How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 47 Gifts and Actual Combat

In the long traffic queue, a police car was also squeezed inside.

It was not lit, obviously not on urgent business, and the people inside still had time to chat.

"Do you know? Why is it so troublesome to arrange the entrance exam in the ancient city? First the actual combat test, then the interview, and finally a round of actual combat exam."

"I know the joke. Because many people don't need to go for an interview after the first round of practical exams. This arrangement can reduce the workload of the teachers."

In the traffic jam, Lu Pingan, who was sent by Xia Qin for the exam, casually picked up the old joke of Gucheng University.

Many people who think they can do it will be quickly taught to be human once they are sent to the field.

The first round of tests is relatively simple, but it can make most of the candidates who play with tickets give up the test directly.

This joke actually has the second half that Lu Pingan picked up casually.

".And if you go to the interview after the second round of actual combat, you may not be human during the interview."

The first round of the actual combat test was hunting. It was difficult to get a high score, but it was not difficult to get a passing score, and you could give up at any time.

The second round after the interview was an almost unlimited actual combat, the opponent was not fixed, and the result was hard to say.

If you fight too hard, you may not have a human form after the exam, and you may go directly to the hospital for the exam.

In order not to be too ugly during the interview, there is this segmented examination mechanism.

"How do you know? You got to know your new classmates so quickly? It's different from what I heard."

"I invited a senior to help me with extra practice, he is a sophomore."

Lu Pingan responded casually, he didn't believe that Captain Xia Qin would know nothing about his latest situation.

To be the captain of the special service team, how could it be really silly and sweet.

"By the way, I heard that you did well in the exam."

Lu Pingan didn't just do well in the exam. The total test paper scored 750 points, and finally scored 730 points. The main point of deduction is the composition and writing errors.

Adding the nearly perfect score in the taboo knowledge test, the converted total score of the first round is 9.73, which seems to be in the top 100.

There is no way, there are too many gods and monsters, and there are several 10 points.

"Congratulations for passing the first level, and then, a small gift."

As she said that, without turning her head, Xia Qin handed over a new light blue baton with a blue silk scarf tied with a bow.

Immediately, Lu Ping'an's expression became very subtle.

"...a small gift for celebration, this?"

"Isn't this exactly what you need? If you don't want it, I'll take it back. It's very troublesome to apply for police equipment."

"I will, and thanks."

Smite 2 military police electric baton, referred to as blue electric baton 2, is a very practical special ordnance.

It is neither a taboo item nor an ordinary baton. To be precise, it is a subordinate of polluted items, an enchanted weapon transformed by artificially controlled pollution.

Due to weak pollution, it cannot become a new source of pollution. While the effect is weak, it also means that the cost is extremely low or even non-existent.

Lu Pingan has also come into contact with it before, and those "novice suits" that cost two or three thousand are just fine.

It's just that those who cheat novices are not very kind, and those one-time "soaked" pollution enchanted weapons are quite unstable.

The short-term effect is too strong, but after a short period of use, it will completely "fade", and most of it will be useless in two or three months.

The material is also deviated, and the professional loses the chain at the critical moment, and can only enter the novice suit to trap newcomers.

And this "blue electric baton", regardless of its appearance and name, is completely different from those "bloodthirsty knives".

"The usage is the same as that of ordinary batons. You can discharge it by pressing the switch. It has special enchantments. It is also effective against spirit bodies and monsters. It is very powerful. Don't use it on ordinary people."

This is a batch of new equipment just obtained by the Bureau of Different Administration. It is far easier to use than the previous version, and it can be regarded as one of the benefits of the reform.

Captains like Xia Qin are directly assigned, while players like Lei Huoren are still waiting to be assigned.

She already had two taboo weapons, so she didn't need them, so she gave them to Lu Pingan directly.

"...It's a bit illegal."


The female captain chuckled, and didn't bother to explain and talk nonsense. If you really don't want it, just let go.

And Lu Pingan had already firmly held the baton in his hand, and put it in the bag while being modest.

"If you don't get an electric shock, don't expect its lethality. Its advantage is that it is particularly hard, and the kind that the train can't stop pressing. It can be used as a jack and a crowbar if necessary. By the way, don't charge it at my house, I don't want to see it The bill is sky-high. If you run out of battery, give it to me, and I will take it to the police station to charge it."

Lu Ping'an held the new toy in his hand with some joy. It is always difficult for boys to refuse weapons and weapons such as swords, guns, swords and sticks.

In fact, men can't refuse, but some of them play more.

Big ships, Gundams, monster girls, etc., some people may not be able to quit for the rest of their lives.

At this time, Lu Pingan really needed a weapon to be the bottom.

Quasi-pollution enchanted weapons, the best place to use, is to have a killing effect on certain pollution monsters that do not take physical damage, which is a necessity.

"Why use empty hands when you can use weapons?"

It's a lot of fun to have something that other people have that you don't have.

