How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 848 Inquiry

".At this point, the snake player was finally poisoned by the snake, and that Didirona was eaten by me just like that. Tsk tsk tsk, the scene is quite spectacular. I still have photos here, do you want to see it?"

In the meeting room, Lu Ping'an sat in the middle. He was the protagonist of the meeting, but he was also the subject of interrogation.

This is already the second day of the return, and the exam that no one probably remembers has come to an end, and most of the invaders from the abyss have completed their return.

The fall of the Snake King has become a reality. There was a fierce fight in the shallow abyss, but in the end it was as ineffective as ever. After all, the abyss is endless, and it is not enough to fight against infinite opponents with limited fighting power. It's wise.

But the raid team finally brought back the news that Snake King Didirona was completely wiped out, which still caused a sensation among the high-level.

Naturally, as a "hero", Lu Ping'an became the focus of high-level attention for a while, and there was this inquiry meeting in front of him.

".I don't have a problem with your report, but your content is really, really"

The participants included high-level officials from the government, cadres from the Department of Different Administrations, veterans at the regular level, and even the deputy director of the Bureau of Abnormal Administrations in the ancient city. Safe platform.

And now, even the head of the Changping Disciplinary Office, who was in charge of the inquiry, was a little shocked by the content of the report.

"As you mentioned in your report, in order to interrupt the infinite reincarnation of Snake King Didirona, you obtained snake slough in advance, and while she was weak in reincarnation, you used a secret technique to successfully transform her into another creature Ability"

This kind of ability is equivalent to directly transforming regular-level organisms into species, which is too nonsense no matter how you look at it.

"It's a rule-level item of mine. I have to keep the specific ability secret. You can understand, right? By the way, Didirona had already fallen to the rule-level at that time, and it wasn't that difficult to deal with. In this regard, you should have received Master Kun’s report, he is the main force, he killed Didirona again and pushed her down to the rule level, I just picked up a loophole here.”

Pick up the leak? Missed a regular-level Snake King who also serves as the Lord of the Abyss? Relying on picking up leaks can break her infinite resurrection that makes people unable to do anything? Then, there is no need for Changping to pay such a big price.

In fact, the lowest strategic goal of Changping City is not even to kill Didirona permanently, but to let her fall into a weak period of ten to twenty years.

Now the highest strategic goal has not only been achieved, but also done by an "unknown" outsider, and the whole thing seems very magical.

"Well, then, how did you face her head-on? Even after the transformation, she should still maintain a fairly strong strength. It's not that I underestimate you, but your resume has only been a professional for eight months. It stands to reason , you should be very reluctant to move around on the seventh floor."

".This involves the composition of my personal combat power. Everything that can be said has been stated in the report. I have a set of armor that can defend against the erosion of the abyss, and a weapon that can pose a fatal threat to the abyss lord. In this regard, Zhao Bureau"

"Well, that's right. The Ancient City Alien Administration Bureau can guarantee it. Comrade Lu Ping'an does have a good weapon against the top creatures in the abyss. The specific situation is the secret of the Ancient City Abnormal Administration Bureau. Those who want to know can tell me The bureau will issue a written report (whether it is approved or not is another matter).”

As for Lu Pingan's past ball, the deputy director Zhao who came to the platform specially was willing to help catch it.

In fact, he didn't just come here to help Lu Pingan. The Ancient City Administration Bureau was even more worried that Lu Pingan would be poached by Changping City with a lot of money this time after he made his debut.

They have done this kind of thing more than once or twice, and they really succeeded in digging. With Lu Pingan's current identity and ability, it is probably impossible to force him to do so.

"Comrade Lu Ping'an is a role model for our young generation in the ancient city. We can trust his personal strength. Although it is not convenient to disclose specific information, we can guarantee 100% of what this report has done. Authentic."

As soon as these words came out, even Lu Pingan was a little surprised.

100% guaranteed authenticity? I can't guarantee it myself.

