How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 707 Visitor

"Let's begin, the Great Migration."

".Why do I look like a big escape."

"Hey, don't tell the truth. I mean pay attention to the influence. It's a public place, save some face for others."

Under the current general trend, decentralization is not a good thing.

In the past, the camps of the Dongguo people were very spread out, and there were small and medium-sized independent hunting teams and camps everywhere, for the purpose of reclamation and wasteland.

It is convenient to make a lot of money by casting the net in an all-round way.

When no one knows where the treasure mine is, the only way to gain more is to dig around. Of course, the most important thing is that independent small teams eat their own, and each "search" is more motivated.

But in a time of war, it is basically taboo to disperse troops. The opponent will not stop you because you have few people. On the contrary, it is a basic strategic common sense to eat the weak and few ones first.

Naturally, the scattered small and medium-sized teams became the worst-hit targets.

Even after the radio was restored, the lucky small team was able to quickly form a group, find the advantageous terrain, and build a temporary safe house. The unlucky, isolated and helpless, could only grit their teeth and continue to suffer, looking forward to waiting for reinforcements.

".Finally, when you guys come."

During the journey of the convoy that Lu Pingan improvised, the two sentences that he heard the most, of which the first sentence was often this.

In the long dark night, all they can do is huddle together to keep warm, and then expect a miracle to happen.

After all, there is no essential difference between a small team of three or five people and a camp of more than a dozen people in the hunting of the Orthians.

Not everyone is a pure fighter. On the contrary, because they know the basic situation of this world, many exploration teams have brought various logistics and researchers. Lu Ping'an's team is not a special case. Most of them come here to make a fortune and develop of.

But now, the victims can only pray that they are not found, and that the reinforcements can find them earlier than the Ossians. Most of the time, due to the existence of the Ossians' empty cavalry, this kind of prayer will eventually be meaningless .

"Why did you guys come here! If you came earlier."

This is the second sentence Lu Pingan and his party heard the most.

They were miserable, far worse than Lu Pingan had guessed before.

There were many wounded and disabled, and when they lost their resistance, the twins of hunger and disease did not forget them.

Several times, in a cave, enduring the stench and walking in, you can find corpses and wounded with desperate faces.

They were lucky, because they were still able to complain, and they didn't have to be approached by the Ottos like most of the camps.

".Feel sorry."

At first, the rescuers would even try to make excuses, because not long ago, they were also civilians in a substantial sense, and they were also unlucky ones who worked hard until dawn.

But it's too bad, it's so bad

".My daughter, I took her to see the market. I thought it was a peaceful and brave new world."

"Alan, those beasts"

"Ten of us came, and only two of us were left"

excuse? Forget it, they are just looking for a reason to vent.

When the silent rescuer agrees to the resentment that even the complainer feels is unreasonable, after a short period of confusion, joy, rage, fear, and self-blame, there is often only one unlucky person who weeps in a low voice.

"Why me."

"I just want to live, I'm a coward"

"am I wrong?"

The Orsians are experienced and cruel hunters. They don't have the habit of driving their prey to a dead end. Wouldn't it be better to collect most of the prey and wait for those fugitives to die painfully in despair?

Just like they played with the Red Star people back then, the victims this time are not fundamentally different from before.

The only obvious difference is probably the unique awareness of "I should help" and "the government should rescue the people" unique to the people of Dongguo, which made many people have mixed feelings and recognized this "resentment" that they should not be responsible for.

The country is born to rescue the people? That's not necessarily the case, at least in many countries and countries in the world at many times, what the people affected by the disaster fear most is their own officers and soldiers.

But the Dongguo people are not like this. When they encounter difficulties, the first thing they think about is that their own people can save themselves and will come to save themselves.

The world has changed, but some things haven't.

This far-fetched complaint may also be because they were full of hope before.

Even their rationality tells themselves that this is a foreign land thousands of miles away, even if there is rescue, they will not come.

Even if they knew it, not only did they suffer bad luck, but the local military and officials were also attacked, and it might even be worse than themselves.

Don't they know that under the current system, it is normal that there will be no reinforcements at all? No one is stupid, but in times of despair, everyone has hope.

"Finally here" is hope, anticipation, trust, joy, and painful self-blame.

