How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1690 Trendsetter of the Times

The protagonist of the era, in Lu Pingan's view, the focus has always been the "era" rather than the "protagonist".

Although Lu Ping'an can be said to be the "protagonist of life", he has always held the people's view of history and has always valued the era more than the individual.

In his eyes, the times are like waves. When the waves hit the shore, there will always be a batch of waves hitting the beach first. Either you or him. For the times themselves, there is no difference and it is not important. It is just Just the latest wave.

However, he did not deny the role of "personal choice" in the times.

When those "trendy makers" stand on the forefront, their personal preferences and choices can indeed affect the entire era. Of course, those who go against the development trend and betray the choices of the times will be finished quickly, and the times will be ruthless to their protagonists, but adapt to it. Those people of the era may really become symbols of the era in the end.

".Another protagonist? Well, I understand, you don't want me to give her the edge. This is a bit disgusting. Today's audience has long disliked it. What third-rate plot planners are still playing tricks. "

Lu Ping'an was still vomiting while snooping.

It was a temporary camp, and what I saw was just a hastily placed safety cave. Even this temporary resistance camp chose a settlement site in a cave.

It is worth mentioning that the ground search ability of the murlocs is indeed not very good. The super "smell" underwater is basically non-existent on land, and their vision is generally quite poor. Multiple vision and myopia are the norm. After leaving The ocean isn't even good at ranged attacks.

Of course, the premise of all this is still low-level, and high-level extraordinary people have too many abilities. But from another perspective, unless they are hungry, they will not help ordinary fishmen patrols, so how can the lords go there? To help the soldiers work.

Australia's forests, mountains, and swamps are not friendly to these murlocs, especially when it comes to searching. Of course, they are also very unfriendly to humans, but they seem to have no choice. Most of the guerrillas or refugees have fled to no man's land to survive. .

As the alienation of the entire island continues to intensify, especially the actions of those "murloc gods" not long ago, the surroundings have been completely and permanently alienated. They will soon be squeezed out of the last living space. Perhaps, this Once was indeed their last chance.

Lupingan is not far from the fish-man tribe, and most of the fish-man tribes were the population gathering places of humans in the past. After all, the "toys" and "food" here are relatively abundant, which is convenient for them to breed. Most of the tribes are located along the coast and in clean rivers, which are actually restricted areas for the Resistance Army.

If you can find rebels here, you don't need to think about it. They are either coming to attack the murlocs on their own initiative, or they are "pets" raised by the murlocs.

"We need to prove our worth, and we need more attention before we can attract the attention of outside attackers."

A slender woman with black hair and black eyes was talking eloquently above. Most of the people below were white-skinned and dark-skinned Australians, but everyone looked at her with trust and respect.

This was quite difficult, but Lu Pingan got unexpected news.

".Zhu Xinran, 22 years old, was a college student three years ago. He lost contact during the holiday. His family situation is good, but his personal evaluation is high. His major is law."

After browsing for a while, it was determined that he was from Dongguo. Lu Ping'an seemed to understand the goal of fate leading him here.

Lu Ping'an has seen too many children of destiny, or the trend-setters of the times, but even if these people do not need extraordinary observation, they still have some of the most basic general attributes.

"We can't huddle in the cave, waiting for the day of death. We must consider self-rescue. At the worst, we can search for some living supply facilities, but the most hopeful is that we can also get a boat to go out directly, or capture a patrol Team, let them take us out, and the nearest tribe is what we expected."

Looking at the short-haired Asian woman talking eloquently above, Lu Pingan was thinking about her nationality in a very politically incorrect manner.

Some people may think that the prerequisite for being a trend-setter of the times is his ability or talent, but in Lu Pingan's malicious eyes, the first requirement is a very realistic "birth".

You must first be a member of the wave of the times before you have the opportunity to reap the dividends of the times. Identity politics is rubbish, but identity itself is the starting point that cannot be denied.

In this era, since Dongguo is destined to rise, then many of the rising forces and people naturally belong to Dongguo. It has the market, human resources, policy support, and accumulation. Naturally, he will win, even if it is not this company. The rise is the rise of another Dongguo company.

The Extraordinary Era is more realistic. The Eastern Kingdom has gradually occupied the mainstream of the era. It is leading this major counterattack, and it has even become vague. It has essentially become the talker of this ethnic group and even the planet.

Then, the trendsetters of the new era will naturally have a large number of Eastern faces. This is a normal choice for the development of the times, just like a large number of historical figures in the Age of Discovery and the Industrial Revolution had Western faces.

The favor of fate is sometimes a very realistic choice of interests.

And if it were destiny, it would naturally favor the Easterners among the survivors, because they would become the target of propaganda and be able to encourage more resisters. They would be able to get support from their own countries and be able to unite more Eastern forces. , becoming a staunch force against those from outside the realm.

When Lu Pingan saw that person, he had already thought of the "script". After all, whether it was Catherine from Silent Mountain or the apprentice of Mercury 42, they were all people around him. He was really familiar with this person, and his experience seemed to verify this guess.

". The child of destiny."

Just by listening to it from the audience, Lu Pingan was sure that the woman above was extraordinary.

Three years of bloody battles had destroyed the original student temperament. Now the person above was a veteran. There were frost and small wounds on the slightly tender cheeks. The hard eyes were the biggest dividing line between the past and the present.

The ID photo Lu Pingan saw was her college enrollment. She looked like a weak child, but now, she was wearing a leather jacket and camouflage makeup. The black military vest with long military pants was everything. She didn't carry a mobile phone or cosmetics with her. The dagger, pistol and whip on her waist were all stained with blood.

"If the information is correct, she should have been an ordinary person three years ago, but now she is at the quasi-rule level, no, rule level, and also in terms of perception. She is a very talented child."

Even though he is still young, Lu Ping'an can now call other people's children smoothly.

What surprised and delighted him was that he was discovered as soon as he stepped into the large space of this cave!

Yes, he was discovered. Even though the woman on the stage did not even move her eyebrows, and even her eyes did not shift at all, the eyeballs fluttered for a moment, and the mental focus afterwards, were conspicuous enough for Lu Ping'an.

Lu Ping'an and Zhixi's hidden coating were actually seen through in an instant?

And the other party's performance was not only that. Even though they were still mobilizing and promoting, they did not know how to pass the news.

People have unknowingly surrounded him from all sides.

On the other side, the old, weak, sick, disabled, and logistics were leaving unknowingly.

And in all this progress, since the woman's words and tone were still stable, she did not even look at him.

"It's interesting. Why don't you invest again? The return rates of the previous children of destiny are quite good."

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