When it comes to the second round of actual combat exams, Lu Ping'an will probably have to face other candidates or examiners who hold weapons, and then empty-handed will be at a steady disadvantage.

Temporary purchase? Not only expensive, but also unreliable.

The one in front of me is a controlled ordnance, and its quality is not comparable to that of the pheasant items outside.

The only problem, probably because it is a "short stick", can only get the bonus of all weapons, and cannot get the blessing of specialization.

But now, with the blessing of all weapons, Lu Pingan already feels that he can play well.

In addition to Mo Zhi, he also has more choices, and he can save a lot of points.


"No, take the exam well and save me some face."

This woman is straightforward, because she helped Lu Pingan sweep too many tails recently, in the eyes of many acquaintances, her face has already been linked with the man in front of her.

In the eyes of veterans, Lu Pingan's troubles are actually nothing, who didn't come all the way here.

But if the performance is too mediocre, it would be embarrassing to bring her as the special service captain together.

"... Heh, I won't let you down."

Lu Pingan got out of the car, and the rest of the road was not far away, and there was an upward mountain road in front of him.

This actual combat test is not in the secret realm of Gucheng University, because the rules of other secret realms have to be borrowed.

".If you find that you can't bear it, or when you are about to be seriously injured or even die, just silently recite 'Rust Knight', and then give up psychologically. If you are worried that it is too late, just shout out 'abstain', 'I give up', etc. If not, the battle will stop instantly, and you will be kicked out in seconds, which is a bit embarrassing."

On the grand square, there are hundreds of giant sculptures and tall stone pillars. In one corner, the team leader is giving the final speech to the candidates.

Lu Pingan originally thought that he would borrow the secret realm of the daughter of the forest. After all, there is nothing more direct than a life-and-death battle for actual combat tests.

But that secret realm is only a first-order secret realm, and it's fine that professionals above the third rank cannot enter, and the upper limit of monsters that appear in it is too low to be useful for assessment.

"The code word for entering the secret realm is 'I swear, my battle will be for the light and follow justice.' After entering, everyone will get a separate room with monsters appearing in it. After killing them, the entrance to the upper floor will appear, which is ok If you can’t hold on, go up, and give up if you can’t hold on.”

"The final score is determined by your time spent and the number of persistence layers. Remember, don't be brave. Many people die in the 'Knight Trial' every year. They all die because they think they are 'okay'." '."

Yongzhen Knight Secret Realm, the knight and the god of justice "Rust Knight" in the ancient city's secret realm, the upper limit is probably the third or fourth rank, and it is quite famous in the circle of secret keepers in the ancient city.

It has been used as a place for the secret keeper's trial all year round, so it is only natural to use it for the assessment at this time.

It's not just the prospective candidates of Guda University who are queuing up here to wait for the trial. Lu Ping'an saw piles of other school badges.

It seems that several training institutions regard this place as a free examination room.

"...Why are there so few people, didn't you see the preparatory class?"

"They don't take this test. Taking this test is equivalent to letting them take the initiative to bear the pollution. There will be too many dead people to explain."

Well, this answer is quite realistic.

But now, as each candidate enters and exits, the external ranking and scoring system is constantly being updated.

And there are countless stone pillars in the square, and there are screens of various sizes on them.

On these screens, there are actually real-time broadcasts of the battle scenes in the rooms of the towers inside the secret realm!

The teachers are busy manipulating the system, using portable devices as much as possible to transcribe the trials of outstanding candidates.

In a sense, this is also the impression score of the third test interview.

The screens outside are large and small, depending on how many people are watching.

But Lu Pingan noticed that the objects of attention on the screen are constantly switching, and the bigger the screen, the better the performance of the trainee.

"The Wild Lion has reached the tenth floor! So fast!"

"This time the Science and Technology University has picked up a treasure, such a young second-level practical combat."

And among the major colleges, they are also vaguely competing with each other.

The total number of participants seems to be unlimited, but irrelevant people have missed the time and did not interfere with the vague contest between several universities. Normal people would not think of being surrounded by so many people, that would reveal too much .

"It seems that in this secret realm, it is difficult to hide too much privacy."

This is probably the difference between the gods. The fair rust knights most admire fair duels in public.

On the big pillars in the square outside, today's fastest and highest records are constantly being refreshed. Several colleges are using this method to test the quality of each other's students.

"In one day, there are up to three test opportunities, and the best score is used to convert the score."

And when Lu Pingan was about to enter, the fastest record was the 13th floor of that crazy lion.

Suddenly, the big screen slammed everything, and the new record reappeared.

"It's Li Daoan, already on the seventeenth floor!"

Lu Pingan glanced silently, and only saw the back of a shredded monster. Is this the third-ranker? It's really ridiculous.

The front line of the team quickly finished, Lu Pingan took a deep breath and took a step forward.

"I swear that my battle will be for the light and follow justice."

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