How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1684 Walking Alone

“.I never thought that we would be asked to fight the gods among gods?”

Alone on the boat, looking at the shadows in the sky, the mortals would only feel annoyed, but Lu Pingan could see through the phantom of the monster that was constantly approaching the earth. Lu Pingan seemed to have touched death.

This time, it was completely different from the previous crisis.

In the past, he mainly relied on the courtyard that integrated the foundation of God. He could be regarded as a "pseudo-ninth level". That means that even if there is no real ninth-level panel, there are always some messy abilities that may be used, and their "priority" will be higher than most opponents.

"This time, most of the abilities are invalidated."

This time, let alone Lu Pingan's means and abilities, the grace and son of God bestowed by the true gods can't cause any substantial damage to those "tentacles".

This means that even Lu Pingan may be no different from others and die directly from inexplicable AOE.

If this is the test question leading to the exit of the Novice Village of the Multiverse, it is too beyond the scope.

"It feels like the Novice Village is blocked by max-level players."

Although it is very subtle, this is indeed how Lu Ping'an feels now.

However, now is still not the time to despair.

".Some people may think that we can't deal with such an opponent, or even think that it is a mistake for our attack to attract such a monster, but I want to say that we have no choice."

The radio station in the boat is broadcasting the voice of the Marshal surnamed Fang. He was urgently dispatched and is said to be the most authoritative military leader in the entire East Country.

He also brought the assistance and will of the East Country.

".We have no choice, humans have no choice. The rumors are not false. They are gradually integrating into this world. As time goes by, we will lose everything. And since there is only hope for counterattack, it is destined to provoke such an opponent."

Simple words, without denying the current difficulties, the pre-war mobilization of the East Country is as simple and straightforward as ever.

As with the previous several times of fate, we have no choice, either kill through or die.

".Since it is the destined opponent, no matter how strong He is, we are destined to defeat Him. If sacrifice has value, then this moment is it."

But it seems that even the decision makers have seen that this time is probably not optimistic.

Giving meaning to sacrifice is probably from the beginning, and it has come to the final time.


Lu Pingan turned off the radio. He was not the one who needed to be mobilized.

For him, as long as he decided on something, it was just "to what extent" and "to do it there". He would not be affected by external things in his decision. He chose to go to this battlefield.

"What a trouble"

He came, but someone was not.

According to the plan, someone should land on his ship.

It has been more than half an hour, and the person who agreed was not here. If he didn't die in advance, then he ran away.

In fact, after the attack strategy was determined, many high-level combat forces disappeared without a trace.

No one went to intercept, because it was meaningless.

These existences, in a sense, have transcended the limitations of time and space. They want to run away. If you forcibly intercept them, do you have to fight a civil war first?

Their interests are not consistent with those of the grassroots humans. They can completely change to another world and continue to live. Top-level extraordinary people are treasures in any world. They can easily overcome most of the external environment and even give birth to new families and tribes.

".Tsk, scum."

Lu Pingan smiled and made a malicious evaluation.

He was too lazy to make a specific evaluation. Although someone escaped temporarily, making his task a little troublesome. But he seemed to have no extra abilities. If it was gone, it was gone.

"Swallow me."

".Don't say it so disgustingly. It's just armor!"

Zhixi, who hadn't been seen for a long time, finally had the opportunity to appear. Unlike the metal armor in the past, she now looks like a woman with metal skin.

With Lu Pingan's progress, his symbiotic pet naturally grew synchronously. Zhixi, who had full intelligence and potential, not only easily entered the seventh level, but even vaguely touched the opportunity to go to the next level.

Summoning her also meant that Lu Pingan took the previous "deaths in battle" seriously. Lu didn't summon a pet.

This is partly because Lu Pingan can read the bar to revive, while the "pets" may not have this opportunity, and even if they can be resurrected, they will suffer heavy losses.

More importantly, Lu Pingan is still hiding his shortcomings. Compared with the real omnipotent, a life system specializing in logistics and production of Xi, if he happens to have a weakness of lack of combat power, it is easier to integrate into this society.

But now, it is too stupid to still hide his shortcomings.


After a long deep breath, Lu Pingan has put on a layer of metal armor.

But unlike the previous Knight Titan, this time, it looks like an ordinary armored man. Or "passing by Kamen Rider".

This is not that Zhixi has shrunk, but she has broken through the complete rule level. Like Lu Pingan, she has broken the barrier between life and death. Now she can easily compress her "flesh and blood".

Her current form is not fixed, but even at the lowest output and the smallest state, it is quite terrifying.


Lu Pingan took a deep breath again, and this time, he was really a little uncomfortable being suppressed.

Different from the previous "light posture", the appearance is now greatly reduced, but it is concentrated with essence. Zhixi constantly absorbs "metal supplies" to strengthen herself, and her mass is constantly increasing.

". This feeling, it's more, more than 30 tons?"

"It's quite impolite to ask a woman's weight."

"Uh, 50 tons?"


Silence is the Cambridge tonight, it looks like it should be more than that.


Lu Ping'an took a deep breath and distributed some strength to his arms and lower limbs again, otherwise this thing would probably really become a steel prison.

But from the perspective of strength, this is actually a good thing. The simplest sign of force is pure quality. To have enough strength, you must have enough weight.

I'm afraid that Zhixi now is really a fierce woman who can slap an elephant to death with one slap.

".Lady, I am a lady, I just got a professional chef license."


Lu Ping'an sighed, he was too embarrassed to say anything, how many times have you taken the most basic chef license test, if the examiner didn't know you and confirmed that you didn't plan to work after getting the license, could you really get the license?


Lu Ping'an, wearing armor, went directly into the water. Although the ocean cannot block many reconnaissance methods, it can avoid most of the field of vision. There are too many messy things in this ocean. The underwater radar has long been out of order, and the extraordinary voyeur will also be affected a lot.

But just after entering the sea, something smelled.

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