How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1668: Forward

Life always has many surprises, but if they come at the wrong time, they may become a shock.

Regardless of the reason, the East Country. Humans have got a precious opportunity to fight back directly.

Everyone who knows about war knows that it is best to always fight on the enemy's territory. It is not only to protect one's own logistics and economy, but also to maintain the confidence and support of the entire military and civilians.

". No matter how bad the front line is, no matter how many of our people die on the front line, as long as it does not reach the homeland, we can pretend not to see it."

Such a social group consciousness, coupled with a certain degree of journalism, can publicize a huge victory no matter how bad the front line is and how long it lasts.

Even if some people feel that something is wrong, why the front line is getting closer to the homeland with more victories, and why fewer of their own people come back, as long as the homeland is not in danger and important node areas are not lost, they can win in journalism.

Then, this war machine will naturally not have any problems.

Then, this war is far from over.

Then, in the end, this war may completely destroy a country. Unlike what many people think, the setbacks and failures on the front line of a country often do not end the war, but instead make decision makers continue to increase their bets.

War is often a national act, but it is also an authoritative act of decision makers and decision-making teams. The failure of a war often means the loss of authority and regime. To be frank, whether it is a king or a president, his life is tied to the victory of the war. Even if he loses the future of the entire country, he cannot declare that he has lost the war.

". The decision of the East Country was correct. Mercury 42 and Mercury 99 are constantly bleeding the Octopus Clan."

Mercury 99 is the latest number. It is the new world of the free fishman's restoration supported by the East Country and Mercury 42.

Like Mercury 42, it is a nail inserted into the pan-octopus world, and it is constantly bleeding that multi-world.

At this moment, Lu Ping'an, as a member of the decision makers, read the relevant intelligence as soon as possible.

Even if he has determined his relative advantage in social structure, he is not happy. He understands the gap in absolute power more and more.

Octopus has been fighting until now, and it is still the lords under its command who are serving. Although the action mobilization rate is extremely low, although these people's fighting power and will are subtle, although their friendly forces are in trouble and their organization is negative, they have too much wealth.

To put it bluntly, He has not yet shown his health bar, and the earth has reached the time of critical illness notice.

Octopus, which controls countless universes and worlds, when its tentacles penetrate into the earth, there was a wave of interstellar immigrants fleeing on the earth. In their eyes, the earth may have entered the countdown.

"Let me clarify, some people think that the earth will be doomed if it continues like this. That is not a rumor!"

No matter what the official propaganda says that the counterattack is in the future and the days will get better and better, those who really understand the reality of the multiverse know that the situation will only get worse and worse.

With the completion of the anchoring of the invaded universe, as more and more of them adapt to the environment, and as the new generation of foreign visitors get the "local birth certificate", the foreign invaders only need to continue to pile up, and the humans who may be several orders of magnitude behind the opponent will be exhausted sooner or later.

This is the gap in absolute strength. Once a certain critical point is reached, the escape of immigrants, gods, and cross-world forces will accelerate the speed of the avalanche. In the end, it will be like countless foreign colonies, half-dead for hundreds of years, and then completely reduced to a "resource/animal husbandry world". What will be raised and sold, I am afraid no one wants to know.

When that time comes, except for some human empires that have fled to the foreign land, "humans" will probably be packaged and sold as "gift boxes".

"There is only one chance, and it is the first."

The only possibility of reversing is to block the "door" when the other party is unstable.

As long as the cost of entry for invaders is too high, they will naturally hesitate. It is not the Octopus Force that hesitates, but the scattered great lords under its command.

They have too many choices to do, and there is no need to stick to such a high-risk and low-cost world. If it really comes to that point, even if the war continues, the human beings on Earth can already bear it.

On the contrary, if these great lords take advantage and bring back enough income and resources, then they will flock to them, the war will continue to escalate and eventually the earth will be clean of blood.

"Reasonably knows that this is the only chance, but other countries can't even protect their own safety, how can they withdraw their main forces to participate in this counterattack?"

The crisis in the movie came, and the world's joint counterattack did not appear. The reality is that everyone is cleaning the snow in front of their own door, and at most they have a war of words and public opinion support.

At this time, the East Country did not expect the United Nations and other powerful countries. Invitations for joint operations have been sent, but no one expects them to really send reinforcements.


Today, the war on the ocean is still going on, but there are echoes of a large number of airships being shot down.

The development of the situation began to exceed expectations. In fact, this time the East Country did underestimate people.

When the news of the great victory of the East Country was passed on, the big countries that still had spare power actually found that the current was the only opportunity.

Then, they were moved.

This is not only an opportunity for counterattack, but also a "medal of honor" that will give them an advantage in the future post-war order. International status is partly strength and partly history. The major UN organizations must be the victors of the previous world wars. They have the "right to rule over the losers" in legal terms.

The same is true now. Any politician will say that if they do not participate in this major counterattack, they will not be able to participate in the reconstruction of the post-war order, which is equivalent to voluntarily giving up the position of a world power.


The explosions continued, but a large number of airships were still moving slowly.

Those were fleets from Citi, Europa and the South American Alliance. They did launch counterattacks from all directions, both for the victory of this battle and for the continuation of the "international order" of the old era.

The difference in world lines makes cross-border trade more crises and risks, and therefore makes the deindustrialization of some countries not so fast. Although the colonization of the star field has caused a lot of power to flow out, the overall military power is actually stronger than that of another timeline. After all, the imaginary enemy always exists, the ineffective financial game is not played too much, and the strong private companies have become an effective blessing for the armed forces when necessary.

The result of too much loose power is that in many cases it is a helpless situation that cannot be used, but when necessary, for example, now that you can make a fortune no matter how you look at it, you can inexplicably squeeze out some power.

"The reinforcements from all continents are in fierce fighting. Although the front line is not stable, some are indeed advancing steadily."

This is undoubtedly good news for Longyue Island, which is still advancing.

They don't need to achieve much results. As long as they hold back some of the troops returning for support, it will be great good news.

"In fact, as long as they start to attack, we can contain them."

"Do you mean that the other side needs to stay behind? To avoid their own 'territory' being penetrated?"

"No, what I mean is that those border lords have a reasonable reason not to come to support."

Although Lu Ping'an and the military commanders also want to be purely military and not political, the problem is that these things are often inseparable. Many decision-makers make military decisions for their own interests, which must be taken into account.

The loose lord system in foreign lands is the biggest advantage of mankind at present, but as a price, once it suffers a heavy blow and fails, it is foreseeable that everyone will sweep the snow in front of their own door.

"By the way, we also need to consider the situation of robbing credit. For example, the first one to fight back to the Australian mainland is my Citibank!"

Longyue Island has already vaguely reached the extension of Australia. Looking at the burning sky, Lu Ping'an seems to have gained something.

Citibank and Europa have also developed a lot in recent years. Although these astonishing number of airships have suffered huge losses along the way, some of them have indeed arrived across the sea.

In front of Longyue Island was a classic scene of air cavalry attacking the ground.

Unlike the slow-moving airships in the past experience, this time on the open deck of the airship, a large number of small and medium-sized spacecraft were rising and falling.

"Tsk, an airborne aircraft carrier battle group? They really figured it out."

But obviously, they didn't understand it enough.


When the strange sky completely turned red, the shadow of the giant "octopus" coiled around the Australian continent flashed.

Countless white lusters tore through the sky. In just a moment, countless aircraft carriers and aircraft turned into cannon fodder, and the entire world and the ocean physically burned.

"Eight claws. The Lord of the Eight Claws with six mouths and three hearts."

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