How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 713 Training

".These crazy Dongguo people?!"

"It's not the same as it was said before! They're not the same."

"It's over, they came to the door."

When the Dongguo people completed their integration, the unlucky ones were naturally the stragglers who were still dangling about.

Naturally, the Dongguo people would take advantage of this time to eradicate them.

At this time, those "hunters" realized that the "prey" this time was completely different.

"...Times have changed."

This time, the prey quickly recovered from the initial tragedy after the raid, and burst out with amazing potential in the bitter battle.

The times have changed, and the Ottomans have misassessed their opponents, and they still use the old methods to deal with the problems of the new era. ,

In the old era of skirmisher development, it was normal for one or two professional backbones to be accompanied by a large number of mercenaries, and cheap consumables were always the most.

And now the explorers of the new era, if you don't count those logistics and researchers, are basically all professionals, and there is even a quasi-level four in the team occasionally. Half of the losses they suffered in the early stage are due to being unprepared against jackals Half of the "goodness" of opening one's heart goes to the overly powerful Spinstone weapon.

Most of the battle damage actually occurred in the first confrontation.

The most unfortunate thing is that many powerful "explorer captains" really didn't expect that, as the most valuable target, they suffered heavy losses in the first wave.

In the Dongguo people's database, this is a "peaceful primitive world", and most of the explorers who come here are not on the front line. Many of them come here for long-term development, or even to practice their skills Yes, and I didn't expect to fight against my own race.

Now that the reorganization has been completed, the staff is fully equipped, and they have learned to deal with the spinning stone weapon. Many people even equipped themselves with the spinning stone weapon. The hunter team of the Ossians encountered natural enemies.


On the square, facing the sudden burst of gunfire, someone swayed slightly and missed the deadly projectile sideways.

He demonstrated and explained.

"This single-shot matchlock gun is the most common spinning stone weapon. Due to its higher charge of the 'matchlock', its power is much higher than that of the 'pistol' and 'single-shot handgun', but its weakness It's also obvious."

Professionals, teaching each other combat experience and experience, the most popular, of course, is how to deal with the Spinning Stone weapon.

In fact, after the "First Kill", these things are not difficult to deal with. Many professionals have experience in dealing with guns in China, but this one is more ruthless, too much ruthless.

It is a purely "powerful brick flying" kinetic energy weapon, which also means that its ballistic trajectory is basically a pure straight line, and the initial velocity of the burst is very fast, but it can also be judged roughly along the direction the barrel is pointing. .

"Generally speaking, 2.5 seconds after the arquebus is activated, and 0.4 seconds after the pistol trigger is pressed, it is the firing time of the bullet. There are two common ways to deal with it. One is to predict in advance and avoid it in advance. You only need to Just dodge it just before the bullet is fired. The second is more practical. You first make a direction-changing action to induce him to readjust, and then change direction instantly. If the reaction speed of ordinary shooters cannot keep up, he will miss the shot , You can learn this movement and footwork, if you reflex enough, you can change directions three times in an instant."

The second method is very practical. No matter how good the performance of the musket is, it needs a strong enough user.

Among the mercenaries, there are quite a few gunners, so those professional mercenaries who use spinning stone weapons are actually not much better than ordinary people.

On the other side of the square, some of the survivors were practicing target shooting.

Most of them are "ordinary people", and there are some logistics and research personnel.

They also need a little self-preservation ability. The Spinning Stone weapon here is quite good, and at the same time, it can also be used by some garbage.


The shooter was very accurate, and the watermelon was crushed very peacefully.


Those who had blood debts from Dongguo people in their hands, and those who refused to cooperate, happened to show them to the recruits to practice their hands, and they also saw blood.

Next to the "new recruits", there are also veterans of the independent regiment who directly pass on skills and practical experience.

These are also Lu Ping'an's orders.

At this time, no one can escape. Since there is no way to retreat, then, let's rise up and fight.

Targeted training and special weapons allowed them to quickly complete the role change, from a pure prey to a warrior. At least, they have several times more battlefield survivability.

"How about the output of 'Shield'?"

".It's a bit difficult for everyone to have the requirements, but if five or six people match one, it's not a big problem. The new plan is to mass-produce large tower shields, and let a dedicated person act as the shielder."

"Okay. Let's do it."

Spinning stone weapons are purely physical damage, and their destructive power is quite astonishing. Since there is no "pollution", many powerful professionals' "anti-pollution armor" has no effect.

Many people died quite aggrieved, his equipment did not play a protective role at all, and this kind of spin stone weapon is extremely penetrating, and it can easily penetrate steel plates.

"How to use the spear of the son to sink the shield of the son is really a classic self-contradictory problem."

The local material that can block the Spinning Stone weapon is naturally the Spinning Stone itself. That thing can be shot out as a bullet and penetrate the steel wall, which shows its hardness. Then, whether using this thing to shape the wall can block the Spinning Stone weapon.

The result is gratifying, that kind of "anti-theft door" large shield with one person's height and three people's width can sustain four or five rounds even under the rotary stone cannon. It's okay to stop.

After completing the training, they reorganized and received new equipment. The most important thing is that the recruits who have seen blood and touched their guns will mix with veterans, find trouble with those hunters, and use actual combat to complete the final transformation.

Now, when the Dongguo people started to organize and completed the systematic and practical training mode, the "software gap" between the two sides was evened out again, the offense and defense were naturally reversed, and the hunter became the prey.

And everything that Lu Pingan has done... In fact, in the eyes of high-level professionals, they are not favored.

No matter how much low-end combat power is, in the next battlefield, it can play a limited role. Can these efforts really be rewarded?

"I don't know if it will be useful to the enemy, but it should be useful to them themselves. This battlefield does not distinguish between civilians and soldiers. On the contrary, the heads of civilians are easier to take. Those wild dogs will not miss any chance."

A fisherman may not care about the life and death of a fish, but the fish will care about it. After these words spread, the cohesion of the Dongguo people rose again.

Even though many people came to meet up, they were still worried about what to do if they were treated as cannon fodder.

"...that captain, Lu Ping'an of 'Safe voyage' is a pawn, he can only tell the truth." Rumors and truth always come just right.

As cannon fodder, in fact, I am most afraid of being used as cannon fodder by my superiors. Although it is a bit confusing, that's what it means.

In short, Lu Ping'an's "honesty" greatly increased the morale of the grassroots combat forces.

It's hard to say whether Lu Pingan did it by accident or on purpose. He can only tell the truth, but every time he tells the truth that is beneficial to him.

".did you find it?"

"I found it. Three sky knights have found it. At that distance, they will be back in eight or nine days at most."

From the moment they knew about the hunting team of the Ministry of Security, the first mission of the scattered Eastern Rangers was to find those troublesome guys.

Now, finally got the news, but it may not be good news.

"How is the strength?"

"I don't know. Only one of those fighters came back. He said that the others disappeared in an instant. He kept a safe distance after falling and came back alive."

this is undoubtedly bad news

"...Without more information, can't we arrange an ambush? Maomao, you go to the place where they disappeared, safety first, just keep a safe distance."

If there is a "spirit cat", unless they happen to meet the corresponding ability, Lu Pingan doesn't think they can deal with this ghost cat.

Although they have rule-level weapons, they are unlikely to have rule-level combat power. They should still be a battle group of high-level law professionals. This is already quite difficult to deal with, but at least it doesn't look like the despair of encountering rule-level combat power.

"If you really have rule-level combat power, there is no need to call everyone back urgently. Isn't it enough to just call back that big boss?"

In the midst of his busy schedule, Lu Pingan also hurriedly dealt with the rest of his work.

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