How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 25 Ancient City University

Gu Da's "special" major had already been heard of when Lu Ping'an just awakened.

In reality, Gucheng University, in the memory of his previous life, is a 211 key university named after the city, a comprehensive university.

"Sakura, it's gone, it's a pity."

"It's gone at the end of April, almost two months away."

Walking with Lei Shuiyun on the campus streets of Gucheng University, students kept turning their heads along the way. Probably because Mao Mao looked too young and behaved too conspicuously.


But this time the meowing was not Shui Yun's oral habit, the sound came from the top of her head.

"Why do you come to an examination room and bring a cat with you?"

On Shui Yun's cat hat, there was a lazy white cat lying on its stomach. The furry yawned and scratched its head but was obediently motionless, making Lu Pingan want to rub it. Then he was scratched by the cat!

"Oh, then you don't understand. I won't tell you meow!" As if thinking of something good, Maomao smiled happily.

"Meow!" Xiaobai on her head chorused with her seeing how happy the cat owner was.

Lu Pingan smiled politely, isn't it just to seize the time to communicate with the "magic pet" and exercise more, so as to improve the professional skills of the animal trainer? I also know your progress, it seems that you can't catch up with the college entrance examination.

Along the way, the two cats kept meowing and meowing, which naturally attracted many sympathetic eyes.

"Very cute little girl Liang, why is her head broken?"

Listening to the whispers of passers-by, Lu Pingan maintained a polite smile, and then distanced himself from the two cats.

Since the beginning of the fifty years, with the simultaneous massive resurgence of pollution and so-called spiritual energy, the world has become more and more messy, and some supernatural realities have been gradually announced in recent years.

But most people would not think of any supernatural powers when facing Maomao meowing, and would look at her with sympathy first, especially since she looks like she is in the second grade.

"By the way, are you sure?"

The gaze behind her became more and more dazzling, and some people already suspected that she was a human trafficker who kidnapped the bad-headed sister-in-law Liang.

Lu Pingan thought for a while, and interrupted the cat and cat chorus on his own initiative.

"Hehe, of course, I have two extra points, so I passed the exam."

Lu Ping'an knew it in seconds, a "official runner" bonus point, and an "assisting official secret keeper" internship bonus point.

"Then what subject are you going to study?"

There is something wrong with Lu Ping'an's foundation. She is not as stable as her, and I want to see other people's opinions.

"My brother wants me to enter the night light meow like him. Personally, I prefer the idea of ​​the traveling dog, but my ability... may eventually enter the blood crow."

What is this? Why haven't I heard of any of them? Isn't there only "preparatory department", "general department", "logistics department" and "special recruitment class" in the admission prospectus?

"I'm asking, are you planning to take the general department? Or the special recruitment class?"

These pronouns that sounded very secondary made Lu Pingan vaguely aware that, as an "outsider", he might need to add some "common sense" of the local secret keeper.

"Oh, that's what you're talking about. Of course it's the general department, and I don't have the logistics ability. If you put it this way, maybe I'm not as stable as you. Tsk. The logistics department has a lot lower score."

That's right, it's consistent with the enrollment brochure Lu Ping'an got.

The special college entrance examination for special majors is in line with the general college entrance examination, and the exam papers are the same, but the evaluation mechanism is not the same thing.

The national college entrance examination score can determine the fate of most candidates, but among the total scores of "special candidates", it is only 5 out of 30 points.

The special college entrance examination is divided into three parts, 10 points after the written test is converted, and 5 points are the ordinary national papers.

There are 5 points for the relevant knowledge of the secret keeper, which is estimated by the schools themselves. Based on their current accumulation, they will not even get 1 point.

There are 10 points for the practical test and 10 points for the interview, adding up to a full score of 30 points. Last year, the admission quota for general subjects was 21.7 points.

Don't underestimate that the average score is around 7.2. It is hard to get a passing score in actual combat and interviews. The best thing to get is the written test score. Last year, the passing rate of the general department was 0.3%.

".Although there are no 2 bonus points for career, Lu Ping'an, you also have 1 bonus point for internship. Last year, the logistics class seemed to only have about 18 points. Meow! It's not a difficulty at all, it's too much meow!"


Sensing the master's displeasure, the little white cat above his head growled hungry at Lu Ping'an!

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'll treat you to fish later."

Lu Pingan laughed, this double cat, double happiness.

"Meow, it's the lunch box I made for you! That's the fish I cooked!"

Mao Mao was even more angry, she really couldn't understand why her brother was like this, forcing herself to run errands and babysitter for the bastard in front of her.

"It's all yours, it's all yours."

Lu Pingan himself could see clearly that Lei Huoren was much more mature than the girl in front of him, and he knew that it was probably a good thing that Lei Shuiyun had a good relationship with him.

Don't mention hugging thighs or anything, at least, he wants to take care of his sister more in the future.

"By the way, are you sure you want to take the logistics department? I heard that people will look at you differently after entering."

".I haven't heard of this, tell me."

Compared with the locals, Lu Pingan really lacks a lot of "common sense".

After entering Gucheng University, the treatment of each department is similar, so the logistics majors who entered with low scores will naturally receive some strange looks.

But as far as Maomao said, this is only a period of time when he first entered, and the logistics department who got along well in the future are all big daddy.

In fact, this is not bad. The most difficult preparatory department received straightforward discrimination and even more hurtful disregard.

"Why? Don't they have the lowest pass rate? It is said that they are similar to winning the lottery."

"Because they are ordinary people, even if they are successfully admitted, at least half of them will die when they awaken their abilities. Even if they succeed, most of them are rubbish abilities, and they start a year slower than others, meow"

There is no actual combat test in the preparatory department, and you must get at least 17 points out of 20 to enter Guda.

Since the interview examiner is also a professional, the interview score is too difficult to get, and the written test must score more than 9.5 points to have hope.

Too many ordinary people who aspire to become "Superman" have turned this dangerous road into a single-plank bridge with too much competition.

The ordinary department is the way most polluters enter the training school, and the introversion is also quite intense. The one who got three extra points in this way can be regarded as the king of the exam.

The logistics department is mainly for those with three logistics directions of "treatment, production, and research and development". Since their abilities are not inclined to combat, their actual combat scores are often not high, and naturally the average score of admission is not high.

And Lu Pingan came here today to do pre-examination certification.

The school must make sure that you have the talent and ability in this area before you can qualify for the logistics department.

As for the final "special recruitment class", it is often prepared for a small number of special people.

You can get in with an invitation letter, but last year the average score was over 20. That's because half of the candidates got a ridiculously high score of 25 or more, and the other half didn't bother to take the test, or went through a formality.

If Lu Pingan really shows his abilities, he will definitely get the invitation letter.

But I heard that after entering, life will be fully covered, and employment agreements will be signed, and future employment will be restricted.

"Oh, fools are the first birds, let's mess around."

But as soon as he entered the admissions hall, he was stunned.

On the wall on the first floor of the hall, "Admissions Brochure" was written very bluntly.

Lu Pingan didn't see the rest clearly, he only saw the bonus.

"The top ten examinees will be rewarded with 100,000 yuan, a bronze forbidden item, 1,000 credits, and upgraded accommodation conditions. The number one scholar will reward 300,000 yuan, one silver taboo, 3,000 credits, and a dormitory in a single-family villa."

In an instant, he woke up.

"It's hard, the fist is hard."

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