How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 666 Tributaries of History

What's it like to kill someone, what's it like to take the life of your own kind for the first time.

"...Unexpectedly, I don't feel it."

There is no entanglement and anxiety in movies and TV, and there is no vomiting-level physical discomfort.

Killing is so easy, and life is not as noble as in the legends. When a professional soldier makes up his mind to kill, it is just a daily job.

It's just that the target of killing has changed from monsters to human beings like each other.

The golden wolves spread out, and a golden ocean appeared faintly. The gunfire of the sentinels bloomed among the wolves.


Accompanied by the screams, the brilliance of the flames turned into blood, and "blood flowers" bloomed on the ground.

The power of the gunfire made by the Spinning Stone is indeed excellent, but the speed of firing one shot after another is destined to their fate in the herd of beasts. Especially when facing the herd of beast trainers.

Driven by the animal trainer, the beast king "Xiao'an" kept roaring. Even though some beasts kept falling down among the wolves, the pack still did not retreat.

And one after another, the slightly larger "knights" either lead a team to charge, or cunningly detour to attack, or hide among the herds, waiting for the moment to launch a fatal blow.

The original cannon fodder, not even counting as "soldiers", were just some ordinary beasts that had been defeated in the elimination, and had received some simple demonization.

And when the pressure of the frontal battlefield increased, when wave after wave of wolves launched a charge, the outposts originally aimed at wild beasts and competitors could only be shot from the building by the wolves after two rounds of desperate shooting. dragged out.

".Do you need to restrain yourself?"

"Leave an officer, collect information, and save some food expenses for the rest."

In the cruel battlefield, there is no time for mercy. Since you dare to do it, you must take responsibility.

Lu Pingan, who was standing behind, folded his coat. It was still quite cold in the early morning. At this time, a cup of hot cocoa or coffee.


Looking at the coffee cup that Zhixi handed over, Lu Pingan was a little confused.

"Where did it come from?" It was obviously freshly brewed.

"It's in their camp. It smells delicious. Share it with me."

The emotion just now dissipated in an instant, and it really was still my "intimate little padded jacket".

"Hey, it's really good."

After taking a sip, it was a familiar but slightly different taste. I really didn't expect that I would reap the spoils of my hometown here.

And some other loot, it makes people feel subtle.

"People like Red Star and Hammer epaulets are a little too big."

Judging from the results of the interrogation, these things are the spoils of the mercenaries in front of them, and the source is naturally the previous batch of visitors.

The Austrians. That Huo De company really warmly entertained fellow villagers who invaded their territory.

"Tsk, they are so courageous, they even dare to touch the people of Red Star."

"As long as the benefits are enough, they even dare to move their own president, let alone foreigners."

The Red Star Republic is not the huge and old empire in Lu Pingan's impression. Today, the upheaval of that year has not happened. Although there are many problems and problems, it is still the top three superpowers on the planet.

All of this probably needs to start with "pollution".

This world is not the same as the planet in Lu Pingan's memory. The existence of "pollution" has put too much pressure and sense of crisis on countless people and regimes, and has directly caused history, politics, and culture to go astray.

Take Dongguo as an example. Since all districts, regions and even villages are facing security threats, the local government will inevitably "emphasize mercenaries". The central cluster in the sense.

The existence of supernatural power also makes "church" and "big company" a real force institution. Before the implementation of the explorer system, they can completely ignore the government and become a veritable country within a country.

"This is not the earth, let alone the country or the world I am familiar with."

Lu Pingan himself has been enlightened for a long time. This is more like a different world that has been deduced for hundreds or thousands of years on the basis of a similar world template due to the existence of "pollution".

Some historical events happened, some didn't, and although some happened, the nature and specific circumstances changed.

For example, the powerful neighbors in the north of the Eastern Kingdom are still living well. The reason is actually quite simple. They always have strong military force and military strength, and they should belong to the small and medium-sized countries of the alliance countries. Instead, under that environment, they need to be strong Legion help, even if that help is often late.

The Red Star Republic has the faults of all superpowers, such as arrogance, strength, and corruption. However, due to historical accidents, his "ism" is not as radical as Lu Ping'an remembers.

The existence of "pollution" and "outland" also allowed it to focus more on its own huge plate, and it was not so overbearing that it became the world inspector to get the wrath of heaven and gods. Most importantly, it started from a In the beginning, it was not as large and complete as the superpower in the previous life.

External conflicts have promoted internal unity, and the living pressure of the people has reduced the pursuit of a better quality of life. This has also led to the fact that the Red Star Republic is still alive despite its ridiculous number of problems. The reality of the second occupies the top three seats in UT.

However, due to historical differences, Dongguo really fought against Red Star. Even though they have become "allies" now, the number of Chen Bing near the border between the two sides is still quite exaggerated.

It was also because of Red Star's strength that the Moon God of the Silent Mountain World chose that cold northern country.

The independent state of Ossia is another way of thinking. In the era when "pollution" was equated with demons, witches, and wizards, it was the farthest land in the Far East from the western continents, and it was also a "ownerless land" in a sense. place".

All kinds of churches of evil gods, taboo researchers, extremists, and aliens who were excluded and expelled from the Western Continent followed the pioneers to that huge "isolated island".

Naturally, they lived quite crazy and "free" here. This also directly led to the origin of "independence" in the independent state of Ossia.

It's hard to say exactly what happened back then, but the fact that more than 90% of the aborigines have decreased is obvious. In the chaotic old era, there were often "big bosses" who were expelled from the West to come here to seek life and bring new life. There is also a puzzle of new forces in the bloody storm.

In a sense, they are very "cyberpunk". Some technologies may be a hundred years ahead of the world, and many people are still using their labor in exchange for today's lunch, and they are still praying for spiritual relief in several churches .

For them, the authority of big companies and big churches is quite heavy. The current president is only a coordinator and agent selected by those big forces. The birth of their country is the latest batch of countries.

In fact, this is also the trend of this world and the great era. In a world where supermen exist and supernatural gods may come at any time, in a world where pollution is blooming everywhere, the central government that cannot provide "safety guarantees" will naturally be taken away by local snakes. The duty of responsibility for safety therefore takes away power.

"These Austrians are really daring."

Lu Pingan and his party cleaned up and got the worn-out Red Star Republic military medals, seven medals, two military uniforms, and two unique sabers. These are the trophies of the Oss mercenaries, and they got them from the superpowers. "honor".

"How? When did you come?"

This question is actually quite subtle.

The treaty countries in the explorer system in name, before signing the agreement, "do not" explore the outer domains. Of course, everyone knows that it is only in name. The real card is the non-governmental forces with no channels, and whether they are independent" small and medium-sized churches and companies.

Red Star is a signatory of the Explorers Agreement. On the surface, they did not have foreign bases before, but this is destined to be only on paper, just like the people of the East who theoretically do not have foreign military bases, they are now fighting with the Ossians It's hot, what is it?

If the Red Stars came early and were expelled by the Ossians, it would be nothing but a small-scale collision.

So many people die in foreign lands every day, even if you want to find someone to settle accounts, you don’t know where to find them. In a distant foreign land, the only one who can protect you is yourself.

"The things are very new, and they match up with the officer's statement. A month and a half ago, the group of Red Star people should have come through the normal channel (explorer ticket)."

"...that's going to be a lot of fun."

Whether there is a team of Red Star people already eyeing the planet, or their reinforcements are already on the way, or some survivors are still struggling in the mainland, it means that things are more complicated.

ally? In this other world, don't "assume" allies, especially in the face of huge interests.

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