How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1662 Tree of Life

No one expects the loser to roll out of the historical stage honestly. The counterattack of the Mountain Country went quite smoothly in the early stage. The invaders probably didn't expect the counterattack to come so quickly and so fiercely.

Lu Ping'an, a veteran of foreign exploration, does not underestimate his opponents, but he also does not overestimate those foreigners. He deeply understands that opponents often fail in places you can't imagine.

". Tsk, this line of defense is almost a free gift."

It is now the second day since the battle, the fortieth hour of the counterattack, which also means that the war time given by the East Country is coming to an end.

In terms of tactics, driving the local fish people into the sea is a great victory for the entire South Asian and even the entire Asian battlefield.

But strategically, Longyue Island has been here for more than three days and 72 hours, which means that other strategic goals are difficult to succeed. Supporting the Pacific island countries is the limit, not to mention the tentative attack on the Australian mainland. The latter is really likely to completely change the situation of the entire planet.

The private time limit of the East Country is fifty hours, but from the current situation, it may not be enough.

"Fortunately, they didn't consider defense."

If the invaders really started to fight, the defense lines built by the sea beasts and giant soldiers, and various fortresses and defense rings, could delay time crazily.

However, they probably didn't consider the possibility of being pushed into the sea from the beginning.

"Ahhh, meat man."

The huge Naga lord waved his sharp blade and tried to struggle and resist.

But there were countless drones shooting in the sky, and the accumulated metal poison would continue to cause blood holes and fatal injuries, and there were crazy werewolves biting on the ground.

"The King of Unkillable", or "The God of Mortal Resistance" is already famous all over the world.

A large number of mountain people chose this opportunity. Most of them are vulnerable groups such as the elderly, women and children. They have tasted enough of the pain of powerlessness over the years.

Instead of licking their own pain and force while waiting for death in despair, it is better to seize the opportunity of the "Mortal God" of the East Country in front of them, and use their lives to exchange for the power to protect everything.

These powers are not strong. The lives of mortals are limited, and the life points they can exchange are also quite rare. Lu Ping'an's rules determine that the transaction must be fair, which means that they give up everything they have left, and their combat power improvement is still limited.

However, the "limited" in Lu Ping'an's eyes is a gap of 1 to 100 or even 1000 for mortals.

Ordinary mortals are just crunchy delicacies in front of fishmen, while at this time, the "simple warriors" who have been transformed into werewolves and raised their upper limits by life wishes are enough to be proportional to the ordinary third-level combat power.


Another warrior turned into flames.

Extraordinary element controllers have always been the "nobles" among professionals. It requires not only talent and luck, but also a lot of resources and time accumulation.

And the huge expenditure will not be rewarded in the early stage. Element controllers above the third level are too weak to be used, but those after the third level can control extraordinary elements and bring large-scale killing that mortals cannot resist.

"Thanks to the 'King of Immortality', you have given us the possibility to become strong, you have given us the possibility to burn our own lives."

Firebirds floated in the air.

Some were gold, some were black.

Those with talent chose to accept the baptism of the golden holy flame and became a member of the glorious purifying holy flame.

Those without talent may also choose to become a member of the Burning Legion and throw themselves into the fire of destruction of the world.

Lu Ping'an's courtyard is quite "fair". You have to be willing to give up your life. Whether you have talent or not, the path of living beings is endless.

".Really, it's a bit noisy."

On the battlefield, Lu Ping'an heard the prayers and gratitude of countless mortals.

His world theory was practiced at this moment. Mortals can obtain the "power" to protect themselves by sacrificing and trading their lives.

Lu Ping'an's divinity sent these prayers to his ears.

At this moment, he is their god, the object of their prayers and prayers, and precisely, this desire can be turned into reality here.

At this moment, Lu Pingan even felt that his divinity was vaguely stirring.

It seemed that as long as he nodded and took this step, the world would be willing to cultivate him into a god.

After all, this world needs the god of salvation and needs to give hope to mortal resistance.

"Kill them, kill them!!"

The furious fish lords began to fight back. They were the hardest bones to chew in this attack and the root cause of the failure of the defense line to completely collapse.

A large number of high-level combat forces finally entered the battlefield. They were unwilling to enter the ocean and become wanderers who suffered from the poisonous sea again.

Pain and wailing continued. Lu Pingan, who observed the battlefield from a high-level perspective, did not expect that the mountain people would burst out with such great courage and strength.

One by one, the fire of life bloomed. Even if it could only cause a small wound to the high-level lord, they were willing.

Since the war, the refugees and missing persons who have fled have wiped out a generation of young men. At the same time, at least 40% of the population has been killed. The remaining battlefields are not because they don't want to flee or surrender, but because they have nowhere to retreat or escape.

The foreign visitors who pushed the mortals to the limit are now enjoying their "retribution".

At this moment, Lu Ping'an vaguely felt the priesthood of "revenge" and "redemption".

He sighed and dispelled this temptation. Not to mention the sensitive situation of competing with friends for the priesthood, individuals like him are actually more useful in the mortal world than hanging in the sky. Even if sacrificing himself can bring victory to the battle, Lu Ping'an has no such idea.

". I give the 'gift of life', and you give the 'return of life'."

With a sigh, Lu Ping'an added a new "rule".

His world logic has become more "complete". This is the rule of borrowing and returning.

For those who are willing to give up their lives, the benevolent Lord of the Courtyard will provide loan support, and when he dies, bankruptcy liquidation will be carried out directly, and it will completely become the nutrition of the courtyard.

Even among the gods of life full of evil gods, Lu Ping'an's behavior of cultivating and harvesting life as fruit can be called extremely evil, and at the same time, it is also extremely consistent with the life path called "tree".

Lu Pingan was surprised to find that he and his mentor, the Tianping disaster beast wanted by countless worlds, had the same fate.

"What is this, a Tianping disaster tree?"

Lu Pingan was silent for a moment. He could feel that countless lives were passing away. He was constantly getting stronger. This "path of planting and harvesting" had exceeded his imagination.

This is a powerful path, a nearly infinite path, but Lu Pingan didn't like it.

"If you don't like it, just don't go."

"Beasts are greedy, but you can limit them with human nature."

"There's no need to follow my past path. It has been proven to be stupid and wrong."

The big cat, at this time, made an unexpected suggestion.

Lu Pingan looked ahead. Countless lives were being harvested, and countless transaction applications were being submitted. They were willing to be part of this cycle and eager to become part of the tree of life harvesting.

"I refuse. I will tame beasts with human nature, restrain sensibility with reason, and restrain instinct with rules. My path is win-win, development, nature, and a part of social rolling, and I am not the only king who eats everything."

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