How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1664 Node Warrior

Life can be passed on.

This is not an adjective, but the reality that Lu Pingan sees now.

Life points cannot be completely passed down between mortals, but after discounting and discounting, this is still the entire essence of a human being.

The successors naturally obtained "evolution", and that kind of evolution of life levels blinded the eyes of all knowledgeable people.

Life has limits. In theory, no matter how hard you exercise, you can only improve the "efficiency" rather than the "upper limit." Only professionals can make slow and difficult progress.

But now, the constant degradation of life points is equivalent to Lu Ping An, the "tree of life", peeling off its own branches, leaves and trunk, constantly degrading its own flesh and blood, and using its own power to feed newborns. Even the creator Lu Ping An himself has Unexpectedly, things would develop like this, and a new life cycle would be formed intentionally or unintentionally.


The roaring warrior actually forcibly knocked down a Naga lord, roaring and tearing him into pieces.

Judging from his enhanced posture and the overflowing life energy from his almost immortal body, he has probably killed dozens of his family members. This does not seem to be an adjective. Lu Ping An saw several kinds of "life" in him.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of "life devouring" has endless consequences, causing life to lose its self and limitations. Often, after a sudden increase in power, it will directly lose control and end.

However, after the "conceptualization" of life points, it is completely "legal and reasonable" endowment, legacy, and even the blessing of the original owner. This pure life energy, through the legal concept of "legacy", is directly transferred to the newborn without any control. harm inheritance.

".This is quite terrifying."

Lu Ping'an himself didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

In his design, it should be a transfer of "life points", but he did not expect that life points are a pure energy transfer of life energy, and will be degraded and absorbed by themselves due to the owner's lack of ability, ultimately achieving a leap in life levels.

In fact, similar things have happened countless times. When Lu Ping'an invested in the magic plant, the opponent's life points were constantly degrading, and the life source power turned into the life curse power, eventually forming the power to ripen the magic plant. .

And this is actually the role of "plants" in nature.

It absorbs energy, inorganic matter, and water to construct its own limbs, and then it is either eaten by animals or integrated into the earth on its own. Newborns grow on their own corpses, forming what is called "nature."

With constant integration, constant degradation, and constant circulation, Lu Ping'an vaguely touched the essence of a "gardener".

At this moment, he is the tree of life, the real Kabbalah tree of life, not the tentacles of life that Chris imitates from the false mother tree that continues to spread out, supports countless newborns, but is also a shunt of its true essence.

If you don't give up, there will be no gain; if you don't die, there will be no new life.

When "seedlings" grow from the corpses of old lives, this scene is both evil and sacred.


"my family."

Not just "plants", animals also have their own continuation and inheritance.

Life will eventually come to an end, but your descendants and your ethnic group will not end because of your own death as an individual.

Heritage or culture or wealth or will, when these life essences are passed down from generation to generation, the ethnic group is also constantly evolving.

Lu Pingping spreads his hand, flowers bloom and wither on it, water flows through the world in the palm of his hand, and animal life moves forward in twists and turns from generation to generation.

The next moment, he closed his eyes and saw that they were indeed civilizations.

This time, it is the flow of wealth, the cooperation of civilizations, and the leap of modern technology under the influence of money and culture.

".Flow, the flow of life."

At this moment, Lu Ping'an's eyes flashed past the holy image of all spirits.

The sacred scene of countless lives separated and reunited is clearer than in previous dreams.

It sometimes turns into the life cycle of nature, into the rebirth and death of each life and individual, and into the cycle of energy and inorganic matter in countless lives.

It sometimes turns into a battlefield of life and death, with countless lives killing each other.

It sometimes turns into a busy modern society, in which individuals live busy lives.


Lu Pingan gently crushed these shadows and looked at the place where life passed and flowed in front of him.

He could have gone further, but he chose to stay.

Eighth-level professionals are building their own country, and at the same time, they are also forming their own laws.

The ninth level is the principle of the world, turning one's own national laws into "natural laws" recognized by the world.

This process requires constant verification and more executors and experimenters, and before you know it, Lu Ping An already has too many.

He was silent. Perhaps, this was fate? No, at this point, it is difficult for fate to arrange it for him. Even if it is forcibly arranged, it will leave traces of being noticed.

Perhaps, it is just a miraculous creation produced by his process of imitating the origin of life, pursuing all spirits, and integrating it with his own ideas.

Perhaps, this is his "self".

".Additional rules, 'Those who actively commit suicide will have their inheritance confiscated by the courtyard.' Life needs to be of sufficient weight, but meaningless waste is refused."

Lu Ping'an conveniently applied a patch to avoid the tragedy that was about to happen.

He still had his eyes closed, but he was already looking at the countless battlefields and fights on this peninsula.

Perhaps, this is the fighting style of gods. Standing in the sky, they seem to do nothing, but in fact, their essence and power are interfering in every corner of the battlefield.

"Very relaxed, but also tired."

In this process, unless they actively interfere or even send down divine grace, they actually do not consume much power.

On the contrary, because their "world principle" is constantly verified, it should be a positive benefit.

And if the incarnation is forcibly sent down, its upper limit is still around quasi-god, and every moment of its existence will consume power, and even affect the material world, bringing a lot of messy troubles.

"I seem to be able to play the role of a god on the ground?"

Lu Pingan looked at the battlefield and saw his own "divine power nodes".

That was the way he provided. Because its healing effect was quite outrageous and it was easy to get a job (spend life points to buy), there were quite a lot of them on the battlefield.

Lu Pingan could even feel that he seemed to be able to interfere with them. Strength and will cannot be separated. When the weak use the power of gods, they actually naturally attract the will of gods.

Lu Ping'an tried, but finally shook his head.

He could interfere, and even grant divine grace, but the cost was too great. Perhaps only a god-level scale could support the observation and interference of the entire world.

However, Lu Ping'an could still do something.

"You are worthy of life points."

The most powerful thing about being a holder of Lu Ping'an's path is not even the ability to postpone payment.

But it is to have the life force of a higher level in advance.

In the past, this was actually nothing. But now, countless life forces are jumping on the battlefield, and some of them fall into the hands of those professionals.

". Then, I will teach you how to use life points."

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