Pain itself is too weak, pain itself is too naive, pain itself can only wait for rescue.

A "how come" is trust, joy, despair, and the torment of looking forward to hope in a desperate situation.

But in the end, all emotions turned into one sentence.


"Revenge! We want revenge!"

"Those Orthians are too much, my wife. I want them to die!"

".I have nothing left."

After the impotent rage, there is self-pity and self-pity, and if you go further, there is only biting hatred left.

Revenge by blood relatives, once degraded as a traditional concept of illegality, has once again become the only thought.

Don't talk about the rule of law trial with these people who have just lost everything. They are friendly if they spray your face, and it is normal for them to directly use the knife.

"Okay, let's get revenge."

Lu Pingan smiled and agreed.

And his thoughts as the "Big Three" may also mean that from this moment on, the two sides will never stop.

"...Perhaps, we have some misunderstandings, and we can provide a certain degree of compensation. In your words, set aside disputes and jointly develop."

The Horde Company of the Ottomans is a business group, and businessmen are always profit-seeking.

When they determine that the income may be far less than the expenditure, and when they calculate that there may be huge losses in the future, they will change their arrogant and unreasonable practices and become abnormally "gentlemen" and "civilized".

The messenger, a well-dressed blond-haired Ottoman came forward.

He said he was looking for the manager, and he was brought before Lu Pingan.

There were only two people in the separate room, and Lu Pingan was unusually kind, looking at him with a smile.

Perhaps it was the boy's friendliness and smile that gave the messenger courage, and he directly expressed his private wishes.

"We are always chasing interests. Now that we have proved each other's strength, why continue this useless emotional dispute? If you can agree to this 'reconciliation' agreement, our company can give you 200 million Australian dollars, and also a gift in Osborne Villa, if you are willing, you can come to our company to work, and the annual salary starts from one million."

The messenger smiled, as if he had seen the answer.

"Don't get me wrong, this is not a private transaction, it's just our inappropriate behavior. The 'compensation' to you is legal and compliant and will not be included in any written records."

Hearing this, Lu Pingan also laughed, these guys are really the same as before and will never change.

"This is my compensation, so what about the other victims? What about the dead?" Lu Pingan squinted his eyes and asked with a smile.

".They can try transnational litigation. Of course, it is difficult to produce evidence and apply the law. Our company also has the best lawyer team in Oss. It is too easy to delay for thirty years. You understand."

Seeing Lu Pingan's interested expression, the envoy heaved a sigh of relief.

"This trick, even if we go to the outer domain, it will be tried a hundred times. Two hundred million? Dreaming, waiting to go back. Ahh!"

And his head suddenly felt a sharp pain.


A big hole was punched in the window of the car, and a silver metal arm was hanging in the air, grabbing the messenger's head.

"... This guy wants to talk about reconciliation, what do you say?"

A pair of eyes cast over, looking at the Osman who was suspended in mid-air, his bloodshot eyes were full of hatred.

Either calm, or angry, or the eyes of deliberately suppressed emotions, all stared at him firmly.

Lu Pingan, who was smiling, pressed a button, and the car radio suddenly played, it was the voice of the messenger just now.

【.If you can agree to this 'reconciliation' agreement, our company can give you 200 million Australian dollars, and a villa in Oston as a gift.】

Lu Pingan laughed, as if he thought it was very funny.

"Yo, I didn't expect that I could be worth 200 million. Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity, this blood debt."


Lu Pingan gently closed his fingers, and the man's head burst like a watermelon.

".It can only be repaid with blood."

At this time, the recording is still going on.

【.They can try transnational litigation. Of course, there are some difficulties in producing evidence and applying the law. Our company also has the best lawyer team in Aussie, and it will take thirty years.】

From the beginning to the end, Lu Ping'an is still just that faint smile, which has not changed at all.

He looked at the pair of surprised, delighted or disbelieving eyes, and said with a smile.

"From now on, whoever dares to say that I reconcile, I will acquiesce that he took the dirty things of the Ostians"

Throwing the headless corpse out of the car casually, the boy wiped his hands dirty.

"...Anyone with an idea can try it. The trial needs evidence."

".And I just need the list."

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