How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1732 BUG Strategy

"I kind of understand why, if possible, the war must be fought abroad, preferably outside the world."

The frontline only requires a fight to the death, while the rear has a lot to consider, such as how to survive. This time it is probably not a joke, but there are ordinary people on the rear front of each country. This period is also quite miserable.

The top combat power on the front line is constantly being depleted, and countries are also under great pressure. The coastline is the battlefield. Who can escape this war?

To be precise, when the war has entered a world war or even a plane war, there is no clear distinction between the front and rear lines at all.

You say you are at the rear, so your opponent won't do anything to you?

Along the rivers and lakes, people are dying every moment, the defense lines are always being penetrated, and civilians and soldiers are dying.

Due to the existence of dragons and snakes, the alien invaders have also fallen into a period of extreme activity. There are too powerful predators in the ocean, and the fish are eager to come ashore. Naturally, they engage in various death battles and hunts with the land residents. kill.

It is not that there has not been a temporary agreement to share land and space, but that is basically a very small number.

The two sides have accumulated enough blood feud and distrust in more than three years of bloody battles. If they don't take the opportunity to kick you into the sea, it's just because they don't have enough fighting power. The fighting between races has risen to the level of the struggle for living space and is better than ethnic wars. It's harder to apply the brakes.

"Pingdu City was breached and the city was flooded. Only less than 100,000 people were evacuated."

Another piece of bad news. One hundred thousand survivors seems like a lot. But once Pingdu becomes the capital city of a state, in fact, after adding the surrounding satellite cities, the permanent population exceeds 10 million.

". All the dams in the coastal Kyushu have burst, and the losses cannot be counted. A large amount of plain terrain has turned into swamps and rivers. A large number of lord-level fishmen have appeared. They announced that it is the country of Ze and these bastards plan to establish a country."

Lu Ping'an has some trust in Dongguo's infrastructure capabilities. Even if a dam collapses beyond its design limit, it shouldn't happen at the same time.

But if a lord who controls the storm makes waves in it, or simply uses extraordinary power to corrode the foundation of the dam, it will naturally be unbearable.

This is still the Eastern Kingdom of Heaven, which is the safest kingdom in the eyes of other suffering countries. It is no longer the one place where disaster has occurred in other countries, but which place has not experienced disaster today.

News of the annihilation of the country have emerged one after another, and the victims and refugees may have surpassed ordinary residents.

Soldiers are suffering and mortals are suffering. It is meaningless to compare who is worse. Everyone is fighting for themselves and the continuation of their own race.

"The world cannot bear it for too long. No, the world can still bear it. It has even begun to turn some foreign visitors into local forces. What cannot bear it is human beings themselves."

The planet's ability to withstand it is much greater than the inhabitants on it.

Even if it is really captured, it may be a matter of changing to a dominant race, and then changing to a new world consciousness of the principles of the world.

However, humans really can't bear it anymore.

"This must end."

All frontline soldiers have this awareness. Too many obituaries and negative news put heavy pressure on them, but also give them a sense of mission to overcome the nightmare.

Lu Ping'an never felt that he should be a savior. But if he happened to have this key, he would not delay it.

"You can try it."

"The success rate is not low."

"Compared to the single-digit winning rate of hard-hitting, it is not low no matter how you look at it."

If it sounds feasible, go for it.

Even if you fail, even if you lose, at this time, there is nothing that cannot be "lost".

".Has it been approved by the higher-ups?"

Lu Ping'an is waiting for approval. He has already completed the tactical verification and strategic report, and the information from all parties has been submitted.

This time, it won't be possible to rely solely on the front line. There must be support from the rear. Lu Ping'an estimates that it will take two or three days at the earliest.

However, at noon the next day, the news of the approval came, as well as the "support" applied for by Lu Ping An.

It seemed that he himself had underestimated the determination of the rear.

However, the war still did not break out, delaying tactics continued, reinforcements from the rear continued to arrive, and various strategic resources began to be transformed into armed forces and combat power.

There may only be one chance, and being anxious will only ruin everything. Lu Ping'an prepared for the battle calmly.

When things have reached this point, even if he submitted the report, he is still just a pawn. As long as he can win and end all this, Lu Pingan will never refuse to be used as a pawn.

Of course, "abandoned son" is another matter.

But considering that his baby is still hunting dragons and snakes, the possibility of this is almost zero.

Lu Pingan was just patiently preparing for the war, waiting for the staff to complete the layout, waiting for resources from all parties to arrive, and waiting for the calculators to complete various strategic deductions. There was only one chance, and all possibilities must be deduced and preparations made in all aspects.

Finally, when more than ten clones of Wuyin were added to the sea, and when the support from the rear was ready, the war began.

This time, there were more than twenty quasi-gods involved in the strategic deployment, but the one who was the first to step onto the battlefield

"I'm still alone"

With a wry smile, Lu Pingping set foot on his own battlefield.

After all, this was his plan.

".Life resonance."

Lu, who was the core, merged with Wuyin again and turned into a cabbage dragon.


But this time, it wasn't just "him" who came on stage.

He approached from the north, and from other directions, there were also identical giant dragons.

They were also the fusion of Wuyin. Without Lu Pingan as the core, they were much weaker than Lu Pingan alone, but it didn't matter, because they didn't need combat power.

If combat power was really calculated, even Lu Pingan, the core body, would be destroyed at the first touch. The two sides were not at the same level in terms of combat power.

It is worth mentioning that when the war reached this point, the calculator had actually calculated that the evil beast Xingtian should be defeated, but the loss was probably an astronomical figure.

Time would turn into the number of deaths. The fall of too many true gods would shake the foundation and stability of the world. The large-scale death of quasi-gods and high-level combat power would directly cause the weakening of the human race.

This originally destined price was too heavy, so after Lu Pingan proposed the resolution of "trying to find a loophole", it was quickly passed by all parties.

Even if the plan fails completely and all the participants die directly, the cost is much less than the cost of trapping the evil beast.

"Let's start."

The eight dragons in the front and back four directions blocked the direction of the Xingtian evil beast.

"Let's first confirm whether the BUG exists."

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