How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1660: The Country of Despair

If Lu Ping An were to find a tourist destination in Southeast Asia, the Mountain Country would undoubtedly be the last choice.

The reason is that, on the one hand, it is too deeply influenced by the East Country, and there is no special scenery to be seen locally. Secondly, due to the gap in history, the relationship between them has always been quite subtle.

Lu Ping An had been to the same country in that alien world in his previous life. It can only be said that the journey was quite subtle, and he did not plan to go again.

But this time, while walking on the road, the eyes of passers-by around him were full of respect and admiration, which made Lu Ping An uncomfortable.

After all, the most profound impression he had of this country in his previous life was that the only hero of this country in the mobile game he played was actually the anti-China hero in history. He originally thought that this time, there would be the same vigilant and uneasy eyes, and the same hidden hostility among the people.

". We can only survive thanks to your country." But this time, the other party's gratitude seemed to be from the heart.

This is a big truth, but also nonsense.

Lu Pingan looked at the food, groceries, and utensils in the street shops. They were all in Chinese. I'm afraid that the food supplies and living materials here were all sent directly from the East Country.

Some things are very realistic. The bags of "living materials" received by these people in distress are in Chinese. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all from the East Country. This is more effective than any hatred propaganda. In fact, this time the Mountain Country did not carry out hatred propaganda as usual. On the contrary, this time they really promoted the friendliness and strength of the East Country with all their strength.

The reason is actually quite simple. When a small country faces a neighboring superpower, it only maintains the unity of the ethnic group and domestic society to avoid the outflow of resources, funds, and population. Hate/enemy group education is a very cost-effective choice. When most countries do this, everyone is actually used to it, but ordinary people with limited information channels still buy into this.

". So that's it. Has the East Asian Sun propaganda model begun?" Lu Pingan seems to have seen through everything. This level of friendliness seems to have been promoted for several years.

In desperate people and countries, if they want to hold on, they obviously need hope.

Rely on themselves? Rely on other countries? It seems that only Dongguo can truly act as the "sun", and only Dongguo is qualified to be the hero who saves everything.

In order to maintain morale, propaganda is carried out during the day and lectures are given at night. As long as Dongguo comes, we can win, and as long as Dongguo comes, we can take back our homeland. Even if most of the people being propagated know that this is nonsense, if they don't believe it, I'm afraid they won't be able to survive.

Lu Ping'an walked on the street, but he became more and more helpless.

". Can they really counterattack?"

At a glance, 90% of women and 10% of men, this seemingly post-X gender ratio, is actually a sign of the extinction of the group.

Those men are basically a few years old or over 60 years old. Old men and children are the only men Lu Ping'an can see.

Among the women, there are quite a few who look more than 20 or 30 years old. It seems that the conscription has already reached the women of the right age.

"Look at the bright side. If we don't come, they will collapse."

"Collapse? The whole tribe will be used as food?"

This is the root cause of many countries' resistance to the present. Foreign visitors are really inhumane. Of course, it is also because their material supply lines are basically broken. The poisonous sea greatly restricts the resource acquisition of foreign visitors.

". What do you think will happen to them? They have their backs on the land. Although those mountains are more difficult to cross, the mountain people can bear it now."

"Well, it seems that we really need to help them hold on."

Once the local area really collapses, naturally all the remaining people will flee to the East Country and become refugees. This is the worst development.

In fact, if the strongest mountain country in this region also collapses, other countries will definitely collapse, and all refugees will flee to the East Country, and their land will become the outpost of foreign invaders.

Next, all the invaders in East Asia will go out to suppress the Eastern Kingdom, which has lost its outer defense line.

"If the Mountain Kingdom continues to hold on, there will be almost no pressure on our southern and southwestern parts, and most of the troops can support the war zones in the eastern and southeastern parts, which cannot be stopped."

Strategy is a thing. If one direction collapses, the whole situation may collapse.

This is also why Longyue Island, as a strategic weapon, will not hesitate to regard the Mountain Kingdom as the first rescue target. If it doesn't come again, it may really collapse.

Lu Ping'an sighed and made up his mind.

"Let's start business."

So, soon, the "Holy Land of Life" on Longyue Island opened directly.

The Mountain Country has never seen this.

"As long as you pay with your life, you can become a professional without risk?"

"It's too late to just become a professional. Can it make us more combat-effective?"

"Race? Become an orc? Become a beast. Great!!"

"The evolution of life only requires five years of life. I'll give it to you, all for you."

"Even the abilities of professionals can be bought and sold. That's great."

Lu Ping'an actually doesn't want to open a store in front of haters and desperate people. They often throw everything in at once and don't consider the future "crazy consumption" at all. The total amount of money earned is small, and what makes Lu Ping'an most helpless is that this will often become a dead debt.

However, at this time, I'm afraid there is no need to consider the long-term.

In the understanding of Lu Ping'an, who has seen countless battlefields and desperate situations, giving desperate people weapons to resist doomsday is the greatest kindness, even if the weapon is likely to kill them.

"If we must perish, at least we should die knowingly."

It was not Lu Pingan who said this, but his disciples.

They came from New Tokyo, and they didn't really like the mountain people, but when they saw people in desperate situations with similar fates, they vaguely resonated with them.

"Yes, if I had a sword in my hand at that time, I might have perished with them."

"Ah, did you think so at that time? I didn't know what happened, and I was taken away from the island directly."

Only Xiao Wuling didn't know how to read the atmosphere at all.

Lu Pingan smiled and didn't say much. He already doubted how many countries there would be in East Asia after the war.

Lu Pingan let go of his various professions, especially his several special life paths, and was a good battlefield healer, and the most valuable thing in war is the medical unit.

There are many big guys who do similar things like him.

They are arming the locals. On the one hand, this is their land. They need to use their own flesh and blood and lives to protect themselves and launch a counterattack to regain the land. On the other hand, the Dongguo people are destined to leave. In the end, they have to fight the war here by themselves.

"Actually, I envy them because they still have a country."

However, the words of Lu Ping'an's disciples are quite subtle.

"No, I don't miss the country. I just paid social insurance and medical insurance for so many years. I haven't started to receive my pension yet, and the country has no pension. It's a loss!!"

In an instant, the morale of the new Tokyo people under Lu Ping'an suffered a heavy blow.

"How about promoting it in this country and let it fight for its pension?"

"No, don't do it. The country's finances have long been bankrupt and they have no pension. If they really start to calculate this, their morale will collapse!"

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