How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1714 The Dark Ages

In the dark multiverse, killing is not a sin, but being weak is.

The Great Summoning, which took place fifty years ago, forcibly upgraded the world that was almost free of demons, bringing endless disasters and sacrifices. But if there had not been a certain day, I am afraid that the disaster of this year would have been a death calamity that could not be overcome at all.

The invasion of the Octopus could have happened even without the Great Summoning and the Nirvana Plan, and even without that disaster, there would have been other world-destroying disasters.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, the world's immune system was activated by the Great Summoning, and the Nirvana Plan brought vaccines, viruses and medicines from the outside world. Whether there would be hidden dangers or not is not discussed for the time being, but if you don't go through these and build an immune system, you might end up with a serious illness. You can survive this time but not the next time.

Lu Ping'an does not comment on the achievements and adventures of his predecessors. He is a natural beneficiary of the times who lies on their achievements. In this position, Lu Ping'an feels that he has no qualifications to comment on the choices of those predecessors.

In his opinion, it is enough to understand and accept the past.

The point is never what happened in the past or why it happened, but since the time has come for you as a modern person to take over, you just need to respond according to the current situation and make long-term plans for the future.

".This social change should not be lower than the Great Summoning. What will people in the future call it? The Great Pit? The Age of Gods? The Age of New Gods? Or the Dark Age?"

Now, it is the fourteenth day since the trap took effect. Two weeks have passed, but the war has never seen a trend of ending. On the contrary, it has intensified in all aspects.

"I think it should be called a great disaster or a catastrophe."

Lu Ping'an, who put down the communicator, sighed. There was bad news everywhere.

Is dimensional upgrading really a good thing? Maybe it is for the new era of mankind in the future, but for now, the disasters brought about by those "new gods" are too painful.

Since that day, the sea level has subsided, and the power of the gods above the gods has been embedded in this world, which has also brought about the alien regularization of the entire world.

To be frank, fishmen, naga, and sea beasts have really become residents of the main body, and there are so many of them.

This is a catastrophe, but is it also a benefit?

"Our country is fine, but I'm afraid there are no living people in the island countries in the Pacific."

No one expected that the God of Gods could persist for so long in this level of "dissolution".

Too many new gods and monsters were born. Even if this planet is indeed the kingdom of all gods, it is still impossible to block all the "fragments".

It's not just the new gods who have combined with foreign creatures that have problems. Foreign visitors who are deserters are constantly creating disasters.

The suffering of one of the octopuses, its power permeated into the reality of the entire world, is an erosion for humans, and for the octopus tribe, it is both an opportunity and a disaster.

"Another. Foreign god."

The first Naga quasi-god suddenly ascended to godhood, and everyone was stunned.

And when the third giant god quasi-god also ascended to godhood, many people were already numb.

However, when its "statue" was displayed, those who were interested could understand it.

Normal Naga is not like the beautified version in the game, with snake-like cheeks and six limbs and a long tail. If it is thrown into some universes, it is a terrifying alien that will collapse first and then talk about.

Now, she has a human body with a snake body, and all the limbs with armor and scales have become slender human hands. The originally ferocious lizard snake face is now obviously an East Asian beauty. To use an inappropriate analogy, she seems to have been retouched by the second dimension, a bit like the result of MOD shaping.

Now this posture is a bit like a low-profile version of Nuwa, but it is indeed in line with the aesthetics of the East.

This can also be explained by chance, but the image of this giant god soldier, the silver armor and heavy armor double hammer, is definitely a giant spirit god in Eastern mythology.

This is not a simple surrender and choice, but a "change".

A concept poison called "humanity" has been poured into the whole world.

". This is being recruited."

Lu Ping'an was a little confused. It was not just the new gods who were "changed".

For the world, compared with the huge investment in changing gods, transforming some mortals is really not a big expense.

The rule called "humanization" fills this world, fills every human and human god, and fishmen and Nagas begin to become like mermaids and human snakes.

"Perhaps, there will be more subhuman races on Earth."

The "humanization" module began to spread in this world, but whether it is subhumans or pure humans, the total amount added up is less than one-third of twenty years ago.

According to reports from all sides, the population of each continent is rapidly decreasing, and mortals are too vulnerable in the face of various disasters.

Starting from the catastrophe of the gods, too many changes are spreading, not only natural disasters, but also human disasters, animal disasters and even divine disasters, all creating catastrophes in this world.

The weak live, and the strong. The strong who are not lucky enough to defy the heavens will also die.

The island was submerged, and the nearby coastal cities became underwater cities. The struggle of the gods was just some aftermath, which brought endless floods.

When the world is shaking, mortals can only struggle hard.

The most painful and helpless thing is always the various "divine disasters". The greedy young gods have committed disasters in various places.

Even if various places try their best to stop them, they can only reduce the damage instead of stopping it.

However, there is still hope.

After becoming human, the newly born gods naturally integrated into the local human race and became new blood sources and professional modules.

In fact, the addition of top new gods, those who are naturally powerful, also opened up a second extraordinary path for the earth.

"Blood becomes god, evolution becomes god"

This path is actually not rare, but the mainstream of the multiverse, and one of the main evolutionary paths of the extraordinary races here in Bazhua.

However, humans were originally just ordinary mortal races. Since the race has never been rich, what is the point of reversion, and become a powerful gorilla?

Now, the postures of those new gods have become evolutionary modules one by one, and they have become the "source".

Just some blood and magic potions can guide the blood evolution that tends to it.

Then, those foreign evil gods have actually become the evolutionary path of the module.

For this reality, Lu Ping'an didn't know how to evaluate it. The "racial evolution" plan of the East Country was realized unconsciously, and it was realized by the world in the most cruel way of natural selection. The weak gave up their living space, and the evolvers survived.

It is natural that more subspecies appeared among the human race, which was bound to bring many social problems. However, for Lu Pingan, who had seen the helplessness and darkness of the multiverse, this was not a problem.

". It is good to be alive, and it is even more fortunate to be able to continue the race. What is the point of thinking so much."

Lu Pingan did not say this thought.

In the face of too many deaths, such "long-term" words would appear too harsh and cold-blooded.

He just prayed that this natural selection, which was destined to halve the population again and again, would be better named in the future, and never come to "the Great Purge" or "the Great Extinction".

His prayer was not fulfilled. The recorders of later history were often rational to cruel. This historical period, which once made the population less than 2 billion, eventually had two contradictory nicknames.

"The Great Destruction" and "The Great Evolution".

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