How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 664: Local Snake

While Lu Ping'an and his party were happily farming and raising dogs, the green planet did not calm down.

The Austrians took the initiative to attack the official camp of the four cities.

The familiar gunfire and explosions on the earth have come to reality in foreign lands. Mercenaries with ordnance rushed into the camp, and the attack launched in the dark was sudden and deadly.

Their goal is very clear, that is, the logistics base in the camp, as well as those researchers who are mortals.


That night, the flames from the armory explosion were clearly visible across several kilometers of night.

This night, the number of casualties exceeded 500 in the Dongguo camp, which had a small number of people. This is already a huge irreparable loss, especially the loss of most of the researchers.

leftover? I'm afraid that they have collapsed mentality or are seriously injured, and they don't have the strength to continue climbing the technology tree.

The progress of the Dongguo people in climbing the local technology tree was abruptly discounted.

"...these guys, crazy?! They really know what they've done!" Angry roars lingered in the camp as the light of dawn fell.

The explorers who rushed back looked at the messy camp and the faint cries inside, all with livid faces.

"No, they know exactly what they are doing, we don't know what we should do!"

"Yes, it's clear that fighting has already taken place on the front line, and we are still lucky. Hehe, fellowship."

"What kind of compatriots are just the same kind, but because they are the same kind and know our competitiveness, they want to cut off our roots before we develop."

Everyone understands the truth in the words, but most people were lucky before.

"After all, we are members of the same clan, so they won't do anything wrong."

"Enough is enough. Let them fight on the front line. It shouldn't affect us who are free to explore."

"Just be careful, don't listen to what they say is so powerful, they should also consider the possible impact in the future."

Thoughts from the past came to mind, and someone slapped himself directly.

This is the fluke mentality of the explorers who grew up in the "peaceful world". They have not yet adapted to the cruel and realistic jungle rules, and the other party is obviously more adaptable and cruel than the Dongguo people.

They took a chance and thought that the war should be limited to each other's military. As long as they didn't appear in the fighting area, they would be fine to avoid the Ottos.

And reality, slap everyone

"...Most of the research instruments have been damaged, and it is impossible to repair them here. The key point is that the users are gone, so repairs are meaningless."

"The vehicles in the garage are all destroyed. I don't know if I can make up some usable ones. The fuel depot was also blown up, forget it."

"The food is gone, and the reserve water now has a disgusting fishy smell, so it must not be touched."

"The biggest loss is the logistics and research personnel. We are afraid that we will lose convenient and easy-to-use technical support."

The loss is very big, very big. Before the next big ship comes, let alone climbing the technology tree, those brick-like radio "big brothers" will become a limited number of strategic materials. Uh, if the radio tower can still be used .

"It's all ruined. This technology is simple and should be repairable, but our radio experts are gone. It's easy to just play full screen like a broadcast, but don't even think about the 'encryption project' that is being worked on now. The radio will change. Extremely unsafe."

In this wave, the losses were too heavy, so heavy that normal explorers had to consider the issue of survival.

"Are they forcing us to leave? Or are they trying to kill us all?" A newcomer was still hesitant and uneasy.

When he said it, there were faint laughter from around.

His mentor slapped the young man on the head hard. At this time, don't embarrass me.

".I don't know, and I don't want to know. At this time, the reason is not important. After all, blood debt."

"...It is destined to be paid in blood." The explorers, calm and silent, explained what would happen next.


"...I've already told you what I know, you must keep your promise. Let me go. I beg you, Mr. Dali"

In the dark cage, there was a stench and groans.

It was an unlucky guy who lost two eyes and all nails. His back bone had been broken and he could only lie on the ground without feet.

Judging from his complexion, he was obviously a man from the East, and outside the cage, "Dali", who was playing with a knife, was also waiting for a signal.

".The raid was successful? The intelligence confirmed that we brought back all the 'spinning ore'? Okay, okay."

Dali, who looked very gentle, nodded and glanced in satisfaction.

The unlucky ones in the other two cages are already completely stinky, but the one in front of him has struggled to survive until now, until the moment when the information was verified.

"Let me go! Let me go! You agreed!"

The man heard something, and the desire to survive instantly exploded. The already weak body squeezed out the last strength, and even squeezed out a smile like a ghost.

But Dali also smiled like a ghost.

Five minutes later, he walked out of the cell alone, casually speaking to the servants outside.

"Come here, clean the 'game room', tsk, and incontinence in the end, what a disgusting monkey."

Sergeant Dali, a former soldier and now a mercenary, was playing with the "necklace" on his chest. It was a string of dry tongues, and a fresh one was added to it.

"...Heh, being able to become a part of my 'Tongue of the Betrayer' is also the meaning of his existence."

Dali satisfactorily played with his new trophy, which was not only his hobby, but also his "power". He squinted his eyes and touched his "tongue", feeling the curse and hatred from it.

He shivered, then licked his "necklace" contentedly, and put it into his clothes.

He adjusted his posture and clothing to at least look normal.

After all, the area he is about to enter is not a small base estimated by outsiders, it is an entire underground city!

Spacious streets, all kinds of large-scale machinery and equipment, dense crowds coming and going.

Beasts of all kinds, exotic trophies, were laid out on trailers and platforms, waiting to be divided and distributed in the square.

Huo De Energy Company, a large enterprise in Oss, everything here is its private property. The current Dali is a high-level cadre of its security department.

The estimates of the outsiders were wrong. Didn't the Ossians arrive one or two o'clock earlier? They came thirteen years earlier!


Right before Dali's eyes, on the big screen in the center of the square, a "spaceship" went directly to the sky.

It's not big, and it's the limit to install four or five, but the momentum at that moment directly got rid of the shackles of the earth's gravity.

". Spinning stone, a magical gem that converts heat into kinetic energy, allows us to easily develop this ground-to-air vehicle, which is much more useful than their expensive sky elevator. I heard that there are a lot of 'elevator' projects leading to Shenzhou recently, We may be able to capture a significant share of new markets."

And the city lord of this city, Marvin Huode, the CEO of the local branch, is happily introducing the latest achievements to the commissioner from the headquarters.

And that "cosmic elevator" is just a less important part of the product display. On the side display stand, various technical finished products are everywhere. Huo De Company has been cultivating here for too long

"This year will be a year of harvest, and we will usher in a new peak in income. Do you think there are aliens from the East and those aliens? Haha, that is not a problem at all. Soon, it will not be a problem at all."

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