It's normal for this kind of post-war report to be tricky, but this time it's even more obvious that something is hidden, three points are true and seven points are false.

This is not a statement of facts at all, and the Bureau of Different Administration is firmly supporting Lu Ping'an.

"Our ancient city's official statement is true, and it is true. You want to object? OK, show evidence."

Having said that, it is difficult for the Aliens Office, which is also an "official" position, to continue to question.

Needless to say, although this kind of development found out what was expected, Lu Pingan was indeed relieved.

In the face of huge interests, some bottom lines may not be kept. If someone really wants to make the road safe through official channels, he will actually have a headache.

Now with the endorsement from the Gucheng Bureau of Different Administration, everything is no longer a problem.

Especially after that, Kunba also took the initiative to come over, and after saying a few words for Lu Pingan, he has become a real rule-level Kunba Sword Master, which Changping needs to work hard for, and its importance has obviously risen several levels .

The toughness of the "lower-level units" and the support of the big bosses made the inquiry meeting only a formality and a hasty end.

This does not mean that doubts have disappeared, nor does it mean that Lu Ping'an's "merit" will be denied. In a death-match battle, one side's boss was easily solved by someone passing by, which directly led to an avalanche on the other side. People on their own side should also work hard to review the game and figure out what happened.

Is the snake king Didirona really dead?

"I think she is completely finished, but as far as I know, this level of stuff is hard to die clean." Although the word "thing" made the regular level in the room frown, but Lu Pingan said, " It's hard to die clean." At the time, the knowledgeable person nodded subconsciously.

"I am the contractor, my report is true, at least the written content (written on paper) is true. Snake King Didirona has become history"

Lu Pingan was talking nonsense, but when he said that he was a "contractor", many people frowned and looked at Lu Pingan with more suspicion.

It seems that the restriction of "contractors cannot lie" has become a negative effect in front of the identity of "contractors"

"Tsk, the next time you lie to someone, don't say you are the contractor."

Lu Pingan sighed helplessly, it was all because the seniors did too much, leaving the juniors with nowhere to go.

In the end, with the support of the Gucheng Bureau of Different Administration and Kunba, although there were a lot of problems in this report, it was finally accepted by Changping officials. They mainly wanted to confirm whether the battle had achieved the final result.

Whether Didirona is completely finished is directly related to the direction of the next abyss strategy.

But since the inquiry will judge that the strategic effect has been achieved, there is no need to force (the seed of future rules with background) to be too ruthless.

Yes, Lu Ping'an's identity is no longer a secret. Several big bosses at the rule level are sure that it is only a matter of time before he enters the rule level. There is also a soldier who heard that he chopped the Snake King into pieces. Expressed the hope of breaking arms with him.

Obviously, this is a hinted temptation. If your strength is to a certain extent, the whole report is doomed to be a lie no matter how true it is.

The result of a trial? Uh, the knight of the abyss, the heat and kinetic energy of the arms are full, Lu Pingan is fully open, the arm strength, in short, after the unlucky guy climbed out of the deep pit, he also thanked Lu Pingan for his "treatment".

At least, the arm that was twisted like a twist just a moment ago did not make him embarrassing in public after a quick recovery.

In the final analysis, strength and influence are the most convincing business cards, and if you don't have these, it's how others arrange and what you have to do.

In the end, the official recognition of Lu Ping'an's "achievements" meant that the rewards and honors he deserved were indispensable.

It is only part of the material rewards, not only the right to redistribute war spoils, but also a series of previous official promises and rewards.

This made him look forward to it, after all, he remembered that among the agreed rewards, there were powerful mantras from this world.

Having tasted the mantras of the abyss, he is very interested in the mantras of superpowers who can guard the abyss.

Of course, since Lu Ping'an has been determined to be the hero of "Slaying Demons", if the official rewards are only these, it will be laughed at instead.

In fact, the most valuable spoils of this battle, in fact, Lu Pingan has already received it.

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