How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 658 The Best News

"Are they all dead?"

"Well, the camp of the reconnaissance team on the front line was completely burned. We found traces of fighting around, as well as shell casings from simple flint guns. We used hunting dogs to dig out the corpses. Judging from the traces, they were Ostians."

The independent state of Ossia is a super-large island country, but ideologically, it is clearly inclined to the immigrant country of the Western Continent. Or a colonial country that kills all the aborigines.

Five minutes later, Major Qian Guozhong, the frontline commander, looked at the burning sentry camp and the dismembered corpses, his face was livid.

"Could it be other races, such as the Gray Front race in disguise?"

"Impossible, banknotes, watches, valuables were searched, and even the bank cards on the soles of the shoes were not issued. Aliens know what is valuable?"

"Who did it first?"

"It shouldn't be us, it doesn't suit our style, but it's with them."

The responding soldier's face was also ugly, but he paused for a moment. It's still too early to say some things, and it's just a guess without evidence.

He hesitated for a moment, but still made up his mind, turned and left.

After a while, when he came back, his complexion became more and more ugly.

"It's been confirmed that our people encountered their reconnaissance team. We took the initiative to show up first, expressed our friendliness, and then they shot in the back"

"How are you sure?"

"The deputy battalion commander of the third battalion is a hidden corpse controller."

The path of corpse control, once a taboo path, is also one of the forbidden powers unlocked by the Nirvana plan this time.

Its abilities are weird and powerful, making "the dead speak" is just the simplest one.

"This cannot be taken as evidence."

"Besides, is it important?"

Is it important? Of course it doesn't matter.

Evidence can be fabricated, and reasons can be fabricated. In this lawless and different world, only the living have reasons to make excuses.

Even ironclad evidence can become completely different and meaningless under the hegemony of the media, and the final result is nothing more than the same as before.

What's more, the things produced by the corpse control method are not only not official evidence, but can also be fabricated, which is inherently unconvincing. However, this is enough to let people on our side know the truth.

Major Qian pulled down his military cap, straightened his epaulettes and military uniform, and gave the order.

"Find them and kill them all."


"Have you heard? The army and the Ottos are fighting."

".Here? Are they crazy?"

"It was the Austrians who made the first move. A reconnaissance team on the front line, all six people died."

"For what? It's crazy, at this time, Orsian."

"I've heard that it's because of the mine. There seems to be a mine here."

What mine? have no idea.

After the opening of exotic exploration, the price of international precious metals increased every day, and more rare metals began to enter the industrial and research fields where they should have existed.

".Well, now that I've said it, I feel pretty normal again. It's really the style of those bastards."

The earth has never been monolithic. On the contrary, there are many hatreds and gaps among countries and nations.

The seven permanent members of the UT (United Consultative Organization) are also powerful countries in various regions and continents. The establishment of this consultation mechanism is only to allow them to maintain communication on the surface and restraint, at least privately. The place is noisy.

Before the Nirvana Project, which fully opened up the exploration of foreign lands in the Eastern Kingdom, there was a joint land reclamation plan led by UT, but every time the plan came to a critical moment for voting, a permanent member of the council always jumped out to oppose or interfere.

reason? In fact, they all know it well.

Those capable big countries have actually been carrying out private exploration of exotic lands, and they have done it more than once in history.

And look at the evil deeds of the Citiman named "Red Sand Bandit" in the world of Silent Mountains, no one will think that it is just a special case.

They don't resist the exploration of foreign lands, they just resist giving the opportunity of development to other competitors, and even more against having a "mechanism" to restrain them.

In UT's foreign development plan, there is a clear requirement of "peaceful exchanges are given priority, respect for the basic rights of other races, and massacres and ransacks are not allowed without reason". This is the general moral bottom line of the entire earth, but compared to The behavior of certain countries in reality is a bit too "noble".

As for the content at a higher level, "For the overall external image of mankind, in the exploration of foreign lands, countries send observers to each other and conduct independent investigators/news supervision mechanisms", they can't bear it. "That's not the whole world. Does the world know what we're doing out there?!"

This does not mean that they are unforgivably guilty and are ready to rush out to fight and rob. After all, most intelligent creatures still desire peace and development. They just expect to have the right to "fight and rob when necessary" and obtain , freedom without supervision, without restriction".

This point is strongly opposed by the Eastern Continent. If you look through the history books a little, you will know what those people can do when there are no restrictions and huge benefits. They don’t want human beings to become notorious Space pirate/human trafficker race.

In fact, "civil wars" are not uncommon even if they belong to Earth humans.

"Are the Ossians again? Sometimes, these mad dogs are out there, even worse than the Citi people."

The Independent State of Ossia learned from the Tusya Empire (now the Federation), and in a sense it is in the same line as the Citi Federation. After the Tusya system, it followed the Citi Federation.

After all, it is the mainland of the Tusia Federation, and now it is also mixed with the big brother Citigroup. The voting rights of the seven permanent members are often jokingly called Citigroup's second vote.

After all, it has been at least ten years since there was no different position, and the independent state of Ossia, which has no core voting rights, is the same. It is the most "loyal" "vassal" of the Citi Federation. It is exactly the same, especially some of the cases that have been exposed in recent years show that it is better than blue in terms of moral lower limit and disregard of human rights.

In a sense, as a late-developing country, Dongguo led some countries that were close or hostile to the Nirvana plan, which was also the result of being forced by it. The plan for the development of the whole world was doomed to fail from the very beginning. The development concepts of the two sides are fundamentally different.

In the final analysis, the Nirvana plan of the Eastern Kingdom is still clustered development, and the expectation is a win-win situation. However, it is difficult to say whether the actions of the big countries in the west are for the entire country, or for certain forces or even certain individuals.

Short-term, shorter-term, and direct robbing are not things that they can do, but they have already done.

From the very beginning, their "going out to explore" did not have the overall mechanism of "application" and "approval" on Dongguo's side, but a "private" mechanism with their own profits and losses.

"That means, what they want to do is completely legal. Domestic laws do not apply to foreign domains at all, international law? They don't recognize it."

This is still not to say that they have no lower limit in the Western Continent, but that their supervision is very "free". The main force for exploring the outer domains is those super companies, churches, independent states, small and medium-sized forces, village unions, and militia organizations. God knows how "free" their sources of force are.

It’s better for their big forces to eat better, to engage in dumping/colonies/plantations for long-term blood-drawing operations, and for those small and medium-sized team mercenaries to throw out, there is no restriction at all and no need to report, it really does everything. from.

Then, it is very likely that in this new world, they have used their flexible moral bottom line as always.

"Are you sure it's the Ossians who are fighting?"

"A numbered regiment, two mercenary regiments, the front line has been completely fought."

This must be bad news for the people in the official camp in the ancient city.

Now, they probably can't count on the military to be able to withdraw their hands.

When you are away from home, the only thing you can protect yourself is force.

"How is the opponent's strength? Is it a regular army?"

"It's hard to say. Besides, for them, there is not much difference between the regular army and civilian forces. Well, according to the recent news, their regular army seems to have no lower limit than mercenaries."

"Hell, what a 'good news' to meet those people!"

The worst news has spread throughout the camp, and some people are planning to leave. Judging from recent news, sometimes encountering the same race in the starry sky is more dangerous than encountering murderous aliens.

"The wind and rain are swaying!" Finally, the news also reached Luping Ping'an, along with a cry for help.

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