How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1711 The myth reappears

"When the God of Creation fell, his skeletal body turned into the earth, his eyes turned into the sun and moon, and his blood turned into rivers."

"The King of Gods, who was responsible for reincarnation and the destruction of the world, met his fate. His death meant the rebirth of countless lives, and new life jumped out of his flesh and blood."

"The two most ancient gods have completed their reproduction, but the god has also reached the end of his death. His death is the birth of a new life, and his left and right eyes have turned into the new sun god."

It seems that Lu Ping'an is recalling the myths of various countries, but he is also describing the current situation. The myth of the Creator is getting closer and closer to the reality in front of him.

The "gods" from foreign lands were actually born in large numbers in this country, and they were born from the flesh and blood of gods above gods.

The myth was too close to reality, which made Lu Ping'an doubt whether there really was an era of supermodels in ancient mythology. Obviously many quasi-gods have lived for thousands of years, but they made it clear that the myths were all made up.

But now, the source of this "knowledge" is so real that even Lu Ping'an wonders whether this "knowledge" comes from the outside world, whether ancient gods visited ancient humans and brought myths to them, or whether the seeds of ancient humans came from the outside world.


And now, the myth is reality.

Giant gods and alien gods and monsters fought to the death on the sea, and gods and monsters continued to die.

God above God has fallen, but it is not dead. It is being attacked and eroded by the entire world.

Before, it was high above and could erode the earth stably and safely. Now, it has fallen into the shackles of the planet, and it is its turn to be eroded by the earth.

The world is imposing its own rules and principles on it, forcing it to degrade.

And in this process, "new gods" are constantly being born from this "god above god".

That's part of it, but it's also the new god it's out of control

"Why does it feel a bit like my 'name'? This world gives its flesh and blood and limbs more 'local rules' to mutate them. Maybe, I can learn how to use it."

Obviously, the local world is a pretty high-end way to nerf.

That unlucky god, God, is like a sugar cube that fell into water. Although most of it is solid and can remain stable, the outer edges have begun to dissolve.

The influence is often two-way. The glass of water in the world is obviously slowly turning into sugar water. Neither party can go back. "Sugar" and "water" have begun to merge, but judging from the activity of the world, this seems to be a Good thing?

From the openings torn apart from the atmosphere, gods fell one by one, serving as hapless cannon fodder.

"Ahhhhh! It hurts, it hurts."

As a dissolved "sugar cube", it watched its parts continue to drain away, and it kept wailing in pain.

Even though countless "new gods" were born during this process, this is naturally not a good thing for the eternally hungry.

The strength of those "new gods" varies depending on the size of their "fragments", but the weakest ones are probably not something Lu Ping'an can handle now.

Fortunately, the torn opening and the gradually rising dimension of the world allowed the gods to come to the surface to intercept.

Otherwise, the myth of chaos may reappear. These new gods destroy everything, and then engage in crazy internal fighting and competition for survival. In the end, the winner rebuilds a foreign civilization.

But those powerful incarnations and weak gods also suffered a large number of casualties.

Even if it is just an interception at sea, it is still too dangerous to get too close to the body of God.

And in this process, both sides are biting and devouring each other. Already, new gods from foreign lands have eaten local gods and gained "priesthood" and "godly name".

"I'm going! I'm betraying you!"

But the new god who had just obtained the God of Thunder actually turned back and struck his brother with a lightning strike.

reason? Quite directly, he was bribed. He obtained the sanity, priesthood and "name" from his prey. If he refused the planet's solicitation, he would directly recycle it and turn into a beast since childhood. How could he be willing to do so.

This scene completely shocked most of the onlookers.

Are those weaker "gods" brought to the surface really a barrier? Or as bait for the powerful new god?

But no matter what, this is the home ground of the earth. Once the beast enters the cage, there are too many things that can be done.

Lu Ping'an was still watching the battle, but it wasn't like he was doing nothing.

The giant god intercepted the giant beast, and the gods established an interception network, but some weak fragments escaped the interception, or the flesh and blood of the giant god who was killed and injured also hatched into existences such as second-generation gods, as if they were gods. The children and grandchildren of the gods are the descendants of the god-king.

Not only did they divide the power of God above God on the material level, but as long as it still existed, they were the conceptual sons and grandsons of God, and could divide its "authority".

".go to hell."

Lu Ping'an ignited his own black fire again, and the Burning Legion hunted the escapees of the ocean. Those small fragments themselves were very strong. Once they entered the mortal realm, they might become a disaster.

Lu Ping'an launched the army and let the cadres join the battle. If you get rid of a "beast" now, you may lose a troublesome "quasi-god" in the future.

Others may not be able to understand the trouble of this monster, but Lu Pingan can see that even the weakest piece of flesh has divinity attached to it.

If such a monster gains sanity, it will grow very quickly. Looking at the will of this world, he seems to be happy to see these newborns integrate into this world.

"The Earth doesn't care whether humans are the masters of the planet."

The experience of Mercury 42 made Lu Ping'an make a natural judgment.

"Don't be so pessimistic. He still expects his children to become masters. He is eating everything."

There is no difference between the "world" and the "God of Gods" in this regard. Now the battlefield is within the world, so the power, essence, world principles and other legacies of the "gods" who fell on the planet will become fertilizer for the world.

If the God of Gods really died in this world

"The world doesn't dare to think so."

Lu Ping'an shook his head. Such a thing is unlikely to happen.

If the God of Gods really fell here, the overflowing pollution might directly erode the entire world, and its "brothers" would come to retaliate.

The previous strategic plan was to trap it and pit it hard.

However, it fell into too much, which seemed to arouse the greed of this world, making it like a baby grabbing a pacifier, instinctively craving more.

"Heh, isn't this the 'Famine Curse' of the God-on-God? Isn't it itself that aroused the world's appetite? Isn't this considered shooting itself in the foot?"

The God-on-God who fell into the mortal world is already just a giant god. He is still struggling and climbing, trying to leave this world, and the part of him that has not fallen into the planet is also trying to drag it, but this world doesn't seem to want it to leave.

Whether it is the God of Order on his side or the new evil god of the local area, the "gods" who died on this land will become the nutrients of the new world.

Lu Ping'an didn't rush to participate. He just hunted those "beast fragments" on the periphery, which made him reap a lot.

He waited patiently, but it didn't take long for the battlefield to enter the next stage.

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