How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 656 Enlightenment

Each profession, or path, often has quite special core competencies, and they often come very early, and most of them are even the starting point.

It’s like the shrinking of the runner’s land, the turning stone into iron of the driver, the life perception of the gardener, etc., but as they go further and further on which career path, they will naturally acquire more abilities, and even completely replace them. sexual capacity.

Runners will have a higher-level spatial ability, and the "change" ability of a driver has long been limited to turning stones into iron and steel, and gardeners can even awaken the characteristics of forcibly controlling and controlling life. But there is a profession that is extremely powerful from beginning to end. Relying on one ability, even after reaching the divine realm, still relying on the basic ability that can be mastered at the first level.


Maomao and Hua Xueyi were so tired that they could hardly raise their hands, but they could only helplessly continue to use the spirit enlightenment technique on the wolf beast in front of them.

The brilliance disappeared without a trace in a flash, but the bound wolf beast in front of him was only dazed for a moment, and still showed its fierce appearance.

If it wasn't for Xue En and the others, they would have bitten and attacked long ago.

More than 30 little wolf beasts, after a round of enlightenment, the two novice animal trainers have completely quit. This is not because Lu Pingan is stingy, but because the animal trainers will form a deep connection with the enlightened animal trainers. It is even regarded as private property in a certain sense. It is impossible for Lu Pingan to hand it over to untrusted outsiders casually, and

"Spiritual enlightenment is quite special, and it doesn't matter who uses it. The point is not who will enlighten the spirit, but who will accept the spiritual enlightenment."

Most of these wolf-like beasts are cubs. Lu Pingan and his team collected several wolf dens before gathering them together. The reason why they chose this kind of dog-like creature is because the big cat said that dogs are the easiest to tame and the most loyal. , more suitable for the training of novice animal trainers. At that time, Maomao had a very strange expression, as if he was a little bit upset, but he couldn't say anything.

"Obviously the cat is the best meow, the cutest and most loyal meow. What good meow does a silly dog ​​have!"

Lu Pingan almost laughed out loud when she heard her underestimation.

And the wolf beast in front of me is quite reluctant to say that it is a canine. After all, a normal wolf beast does not have four eyes, but its sharp teeth, pointed ears, head shape, and limb power structure are more like dogs.

But many abilities of a professional are really self-tested. You say it is a dog, and sometimes it really becomes a dog. Cough, at least in the early stage, it is somewhat useful to give new birds a little bit of metaphysical encouragement.

"Is this enough?" Xue En rubbed his head. He knew almost zero about animal trainers, and now he looked curious.

When he was talking, he had one hanging on his arm and another wrapped around his foot, and he could still take the time to pet the dog's head with interest.

"Aww!" Those beasts were still crazily biting the pandaren in front of them, but he could only pat the dog's head lovingly.

For some reason, he seems to be particularly "favored" by wild beasts. Fortunately, his skin is thick and thick, and ordinary beasts are basically unable to break through their defenses.

".This is just the beginning. The first wave is seed selection. Animals have spirituality, but the level of spirituality varies. Some grow quickly after being inspired by spirituality, and some basically ignore it."

Not all wild beasts can be tamed. After the first round of enlightenment, the beast tamer will observe the progress of their intelligence, and then eliminate those that progress slowly.

Generally speaking, after one round, it is normal for nine out of ten to be let go.

As for how to test specifically, the animal trainer has a complete system, which probably uses food to induce animals to go through the maze to test their intelligence progress.

"Eh? The first round of 60% is in line?"

“Sounds good”

"It's more than good, it shows that the creatures in this world are very spiritual, and it's a treasure land of geomantic omen for beast tamers!"

Most people in the industry have a lot of misunderstandings about the profession of animal tamers, thinking that they can form combat effectiveness just by taming some monsters.

But in fact, 90% of animal trainers start with tamed "beasts", pure animals without any pollution.

Demonizing animals, cultivating animals, and letting animals grow with them, this "cultivation school" is one of the main schools of this profession.

Another genre is to try to cultivate the priority innate group, from the very beginning to the starting line.

"You say I'm a 'breed selection school'? Oh, you are stupid, high-level animal trainer, both abilities must be strong, but I'm just a little inclined." Big Cat said so, although she was indeed inclined Although she is not born with breeding, her ability to cultivate is also unquestionable.

Spirituality, the innate hardware condition of an animal, will be extremely obvious after being enlightened.

Its growth includes increased wisdom and inspiration. Even if it is just an increase in cunning in battle, it can be regarded as an improvement. The evolution of all aspects of a creature is actually very easy to identify.

Spirituality has never been a magic touch that turns stones into gold, it is just the possibility of awakening a sleeping life. When the first batch of breeds on this planet showed amazing adaptability to spirituality, even the big cats were amazed.

Perhaps, this is the inherent advantage of the primitive world.

For a beast trainer of her level, any natural abilities, combat instincts, and foreign genes can be obtained. Only this kind of innate spirituality is the most difficult original seed to obtain.

"Perhaps, we can build a long-term breeding base here. It is specially used for breeding."

The success of the first round of large-scale enlightenment can greatly improve the efficiency of cultivation, and the cost reduction and efficiency increase are extremely obvious.

According to the common sense of animal trainers, under normal circumstances, if the first test is ten and one is left, the second and third tests may also maintain this elimination probability. After the basic three rounds of elimination, it is a multiplicative cost increase.

And if you can keep half of it in one test, it means that the quality of the seeds is far above the average, which means that the elimination rate of different types of tests will be greatly reduced in the future, and the success rate will be much higher than that of ordinary tamed animals.

One multiplication and one division, the cost difference may be a hundred times or even a thousand times, and the cost is something that professionals in reality must always keep an eye on.

Animals that cannot be enlightened and cannot accept "beast taming" have their limits no matter how high their innateness is.

"It's a pity, there is not enough time, otherwise I plan to cultivate three generations, mix them with powerful fighting blood, and get some good breeding."

The big cat is a bit regretful, the current conditions are not enough for her to cultivate a good breed slowly through means, so she can only use it for what she wants.

Dogs are domesticated by wolves, and since the animal trainer can make the beast more docile, he can naturally make it more manic.

In fact, this is not just a whip and candy, but more of a selection at the genetic level. Even in Lu Pingan’s past earth age, some people did animal taming experiments. He used foxes as experimental targets to select individuals close to humans After mating and reproduction, after repeated iterations for dozens of generations, a fox species that is extremely close to humans has been obtained.

Those foxes will take the initiative to approach people when they come, and they will take the initiative to please them. There are many similarities in the habits of domestic dogs.

Some animals can be tamed, and some animals can't be raised well no matter what. Of course, this is limited to normal humans, and high-level animal trainers have more means.

In the hands of high-level animal trainers, the mother and father do not even need the same species. The upper limit of the "babies" they can produce is quite terrifying. It is not a gene seed that slightly reduces the potential and increases loyalty. difficulty.

Obviously, the animal trainer, like the gardener, is also a very long-term career in the late game.

Compared with ordinary animal trainers, Lu Pingan and the big cat team, who carried the "zoo" with them, started running halfway through the race.

But now, even if she is moved by the spirituality of animals in this world, she can only postpone all plans and give priority to cultivating immediate combat power.

"Don't give up on the eliminated beasts, just demonize them. They will be excellent soldiers. Of course, as a prerequisite for being able to control them, we must first raise a strong enough beast king."

Looking at the dozen or so wolves fighting in front of him, the big cat was full of anticipation.

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