The battle of the top combat power in the sky also ended, and no kill was achieved. After all, if the quasi-god wants to run, it is difficult to intercept without sufficient configuration.

However, with this million-dollar attack, the situation of the war is definitely reversed.

In the end, including the main force and the civilians, at least 2.5 million drones of various types were launched, as well as various high-level combat forces. The results of the battle exceeded at least 500,000. A large number of fishman areas were directly turned into a wasteland. The middle and high-level extraordinary people who lost their cover would also be sniped first.

In front of such a group of drones, the creatures of the law level would also be threatened, especially since there were many "extraordinary drones" hidden among these "ordinary things".

Lu Pingan saw it, but he didn't ask now. This should also be a technology hidden by the authorities. Lu Pingan smelled a lot of "illegal" smells in it, including but not limited to electronic virus AI, artificial souls, and weaponization of extraordinary limbs.

"What's the situation underwater?"

Lu Pingan was very interested in this aspect.

There were mechanical dogs on the ground and drones in the sky. As the main battlefield of the ocean, mortals naturally had special unmanned weapons.

In the encounter just now, the big ship dropped a lot of underwater unmanned equipment. Lu Pingan noticed their operation, but did not see the report.

He estimated that it would not be good news.

". This is the only bad thing."

"Why? Have you never fought underwater?"

"This is one aspect. In fact, the problem is not big. The weapons are improved. The main problem is that we can't catch up."

"Oh, then there is no solution."

Lu Pingan sighed. It's not that he didn't understand, but he was already doing this business (especially Mercury 42). He was a professional and knew more about the problems in this area.

Mechanical creations in the sky and on land have mature technology and are relatively easy to deal with, but underwater ones are really unsolvable.

First of all, the underwater environment, the water pressure greatly reduces the power of most automatic weapons, and what is even more frustrating is that underwater equipment is currently not as mobile as fishmen.

Although it is abstract that machines cannot swim as fast as flesh and blood, it is a fact that the power of those small unmanned equipment is quite limited. Increasing the power will greatly increase the volume and reduce its threat, but the most helpless thing is the cost issue.

Whether it is underwater weapons or mobility, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can solve it, but the result is a surge in costs. Now unmanned equipment is taking the route of quantity for strength. If you really take out medium and large underwater combat drones, the overly large size and cost will lose the biggest advantage of the drone group.

"Maybe, I can try to solve this problem"

But now, it is obviously not the time to consider these things. The top leaders of the Mountain Country hurried over and brought a plan for a comprehensive counterattack.

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